Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 666 Mysterious Man!

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Chen Ming was very doubtful, and he would not be cautious, how can it be discovered?

Especially in front of this black man, psychoat is extensive, such as entities, what a huge mental force can you do?

Mei, Chen Ming still can't feel the fluctuation of a soul!

Chen Ming was staring in the right hand of the spiritual strength.

The black man is slowly approaching Chen Ming, "Don't be excited, the little ghost, with this heart, you should trust yourself more."

"Let me think about it, what is the secret law, you can overwheld your 50th level of soul."

"Oh ~"

"It turns out that you are still a double soul, no wonder it ..."

Chen Ming's pupil is big, how can it be!

"My basement ... I was all seen in all ..."

The black man is laughing, "Oh, don't be afraid of the little ghost, my character, I don't hate it, it is better to worship me?"

I was caught in Chen Ming, but he suddenly revealed a smile.

'Sure enough, there is still a lot of Chen's surname, such as the mother's surname, is dead, and a bloody blood is deemed to be off. '

'Originally I just want to try it, there will be the blood of the ancient Sheng Spiritual education. I didn't expect it. '

Chen Ming thought a moment, "I, willing to worship you as a teacher, but before this, I want to know, who are you."

The black robes look at Chen Ming, "Little Ghost, this should tell you, for example, who you are, who is your mother?"

Chen Dynasty colors changed, "I can only tell you a name, master." Before it is not sure if you are worth trustworthy.

The black man waved his hand to unopened the shackles of Chen Ming, "It is a bit that listening."

Chen Ming double eye, the world only knows that my father is called Chen, but I don't know his real name, no ...

Or, even if there is very few people who know his real name.

Not don't say now ...

"Chen Xiu."

As Chen Ming vites these two words, the reactance of the black robe is very interesting, it seems to be a bit embarrassed.


"Little ghost, you are so interesting, and there are, you will be exposed sooner or later."

"It's better, I will help you for the teacher."

boom! !

Chen Mingya is shrinking, his body actually does not listen at this moment!

He is a twin-life martial art, the first martial art is a secret, except for the mother of Chen Ming, there is no second known.

And his second martial art is the fallen angel.

It is a variant of the angel of the soul.

He has a first day of the soul, this should directly get two soul rings, but actually, Chen Ming's physical fitness is different!

He can continue to break through the soul ring!

In this way, Chen Ming has been installed as decadent in front of the outside, the first day of the soul of the soul is the top qualification, but it has never been able to break through the three rings in six years.

In fact, Chen Ming has been cultivated to the five-rings through these six years, and he can directly absorb thousands of soul rings!

And it is clear that Chen Ming estimates this man in front of him.

Chen Ming's 50th level of soul is actually retrogression in a little?

No, not reverse ...

Chen Ming test felt the soul of the body, the overall amount is much more than a large number, the quality of the soul is guaranteed!

Yes, Chen Ming's soul is compressed at this moment, and the 50th level of soul is compressed to 20 levels.

The feeling of condensation, as the black people are condensed into substantial feelings!

Chen Ming quickly found out that black people didn't hurt him, but teaching him to compress the soul!

Chen Mill couldn't help but open, "What skills can be used in the end, it can compress the soul, so cultivation, each breakthrough to a title to compress once, can it be condensed into nine seals Douro's soul? "

The black man laughs, "The little ghost, you have some eyes, this practice is" thousands of difficulties "is inadvertently created when I have not intentionally created."

"Thousands of years, but fell, the truth, the" Xuan Ming "you cultivate is not as good as this method is half mysterious."

"I am a teacher, it is your pleasure, little ghost, remember, I accept you is not very interesting."

"I may wish to tell you directly that there are twenty artifacts in this world, I want you to know, I need some artifacts to help me practice, you, go to help me get them."

Chen Ming's soul was compressed at this moment to 20th. His two long-year soul rings were also tearned by this black man!

This means, you can tear the soul ring of others!

The black man took out the two golden soul rings into Chen Ming's mind. "Wan Years the soul ring or later, remember, good apprentices, low-key."

To be said, the black man grabbed the two long-year-old soul rings directly disappeared!

The control of Chen Time disappeared, and his full body pain directly on the ground.

He got a "thousands of difficulties".

The expedition is indeed, his fifty-sixth soul is compressed into a 20th level, and ...

His two millennium soul rings were replaced by the man with a hundred years of soul rings!

What is unequal Chen Math, a virtual sound is suddenly coming behind!

"Don't think about how to find me, get the artifact, you can store it directly on your body, my apprentice."

"If I want to find you, you will be difficult to endure, when you leave the crowd, you will naturally see me."

Chen Ming grinned, "Yes, Gong Gong Zun."

Slow up, Chen Ming looks far, 'So, who is it, his father once, the Holy Spirit teaches the high-rise greed, or is my father's enemy? '

'Forget it, no matter which one is good for me. '

'The battle of the day is deliberately to see, according to the mother said that there are many fathers who have a lot of father's buried chess. '

'Dance Tong came to Dou Luo to change the name of Wang Dong, I don't change the name, just to facilitate mobilization. '

'Just, which person just has a little more than my expect, is it difficult? '


At this time, within 108 bedroom, Huo Yuhao's spirit space, the road slowly opened his eyes, "If he is not stupid, it should have been guessed."

"Thousands of snow, you have given a good son, this heart is deep, you have a deep heart."

What is the little dream of the ice silk is whispering, "The spirit of this guy has just left the spirit of Yu Hao, how couldn't, this guy didn't have a weird, be sure to keep him."

Taoity to see the dream of the ice silkworm, "small bug, is there interest to listen to this seat?"

! ! !

Tian Meng's ice silkworm is shaking in an instant, 'Killing, it is actually listening to this guy! '


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