Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 652 The world is peaceful, a thousand years!

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Congenital to the treasure, , is the root of chaotic Qinglian, absorbed the most turbid killing of the world, and the original to the treasure!

It is the most powerful congenital spiritual treasure of Chen Xiu!

Now it was sealed by Hong Yu, in order to break free, he jumped into the reincarnation, round back to the world, finally returned to the owner's hand!

Chen Qianwei's arms wrapped in the chain. He directly jumped to the Tang three!

Tang three rolls of the Tang Dynasty rolled the row sword directly to Chen Qianzhao!

Chen Qianzhao's arms, the chain didn't shocked the monarchy sword!

Tang Sanyi is shocked, Chen Qianzhao kicked directly in the chest of Tang San and then took the armor sword!


Tang Sanmong then retired, Chen Qi zhu waved the Rob and the sword directly to Tang San!

Tang San is shocked, "How can you use a Run Magic Sword!"

Chen Qianzhu is cold, "Shura Magic Sword? This kind of toy can be taken in your hand, is a blessing that it is unique!"

Seeing that Chen Qianli is going to cut into Tang three, and Tudon Time is directly evacuation!

The whole body seems to have no strength!

Chen Qi is angry, "Hong Hao, you have to use this chain bundle me tens of thousands of years !!!!!"

Tang Sanyuan directly took a thought to repair the Rob and the Demon sword, directly turned to a sword, cut it on the shoulders of Chen Qian!

clang! !

The Shuramus sword is like a cutting of another artifact, wipes some sparks!

Chen Qianzhao smiled, "You can't kill me, just as you can't kill my father, useless, Tang three."

Chen Qianru, from his birth, he is Chen Xiu's life star, he is to find Chen Xiu!

Now he awakened some of the power of the body, and the Shuramus sword can destroy the innate to the treasure?

Tang three cold, "bring him down, dig a pit, do a prison, then bury him, since you can't die, then you will sleep forever."

When you say, a few title Douro took him directly.

Before the Tang San went to Chen Xiu, Chen Xiu slowly opened his eyes. "You come to Tang 3, then this time, how do you want to place my big magic?"

Tang San God is cold, "Nature is killing you and then!"

Chen Xiu smiled, "Just unfortunately, you can't kill me, Tang three, we will give goodbye ..."

Puff puff! ! !

I have finished saying that he said, and the Tang's three-handed rivine sword is turned. Chen Xiu has become a countless paragraph installment!

Tang San slowly turned, "I know that you are not dead, then I will smash your corpse, and then give it to different people to keep it, let you reborn again!"


On a mountain, a woman took a small boy's hand, and they witnessed the fall of the emperor.

This woman is called Liu Erlong, she looked at her child, "Remember, since then, don't mention anything, he is your father."

The little boy can not understand, "But the mother said before, seeing people must say that I am a father's child?"

Liu Erlong shakes his head. "That is what he won, don't ask why, you just need to remember, since then, you are surnamed jade, not Chen."


In the sun and the moon, thousands of snow returned to the sun and moon by Zhu Guer, she destroyed the last line of Douro's mainland to the sun and moon.

After finishing these, she flew, a person went to the gods.

She touched the belly, "Chen Xiu, I have always had a secret that I have not told you, I have already pregnant with your child, but I have been pressing him."

"For the child, I can only go to the goddess alone, I believe that our children will have a gain of the gods in one day, help you."


After three days, the Holy Spiritual education still had a rest of the party, but they did not know, and the Tangmen disciples were all dispatched, and the three feet of the excavation were not found.

In fact, the residency of the Holy Spiritual education has already taken the ship to the sun and the mainland.

After three days, Tangmen's forces completely dominated the Douro mainland, and all the human beings resurrected by the good king have also joined Tangmen.

Shrek's seven blame is a continent, this is a mythical era!

There is no more than saying that Tian Di is stunned to the mainland, and there will be countless heroes to crusade the emperor.

Dawn twelve people became the hero, was dedicated by the world with a stone monument!

The Tangmen seven is even more, history is written by the winners, and Tang San pro-drawn a volume starting from his father's generation, and now a new year.

Among them, Chen Xiu is willing to be inevitable, while a series of secrets such as Shenwang will be hidden.

Tang San helped the blue power tyrants rebuilt homes, and erect Liu Dilong as a new Blue Power Batong Zongzong.

Seven Treasures also reproduces the brilliant pastment with the aid of Ning Rongrong.

Dai Muhu rebuilt Xingro Empire. The final emperor of the Tiangou Empire inherited the throne of the Tiangou Empire and made loyal to Tangmen.

The Holy Spiritual four-phase was sealed on the four-pole Tianzhu, and Ma Hongjun took a white fragrance to the Phoenix, and he had been telling the past past.

After a Die Luo Luo, Tang San excavated the national treasury of the Holy Spirit, and got countless treasures, and he gave these things to the guardians who cured Chen Xiu's body parts, and supplement Tangmen inventory.

Among them, there is also "Dafa"!

Tang San passed the Tang Dynasty to each Tang Dynasty, and announced: "Any cultivator, one is regarded as the Holy Spirit of the Communist Party!"

Dafa of the soul was burned by Tang San personally. He said that the Dafa of the Songs is evil, the cultivator is an enemy with Tangmen, and people have passed the enemy, and people have passed the heart!

After a month, all the things all were handled, and the Douro's mainland recovered the order of the past.

Tang San and Xiaoqiu marriage, Dai Mu Bai married Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun married the white fragrance.

Only by Ning Rong, he looked at six people to marry.

Oscar has been flying in the gods. When now, Ning Rongrong does not know why Oscar is going to abandon her.

Why do you betray them.

"Is me a mistake, Xiaoyao?"

Ning Rongrong, who is not in a hurry, flying in advance.

Resurrected Daming Ming Ming, Tang San also flew with his parents after everything.

Only white fragrance is left alone in the world.

Ma Hongjun did not want to fly, he would rather stay in the world!

Time has arrived, he can't help but fly!

He hates yourself, can't fly with the incense of the morning, since this kind of feelings.

As for the event after helled, then I don't know, maybe Tang San killed the Oscar.

It is also possible that Tang San forgive Oscar, and everyone said.

At this time, all the gods are flying, Douro mainland, in the god!

Only left a piece, flying a myth!

Until the millennium, Wang Quan alternated, the times changed, Tangmen said the soul of the Blue Silver Blue Soul.

However, no one of the soul of the Blue Silver Muslin can reach the height of Tang San.

Gradually, the world has forgotten who is the owner of this continent, and they began to split the resources of Tangmen, and they are not toward Tangmen to Tangmen as before!

The door of Tangmen recent generations is more and more weak, and the disciples of Tangmen gradually began to get less and less.

Until one time, a soul found a skill in the secret library of Tangmen!

"Soul Dafa! "

People may have forgotten the Savior of Tangmen, but they will never forget, the Emperor's death!

This skill is also a thousand years.

It is also because some people in Tangmen have cultivated the soul of the soul, which has led to the land of Tangmen, and is divided by several major power.

Since then, Tangmen will lose.


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