Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 613, Dark Devils!

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Look at this big Japanese grass ball, Chen Qi has some inexplicable familiar, I don't know why there is always a voice in his heart tells him.

kill him!

Announced him!

He can be a nutrient in your body!

I don't know if it is because Chen Qian is also flowing with the blood of the ghost domain. The original impulse in his heart actually stimulated him at this moment!

Look to the Wanhua Holy Spirit, Chen Qi suddenly asked: "Who is he?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit seems to have seen something in the eyes of Chen, "Mutiny, the soul of the beast, the devil's evil spirits."

"He is also the evil spirits escaped in the ghost domain, but he only won this white tiger."

"Like me, he is also parasitic, but he is anti-guest swallowed the soul of the original Lord."

"He has a very strange ability, just like me, or says, like the soul of the soul of the Trinity, he can devour the evolution of the soul."

"This is not formed after tomorrow, but it gives him a talent."

The soul originated from the dead bob, the black king, Chen Xiu was improved to today's soul practice.

And the sharp evil spirits, in theory, he is a child of the dead bob.

Chen Qianzhen kills, "If I absorb his soul ring?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit shook his head, "In fact, you can't do this."

Chen Qianru, "Why, is it I am not qualified or I am not worthy?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit sighs, "No, you may not know, he is actually a pet that Tianmie's profit."

"Yes, it is waiting for one day to make him break through millions of restrictions, and forcibly, you will rob the beast."

"And the Emperor's adults will have never appeared in history, thousands of gods."

Father stocking pet?

Status him to overflow his people?

Ok, Chen Qi admits that this is indeed something that his father can make.

He doesn't care about the death of his own, for his purpose, he can almost no means!

I nodded, Chen Qianzheng stretched his finger to the sharp devil evil spirits, "How to place him now, he killed so many people, do you put him like this?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit has no helplessness, "This is the purpose of the Emperor, I have no choice."

The vine is slowly alleviated, the dark magic evil spirits are broken!


"Wanhua Holy Spirit, this time is a lot of people, when I will take you, I will take you!"

"I advise you to consume the tail juice, and I will take a step first!"

If you say, the dark magic evil spirits are crossing the jungle, and there is no trace.

Chen Qi is visible to his leaving, "I have to stop it."


After three days, the starry forest, a dark figure suddenly fell into the ground.

Black fur, walking upright, yes, is a sharp evil spirits.

A bunch of small soul beasts ran over, "Boss, you are hurt, how is the result?"

The dark magic evil spirits tiger face change, "cough, I am very good, soul beast duel, so far."

"Wanhua she doesn't talk about the soul, I'm going to kill the trick, I all blocked, I blocked it!"

"After that, I will fight the evil spirits. I see her with me as the soul beast, and it is a female flow, so this claw, I didn't play her, just put it on her nose. "

"Who knows, Wanhua's old lady she does not speak soul, sneaks me a 10,000-year old comrades!"

"Her vines instantly wrap it to me, I flash, I hide, who knows that she is even ready to come, she knows that I have to come, so I have set ambushed!"

"I am very good, there is no flash, this is only gently tied to the hands and feet, but, I will break away immediately!"

"I think I am not very good at it, so I will leave, I am going to teach her to teach her to teach the soul!"

"Oh, the process is like this."

The younger brother has made the look of worship, "the boss is amazing!"

"The boss invincible, millions of souls can be hit, it is our boss!"

"The boss swears, one day in the morning, the sky is going to be at your feet!"

The dark magic evil god tiger is proud of the nose, "Of course, what kind of evil spirits are?"

"Today, I put her a horse, wait for the next day, I am teaching her to be the soul!"

Look at the look of the younger brother, listen to their festival, and the sharp evil spirits have retrieved.

Come on a second, the holy sword burning a flame suddenly falls from the sky!

! !

Hey! !

A weak soul beast is immediately turned through the Shengjian, and the fire will become fly ash!

call! !

A burst of darkness, the sky suddenly became pure gold!

A gold bridge drops on the sky, and the four riding a million-year-old soul will walk in the forefront.

"Hey !!!"

Two dragons scored horizon!

On the huge gold bridge, the four knights opened, and the two dragons pulled this huge golden chariot.

This battle is huge, like a flying fortress, two dragons, one right pull, huge golden chariot, blonde man sitting on the throne.

The snacks of the pedestal, the gold bridge slowly extended to the face of the dark devil god!

At this moment, the pupil of the dark magic evil spirits was almost shrinking.

"The God of the Sun, the emperor of the blood is the emperor!"


Must run!

The dark magic evil spirits want to run, but the next second!


A flame, the flame of the flames, falling from the sky, and instantly blocks his retreat!

! ! !

Then, a few broken sounds came, and the retreat of the Dark Devils and the four sides of the Dark Devils were blocked!

Looking at the golden throne, a man looks lazy to drag his head with a hair.

The blood color robe has nine five five-grab golden dragon, and the fire is slowly flashing, and the nine rounds of golden ring appear after his brain.

Many blonde women are feng in her legs in her, and they are not a beautiful woman.

"Hey !!"

Two Dragons in the front pulley once again emitted, they are the legendary fire dragon king and the ice dragon.

Ice Fire Dragon King is imprisoned in the body of the Emperor, they can only serve in the emperor.

Now, the Emperor has reshaped the flesh of the flesh, but the two dragon kings can only become the pet of Timi pull the car.

I saw the Tiandi's look lazy to swing the finger, and several gold swords hang in the top of the dark devil.

The golden eyes are indifferent, "the evil spirits, now, do you think you are the opponent?"

The dark magic evil spirits are weak, "No, no, you can't kill me, I can still ... I can become stronger!"

"This is not the strongest me!"

The mouth of the earth suddenly revealed a smile, "You a little too much, remember, here, is the rules, is the heaven."

"Whoever wants to die, who will die."

I have fallen, the golden sword has been exploded, and the sharp evil spirits are closed on their eyes. The sound of flesh and blood is constantly coming!

When the Demon Evil Tiger opened his eyes, his younger brother was dead ...

Blood flow into the river, the look of the evil god is a bit crash, "No, no, you, why not kill me!"

Tiandi's look cold, "Evil, I will give you a chance, go to stronger, when you think you are strong enough, I am waiting for you in Tiandu."

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