Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 614 Empire!

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The southwest of Douro mainland is located under a mountain. A physical and strong young people are running with boulder towards the mountain.

"Call ... call, this is the last one today, and it can take the brother in the Nord Junior Soul College."

The man's face revealed a smile, dark skin and sweat mixed appeared.

Black short hair is blown by the wind, and the linen clothes have been frozen by sweat.

In front of you are the foot of the mountain, youth directly dropped the giant stone.

boom! !

The boulder landed a sudden sound, and the youth wiped the sweat that wipes the forehead directly took off the clothes.

At the foot of the mountain, the pond is pond, you jump into the pond, splash, youth closed your eyes and enjoy a beautiful moment.

It can be in the next second, and a saver suddenly passed into his ear!

"Help !!"

Youth suddenly opened his eyes, I saw the seven black shadows flashing in front of him!

! !

The youth is extremely vision. At that moment, he clearly saw the appearance of the seven black shadows.

Platinum masks cover face, a black tight dress, gold short hair and Shenghua have already said their identity!

Youth pupils, "Was bad, is killing seven stars, who are they chasing?"

Young people are busy with their clothes, and they are rushing out directly on the water beads on their body!


He is very fast, running like a flying, and its speed is not in the previous seven people.

I saw that the seven black shadows in front were suddenly hired, and the youth also stopped.

After slow relying on a tree, youth explore half a head, just see the woods, a woman is holding the baby in the place.

The woman's color is gold, but she holds the child, whether it is a fetal hair or only barely open eyes, all are pure black!

The youth understands the probably a moment.

Here is the territory of the Taizhen Empire, whether it is a nobility or civilians flowing with the blood of the sun, and the golden is a symbol of the sun and noble.

Of course, there are some exceptions, some people have a certain discomfort in the process of accepting the flying ritual.

Leading their coloriness or the original color, but the blood of the sun is still flowing in the body.

And their children, almost 100% will inherit the sun blood, and their hair will also present gold.

If the child is purely black, it will explain that this child is a mixed-rated.

As long as it is not blond hair, it will have a heavy pressure and white eye in today's Too Empire.

The youth is because this reason is with your brother to live in the mountains.

I saw a black man slowly forward and took out a portrait.

"Do you recognize him?"

While the woman stuned with tears, he looked at the portrait, but when she saw the appearance of the person on the portrait, she had an emotion fluctuation in her pupil.

All this is taken by the seven black people.

The woman shook his head in an instant, "No, don't know, adults, our mother and son is worthy of life, I really don't know what is wrong, ask you to open!"

Black people slowly collapsed, "Then, why do you want to escape?"

The woman is a pupil, "Adult, what happened to the person, is he made wrong?"

The black man snorted, "He is an empire against the party, dawn organization, is the special wanted criminal of the empire."

"I finally reminded you that the paladie party, the eighteen cane, eight hundred stands, no 18th abolished legs, thrown in the water, you won't know?"

"But if you can provide information, the empire will not only punish you, but will give you rewards."

The woman is hard to hold a tight child, "No! I don't know him, I have never seen the people on the portrait!"

The black man is looking at each other. "It's a matter of mint, take it back, teach the ghost department, and some is the way to open the living."

Another black man is smirked: "Trinity, you are wrong, not only living, dead, ghost department can also let them speak."

"I see, it is better to take her bodies, and save us to tie her back."

The black man who was named Tian was turned around. "Her child flows with the blood of the rebel party, they can find that the backward party with blood as blood."

"The child is going to live."

The black man picks up the mask, a madness of the face throughout the scar, "That is to say, the woman, the dead, is it?"

The kid nod, "You should change your corpse, and the weather is hurt."

The corner of the sky is cracking, "I refused."

Listening to a few people's conversation, the woman has been hugged into a group.

The tears in her eyes are cross flow, and the desperate color on the face has replaced all emotions and slowly pulls out a dagger from the arms.

The woman has already realized that she wants to kill her child, then commit suicide!

She will not talk about the news about the man, and she can't let the Empire find him!

When she is desperate, a young figure appears in front of her.

The youth slowly came out of the tree, "Amount, a few adults, unwropled that the family wife and the dog were sinned, I am here to give a few adults."

! ! !

The killing sudden turned, the martial arts dog dagger emerged, eight soul rings rose, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black!

The dagger paused in the neck of your youth, and the lighter of the pupils flicked.

This person, is this behind him?

With his intuition, he did not find someone else!

Even if it is skyrotear, it is impossible to completely block his perception!

This person, when did it feel his body!

"Say, what is you!"

Youth is a big jump, "Adult, what is this, the little person is only a civilian, and there has been no hurt in his life!"

It's a wrinkle, why can't you perceive the soul?

This situation, unless the other's soul power is higher than him, or if he can hide the soul of the soul or God.

Or or, he is indeed a general person.

The killing of the eyes, "" You said, this child is yours? "

Youth is busy nodding, "You see, I am more like my son!"

The world is killing, "I will not look at the phase, in my eyes, all babies are long."

"However, why do your children don't inherit the blood of the sun, who are you, I will give you 30 seconds!"

Youth panic, "Adults are forgiving, the big people are forgiving, the little man is a civilian, the child's hair has not become gold, in fact, my reason."

"Small people are the last batch of people who accept flying, and it is still not suitable. At that time, my wife was flying to accept the child."

"So this can't blame their mother and child!"

The killing has not encountered this situation. He looked at others, obviously they did not have a similar experience.

However, this is too embarrassing, this man has a weird.

It is hesitant to hesitate, "the earth will be swallowed by the ocean."

The youth will answer: "The ocean will eventually take the sky, praise my Lord, I am always."

It's a brow, "You are also a vibrate, where is your holy glow?"

The youth slowly picked up the upper, and only the position of his chest has a gorgeous golden single-eyed pattern.

The natural killing is wrinkled, "the man's holy premium is on the left shoulder, the woman is in the right shoulder, why are you in the middle of the chest?"

"You don't have a woman?"

Youth is normed, "this ..., give me the launter of Sheng Hui, drink some wine, hand, print ..."

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