Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 641, Di India!

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Bang! !

A thunder was scattered, and the faint fidel is robbed, and the Holy Spirit of the Emperor is launched!

The two are opposed to the air, the Emperor Yin Holy Spirit holds Tiandiyin, holding the author of the king, the knee, the knee, the knee, the Dangdian disciples have been defeated!

Thousands of robbery and emperor have already waited for three days and three nights.

The soul of the Emperor's Holy Spirit is about to see, but he doesn't care.

"Thousands of robbery, do you know whom?"

"When I arrived here, I once thought of my father's emperor killed you but the power!"

The blood stains of the thousand robbery, "What is the relationship with you, then say that the Emperor is your Laozi?"

"Don't be joking, the sky is your Laozi, you have already taken the position of the Son!"

"Chen Qi is the prince who is famous!"

The Emperor's Holy Spirit has changed, "What is the relationship with you, you are just a outroad, you are not eligible for the Holy Spiritual Testament!"

"Emperor Jiu Yun 8", destroy! "

The Emperor's Holy Spirit is in the hands of the emperor, and a case is suspended in a moment!

Tangmen disciples were told, and the military of the Emperor's Holy Spirit was suddenly turned to the Arbaro!

The extension of the extension of the force, this force is directly injected into the weapon of the Diyin Holy Spirit!

These soldiers are part of the Emperor's Holy Spirit. It is his military printed, endless and endless!

Thousands of robbery don't know how many soldiers he killed, but they are still the front servants.

Farpo also knows that you can't drag it, so he is ready to show the bottom card!

"The Emperor Yintuan, this is your forced me. It was the best for me. It's a bit of Lei God. I didn't choose, but I didn't hinder me to transfer the power of robbery!"

"Come on, fortnightly robbery !!"

Bang! ! !

In an instant sky, the clouds are detached, and a large amount of robbery is gathered in the dome!

I saw a flash of lightning, and the purple emperor rarely fell!

The Emperor Yin Holy Spirit raised his hand again, "The Emperor Jiu Yugi 5th, broken!"

Thousands of robbery, "Is there any characteristic of everything for your soldier, no use, the robbery, and you can stop you can block!"

Tianlei suddenly fell, and the Million of the Million of the Holy Spirit of the emperor was falling!


The Emperor's Holy Spirit was directly blocked by the sky, "Do you win thousands of robbery, you won ..."

Thousands of robbery, "Oh, I accept my own failure."

The Emperor's Holy Spirit is not humble, "I lost it, it lost, I lost it, I don't have any regret."

"No matter what the ending is, at least the process I work hard, the ending, it hasn't matter."

"How is it, how to win, and how to make millions of years, it is necessary to chemically make a can't smoke in the world."

"Thousands of robbery, you are an interesting opponent, if you can, don't die, maybe, we still have a good chance."

Thousands of eyebrows, the smile of the Emperor Yin Holy Spirit, "What do you want to say?"

The Emperor's Holy Spirit relieved the martial arts, "Hand, this world will not fail, but he will succeed."

"No one can kill the killing, fly up the god circle as soon as possible, this is my last announcement ..."

To be said, the body of the Holy Spirit of the Emperor is slowly blurred, and the soul of the silk is out of his body.

The Emperor's Holy Spirit closed his eyes, his body, quickly stopped for a stylish, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

The city under the feet collapsed, and the prosperous urban is solemnly under endless yellow soil.

There are many emotions, "it is a person, take it, put it down, lose, and lose, you will die, you have to die."

"If you are not your position, I may really be friends with you."

Thousands of robbery slowly scattered thunder robbery, the body of the Emperor's Holy Spirit drifted with the wind, maybe this is the martial arts.

Winning, when this big, defeated, also died.

Thousands of robbery slowly turned, "But I won't escape, even though the Tiandi is strong, I will not live."

"As you are like you, I am clear that you can escape, but you will not die."

"Goodbye, emperor."

The Emperor's Holy Spirit, falling.


The north of the north, this is covered with ice and snow, and the snow is snowing all year round.

The environment here is very powerful, and it is extremely powerful to live here.

And this north of the north, there is a master, and his palace is built in the top of the north.

He is the owner of the north, the ice of the ice!

He is born in a big snow, and he is with his sister to live with his sister until he encounters the teacher.

His sister became a holy woman above the people.

And he also got the respected position of the Holy Spirit through his own efforts.

The ice holy spirit is sitting at the top of the Ice City, the whole city has no one, he is the only Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit.

He is alone in the ice and snow, there have been more than 20 years.

Accompanied with his, only white snow, with endless lonely.

But he has already been numb, his heart is like this extremely north, the middle-aged snow has been completely freezed.

Until he saw the girl, no, the 100,000-year-old soul beast.

Her body in the ice is so moving, but the ice of the ice has never expressed his heart.

He is already not good to express, his face is also as cold as the ice under the snow, so many years, there is no change worth it.

Although the girl had warmed his heart, he could not let him change his belief.

The girl made the ice sacred spirit in his own, and she chose a person in front of her.

The ice of the ice is chosen, he will not leave this ice throne half a step.

For the yourself, it is not just a territory, but also his own an early heart.

Although the lonely taste makes him almost collapsed, but what is this, every time it thinks it is for you, everything is worth it.

"Hey, small bug, are you almost a million years?"

The ice of the ice is shouting in a deep pit, and there will be a soft voice.

"It's still more than 10,000 years. Do you have to wait here for 10,000 years, I can accompany you!"

Ice Spirit is a gradually melted ice and snow, "No, I may not have a way to accompany you, small bugs, if it is fortunate, then see you after 10,000 years."

The things under the ice cave seem to have some excitement, "Can you really live to 10,000 years?"

"Ah, I want to see what human beings are long, you can say that you must be the most powerful existence in human beings?"

The ice spark is shaken, "Not, more than my strong human beings, people who give me strength can also create hundreds, even one thousand me."

"So the small bug, after coming out, there must be people who will teach Spirit, no matter what situation."


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