Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 644 The sky is invincible!

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Whizzing! !

The two blamed sounds, the sky is open, and the left and right hands grabbed the fist of the dragon shadow and the sun's sun!

He grinned, "If you, you are not qualified!"

bump! !

Strong soul fluctuations directly shocked two people!

After the sky, the Holy Spirit appeared behind the two, and eight shots were directly killed in the eight arm!

The two have not yet cleaned, and the guns of the killing suddenly fall!


There are no number of blood flowers bloom, and the guns that kill them directly wear two limbs!

This is the most powerful existence of the monomer in the Holy Spirit, the dominance of the storm, the owner of the sky, the heavens Holy Spirit!

"Was this, how do I lose?"

Dragon Shadow's bite the darkness of the teeth directly collapsed out four murder!

Long Ying, he is full of black scales, which is grievance!

He has a pair of dragon wings, two pairs of dragon, two dragon corners ...

The whole body has been completed from the head to the foot!

He once had another name, jade heart!

First death and then live!

Long Ying once loved this girl, he wanted to pursue her, but she fell in love with her brother.

Long Ying decided to quit this emotion, he silently blessed two people must be happy, this is love.


His brother is actually not the people of his blue power!

He is a pretext of foreign countries, and it has been used to get the martial arts of Blue and Electricity!

He deceared the dragon shadow, and also deceived the girl of the dragon shadow!

Killing people, when Dragon Shadow saw the body of beloved, everything is late!

His brother is the undercover. He laughed killed the woman's love woman, and he still didn't forget to give Long Ying a knife!

Not only is a knife on the body, it is a knife on the heart!

'You have seen it, sorry, scare you, I know that I should take her into a broken block, don't let you see it. '

That sentence, he is surrounded by the ear, the dragon shadow night can not be in, the endless resentment makes him reborn!

It is the soul of the ancestors, and the soul of the entire family will launch him!

I must kill the man!

kill him!

kill him!

Must have to kill him, don't have all the price!

Necess to let him blood break! ! !

Long Ying's hate makes his martial arts into a dark devil!

"Hell is empty, the devil is in the world, the emperor is the devil!"

"He took everything from me, and I destroyed everything, my hate, I have already exceeded everything!"

"What do you count!"

bump! !

The air broke out once, the speed of the dragon shadow is almost three times!

Long Ying appeared in front of the heavenly gain of the dragon claw directly, it is necessary to tear the heavenly Holy Spirit!

The three arms of the heavenly gains directly grabbed the arms of the dragon, "The strange martial arts, the continuous growth of the power through anger and hate."

"The more indignant, hate, the stronger of his strength."

Long Ying sent a roar, his dragon claws broke away from the binding of the heart of the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit of the sky is flying out, and a heart fragmentation does not affect him.

But this ability ...

If the mortal is still good, the dragon shadow has become a god, and the heavenly gains feel the threat.

"Hahaha, indeed, you have the qualifications to make me make it full, I have to be serious, you are two, let's go!"

bump! !

The heart of the Holy Spirit suddenly beat!

Not a!

Not two!

But eight hearts are jumped together!

There is nine hearts in the sky, and there will only be a heart beating in the usual state. This heart stops to jump, there will be another heart to take the beating.

If the nine hearts are operated simultaneously, then the physical strength and attributes of the heavenly gains will be directly flipped by nine times!

The heavenly gains have been returned, and now he can only achieve the operation of eight hearts!

But this is enough!

His this is invincible with the same level, an increase of eight times the property, even if the god is good!

Thousands of snow clearly have already understood, "Not good, nine-hearted beads, dragon shadow is careful!"

The body of the Holy Spirit gradually became red, four pairs of feathers wings, also became blood!

In an instant, the Holy Spirit is like a bloody, full body blooms!

"I still understand me after the Queen, I don't know, you haven't heard of my other outer number ?!"

Thousands of snow bite, "blood angel!"


puff! !

Long Ying's pupil, a bright red right hand passed directly into his belly!

He only felt a sway in front of him, and the Holy Spirit of the sky was in front of him!

This speed is fast, and even more than the sound!

Sound, people first!

Long Ying instantly spurted a blood, the whole person slammed down directly to the ground!

The figure of the sky is disappeared in an instant!

Thousands of snow calls out the angels!

Endless rays bloom, a huge angel showed out behind the snow!

The powerful soul of the soul is shocked by all sides!

The heavenly Holy Spirit Eight Blood Columns Zhang opened the four regiments of the bloody storm ball condensed in the palm!

"Storm, nebula!"

call! ! !

The storm ball is like a whirlpool, and the soul fluctuation of the soul of the soul that sweeps the eight squares!

Tiantiao Holy Spirit said: "I have long been playing with the king, since I was also crowning to angel's name, who is more angel!"

Thousands of snow is high, the right hand, the sun is real, and instantly condense into a long sword!

Two people disappear Qi Qi in the air!

One instant knife is blood shadow, the two people are extremely fast!

The heavenly Holy Spirit only broke the long sword group of the sun in the sun.

"The sun is useless to me, you lost the king !!"

! ! !

The nails of the Holy Spirit of the sky are drawn on the war armor on the snow surface!

The side face of thousands of snow has emerged!

The pupil is shrinking, and thousands of snow have not even seen the action of the Holy Spirit!

"Good ..."

The Holy Spirit has a blood on the nails, "Ah, Queen, I can finally get rid of you!"

"Refighte it, let me be excited!"

"Hahaha !!"

Thousands of snow brows, "the madman!"


bump! !

The two once again launched the confrontation, thousands of snow is not closed, all kinds of soul skills are full of gods!

The Holy Spirit of the sky is working, and thousands of snow can only barely resist the spirit of holy spirit!


Strong metamorphosis!

"Hahaha, the queen, you are so long, I haven't upgraded a martial art for you !!"

"Come, what is the big card, there is no chance to make it!"

call! !

A black flame suddenly attacked the Holy Spirit!

The heavenly Holy Spirit is in an instant to protect your body!

Long Ying's body jumped, he was in the eyes, and his right hand had already condensed a knot black dragon bomb!

"The sky, this is my kill !!"

puff! ! !

The blood wings are directly done, and the body of the Holy Spirit is to disappear between heaven and earth!

From the snow, the sun is straight to the sky!

"End, the sky !!"

boom! ! !

The huge explosion spread, and the two deep breath, "Is it over?"


bump! !

A broken voice came, and the heavenly vulgar appeared in front of Long Shadow. He shocked his heart!

"Well, the warmth is over!"


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