Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 634 The virus is exhausted!

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Countless only ferrying the sky, and again from all sides!

Li Hong is up, "Dudio is handed over to you!"

Tell, Li Hong disappeared in the original place!

Next second, a fire directly appeared in front of the crow!

The wings of the crow are unfolded, leaving the original place!

In the same time, the crow suddenly incited wings, tens of thousands of black feathers swept sharply!

Li Hong did not catch a fire dragon, cut out a fire dragon directly!

Fire Dragon fell to burn the previous feathers, Li Hong followed it, and a dragon fire burned on the wrist of Lihong!

Li Hong wrist turned the flying dragon sword directly broke!

Hey! !

The sound of a weapon is transmitted, and the chest of the crow is directly spread directly, "you ..."

I have finished the orthodox, Li Hong, appeared in front of the crow, he pulled out the martial art in front of him, "Your younger brother is not fun, you come out, or I forced you come out!"

The crow behind the crow is a large amount of death, and countless sakes in the swamp!

"It's a mouse!"

"More than, there is also an intelligence, the inverse scihae and the epidemic snake!"

"They are too much!"

Li Hong suddenly turned back, but found that Tangmen disciples behind him have been surrounded by the rins!

Li Hong suddenly turned, the three movements were directly blocked by him.

"The first day of the plague, the first day of disaster, ear scales!"

"The plague is the second day of disaster, and the snake!"

"Plague Holy Spirit sits down the third day, the mouse emperor!"

Look at the three, a woman, a woman, a long, like a mouse, a monster without eyes, but there are six ears.

Li Hong bite the teeth, "three seals, it seems to be a little more time!"


The plague Holy Spirit took the battlefield in the distance, and a Tangmen disciple was buddha in a mouse!

The virus spread out in an instant!

The plague of the plague smiled, "I will add some fenced materials, the fourth soul technology, the plague spread!"


Hey! !

Li Hong was sputtered with a green blood, and the mouse was first fell, a flame burned directly in Lihong's body.

The rush snake should run Li Honghua to make a fire dragon to win the chasing, directly swing from her back, run through her skull!

"Do not----!"

Hey! ! !

The sword, blood, Li Hong's more clean, no slightly dragging water.

Look at the last ear scales, he does not have eyes without eyes with the enemy in the direction of odory and auditory resolution!

Li Hong sprint out, the ear science does not return directly to him!

Hey! !

Li Hong's wrist was cut, and Li Hong's sword was crushed directly on his body!

"This troublesome virus!"

"Placing in the previous era, a case of a virus is enough to make the whole continent fall, caught in the madness of the plague."

After running the god fire, burn the virus, Li Hong once again passed through the body of the ear!


The ear scales fall, Li Hong turned to see the Tangmen disciple behind him, his pupils suddenly.

But a few minutes, Tangmen disciples are not covered!

Their bodies float on the swamp, the skin is green, the eyes are white, and the mouth is all gone!

This is a virus!

And poison is two kinds of solitude!

Similarly, the virus is also one of the largest weapons of human killing!

Lihong's hand is in the hands of the dragon sword, "I can't come out!"

"Plague Holy Spirit !!"

Suddenly turned, Li Hong directly slashed out a dragon fire sword!

boom! ! !

The rotten temple collapsed, and a shadow appeared in the air.

The white-green teaching robe flutters, and the plague is a smile. "Hello, Li Hong ~"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, you become stronger."

Li Hong is bite, he directly jumped, his hands played a sword to cut the top of the top of the plague!

"Go to death, you only !!"

The laughter of the plague is more wins. He directly waves the hand of Li Hong's pharmacotene, "It seems that you are as weak as before, Li Hong."

call! !

A group of flames suddenly broke out in the hands of the plague!

In an instant, the bandage of the plague Holy Spirit hand was burned, the plague Holy Spirit released the right hand.

Li Hong looked at the time-winning, directly, the sword runs through the chest of the plague, and then the thorn is directly divided into two the body of the plague.

The plague of the plague smiled, "The flame is indeed a virus, the heart is not my weakness."

"The authority of the plague, all the weaknesses of human beings are not killed, because I have no weakness!"

If you say, the body of the plague is cut off directly to the body!

The right hand of the plague, the right hand, his right hand is thrown long, and the black flesh and blood is completely condensed by the virus!

He stretched out the right hand and grab the Li Hong, a sword sword swept, his arm was directly used to two!

In the next second, the arm is divided into two black tentacles shot!

Li Hong reacts not to be tied directly!

The plague is cracking. "I all over the body is full of black viruses. I swallowed the life, enough to pile a Tongtian mountain!"

"You think that for the resistance of the flame, isn't I swallowing?"

"Don't be stupid, Li Hong, the flame is not my gratitude, I have no weakness!"

The body of the plague is suddenly bigger, and the black flesh and blood is nearly the most perfect figure in humans!

He opened the bloody mouth, there is no two album to block, and his mouth opens directly to swallow a living person!

The appearance of the plague is now like a deadly guardian in a movie, the venom is general.

The long tongue explored, Li Hong was bundled with the touch of the Holy Spirit of the plague, "God, I haven't eaten yet!"

"Integration with me, Li Hong !!"

puff! ! !

The head of the plague suddenly fell, and thousands of snow swept the sun to fall from the sky, "killing you, just because the intensity of the flame is not enough."

"The fire of the sun!"

A voice, the flame of the sun suddenly landed on the flesh of the plague!

Phalon sword flew directly from the distance to the tentacle of Lihong!

Li Hong looked at thousands of snow, "I don't have to help me, I can solve him."

Thousands of snow glanced at Li Hong, "Oh, dead duck hard mouth, you almost directly with the plague of the Holy Spirit."

I don't want to be burned, the burning plague, the thousands of snow brows, "the body escapes!"

"I can't escape!"

Thousands of snow, the right hand, the golden flame suddenly drove, the whole rot swamp directly burned!

boom! !

Affected by biogas, the flame ushered in the second explosion, and its power is more on the stairs!

"Do not!!!"

"After the king, you dare to betray your hurt !!"

"I, I, I am not dead, you can't ..."


The final body of the plague is also dissipated under the fire of the sun.

This piece of rot goem has ushered in liberation.

Plastic Holy Spirit, falling!


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