Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 661 XI Justice!

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Huo Yuhao opened his eyes, "Xiaoya, how is you?"

See Huo Yuhao woke up, Tang Yazong has tone, "You finally woke up the brother of Yu Hao!"

I have a little worried about Tang Yuxi Yuhao, I see the excitement of the look, I don't know if Xiaoya sister has to see my secret ...

Beibei is also relieved, "Xiaoya teachers can be very worried about you, Yu Hao brother."

Huo Yuhao can't solve, "Worried about me?"

Tang Ya face is serious, "I don't know, you have he heard Tang Gate?"


Huo Yuhao is a bit excited, "naturally heard, rumored the Tang San, the Tang Dynasty, killed the Tianti Chen, and established Tangmen to be peaceful, fixed!"

"But I just heard of it, I have never known that the Tang Gate is."

I heard it, Tang Ya's face is obviously low, "Tangmen, it is not there, Tangmen's idiots are destroyed when I left Babe."

"Not just this, even the surroundings around Tangmen are all shovel, it is more ironic, we don't even know who the other party is ..."

"Now Tangmen, there is only one of my I and Babei."

"I am the current door owner of Tangmen, Babe is my unpopular disciple."

Beibei cougon, "The situation you also saw, Yao Hao brother, if you have a person outside, we want to invite you to join Tangmen."

"Of course, we will not bare you."

"Although Tangmen did not fall, the exercises of Tangmen were still there, and it would be greatly helpful to your cultivation."

"And you have heard of the Shrek School, the first school of the mainland, perseverance is not in the year, why is the essence of Shrek?"

"But our Tangmen has a quota of Sleck every year. If you join Tangmen, this boot is yours."

It is still unequal, Huo Yuhao promised, and suddenly there suddenly came to the voice, "promised her."

Huo Yuhao didn't know why, but he still chose to listen to the command, because he also had intended to join Tangmen.

"Little Ya, Babbe Brother, I joined Tangmen!"

Beibei didn't think that Huo Yuhao agreed. I will give Tangmen in Tangmen. "

Huo Yuhao nodded, "I am very serious Babe big brother, I am homeless now, I don't know where I am going, I'm so good to me, I definitely not betray Tangmen!"

Tang Yacian applauded, "Well, say good, from now on, Yu Hao brother, you are a copy of my Tangmen!"

"You are you sitting down the second disciple. Beibei is your master, but not called Tang Ya."

Huo Yuhao nodded again, "Xiaoya teacher, Babe brother!"

Babe showed a smile, "Sheng, you still call me Babe big brother."

Huo Yuhao exchanged in his mouth and Tang Ya two, he can communicate with Tao in the spirit of the spirit.

Tianmeng Ice silkworm is shaking in the side.

'Since you don't want to kill them, join Tangmen so you can get close to the artifact, the chance will always have. '

Huo Yuhao has a bit hesophiliated. "I don't want to hurt the little ya sister, but I will try my best to get the artifact."

"Dao Yi brother, what is the artifact?"

'An eternal heartbeat. '


On the top of a mountain, a naked martial arts closed.

The clouds were suddenly pulled, and the martial arts closed, whether it is a stronger, or the waterfall of the mountain, the waterfall of the mountain, can not affect the martial arts.

The body of the martial arts climbs all kinds of golden tattoo, his muscles, and eight abdominal muscles.

The Lie Yang was illuminated in the top of the martial art, and a heavy footsteps opened in the mountains.

The martial arts opened his eyes, there was no pupil and eyes among the eyes, only a piece of pure golden rays.

"Finally, there is a challenger."

A long-haired man comes to the sword, he is a black hair, looks handsome, but it can come!

He directly swords, "I heard a Wu Sheng on Yunding Mountain. There have been thousands of challengers to die under his double boxing. I don't know, but you, Li Qing!"

Li Qing slowly slowed down, "Do you want to teach this pair of fists?"

The man laughed, "Oh, I will break a life in a lifetime, and the 38-year-old reaches the contest, I even talk to the title Luo Luo, and finally retreat."

"Today, you will become a 576th death soul under the sword."

Li Qing turned his head to look down, "A person is really powerful, which is to control himself, not force."

Li-break, "" Do you have no benefits, I will not kill no inch of iron, your weapon? "

Li Qing's arms flashed from two golden flames. "I don't need weapons, I am the weapon."

Li broken wrist turned, "Okay, enough mad, let me try you have a few pounds!"

Said, the feet of Li broke up eight soul rings!

Two yellow, two purple, four black!

Li Qing's flush of the flames, his two fists are all in order to flash!

On the same time, nine soul rings rose under their feet!

Two yellow, two purple, four black, one red!

Li-broken pupil, "The title of Douro, and there are more than 100,000 years of soul rings, no, your martial art is both hands, is you a person!"

"No, what is the title of the title, how is the 100,000-year-old soul ring, only to break through his limit, I can get more brave!"

"come on!"

Li Qing screwed his neck, "even if you break away, your strength, there is a limit."

"The world is under my feet, you will be like them, you will be worship here."

When you say, Li Qing's figure disappears in the same place!

Li-broken instantly launched the fifth soul technology, "Broken army!"

Eight sides sword swept out, Tudon Tattoo Sword Shadow!

It can be moved in a golden figure, and the sword is directly coming to the face of Li-break!

Li Qing's fist is placed in the chest of Li, "I am the first of the flames of the bliss, this pair of fists, Zeng Mountain to reverse the sea!"

bump! ! !

The fists who have closed the chest suddenly broke out!

This stack is heavy, and there is a ninety-nine layers!

Li He is unborn to licking Li Qing, tightly a punch, let his bones and mens!

"Is not likely to!"

puff! ! !

There is no number of skeletal fragmented sounds, and Li-break is directly litter, "a punch ..."

"Rumoring, this place ... is the address of the temple of the big demon storm in the ancient times, why?"

Li Qing's martial arts gradually dissipated, "Since you know that it is a skyrog, why is it to die."


The hidden power of the bodies directly destroyed the last life of the Li, at the last moment, he was still threatening Li Qing.

"I ... but, Dawn Villa ... Six swords ..."

I haven't finished it, I will lose my breath.

Li Qing turned his head to look at the distance, "Go out, lovers."


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