Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 653 Postscript (on)

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The two soldiers of the Xingro Empire were patrolling outside the wall. They played yawn and repeated the same job.

The only pleasure, but only the ancient secrets heard with his friends when patrolling every day.

"Hey, Na Ye, do you say this world really god?"

It is said that the soldiers sitting on Hu also turned over, "How can I, Chim Ming, those are myths, you are not listening to the yellow beard, the old man is more, I believe this?"

Soldiers known as Chi Ming, obviously couldn't accept the views of Nanko. "I don't think so, the yellow beard is still a person who lives for more than an eighty-year-old, in the army for more than 40 years, in case he is true Have you seen God? "

"It's not to say that more than 9,000 years ago, the Po God Tang San crushed the Sun God Chen, Jian Tangmen Yan Tao, what kind of person!"

Hu also said with him, "You all said, it is more than 9,000 years ago, it is the two powerful souls, where is it?"

"Yes, Tangmen is a place you also know that the weakest martial art in the mainland is Tangmen. The Tang San is really what the Tangmen will not fall." "

"You don't want to listen to the mythology of the child to lie to the child. Many individuals, I don't know how mature points."

Zhiming sigh, "I can't say it, we are ordinary people, no soul is not cultivated, is it still not moving for the soul of the landslide crack?"

"Hey, yes, I heard that the Holy Spirit has a skill, you can suck someone to grow your soul, if it really exists, can we become a soul teacher?"

Hu also covered his mouth, "You don't want to live?"

"You dare to say this, I think you want to be crazy when you want to be crazy?"

"The Holy Spiritism may really exist, but it has been destroyed, the Holy Spiritism has been burned in turn, that is, the ancient evil spirits, even if you become a soul, the evil spirits, it is to plant the nine!"

I spit my tongue, "Well, Na Ye, have you heard that one thing today?"

"I heard that my Majesty found a soul matrix in a banned place in the Xingro Empire."

"That technology, at least for a few hundred years of our Xingluo Empire!"

"And more interesting is that he doesn't know why it is set to ban, it seems related to the thing that is kept in the Xingro Palace!"

"I heard that the first king didn't know, it was only a generation of generations to pass it is forbidden, but there is no record in the specific reason!"

"Your Majesty looks into the book, only discovering a little sporadic clue, that is, forbidden below, pressing a evil spirits!"

Hu Ye is not believed, "" Really fake, how many generations, even if there is a evil spirits, will it die? "

Bo, "Who knows, but you are really not curious?"

"Why, a evil spirits will be pressed under the Xingro Empire?"

"I heard, this is pressed down, it is nine thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit teaches an extremely powerful evil spirits!"

"And, when you are going to take over the soul matrix of the underground this evening, it is to enhance the soul of the soul of my country."

"I heard that Master Camos, the soul tube, has got a lot of gains on the soul guide matrix, which will be disabled today!"

Hu Yi is half a trip, "Really fake ..."

Hu also said that half suddenly hit a black man!

The two instantly warns, this black man is highly abnormal, and also with a mask, a evil exposed, it looks very suspicious!

The man turned to look at the two people, "He is the palace of the Xingro Empire?"

Two people instantly raised the long guns in their hands, "Who are you, unobtrusive ..."

puff! !

The bloodline is full of blood line, Huky is instantly separated!

When I was scared, I was sitting directly on the ground, "You you, you are a soul!"

Black people snort, "The old man named Ye Ling, next, I asked, you answer."

Ye Ling! !

Live listening to the old head of the yellow beard!

Fifty years ago, there were three powerful sects on the mainland. They are, lock soul tower, the primary Zong and Tianling Court!

Later, because a dispute has led to three wars that have taken a long run!

The final result is that the bullet is winning, and the Tianling Pavilion and the Soul Tower have disappeared in Douro.

The ninty-sixth generation of the lock soul tower is just called Ye Ling!

He is very famous, and he listened to his story for a long time ago.

Legend has the lock soul tower, the primary Zong and the Tianling Court are the top three of the Holy Spirit!

After the intersection of the Holy Spirit, three hidden, until the Dynasty Tang Sanfei was raised!

The ontology is as the name suggests, they only recruit the soul of the somatarian soul, it is said that they have a secret law, which can make the body martial arts!

And the monopoly doors are not named, it seems to have some kind of obsession with eternal life.

And Tianling Pavilion only recruits disciples with spiritual attribute martial arts.

Here is to know that it is similar to that of the body, the strong is on the upper place, and the weak will retreat.

The last lock soul tower, there is no requirement, they don't refuse, as long as they will give a soul to a god, they can practice a unique practice.

And the most special, or the lock soul tower is a pulse, only the last generation of direct blood relatives are qualified to the position of the soul!

And Ye Ling, he didn't call Ye Linger. He called Jinling, the soul of the resurgent tower, is also because he suddenly betrayed the soul tower led to the defeat of the war.

The last day, the Tianling Pavilion and the lock soul tower disappeared, but the Jinling appeared in front of everyone, he changed his head to change, claiming to be Ye Ling, with a female soul.

And it is very coincidental, the female soul, actually also sexual leaf!

Some of the specific details of the yellow beard are also unclear. I only know that Ye Ling steals something in the body of the female soul, and there is no trace of the shadow!

Nowadays, this hondered lock soul tower is actually a living standing in front of him!

"Ye, Ye Ling adult, you only have to go around me, let me say anything!"

Ye Ling seems to have seen something in the eyes of Chiming, "Do you know me?"

I shake my head in Chimono, "No, I don't know."

Ye Ling also didn't care, "Forget, the old man asks you, is there a left eye in the palace of the Xingro Empire?"

At this time, he remembered that he did hear someone, "There is a title in the palace. He is in the Dangdou Palace all the yearner. It is said that he is watching an eye, I know so much! "

Ye Lingnse Soro, "Sure enough, since there is a eye, Naruo will definitely have an eye."

"The old man asks you, is it in the palace? What kind of ceremony is held?"

I swelled, "No, not, it is going to dig forbiddenly," I have to do it tonight. "

Ye Ling wore a mask, he couldn't see his expression, but the next second, a piece of black shadow suddenly torn the night sky, his heads were directly taken into two!

The sound of the dead god in Ye Ling will turn off the blood. "It seems that this trip is a little unexpected."


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