Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 651 Fighting (End)

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Tiandao seal temporarily controls all the capabilities of Chen Xiu, and the two gods teamed up to pull out the supreme demon soul of Chen Xiu chest!

Chen Xiu's body instantly unable to adapt to the outer space of the outer space, directly dropped back to Dou Luo!

At this moment, Chen Xiu's eyes are not unwilling, and there is no angry, as if everything is, as he expects.

Through the atmospheric layer, Chen Xiu's body burned, his black robe did not even burning it.

I got a smile, Chen Xiu looked at the right hand of the river, "Oh, don't worry, just start."

boom! ! !

Safe, with a richest flame, Chen Xiu is like a comet pending into Douro Continent.

He saw that the ice of the sacred sacred sacred sacred, the thirty-sixth day of the spirit and the seventy-two mulok were killed.

Today, all the title Douro on the continent has come to the Emperor of Taizhen.

They gathered together, slaughtering the dragon's giant and pravan giant!

They broke the dragonstone, and a group of people attacked!

They waved the banner, shouting with the heavens, step by step, destroying everything in the emperor, with the buildings of the Holy Spirit.

The trend has been, this war is Tangmen won.

The four-phase was suppressed by the power of the two gods, and Ma Hongjun looked at the phoenix. "Father, ... is really you? Why don't you know me?"

Phoenix looked at Ma Hongjun, his double eyes did not feel emotion, and he did not say, as if he was waiting for his death.

The two gods took Tang San to drop the Du Luo Lu, "These four people are guilty, but they are confused by Tianmi, special, fined this four-person town, Tao Luo 4, millions of people can pay for sin." X2

To be said, the two gods waved, and the four phases were directly thrown to the Quartet!

In the same time, four huge Tianzhu suddenly appeared in the southeast of the Dulan, a chain is directly locked by four people. In the future, they will be sentenced to one million years to compensate their sins!

The two gods turned to Tang San. "Our power is about to be exhausted, the final mission is to seal the sacred soul, then it will be handled here." X2

"After things, flying the gods, you have a good job of anti-Tianmili, the Tang Dynasty Tang, after this, you are law enforcement for the gods." X2

"I can also meet you a not too much demand, let's choose." The good God said.

Tang San pair hugged, "Tang San thank you two Shen Wang, Tang San only one request, that is, all innocent people on the mainland."

The kindness of the king, "Yes, but I can only resurrect ordinary people, the soul of the soul is dead, naturally unable to return."

To be said, the kindness of the good gods played a referring to the hundreds of millions of people who were killed in the hand of the Emperor!

Things, the two are directly turned into two streamed streams to the gods.

Tang San looked at the emperor, "Now, all over, Chen Xiu."


Chen Xiu opened his eyes, a black figure hugged him.

She has black long hair, moving eyes, a black robes are exquisite.

Today, Chen Xiu's head is lying on her knee, and two people look at each other silently.

"Fruit ..."

Zhu Guer grabbed Chen Xiu's hand, "I am, Fu Jun, I have always been by you."

Chen Xiu closed his eyes, "You still don't go, for a while, you have to accompany me."

Zhu Guer shook his head, "I will die, I will always accompany you."

This moment is inseparable, Zhu Guer has never changed to Chen Xiu's heart, even if it is now.

In this way, Zhu Guer is sitting on the ground outside the palace, Chen Xiu is in his double knee, and the two is like this, no one has said a word.

bump! !

But this moment is calm, will eventually be broken!

Tang Hao and other more than a dozen beds directly into the emperor, straight to the palace!

When they came in, they saw Chen Xiu in the dead!

Tang Hao's eye wrinkled, "The Emperor is no longer!"

"Every time, when I revenge!"

Everyone is angry, "The Emperor, you have today!"

"Tiandao is a good turn, good and evil will be reported!"

"I have evil since ancient times, the emperor, you are in a hurry!"


In the face of the steps of everyone, Chen Xiu has no response.

Zhu Guer's slowdown, just put Chen Xiu's head on the ground, was afraid of hurting Chen Xiu.

She slowly got up, eight golden spider speakers stabbed the clothes behind her!

"He has already slept, you are best not to wake him."

Dawn Dawu Loto Station, "Don't deceive it, the sky is dead, you are the soul of the beast, 100,000 years is not easy, why bother to intervene people?"

Zhu Guer's face is more andd, "I said, he just fell asleep, waiting for him to wake up, it is your death!"

! !

puff! !

A broken voice came, and the sect of the Tria trime directly through her chest!

But she or resolutely stopped in front of everyone, one step is not willing to return!

Tang three times came to everyone, "Tangmen disciples listens to the order, all the Holy Spirit teaches the gong, one will not stay!"

With the order of Tang San, everyone did not hesitate to release dozens of martial arts and pierced Zhu Guer's body.

She stabilizes her body with eight spodes, and she can't stand her body soon, but she is still resolutely stopped in front of everyone!

Tang San shook his head, he directly raised the monarch sword, the endless blood of the blood swept!

"I obstacles."

bump! ! !

The monk sword sword is broken the palace, and a golden figure brushs directly holding Zhu Guer to escape this hit!

Tang Sanbow wrinkled, "Thousands of Snow?"

Thousands of snow hugged the death of Zhu Guer, "Tang San, she is innocent, I promise that she will not appear in your eyes in the future, why should you rush to kill?"

Tang San once again raised the Run Magic Sword, "I will not let go of the anti-water, you will not let go of the martial arts."

Thousands of snow snorted, directly with Zhu Guild to fly away!

"Just, I don't care."

Tang San jumped up, "I want to go!"


A black figure suddenly flashed to the Tang San, directly hit him!

Thousands of snow turned, "Prince?"

Chen Qi said that he didn't return. "With my mother, I have me."

Thousands of snow nodded, she didn't want to waste time, directly shocked!

Tang San looks to Chen Qi, "His Son?"

Chen Qi ignored Tang San. Directly came to Chen Xiu, he immediately fell to the ground, "Sorry, the master, I am late."

"In this case, let the children tell the world with the most bloody way, I will tell the world, they can't do it!"

To be said, the congenital killing is soaring in Chen Qi!

"I am, !"


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