Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 640 The blood is not dead!

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Looking at the Haoxing flute slowly walk into the hall, the scarlet holy spirit shook his head, "Why do you want to betray me, Hao Xingcang?"

"Can you have anything out?"

Maoxing flute, "there is no, the Haoxing flute is very grateful to the hostess's life-saving, just, I have never loyal to the Holy Spirit, why talk about betrayal?"

"You have a hmm in me, the Haoxing flute is not reported."

"I am your class, my life is in your hand, this life is the master you give me, today, I will give you."

Haoxing Fi opened his arms, and a look of death.

The scarlet holy spirits sitting alone on the blood throne shook his head, "Still, let's go, don't let me see you."

The snow white long hair flutters, the scarlet Holy Spirit is the blood ancestors in the bloody mouth, or the ancestor.

"What are you waiting for, Haoxing flute!"


bump! !

The walls of the four sides were directly crushed, and the four Wushu Hall is old and thousands of snow, and the Haoxingqin six people teamed up to sweep from all sides!

"Seven Star Touch!"


In addition to Haoxing flute, the six soul skills fall together to the scarlet Holy Spirit!

Seven Star Tongyin, I originally faced the enemy Haoxing piano only controlled a second, but there was a seven-star blessing, but she can force the scarlet Holy Spirit for a full seven seconds!

Catch this seven seconds, thousands of snow, the sun, the real fire, directly through the chest of the scarlet Holy Spirit!

The scarlet holy spirit shakes his head. "Why is it, I have the emperor of the Empire in myself, I just want to live quietly, I am still with the wrong place?"

Haoxingqin snort, "Standing in the sky, it is your biggest mistake!"

The chest of the Scarlet Holy Spirit was opened a big hole, but he didn't panic at all, although the sun is constantly being swallowedant.

Seven seconds have arrived, the sun's real fire has gradually climbed his whole body.

The thousands of snow brows, "" You can still be calm down under the sun's real fire, you are still the first. "

The Scarlet Holy Spirit has eventually bones. "Although the physical fitness is just by the sun real fire, how can it?"

"Next, let you experience it, what is desperate, the sixth soul skill, blood is crazy!"

puff! !

The bodies of the Scarlet Holy Spirit suddenly bled into a blood!

Blood sputtering like a bullet, a moment directly in the cave, wearing four heads of Douro!

puff! !

The snake spear has slowly stands up. His appearance is bigger, a white-haired blood, is a scarlet Holy Spirit!

I saw a smile, "You can't kill me, unless you are with me."

The golden crocodile has a lock, he just felt something in the body, but did not harm them.

"Oh, when you have any means, it turns out that the body is still the soul, then the old man will knock down you without the body!"

To be said, the Jinzang has burst, the martial arts are directly revealed!

The Scarlet Holy Spirit took the right hand in the golden crocodation, "I will have no eligibility else."

puff! !

One instant gold crocodile bumbler is bleeding, the blood of the whole body fly to the scarlet Holy Spirit at this moment!

The martial arts of the golden crocodile, the real body instantly, he directly fell to the ground and shaking!

After a while, he did not breathe, the blood of the body was taken off, and he didn't have blood, and even didn't call it!

Thousands of streams of worship brothers, but so.

The scarlet Holy Spirit slowly pitched the fingertips, the stone of the sages emerged and swallowed the blood of the golden crocodation in an instant.

The Haoxing piano saw the sound of the strings again, thousands of snow tightly, the sun really flashed directly to the bodies of the scarlet Holy Spirit!

One instant blood directly caven the head of Haoxingfi!

Haoxing bricks shouted: "Brother, you are bloody, you will leave here first!"

The Haoxing flute nodded directly withdraws out of the fortress!

Survey, the scarlet Holy Spirit is born with a title of Douro!

"Why do you have, after the king, you betray my Majesty, I have nothing to say, but why do you have to kill the Holy Spirit?"

"Everything you did, I have already seen it, and every sacrifice is dead, there is your help behind, I want to know, is this beneficial to you?"

"The Holy Spirit is extinct, the Emperor is defeated, and finally they only need to take the Dou Luo mainland in the eradication of the Wushu."


This is the ability of the scarlet Holy Spirit, moves people, change the thoughts of a person in the language!

This is his maximum ability to learn in the sky.

Your Majesty, the siege is under, and attacking the heart.

Even if the scarlet Holy Spirit is not for all the power of the Holy Spirit, he always likes to confuse people.

Unfortunately, thousands of snow have never betrayed Chen Xiu, how can I be confused by the three words of the scarlet Holy Spirit?

But the piano is not so much, "Sister, don't be cheated by her!"

Thousands of snow don't stop in hand, "I naturally know!"

The two movements have been out of action, and the body of the scarlet Holy Spirit once again been abandoned!

Another title is dead, and the last title is attached to the Johns Holy Spirit!

Haoxing piano is dignified, "Sister, you are careful, in case she wins me, please don't hesitate, kill me directly!"

Thousands of snow show a smile, "Will not, if he can occupy the body of the god, he will not talk nonsense again."

"He is just a mortal, what do he take us?"

"This is the last one!"

To be said, the Haoxingqin and the thousands of snow will come out of attack!

The scarlet Holy Spirit is scattered into a bat, but he is still controlled by the Haoxingqin!

The sun's real fire is followed, the scarlet Holy Spirit grins!

"You can't kill me, even if it is dead, even if you lose it, after thousands of years, I can also roll the soil, when I die is your child grandson!"

Thousands of snow don't want to listen to him nonsense, and directly burn all these bats. "I don't believe you can rebirth, your bloody descendants, I have been sweeping!"

The scarlet Holy Spirit is constant, "" After you walked, I waited for me to fight you! "

The sage of Baoshos fell into the ground, and the final body of the Scarlet Holy Spirit was also dissipated.

However, a coffin under the depth of the immortal furnishings, but suddenly shook it.


Thousands of snow don't have a mouth, she said that she can't believe in scarlet, but her heart is actually believed.

'Is this the plan of the Emperor, the twelve Holy Spirit can't die? '

'No, if he flying into the god will naturally lose the control of the Douro mainland, the existence of the twelve Holy Spirit is variable! '

'Suppose the twelve Holy Spirits after thousands of years, we have flying this generation, I am afraid, just as the scarlet spirit said ...'


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