Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 656 strange brain!

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Before a golden palace, the golden wall, the luxurious building, the area covered area, as if there is no end.

A twelve-year-old teenager has a bag, "Mother, I am leaving, there will always be one day, I will come back, and those who killed you, I will not let go!"

"Since then, I will follow your surname, my name Huo, my name, Huo Yuhao!"

Huo Yuhao's father is the owner of this, the Duke of the Ding Ding of the Xingro Empire, and his mother is the closeness of the Duke of the White Tiger.

Because the mother of accident Huo Yuhao pregnant with him, the bomber is expensive, Huo Yuhao is the life of the Duke's two people ushered in.

The two have got a separate small courtyard, not too big, but very warm, but with the Duke of the White Tiger, the Duke of the government began a variety of two people.

Until the mother of Huo Yuhao is alive!

Huo Yuhao's martial arts is a spirit, a rare body martial art, but unfortunately, he is too small, and it can be practiced with the waste.

Now he is twelve years old, but it reluctantly cultivated the soul of the soul to full level.

However, he has not yet got a soul ring, so it is not a soul teacher.

If you want to revenge, you must first become a soul!

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao decided to go to the starry forest, even the weakest ten years of soul beast.

He must get the soul ring!


After six days, the big forest.

Huo Yuhao has been carrying the bags of the bags alone. He has already rushed for six days. He is not far away, just to get a soul ring belonging to himself.

"Should you come here?" Huo Yu said.

He didn't encounter him alone on this way.

He wiped off the sweat of the forehead suddenly saw a smeared spring in front!

Huo Yaohao glanced before, and washed it directly to the river.

The clear eyes are clear, Huo Yuhao found that he can see more than others after awakening the mission.

At this time, there was a dark shadow on the water surface.

Huo Yuhai took a look at himself, "a body!"

"No, maybe you are alive!"

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao took off his own clothes. When he jumped into the river, he snorted the black man upstream.

The black man is very large, and Huo Yuhao is very hard.

If the spring is very shallow, Huo Yuhao is not moving so much.

Ten minutes later, Huo Yuhao was relieved to get the black people on the water.

This black man with a mask, Huo Yuhao picking his mask, but found that this mask is an old man.

He put the young fingers in the nose of the old man, then suddenly recovered, "No nasal suction, death, dead ..."


The body suddenly broke out, he took him directly to Huo Yuhao's neck!

Huo Yuhao was shocked, the old man's eyes were full of blood, "said, who you are, but dare to get the old man !!"

Huo Yuhao was not breathed by him, "Yes, I, I saved you ..."

Seeing Huo Yuhao is not angry, the old man suddenly released the right hand, "You said, is you saved the old husband?"

Huo Yuhao was released directly at the ground. He sat in the big mouth. "Yes ... it is me, I, I will pick you up from the river ..."

The old man is frowned, "You know, who is the old man?"

Huo Yuhao shook his head. "How can I know ... I know that you are a person who will be enemies, I will not save you."

The old man suddenly laughed, "The little doll, you dare to say anything, my old man lives for more than six hundred years, I didn't expect to save it by a small doll."

"It's all, maybe this is the fate."

The old man suddenly revealed a strange smile, "Oh, little doll, since you saved me, then the old man, I received you as a person, how?"

Huo Yuhao looks like a good person, and after a time to retreat, a turn will run.

Where, the old person is a flat spirit to directly pay the Huo Yuhao!

"Hahaha, you are still a spirit of martial arts, if the old man of Tianling Pavilion knows that he has been waiting for hundreds of years, the soul of the soul is here, I don't know if it will be mad!"

"Kid, you listen, the old man is Ye Ling, but the Holy Spiritual Refrair, and now there is a hatcher who is chasing me."

"He wants me something on my body, I will give him now, since then you are old, my disciple!"

"I don't need you to do what I do, as long as I lose me back to this river after I die, your mission is completed!"

To say, no matter Huo Yuhao as disagree, Ye Ling's head suddenly fell into a bloody!

A fresh brain is suspended in the air, Huo Yuhao is frightened, he has seen this scene!

But the next second, this brain turned directly to him!

Huo Yuhao is busy with both hands, then, then fainted.


When Huo Yuhao woke up, it was already a night.

Ye Ling's headless body was lying on the ground, Huo Yuhao looked at the stomach, a mistake.

"Forget it, the dust is returned to the earth, since you said it, you have to lose back to the river, then I will lose you back ..."

Said, Huo Yuhao grabbed the body of Ye Ling to drag him into the river.

! !

Splassels splash, the old body of the old man flutters again with the river.

Huo Yuhao left the ground's blood stains with soil.

"It's really many strange things today. What happened thereafter, will I get rid of this brain?"

Huo Yuhao moved forward until he came to the second river.

He was born here, and he took out the white tiger licking in the waist. He saw that this dagger Huo Yuhao could think of his mother.

Huo Yuhao came to the river. Today's dinner will rely on it.

boom! !

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt the brain, followed by a plucked pain, as if she hurt from the body to the soul!

"How, go, the head is good ... ah, ah ---- !!!"


Huo Yuhao opened his eyes, when he opened his eyes, it was already the next day.

He didn't even sleep on the lake, Huo Yuhao felt his head and pain, but it was not so strong before.

"I won't be a problem with the brain of the old man."

Huo Yuhao still came out of his mind when he was feeling!

"Duke of white tiger, your enemy, do you want revenge?"

! ! !

Huo Yuhao is wide, he will not listen to the wrong, and his brain has passed a white!

This low voice coaster is abnormal, but you can hear it is a male voice!

Huo Yuhao is happing, "Who are you? Are you in my mind?"

The voice in the mind responded to him, "I am not important, I ask you, are you eager?"

"The power of revenge."

Huo Yuhao shakes, "I want, I want to dream!"

The ears will come back once again, "Well, then I will tell you a secret."

"There are twenty treasures in this world, who get them, you can invinciate in the world, force the gods!"

"And you, now you have already got one."


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