Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 660, Wan Ling, I am the emperor!

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At the moment of Tianmeng Boysi, I entered Huo Yuhao's spirit of the sea, a black shadow suddenly tethely time and space, and rushed into the spirit of Huo Yuhao!

"Hand holding the sun and the moon, there is no me in the world!"


Black spheres also followed the spirit of Huo Yuhao!

When the sky is covered in a moment, Huo Yuhao's spirit is actually a brilliant and solemn palace!

A body blurred black robes are sitting in this palace, and his attitude looks extremely lazy and is free.

Tianmeng ice silkworm brow wrinkled, "Hey, come back, you have to grab it with your brother!"

"Brother doesn't want to share a body with you, then come to play, more than spiritual, brother is not afraid!"

The man on the throne looks to the two, "You, also match?"

To be honest, there is a strong spirit of uninhabilory, and the second person is even more in front of him, but it is just a antique!

As if there is an invisible big hand, the two, the black ball has a vibration, "old man ... never seen such a strong spirit ..."

If you say, the black ball is bleak, and you are not talking.

Tian Meng Bingwillets panic this time, "Hello, this kind of spiritual, no, is it the guy who flying over 10,000 years ago, how can he be here ..."

The man on the throne will open again, "thousand robbery, hundreds of generations, there is a hurrying room."

"Don't die, don't die, the vibration is nowhere, when I am inverting the yin and yang, I am dyed Qingtian with my magic blood!"

"A bug, a soul, take you, also match me flat-up?"

Tianmeng ice silkworm is shaking, and he does not send.

As the weakest millions of soul beasts, he has already realized the fear of absolute dispatch!

Today, it has recalled the fear of the soul!

Who is the emperor?

Blood defaining the sky, folding Shensha, finally winning the day!

The figure on the throne brow, "The soul has been awake, the small bug, pay attention to his mouth."

After that, the men on the throne fall into sleep.

Tianmeng Boiwu was scared by a cold sweat, until Huo Yuhao's figure suddenly appeared in front of Tianmeng Bingwu silk, "Where is this, Tianmeng, is you?"

Heaven nodded in the weak, "Ah, my brother suddenly regretted you."

"I want to do this year, not only the body of the soul beast, the human madman is also the body of the human madman, and it is hard to let my brother to find a simple and suitable candidate. As a result, there is such a horror. Guy. "

Huo Yuhao is somewhat intake. "What are you talking about, Tian Dream brother, I have a soul ring, you become my soul ring?"

Tian Meng Bingbian nodded, "It's like this, but you are too weak, I don't know how many seals put it on my own body,"

"But don't matter, as your soul is getting stronger and stronger, naturally carry more power."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Oh, is I have become a soul of the soul now?"

Tian Meng Bingwume is proud to raise his head, "It's like this, but not only this, brother brings you an unprecedented second Wuhun."

"You will naturally feel it after you go out. As soon as here, here is your spirit of your spirit, your flesh has been fainted."

Huo Yuhao looked around, "Why is my spirit of the sea be a palace, who?"

Huo Yuhao points to the man who sleeps on the throne and that small black ball.

Tianmong ice silkworm sighs, "Hey, that small black ball is just coming in, you have to grab your body with brothers."


Tianmeng's silkworm suddenly came to Huo Yuhao, "But it is pressed by the guy who is asleep ..."

"What is he head?"

Huo Yuhao shook his head, "He, is it a brother?"

"It turned out to be a brother, seeing not too clear, but he is handsome, sitting where to give people a very domineering feel."

Tianmong ice silkworm resentment is deep, "Is it, I feel that the guy is scary, my brother doesn't like him."

"However, are you the first time to come to the spiritual space?"

Huo Yuhao is nodded, "Yes."

The more you want the ice silkworm, the more you want it, "It's impossible, have you transformed spiritual power before you use soul?"

Huo Yuhao shook his head, "No, can you use soul to transform spiritual power?"

Tianmeng Bingwillet is shocked to look at Huo Yuhao, "How can it, your spirit of the sea is big!"

"And there is also a palace, this is not possible to do it without the peak spiritual control, is it guy?"

Huo Yuhao can not solve, "Tianmeng brother, how to refine the spirit?"

Tianmong ice silkworm sighs, "Is your martial arts not a eye, through this pair, refine your soul, and finally store it into the brain."

"Right, your brain is the place where you are sturdy, tell me quietly, is this guy?"

Huo Yuhao was shocked, "No, Tianmeng Brother, I have said secrets with you, don't tell others."

Tian Meng Bingbian nodded. "You are relieved to talk to my brother, here are four, secret passing."

Huo Yuhao nodded and then slowed into the ear of Heaven, "Actually, it is like this ..."

Tianmeng Bingwu nodded, until he listened to Huo Yuhao, finished all the processes of him with the road.

"No, what do you think, do you have no brain? My brother says that your brain makes him change, you are still silly, you are really no lung!"

Huo Yuhao scratched his head, "What do you mean, Tian Dream brother, my mind let others change me, how can I still live?"

Tian Meng's ice silk just wants to say something suddenly in the spatial space, and the body of Huo Yuhao directly left the spirit space.


At this time, the outside world, Tang Ya hugs, "Beibei, what is going on?"

Babe looked at the flesh and blurred winds in the distance, and looked at the white soul rings hovering around Huo Yuhao.

"Xiaoya, Huo Yuhao this is clearly absorbed the soul ring of the wind, can you see it?"

"He has become a soul."

Tang Ya face is red, "I certainly know, just, just I am too anxious."

"However, the brother of Yu Hao actually absorbed a ten-year soul ring, the future ..."

Beibei's hand slowly put on Tang Ya's shoulders, "You have not already decided? Since he wants to join Tangmen, no matter what he is now, he is a member of my Tangmen."

Tang Ya nod, "said that it is true, just, I don't know if Yu Hao brother does not agree."

"Hey, Yu Hao, you wake up!"


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