Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 667 II Sacrifice!

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"Huo Yuhao, no longer go late."

As Chen Ming's voice came, Huo Yuhao realized that it had been the next day.

Huo Yuhao exchanged school uniforms, "Is it going to class in the second day?"

Chen Ming has replaced the school uniform, "Yes, and immediately go to class, don't fight, yesterday, I apologize."

Huo Yuhao shook his head, "Nothing, I didn't care."

'It seems that this guy doesn't hate it. 'Huo Yuhao said.

Two people have gone together in the dormitory, and the Slack Academy covers a large area, and there is a large distance between each building.

The spacious road is wearing a white school uniform.

Chen Ming walked and said, "To tell the truth, you have a ten-year soul ring, how did you enroll?"

Huo Yuhao hesitated, Chen Ming said uncomfortable: "We are also exchanged between each other, there is no need to hide these?"

Huo Yuhao nodded, it is indeed, there is already a secret of Xuan Ming, and there is nothing necessary to conceal it if the things in Tangmen seem to hide.

"It is Babe's big brother who takes me, although this may be a back door, but I will prove it with strength."

Chen Dynasty made a smile. "I believe you, I will see that you are different from others in the first place."

"Even if I saw me, I didn't fear."

Huo Yuhao is the first time I heard someone to praise him, and I can't help but rise a lot about Chen Ming.

Huo Yuhao suddenly remembered what he said yesterday, "Right, do you change the skill of the soul ring yesterday?"

Chen Ming stretched out his right hand, two hundred years of soul rings rose in the palm, "just some tips that scare the enemy, there is no need to use it later."

"Before I need self-protection outside, so I often put my soul ring into the end of the year."

Huo Yuhao 'Oh' has, "" It turned out to be like this. "

Two people came to the classroom, and they were almost full of people in the wide classroom.

There are only two spaces left, and the last row is sitting on a blue short hair. This boys are extremely handsome, and now he is full of girls.

Huo Yuhao can't help but sigh, "good pretty boys ..."

No way, this man grows the best, but Chen Mingming is more than this boult, why always give people a very inconspicuous feeling?

Huo Yao wants to think, it should be the unique temperament on him, always give people a good feeling.

It is difficult to get along, and it is very dark.

Come, Huo Yuhao, didn't get along with him, but found that Chen Ming was very good.

Chen Ming came in and rushed to the boys who made the powder blue short hair strokes, "Wang Dong, early!"

Powder blue short hair is Wang Dong?

Huo Yuhao has some accidents, they actually understand?

Wang Dong saw Chen Ming suddenly stood up, "Hey, Chen Ming, you will take me next to me!"

Chen Ming looked at the two positions in the air. Wang Dong's side has been a girl, "I still can't, this is my roommate, he is Huo Yuhao, I am sitting with her."

Said, Chen Ming directly and Huo Yuhao sat in the middle of two vacation.

Huo Yuhao said, "Is it really no problem, he is your friend?"

Chen Ming smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, we grew up from your child, I know him very well."

"He, from a child, it is born with the golden key. I don't like the people who are gratified. It is best not to pay attention to me, and I am sitting with him, I don't want to be bad."

Huo Yuhao is bullish, "Amount, means me, is it safe ..."

Chen Ming listened to this smile, "Haha, your guy is hard to understand, I don't mean this."

Wang Dong behind him is not happy to see Chen Ming and Huo Yuhao so unconscious time.

He directly got up and came to the two people, "Chen Ming ..."

What is wrong with Wang Dong, the door of the classroom is directly pushed.

A beautiful woman hit a heavy book, "Classmates, please go back to your own seat."

Wang Dongfang changed, drums drums, and didn't say anything else to the mouth.

Go back to the seat, Chen Ming looked at the teacher on the platform.

Have to say, this teacher is really young.

It should be in 20 years old, the skin is tender and smooth, and the appearance is also very popular.

There is such a beautiful teacher, everyone is very happy, but at the same time a little doubts.

Can such a young teacher teach them?

I saw the teacher's eyes swept through the crowd in the class, and finally fell on Chen Ming. "You are your classmate, I am your class teacher, you call me the teacher."

The raining teacher's voice is very sweet, like a spring rain gives a quiet and peaceful.

"I said it in advance, I don't know how much stay in you, but Shilek's principles will not change."

"We are here, only cultivate monsters, rather than just learning to learn."

"I don't have to introduce yourself, first of all, I have to see clearly, which people will be left in the future."

"Today, our first class is a physical education class."

"All stand up, from today, your first class is to run around the playground of Shrake, who is not finished, directly removed."

! ! !

The following students are shocked.

This rain teacher is so gentle, but it is so scared.

Huo Yuhao looked at Chen Ming, "The teacher is so beautiful, but the words are so terrible."

Chen Ming did not think about it, "Is it the first school in the mainland? It is certainly not ordinary people who can serve as teachers here."

There is no one in the class, and the teacher will willow. "Do you think, I am joking with you?"

"From now on, if I can't see someone when I can't see someone, all expelled."

To be said, the seven soul rings suddenly rose at the foot of the rain!

Two yellow, two purple, three black!

Seven ring soul!

A horrible momentum is coming, and everyone has changed, and no one dares to question this rain.

Everyone instantly left the classroom, and the teacher saw this nod.

She just left but suddenly felt a familiar atmosphere.


The teacher turned his head. He didn't know when he had a fuzzy black shadow.

The momentum of the teacher changed, "hidden, now is the class time, what do you come to do?"

The black shadow named be said to be a hobby: "Sacrifice, the fool told me to bring you a sentence, take care of the child named Chen Ming, this is the meaning of fool."

When it is said, the obscure figurines instantly drill into the shadow of the wall disappeared.

The teacher turned to the classroom, and at the same time, the name was in the heart of Chen Ming.

"What is the meaning of fool ..."


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