Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 655 After 10,000 years!

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After the death of the day, Tang Sanfei suddenly, and now the bomb is over 10,000 years, the sea is sang Tin, the times.

Tangmen did not fell and never have brilliant, and a dark tide rushed, the second catastrophe between heaven and earth, coming soon!

Planning a whole year, the sun and the moon, finally with Douro mainland!

Being the Emperor of the Sun and Moon, the Holy Spiritual Education of the Guards, and followed by the roll!


The territory of the Sun and Moon Empire, the holy place.

Tens of thousands of people were squatting around a altar, they didn't wear white gold robe, they were on the ground, and they were constantly praying.

The atmosphere in the altar is terrible, everyone is in a low voice, singing the same tune!

The scene is very strange, people are creepy!

"Looking up, the sky is high, the night is coming, the star is full of days ..." XN

"Shengshi is not there, the night is coming, breaking through the cage, awakening the god ..." XN

"He will return, blood and vines, after His, fear spread ..." XN

"Taking His name, starting the era, when He returns, dizziness and dark ..." XN

"The ignorant generation, all the beings dominated, human beings, the gods and the gods ..." XN

"The star is shining, the light is hot, this is the end of the day ..." XN

"Returning, returning, horror is extremely ..." XN

"Return, return, extremely fear ..." XN

"He poured from the bottom of the sea, rising from the ground, from the sky, everywhere ..." XN

"His return, the corpse, the income, the fear spread!" XN

"Looking up, the sky is high, the night is coming, the star is full!" XN

"Shengshi is not there, the night is coming, breaking through the prisoner, awakening!" XN

"Endless madness, devour you! Where is it, while sad, ignorant, all the beings dominated!" XN

"Humanity, the gods are fear, the star is shining, the light is hot, this is the end of the day!" XN

"He, coming to return ..." XN

Looking at the people who repeatedly sing every week, the Mingde Tang's main mirror is red dust, "Ye Ji, Ye Yeshui's woman is doing something?"

"Let the believers sing these mockies in Ning Zhou, I really don't understand which woman."

The current emperor of the Sun and Month Emperor Xu Tian Ji just successfully ago caused the thigh disability, and now I can only sit in a wheelchair.

He looked at the holy altte, "The Holy Spirit is a nursing god teacher in the moon of the Empire. Nowadays, the ancient predictions come true, and the mainland of the four thousand years ago, the mainland is only the same. "

"According to my understanding, there are four empire, Xing Luo, Tiangou, Soul, Doulong, and the Soul and Doulings."

"Duo Luo Soul" is too late, we launch a war, the soul and the fighting spirit are unfolding in front of the iron rider of our empire. "

"After that, it is the most powerful star Luo and Save."

"So, the situation is red, you are the Mingde Tang Lord of this generation, I am optimistic about you."

The mirror is red and dust, "If you don't bear your Majesty, the red dust will step up the creation of prosthesis, just, if I want to awaken the ancestor?"

Xu Tianran's eyes, he listened to his grandpa mentioned that there was a peerless energy in the Red Dust family. Nowadays, it has already slept for thousands of years.

If you can use it for me ...

Xu Tianru shook his head. "No, since it is an ancient times, then she may not recognize me."

The mirror red dust pushed the soul of the nose, "smile and red is my ancestor, I will show me something," I should give me a little. "

Xu Tianru shook his head, "Don't you use a good factor, we have a great advantage, don't get people, or people in the gods."

The mirror is nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty."


One day in the god, once a year, since the Tang San became the law enforcement, the Douro mainland has passed 10,000 years.

Po Zhen Tang San overlooks this Douro, his face is very anxious, it seems to worry about some things.

At this time, a pair of slender arms suddenly hugged Tang three behind him. "Hey, how do you not happy, you have never seem to be a bitter face recently."

"Is it a matter of worrying about the soul of the soul?"

I heard the voice of the little dance Tang three shows a smile. "It is related to this, the soul of the soul is loose, the two gods use the last life to seal it, if the supreme soul runs, we will no longer have a way It is reproduced. "

"And, I always feel that the guy is coming back ..."

The little dance is changed, "It's impossible, three brothers, is he brought into a few paragraphs by your corpse?"

Tang San shook his head, "I understand him, every time I thought I was defeated him, he had already calculated our next meeting."

"To be honest, 10,000 years ago, even if the two gods shot, I couldn't help him. It was a mysterious power to suppress all the capabilities of Chen Xiu, we have to take out the soul."

"But I have a hunch, there is a new star is about to be born, he has a thousand relationship with me Tangmen, I tried to see his path, but I found a foggy before, I hope that things will develop it."

Just talking in the two, two small brains suddenly popped up in the clouds not far away.

They look elevented, two little guys, pink, jade, cute.

Among them, the little girls and Tang San have a seven-point picture. She looked at the little boy. "I always listen to my mom and dad to mention Douro mainland, I seem to be very fun, I also want to see."

The little boy blinds, "It turned out to be like this, then I will accompany you to dance!"

The little girl pulled up a little boy, "Okay, I can have Chen Ming, it will definitely be more interesting!"

Looking at the smiley little girl, Chen Ming also laughed, but only smiled, but he was endless.

"Chen Ming, you remember it, you are his child, you must be responsible for the weight, the Po God Tang San is your killing fever, you are born to revenge for your father!"

"Ming, we have to bow under the roof, Tang San did not kill us now, can not mean not, so you must become stronger."

"Your father is a man who is shaking for the gods, and he has no dog, I believe you can."

"Simply live, in the middle, eat bitter, square people, the mother is doing this for you."

"Going to the daughter of Tang San, as long as you can get her, Tang San will not be difficult for you, my mother and child."

Chen Ming's eyes recalled past various seeds, Tang Dynasty has been calling him, "What happened to you, Chen Ming, just starting to get a daze?"

Chen Dynasty has a smile, "It's okay, let's go, let's go to Dou Luo, dance Tong."


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