Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 645 Holy Spirit!

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Thousands of snow spurted a blood, the blood angel Tianyu Holy Spirit is too strong, and it has greatly beyond the common sense.

Even if you join hands, you can't get it a mortal!

High height, the sky is overlooking the two, "Why, I just excited, don't you?"

"Stand up, continue to dance!"

On the ground, she slowly closed his eyes, "Chen Xiu, see what monsters have been made ..."

The heavens Holy Spirit extended out the right hand storm to start, a Tangmen Soul is instantly in the palm of your hand!

The Soul Dafa launched, this soul became a corpse in an instant!

The heavens Holy Spirit screwed the neck, "What is the feeling of failure?"

"I have never lost, except for your own, what kind of people in this world can make me taste the failure?"

"For, you only have this level, end."

boom! !

Suddenly, a huge golden light raised!

This huge golden column directly covers the Holy Spirit!

This feels ...

This kind of spiritual fluctuation!

The heavenly holy spirit pupil, "Is it you ... Her Majesty?"

"Why, why do you want to stop me?"

"this is!"

The heavens Holy Spirit suddenly felt the soul of the body was lost at a speed!

Through the golden light column, the power in his body is gradually deprived!

Don't think too much, this is the ability of Tianmili!

In terms of popularity, it is to put the loan.

Given the seeds of others, when the seed is rooted, the Emperor will recover the power!

What is the context of the sky, "It turns out, is we, is it your abandonment?"


"It seems that everything is in your accounting!"

"Twelve Holy Spirit is destined to sacrifice, break through the sky in advance ..."

"Since you have this Yaxing, then these two people left you, the sky is willing to die for you!"


At the same time, the Tidal Temple, the city of Jinghai, the tidal Holy Spirit also felt the call of the Emperor.

She has lean on the sea, the Napahou Soul and Litan Wu soul have revealed true.

Lifetta's movie stations, Tudon time, dark windstorm, swept the earth, the wind, raining!

This is a big master stands up, you can be with Douro's continent!

He flipped the body, the sea is going to roll!

Shengguang Luo Luo is loud in his hand, dying, and the tide of invincible in the Holy Spirit is also enough to kill the power.

Master the authority of the ocean, she is outside the sea, the second one can transfer the soul of the sea!

Look at the light column that will cover yourself, the tidal Holy Spirit is a smile, "Your Majesty, have you finally launch holy ..."

"Ben, willing to help you break through the robbery."

The Shengguang Bouuang is blue, he looked at the tidal Holy Spirit, a blue long hair, with a crystal head, wearing a thin sand skirt, a princess of the ocean.

Now she is slowly dissipating!

Falling light, "Who is helping me ..."

"The Cavalist Code does not allow me to live like this, who is, why do you want to intervene our battle?"

Tidal Holy Spirit looks to the light, "You are really interesting, from the beginning, I just play you."

"With you, there is no eligibility to let me do it, Naga is enough to smash your Knight Condition."

Eighteen soul rings have emerged, the Tidal Holy Spirit, the only double life in the Holy Spirit.

Naga and Levitan, two major foreign martial arts.

The princess of the ocean, the darling of the Emperor, now, it is time to report.


Natural City, the kingdom of Wanhua Holy Spirit.

It has already been swept here, and the entire forest is the body of the Holy Spirit.

Ye Feng took the power of the God of the earth, he knows what the cost of killing the Holy Spirit.

A huge rock arm seizes the flowers Holy Spirit, and the flowers Holy Spirit does not have the meaning of resistance.

From the head to the end, she is only in passive defense without attack.

Ye Feng did not solve, "Why don't you pay back?"

Wanhua Holy Spirit, very warm, just like a mother, "I never killed human beings."

"My body is to swallow the culprit of the whole forest, can be swallowed by the creatures, they will be resurrected here, rooting, a little birth, a little bit."

"I don't want to hurt anyone, they are my children, you are also a child, Ye Feng."

Ye Feng's hand is tight, "Why, why do you want to be so awkward!"

"How do you let me have to kill you!"

"When a wicked person is not good?"

"Since chooses to be loyal to the Emperor, why do you want to be a good person?"

"Know today, why bother!"

Wanhua Holy Spirit shakes his head, "How can it be good?"

"The world is in the world, the good and evil are in the hearts, and His Majesty is not a wicked person. He just stood in your opposite."

"You don't understand your heart, this is not perfunctory, never understand him, he is kind than everyone in the world."

"He wants to make the mainland a new god, which is the gods of the gods and gods, and you should have become the gods of the gods."

"In order to protect the kindness of your majesty, he can only achieve the most bloody way."

"Your strength has already exceeded the gods, he has the ability to resurrect everyone, but not now."

"He needs everyone's power, he needs your help, but you have become a pair of gods."

"Your Majesty is evil for justice, with you, but there is no need to advance."

"From the beginning, you want to be wrong, Your Majesty is not a monopolo monk, his eyes, never been limited to Douro mainland."

"Your next note, there are three thousand worlds in chaos, only the Kyushu, which is the world's differentiation, is the center of the world."

"If you want to be a flat three thousand worlds, you must first, you, why do you need to be enemy?"

Ye Feng is difficult to accept this reason, "shut up, a non-rope!"

"Although you have a spring, but I firmly believe that what I do is just just!"

"Gaia gun!"

As Ye Feng is on a voice, the main gods of the super artifact instantly appears in the palm!

The essence of the earth is condensed, and the rocks are covered with rocks, and some of the white guns are dotted, so like a star of star.

The gun head is sharp, there is a barb on both sides of the gun tip, like a cone-shaped anchor, sparkling golden iron pieces above the gun.

Gaia's gun, the super artifact of the Great Earth, has the ability to drive the land to create!

And it contains exceptional vitality, this long gun, there is its life!

Ye Feng's nine demon soul flashes, and the Gun's gun flashed on the 16th silver light!

"Gravel, break through all things, big land guns, Shenwang stab!"


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