Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 654 Postscript (below)

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The moon is high night, killing a fire!

Ye Lingwi is like a ghost general moment to come to the ban on the soldiers.

He stood in the air overlooking the ground, here is like a cemetery, surrounded by various weeds.

A group of souls surrounded a group that was excavating while cracking the soul matrix.

Ye Lingqi is shrinking, "Sure enough, there is an eye in the sun, and the two six men are interlaced, corresponding to twelve hours, the four-pole soul print, the three sheds, and the model in the book."

"This is the symbol of the Holy Spirit, but what is it, actually uses the soul of the Holy Spirit to set it out here?"

"If you record in the history of the lock soul tower, that, it seems that the soul tunnel technology in the mainland is really coming from the Holy Spirit, and even the teachings above are copied."

At this time, the people of the Xingro Empire have not found the existence of Ye Ling.

The Emperor of the Xingro Empire Dai Tianxing snorted, "Forbidden, the widow is not to see, this is forbidden, what is it!"

The national teacher of the side will discourage, "Your Majesty, can't dig !!"

"The things below it should be involved in the holy spirit of 9,000 years ago, if you put it out, you must get a big disaster !!"

Dai Tianxing snorted, "Don't say the national teacher, the widows have decided."

"Moreover, even if this is the soul of the Holy Spirit, the soul of the Holy Spirit has been, even if it is half-God, what is the fear?"


The national teacher directly kneelted in front of Dai Tianxing, wearing Tianxing is shocked, "the teacher, you are peace?"

The Master Lianlian, "Your Majesty, I'm old asking you, this below is absolutely can't be unearthed!"

"Otherwise, you will be chaotic in the world!"

The teacher is a teacher who wears Tianxing, from the small responsibility of education, "National Normal University, I respect you is an emperor, I have also helped my father's emperor, but today, the widows have been decided."

"Come on, bring the national teacher!"

Listening to your order, the two souls directly drove the national teacher and took him away!

"No, you are!"

"The country will be dead, the world is chaotic, you can be a monk, Your Majesty !!"

"You are confused!"

"His Majesty------!!"


Dai Tianxing is alone, until the next day, finally, the soul matrix is ​​completely crackdown!

The seal up to 9,000 years is finally loose!

bump! !

A lot of blood is coming out!

Dai Tianxing was shocked, "What is found below?"

No one responded, Dai Tianxing brow wrinkled, he walked down to the side of the giant pit, and hundreds of souls in the squad were asks!

And presented in front of Weidian, there is also a ground hole.

Dai Tianxing is the eighth rings, he directly entered the state of the martial arts, and the eight soul rings hang up at the foot!

Two yellow, two purple, four black.

White Tiger Wuhun attached to the body, Dai Tianxing's body swells several times, and he directly jumped to the deep pit.

How did these souls die?

"Is it because it is just that suffocation?"

Thinking of this, Dai Tianxing began to hesitate, don't go in to find out.

Curiosity, Dai Tianxing biting his teeth or tangled in the ground.

Under the ground point is a gradually downward tunnel, which is dark and narrow, and a person is very boring.

As Dai Tianxing continues, the strength of this suffocating is getting more and more rich.

Until Dai Tianxing finally came to the end of the tunnel!

This is a dark and light-free secret room. The smell in the room is very uncomfortable, as if it is decadent for thousands of years.

The materials that build the secret room are very special. As Dai Tianxing continues to move forward, he sees a cage!

There is a fresh body in the cage, and there are countless locks to hold hands and feet.

"This is, the evil spirits before nine thousand years?"

Dai Tianxing secretly swallowed water, "The body is still active, and it is true, the Holy Spiritual existence makes people who are not dead!"

Yes, this is the purpose of Dai Tianxing!

He got an endense, he didn't want to die, he talent, this life is absolutely expected to be sealed.

His parties seeking medicine is fruitless. Finally, he puts his attention on the Holy Spiritual.

The pope of rumors the Holy Spirit is not dead, and the Holy Spirit teaches a pope, just within his palace.

That eye is moving every day, it is said that he has lived more than 9,000 years!

"The Legend of the Legend of the Sea Tang San in order to prevent the Sun God from being repeated, dividing his body into countless copies, handed over to different guardians."

"My star Luo Empire changed it."

"Maybe I am in violation of the training, but what is it, as long as I can live, I will definitely lead the Xingroo Empire to the peak and brilliant!"

"This is for the future of the Empire!"

Think of this, I am shocked by the sky!

The material of casting the cage is originally the most hard metal in this world, but unfortunately the past nine thousand years, this metal has been decayed to be fragile.

Look at the man in the cage, wear a sky, "" will definitely find the way to live! "


The immediate movement of a chain is directly letting Dai Tianxing alert!

He quickly returned and the man opened the distance!

The man slowly looked up, a black hair covered a double eye, but the sharp eyes took a long-haired heart!

bump! ! !

The chain on the man suddenly broke!

A bloody gas makes it unique, "You, how can you, no death ..."

The man gets up, and the pure black is buried in a thousand years of hatred, "a problem, how many years ago?"

Dai Tianxing stated Baba replied: "Nine, nine thousand three hundred years ago ..."

The man slowly closed his eyes, "a dream nine thousand years, the father, it seems that these people have forgotten the loyalty to you."

"The child is not filial, fails to help you make a thousand ancient tyrants, I am awakened to the day of the sea, since this day has changed ..."

"That, let the child, tell the world with the most bloody way, who is the owner of this world!"

puff! !

Dai Tianxing pupil suddenly became very strong, a black shadow took out from his chest!

His chest was smashed out of his head!

The man crushed his heart and directly turned into a black mist swept!

"Goodbye, cage !!"

"Hong Yu, you are sleepy, my father and son are full of nine thousand years, this account, we will write down!"


The outside world, Ye Ling still hesitate to go in, but next second!

A black fog suddenly appeared behind him!

Ye Ling only felt a cold and straight bone marrow!

He instantly released the martial arts, and the dead sickle didn't go straight!

clang! !

Ye Lingyu suddenly shrusted, his martial arts cracked directly, "you are!"

"The Holy Spirit is sitting down the soul of the soul tower 96th generation, Ye Ling, see the Lord!"


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