Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 627, you can't kill the sandstorm!

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"team leader!!!"

"Hey, go to the special justice, hurry to kill !!"

"Tangmen Suli!"


At this time, another captain directly ordered all the people who replaced the modified Zhugeian!

The thousands of arrows are all sent, and countless corpses in an instant is being made into a plug!

That kinds of body is very big, take the companion's body to shoot the arrow!

"Cut, first solve the special individual!"

The huge corpse grinned, he suddenly opened his arms, and a bandage collapsed!

His body is beginning to grow, blue and purple skin and rotten body directly present in front of everyone!

His left eye has even already dropped out the eyes, there is no eyelid on the right eye, the face of the left is completely collapsed, and the yellow teeth take a great humidity!

"Laozi is a butcher before his life, you will rely on you!"

When everyone didn't say, after changing the bomb, Zhuge Lian is all aligned in a moment!


! ! !

There is no number of broken sounds, and the corpse is made into a hedgehog!

But his body is terrible, but it is still moving down under this firepower!

Everyone cleared the corpse, and there was this one!

The bullets of Zhuge Lian have already finished, and everyone is ready, they have already made a declaration plan for the twelve Holy Spirit!

However, it is difficult for nothing to have something expensive.

This is like this extraordinary individual!

Everyone lifted the martial arts, "Go, fight with him!"

"I don't believe him can deal with all of us!"

The public is high, and it has released the martial arts group at a moment!

The balance of victory is tilting to Tangmen!

Above the sky, a flashing golden light is constantly hurting to the Huangsha Holy Spirit!

They are free to scream, join hands to attack, let Huangsha Holy Spirit can't touch!

"Brother, use our martial arts integration skills!"


"Seventy-two road, the wind is the sword!"



A blood flower blooms in the Holy Spirit of Huangsha, his tie has already been tearned!

Fan Sword in the distance saw this grin, "I can't touch them, I can't cause hurt!"

The Huangsha Holy Spirit is scattered with countless spurs, but it is not in the two people who fly at this very fast!

Their figure turns, moved in the air!

Li Feng instantly appeared behind Huangsha's Holy Spirit, then directly in his back, "I am a blind!"

The Huangsha Holy Spirit is anger, his right arm instantly makes the sand grain to Li!

Li Feng instantly cut out a wind wall to block the sand, and then he flew away from the Yellow Sand Holy Spirit!

And the power of this feet, the body of Huangsha Holy Spirit poured Yao Guangjuts in an instant to stab in his chest.

Li Yao kills, "I am the light of salvation!"

The yellow sand of the Holy Spirit is changed, and a blood is discharged directly!

Fan Sword in the distance saw that I can't help but nod. "These two brothers are really good, it seems that I don't need me to shoot."


Another machine!

Two swords of the martial arts were inserted from the front and then inserted into the body of Huangsha Holy Spirit!

Fan Jian saw the time directly, "I said that there will be a thunder, and Huangsha can not be lucky!"


Wushu gathers, a lightning is instant!

Li Yao and Li Feng were also sword, and turned to cut out a sword!

The sword is winking and the thunder is wink!

Huangsha Holy Spirit is wide, blood is flowing in the body, "Hahahahaha !!"

"Huangsha, subvert this world."

The words, the thunder and the sword attack on the Yellow Sand Holy Spirit!

The body of the Yellow Sand Holy Spirit is in an instant to the sand, scattered on the ground.

Fan Jian felt wrong, "There is a problem, don't let him land!"

Li Feng instantly took out the 100-way blade sword, Li Yao's broken sword was a hundredized, and the sword is falling!

Fan Jian smashed the face, "How can the sword be able to stop the sand?"

"I said that the sand will not fall, then it will stop!"

I turned on, and the falling sand stopped in the air.

Fan Jian sent a breath, "it's okay ..."

It's still not waiting for him, a huge face is directly in the desert!


Huge shock spreads every corner of the desert, like a shout that every sand is simultaneous!

Just now, a sand, fell into the desert before being stopped!

Turning time, the whole mob is shaking!

It's like earthquakes, all souls trembled with the trembling of the earth!

"What is something, what is going out!"


"It is a desert in trembling!"

It is not equal to everyone to respond, and a huge sand is directly broken into the sand, and hundreds of souls have been grasped!

Hey! !

A group of blood spurted, no number of bodies were screwed together in a moment!

This giant hand is very big, and hundreds of people have no fingers!

This giant hand is enough to hold up any islands at sea!

Tight, desert, stand up.

Yes, the whole desert, at this moment!

The sand sea is hollow at this moment!

The whole milay is condensed into a giant at this moment!

He stood up and has exceeded the highest mountain in the world, and even touched the cloud!

The giant's body is covered with violet floral, and even a long tail!

It is barely known as the head of the body!

The Huangsha Holy Spirit is at this moment, with the desert, integrating it!

There is a huge gap in the earth, everything, it is so small in his eyes!

"Take on the authority of Huangsha, my body, existed in every sand, you can't kill the sandstorm, and kill me!"

"Try, use your ability, kill me !!"

In the face of Huangsha Holy Spirit, it is like a voice of the sky.

An astonity is in a heart, and the ability of Fan Jian naturally has a lot of limitations. Otherwise, he directly gives Huangsha Holy Spirit to Huangsha.

His ability has three major restrictions.

I: I can't directly determine the life and death of life, any life is not good, and I can't give life and create life.

Second: Can't rewrite the reality rule, can only affect a small part of the reality rule, and it is temporary.

Three: That is, it is not possible to use the spirit of God than his God, or the strength is similar to him.

Fan Jian has become a god. According to it, he is enough to suppress Huangsha Holy Spirit, but because of Chen Xiu's reasons, Huangsha Holy Spirit is forced to improve.

He has the blood of God, that is, the sun blood!

The monk of Li Feng took a sigh of breath. "I swear from me to protect which person started, I didn't think about it back."

"Brother, you still run through our original wish, but I, now I only pull the sword for one person!"

"The wind of change!"


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