Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 633, the emperor!

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"Chen Xiu !!!"

A black mist falls from the sky, the world of Emperor is falling in a moment in an instant, and the thunder is rolling the dark cloud!

Chen Xiu slowly opened his eyes, "reptiles, disturbing the price of robbery, you can't afford it."

The black dragon's figure turns in the air, two pairs of huge black wings to cover the sky, Long Sheng four claws, there is a fresh eye between the top of the dragon.

His side is lingering, and a hoe burned in the right eye of Black Dragon, LuoTrai flames burned!

"Chen Xiu, you have a big courage, destroying my Senluo ghost domain, and take me Rakhache Temple to the palace!"

"I am willing to drive away by you!"

"I carefully plan a million-year-old plan, because your existence is broken!"

"You should die !!!"

The eyes of Chen Xiu's eyes are cold, like a deep incrope, and a day, a day, and the emperor and Raksha you have realized!

Chen Xiu is ferry!

"Ninety-nine days of robbery, no, the power of robbery is strong!"

The two are surprised, "This, this kind of robbery, you, you are not killing, do you want to open a world alone!"

Bang! ! !

Tianlei falls, the golden lightning is swim in Chen Xiu's ten fingers, "there is a noise."

! !

A broken voice, can't react, a golden robbery, directly run through the chest of the emperor!

boom! !

The emperor was shocked, "No, no !!!"

"I don't want to go back, I just rushed out of the seal!"

"Chen Xiu !!"

"I am not willing !!"

bump! !

A black fog is blown in the sky, and the emperor and Rakatha have been thundered, turned into a pile of dust!

The dark clouds in the sky are disconnected. Chen Xiu looks smiles from the three sides of the eight parties, "Come, Tang San, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"


The country of plague is located in the rotten country of the rot swamp.

After Red Sigare, Luo Li, followed hundreds of Tangmen disciples.

Look at the towering city wall, Li Hong's eyes ignited two hatred flames, "the plague of the Holy Spirit, I once let me survive!"

"I have an oath, you don't die in one day, I will not be born in Lihong!"

A brunette swept the flame, and seven red-red lascles were suspended after Li Hong's brain.

The soul of the dragon sword is suspended by his side, the sword is three feet, and there is a bloodlette in the middle.

Like Changhong Guan Ji Dynasty straight to the sword!

Li Hong, the eldest son of Li Yao, the first of the princes of the sword mountain!

He once held a vital blood for the people, but he died in the hands of the plague!

If Ye Feng is saved, he is already a dead!

Today, this account is also clear!


In the Rar Temple, a whole body wrapped around the white cloth suddenly smiled, he wore a white-green teaching, in addition to a black hair full of flesh and blood was wrapped in white cloth!

The green flame flashed in the main hall, the plague, the green eyes of the plague, the look of the taste, "said, my martial art is once a mouse."

There are many people who are unreasoning next to him, they are the experiment of the Holy Spirit.

One of the women's snakes slowly, "Haha, you are laughing, saying, it seems that someone has been sold once."

The plague of the Holy Spirit of the plague, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"But this time, their snorkeling is quite big, and there is a true god, a big drain."

The right eye of the Plastic Holy Spirit became a ferry, and the whole rotten wling is under his gaze.

The sharpel is covered with a whole swamp, which is a virus called a ferrovirus.

The plague is crazy to transform the body, and the flesh of his inch includes bones into a structure of a virus.

All of the viruses are from him, ferry the virus, and all the ferry infections are his eyes.


"It turned out to be you, Li Hong is, you actually live, and I have got a gain."

"The crow, the rush, the ear scales, the mouse emperor, you, go to try Li Hong's ability."

The four figures in the rotten god hall, "Yes, the master!"



The souls who can't fly walk in the swamp, this swamp is also a pit hole, and it will be deep in it.

The taste of rot is constantly stimulating the sensory of everyone.


"How can someone can survive here!"

"Come and help me, I am inverting!"

"Don't worry, everyone is hard together, don't step on the pit!"


Looking at all people who haven't started to make a group, Li Hong brows wrinkled, and the blames of Furst did not stop, but also irritated.

Everyone moved forward, Li Hong's demon soul flew out of the vine in front of the vine!

Until a ferry suddenly opened his wings directly to Li Hong!

Li Hong took a look, his soul flew out of a sword and fell to two, a flame ignited, and the body of the ferry was followed by ashes.

Li Hong reached out, "stop, come!"

After listening to Li Hong's voice, everyone stopped, even if the air seems quietly at this moment.

" !!!"

In an instant, all sides suddenly poured a lot of ferry!

They brought the virus directly to Li Hong and others!

"Everyone, fighting!"

With the command of Li Hong, everyone released the martial arts!

Li Hong looked to this large group of exclusions, directly grabbed the dragon sword swept!

call! !

The innocent fire dragon swept congenital!


The fire dragon roared in an instant!

Li Hongjian refers to a direction, "Go out, I see you."


The applause came from the tree, and he suddenly came out of a man. He has two pairs of huge ferry wings, and the pupil of the eyes is also uniform with ferry.

His length is more strange, and the face of the nose is like a crow, no, he is a crow!

His hands are all paws that flow purple venoms, and all of the dulles are full of black feathers!

"The plague is the fourth day of disasters, the crow, see the true God."

Li Hong snorted, the anger between the eyebrows was not reduced, "" Call your master, I am looking for that mouse! "

The crow is a blink, there is only one gap between his eyes, it looks extremely quirky.

"Hahaha, can't you do, after all, the order I have received, I will kill you all!"

I have fallen, the nine soul rings are instantly rising under the foot of the crow!

A title!

"The ninth soul skill, the group of groups!"


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