Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 665's unmanatened heart!

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The eyebrows of the old people downstairs, "This is ... the breath of the angel family, why don't you have a holy gas, but it is an endless turbidity ..."

"Angel, daytime 20, Douro's martial arts ..."

The old man shakes his head, "It is not a blessing."


Go back to 108 dormitory, Huo Yuhao directly Chen Ming.

The surface of Chen Ming seems to be a wicked person, "Huo Yuhao, I am very curious, I, how to get Xuan Mi Dynasty."

Huo Yuhao is hesitant, "um ..."

Chen Ming's face is gradually serious. "There is a lot of martial arts in the ancient times, and his martial arts change thousands.

"And this mysterious, it is a masterpiece of Wanxiang Dou Luo, and I am also a chance to get in a secret situation."

"Now, I have already known me, you, Huo Yuhao."

May gambling to lose, Huo Yu Hao Technology is not going to have some people, "It is a black dress to give me," I have to receive me. "


Huo Yuhao explained some of the dragon to the pulse, and told his story, but the things of the brain, he didn't mention it.

Chen Ming's eyes, he didn't seem to hear the answer they wanted.

However, through Huo Yuhao's story, Chen Ming still found anything, 'So, is it a brain? '

Chen Ming looked at Huo Yuhao, "It's really a good fortune, this Xuan Ming is unpredictable, it can not only get the soul of the soul to the cold, there is a hidden function, do you know?"

Huo Yuhao is a weird, "Dao Yi brother seems to ... is not right ..."

Huo Yuhao raised his head and looked up to Chen Ming. He didn't know why, he always felt his cover that he had just had Chen Ming.

Is an illusion ...

Chen Ming's face is not different, just like it is said that he will not be placed on his heart.

"Dao one brother, what is a brother?"

When Chen Ming is like a little panic, "Ah, it's okay, it's a friend who is a child!"

Chen Ming shrugged, "Ok, I have been very curious, your martial arts should be the spiritual department, only absorbing a ten-year soul ring, why do you feel completely weak and unusual? "

Huo Wei Hao wants to avoid this topic, "I don't have the exaggeration you said, saying that I am very curious, what is your martial art? One or two rings is two long-term soul rings, how to do?"

Chen Dynasty slowly went up the Erlang legs, "It's all deceived, and if someone can be a two-year-old ring."

"This is the characteristics of my martial arts, except for the 100,000-year soul ring, the color of the soul ring will be changed to black after I get the soul ring."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "It turns out."

He lied again. "Tian Meng Bingwu said!

Huo Yuhao is shocked, "What do you mean, Tianmeng?"

Tian Meng Bing Silk shake his head, "he lied, his two soul rings were the genuine venue of the goods."

"Brother will not see the wrong, Yu Hao, you should be careful to prevent him, I always feel that this Chen Ming is not good for you."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "Okay, I know Tianmeng Brother."

After that, Huo Yuhao chatted with Chen and Chen, until the night, the two had run a mysterious merit, the atmosphere in the bedroom was extremely cold.

Chen Yingjiao, his right hand is killing a ring, this is the Tang Ya's storage soul guide.

Chen Ming took the time in the evening, finally destroyed.

Other things in the ring Chen Ming are not interested, he only cares about this ring, a period of eternal beating!

Chen Ming found an excuse to come outside, the night black wind is high, Chen Ming came to the back of the dormitory.

He slowly reached out, the stained soul tunator flashed, a golden heart suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ming!

Chen Ming has fallen an obsession, look, how perfectly constructed, golden heart, silver white texture attached to it, like a nunish craft!

Glamorous, is this your father's body?

Chen Ming's mouth broke, he grabbed his heart, directly wore his own chest!


The golden heart beats, filling in the position of Chen Ming in an instant!

At this moment, Wanzi is emerging, and they are like a needle wire, which is like a needlework, and the blood vessel links across Chen Ming body are above the heart!

In an instant, Chen Ming's chest's flesh and blood was growing, he healed in the gapped of his gap!

Chen Ming's feelings are very wonderful, the feeling of flesh and blood, that is terrible to the extreme vitality!

"The blood of the ancient blood flows in my body, I will not die ..."

Chen Ming suddenly shook his head, and his brain suddenly trembled with his heart with the heart.

Chen Ming hands holding his head, a unimaginable pain straight bone marrow!

"This feels ...!"

When Chen Ming, finally understood the real role of this heart!

It is more than just to treat soul, but also cure other soul teachers!

Can, this is not cost!

To restore a wound, you must withstand the corresponding price.

The power of recovery is not the rooted water, whenever Chen Ming is injured, his brain and the body will suffer a hundred times of pain in the wound!

This is the cost of recovery, you can live people living in a heart ...

Chen Ming took the chest and got up. "This pain is still nothing. Compared with the mother's hell training, the pain feedback of treatment does not know how much it is gentle."

! !

A black shadow suddenly flashed after Chen Ming, Chen Ming reaction quickly returned to the black shadow!

But the black shadow will grab the ankle of Chen Ming!

Chen Ming looks into the black shadow, it is a man, and it is wrapped in a black robe.

Two bloody eyes look to Chen Ming in the hood, which is high, at least two meters above.

He slowly loosen Chen Ming's ankle and snorted, "It is good, but unfortunately, it is a bit."

bump! !

A unimaginable spiritual force is solid!

The giant hand that is condensed is directly on the wall!

Chen Ming bite the teeth, "Who are you, why do you want to kill me?"

Black man laughs, "Kill you?"

"You are not dead, do you kill you in this world?"

Chen Mingya is shrinking, and this black man actually took his greatest card to wear his biggest card!

"Is it sin, it's right, you want a heart, I will give you!"

Black House, "Give me?"

"It is my thing, do you think you get it now?"

"Chen Ming, don't misunderstand, I am coming, I will receive you."


The author has a fever, can only be more than one ...

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