Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 628 Huangsha!

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call! !

A tornado is hovering around Li Feng, followed by transformation into a dragon!


The wind is mad, the sleeves at the Li wind arms are slowly condensed by the wind roll into a weak hidden arm.

Li Yao raises the right hand, breaking the sword, refers to the sun!

"What is it, you have been struggling for that goal, no matter who you are now!"

"For Xiao Love, for the big love, for the people, the people who swear to guard the sword"

"Sword · Term!"

As Li Yao spent a voice, his nine soul rings actually finished this moment!

Li Feng pupil is shrinking, "Rong, you dare to use that trick, are you crazy, so you will be dead!"

Li Yao's eyes suddenly flashed the figure of Ye Feng.

"Now, I just want to have the last light!"

"This is, my last light!"

When the number of times, the sun suddenly flashed, and an energy spread out of the sun outside the atmosphere!

Golden energy is incoming in the sword of Li Yao, his body is suddenly flashed at this moment!

Fan Jian saw this successfully rushed. "I said no death, no matter what price will be invalid!"

There is no effective.

This involves the field of life.

Li Feng bite the teeth, "For, you are all like this!"

"No one will thank you ..."

"But I will, you have always been the hero in my mind!"

Li Yaojian refers to the Huangsha Shengling, the huge palm falls, and it is like a palm of the sky, it is necessary to crush all things!

Li Yao and Li Feng have released their strongest blows at this moment!

Yao Guang is breaking, the blast is tearing the dust!

The wind dragon whistling, the radiance in the broum is gathered into a heart!

boom! !

Huge energy sweeping all things, broke the sword directly through the chest of Huangsha Holy Spirit!

Wind dragon whistling and pulling the body of Huangsha directly into several paragraphs!


Blowing through the breeze, Li Yao's body gradually made a point of pencils to slow down!

Li Feng hugged Li Yao, his martial arts were directly smashed!

Holding Li Yao with one hand, Li Feng at this time is even more blind, "You can't get this anti-the anti-anti-the anti-the, kill what is the use of Huangsha Holy Spirit?"

Li Yao's face has also begun to gradually blur, "I know that it is not big, I have already died, I have already realized it before the war started."

"If you can't kill him when he is integrated with Huang Sand, then I am with him."

Fan Jian slowly came to Li Yao's side, "It's useless, my god can not give me the ability to fight directly ..."

Li Yao shook his head, "I know, I will know from the beginning, I am just tired, take care of my seven poor babies, my brother ..."

When you say, Li Yao's body is scattered into a gang!

Li Feng Yangtian Long Xiao, "Ah, ah ------ !!"

Endless resentment, in his heart, so that Li Feng did not notice at all, Huangsha Holy Spirit is reorganizing!

Next moment, a giant hand, I grabbed Li Feng and Fan Jian directly from the body!

Huangsha Holy Spirit was reunited again, "I said ..."

"You can't kill Huangsha, can't kill me!"

"God, but so!"

Fan Jian bite his teeth, he directly used his hands to hold the giant hand to them. "I said that I will get infinite power, it is enough to help me get rid of Huangsha!"

bump! !


The giant hand suddenly cleared, the Fan Jian and Li Feng were all clung to death by the giant hand!

Fan Jian's eyes are a little trembling. "How can I give my strength, I can't break away from his Huangsha!"

"I am the god of justice !!"

Huangsha Holy Spirit huge head descended two ants, "Everything you do, the Lord, not carefully!"

"The main force gives me my strength, it is enough to crush your mouth in your mouth!"

"God, but it is."

No matter how the Fan Jian is hard, he is unable to break away from the giant hand!

"Brother, I haven't revenge you yet. How can I die here, I haven't seen it, I have to die, I have to die in a !"

"I am not willing!!!"

boom! ! !

A big sound came, the body of Huangsha Holy Spirit suddenly flicked, a snowy figure opened three pairs of wings in the air!

"I am saving you."

There is a very majestic and beautiful female voice, and the death of the two people have suddenly released!

Huangsha scattered into a group, two people see you again!

The purpose is a woman with a seven white golden radius behind a back.

Li Feng looked at the women in the sky, and even in an instant, "You are still so powerful ..."

Fan Jian grabbed Li Feng and then fled to the woman's side.

Fan Jian looked to the woman, a soft long hair flashed with golden flames, "Thousands of snow?"

Thousands of snow look to Li Feng, "How do you do this?"

Head of Li Feng, "Hey, I still need you to save me."

Fan Jian has some accidents. "Why, do you have to go to the emperor?"

Thousands of snow snort, "No one in you knows the Holy Spirit more than I know, I know that it will be like this."

"There is no soul in the Holy Spiritism, they are all monsters."

Look at the constant restructuring Huangsha Holy Spirit, thousands of snow is high, "I also have the sun blood, although the sword of the Rie Yang also gives the Emperor, but I can still mobilize the power of the sun."

To be said, the right hand of Qianxue is instantly scattered a golden flame!

The surface of the sun suddenly burned!

Huangsha Holy Spirit looked at the snow in the sky, "When Qiu, why do you want to betray?"

Thousands of snow, but immediately returned to calm.

A fire column suddenly shot in the sun!

The Huangsha Holy Spirit jumped, the golden fire column fell to him!



Huangsha Holy Spirit, the flame in the sun blocked her advance!

His head begins to slowly transform into a crystal, this is a glass!

The head of Huangsha agglomerated gradually became transparent, but he was still moving, despite a dead road!

Although he can't touch the three, he still wants to move!

Because, Your Majesty is waiting for him!

He reached out the paw, he wanted to touch the three people!

It's a little bit!

It's a little bit! !

Even if you let him advance again!

Unfortunately, his body has been converted to glass.

The huge transparent body fell, only listened to a loud noise, the huge body of Huangsha Holy Spirit fell to countless wafers.

The golden light column dissipates, Huangsha Holy Spirit will say the last sentence when he is dead, he is still thinking about that.

"Your Majesty, Chen, can't ... witness you ... When you have a continent, ... brilliant ..."

The golden light column slowly dispels, the authority of Huangsha disappeared, and the substance converted to glass also turned back to the sand.

Huangsha Holy Spirit, fighting.

It is reborn, the first twist, is pulled out.

The desert is not accepted, and this desert is liberated.

Thousands of snow turned cold, "You go to support Tang San, I want to twisted these, remove it one by one!"


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