Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 662 VI Lovers!

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"Go out, lovers."

Stepp ...

A soft footsteps came, a woman dressed in a pink dress slowly came behind the rock.

The woman's long is extremely fascinating, and a red lip is like a flame, and a pink fog that is difficult to wavily wavy.

This taste can make any man fans, becoming a minister under their skirt.

The lovers have a red lip to step on the butterfly steps close to Li Qing, and the two pairs are very straight-up, and it is difficult to hold.

Li Qing has not changed, and the lovers slowly approached Li Qing. "I haven't seen it for a long time, justice, your body, or so tempting ~"

"If you are not a bald, he's, it is a pity ~"

Li Qing found a woman's appearance, in fact, he is a blink of a blink.

His eyes were stabbed in a sword fifty years ago, and since then, he came to the top of this mountain.

In the fifty years, Li Qing also explored in the dark, his hearing, the sense of smell became extremely sensitive.

Even if you don't have to use your eyes, he can feel everything around.

Although Li Qing can't see the lovers, he can feel that the body of lovers is indeed very proud.

I saw that the lovers slowly approached Li Qing, "said that now, the current body is the main poison, and strictly say that you should be you?"

Li Qing is not moving, "What is it?"

"I am no longer a person who is in this body, even if it is a somatostat, and I have a relationship with me?"

The lovers smiled: "Forget it, I am not looking for you old today, I have something to think and discuss."

"Also, can you call the name of the family?"

"People have a name, why have you been calling my title?"

Li Qing turned, "Lehong, I don't know what the abacus you play, just the man, should it be your red powder?"

"If you are not your own one again, this day is the peak top, and you will not have the corpse."

Laughing, "Oh, this little thing you have to be more than ten years, I haven't understood you more than ten years."

"You have been eager for an opponent, isn't it?"

"I am also satisfying you ~"

Li Qing's boxing, "Unfortunately, this world should have no people worthy of my whole force."

Lehong went around Li Qing, "What about fool?"

! ! !

Li Qing's neck of the music red, "Are you chasing the distance, music red?"

Lehong was caught in a time for a while, "Oh, you hurt people, you don't understand the pity, you don't understand the pity."

Li Qing slowly opened his right hand, "Let's talk, what is the purpose of coming to me, if it is a boring evil, you can't accompany it."

Le Hong is white, "Hey, you really don't understand the style, forget it, talk about it, justice, do you not be curious about the world?"

"You are the earliest to Tianstring, when the world has existed, there is still fool, they are the earliest Tianstrian members, we have never known their identity."

Li Qing fell into a contemplation. "I have heard of fool, he is the gratitude of all soul, except for God, no soul is his opponent."

"It is said that his martial arts can collapse another soul of the soul, and cannot mobilize the soul."

"As for the world, strong as fool, but also to the world, tell the truth, I am also very curious about the world."

"Do you think?"

Lehong directly leaned on Li Qing's body, very warm, just like a stove, "I have a plan, I can test the identity of the world ..."

"At the next Tianstrian meeting, we like this ..., when you arrive, you can make the guys in the pioneer, maybe you can directly test the true identity of the world."

"If the situation is the same as I think, the two guys who don't look pleasing to the eye, may always disappear forever ~"

Li Qing double boxing, "Oh, if this, I hope to end their lives with my fist!"

Le Hong smiled, "As long as they angered fool, when they arrive, they still live, they are still all you."

"Justice, look forward to the next Tiantian meeting."


On the other hand, Huo Yuhao has left the starry forest overnight.

On this way, Huo Yuhao is cultivating Xuan Tian Gong. This is the practice of Tang Ya personally passed him, but it is very strange!

Huo Yuhao always feels that this is the same as the mysterious power of the mysterious merits!

Although Xuan Ming is more amazing and exquisite, the soul of Xuan Mi Mi Dynasty is uniform with Xuan Tian!

The soul of Xuan Tian's merits is endless, and life is endless, belongs to a thickness of work.

And Xuan Ming, its attack is too strong, and the speed of the soul is much more fast than Xuan Tian!

But it is refined, but it is the yin to cold, it is obviously a radical practice!

Why is the feeling of the two to Huo Yuhao?

Do you have a person in the Tangmen in his life, and the Tangmen's exercises have created Xuan Mo.

If this is this, it is really a fate ...

After weighing, Huo Yuhao has abandoned his mysterious power, and the radical Xuan Ming is chosen!

Tian Meng Bingwu brought him the second martial arts, ice!

Tian Meng Bingwume said that this is ice without a soul, Huo Yuhao does not know what it means.

But the very cold soul of the mysterious practice is obviously more complining his second martial art!

In this way, the three people rushed all the way, and finally came to the front of the Shrek Academy.


It is said that the Slack Academy is established in 10,000 years, and it is the alma mater of the Po Zhen Tang San, with a lofty status.

Although the Tang Sanfei, the Tang Dynasty, Tangmen did not fall, but the Shrek Academy has gradually become the first school in the mainland with the development of the times!

It is said that only the monster, Huo Yuhao's congenital soul is only one level, and he did not consider the Shrek Academy.

He has no powerful martial arts, and the second is not a congenital soul. He did not meet the admission criteria for the Speluder Academy.

Huo Yuhao looked at the gate of the Shrek School. When the arrival of the Sun and Month invasion, Shrek stood out, and he called more than 60 beds to fight against the Sun Month. "

Tang Ya is proud of the chest, "Excited, in the future, you are a member of the Shrek Academy!"

And at this time, a white boy suddenly passed with Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao looked at the teenager, and took a scorpion after a dark hair, and a white clothing was not dyed.

Huo Yuwu frowned, "It's so strange, why do you give me a very bad feeling ..."


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