Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 668 does not touch the chest?

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"The students running, can't run, it is going to be expelled ~"

With the voice of the teacher, the students who have already ran more than 30 circles have no spirit!

Huo Yuhao bites his teeth, Chen Ming has always jogged around him, "Huo Yuhao, rotating Xuan Ming."

As Chen Ming's voice came from the ear, Huo Yuhao stunned, and then quickly turned to mysterism.

The silk is in the cold, the sweat on Huo Yuhao is scattered by a cold, and a very cold power is poured from the abdomen. Huo Yuhao spirit!

Chen Ming nodded and continued to go forward.

Wang Dong, a horse, the first quite ranculus, has been pulled down other students.

The old rain is always on Chen Ming, and the students have not introduced themselves, but the teacher has remembered the name of each of them.

The clarity written on the file has two qualifications with two qualifications in this class.

One is the child named Wang Dong, and the other is Chen Ming.

Unlike Wang Dong, Chen Ming has always kept advance without slowing down.

The teacher took a bamboo pole to gently knock on the ground.

In this way, under the summer, a shock, an hour passed.

Wang Dong has already run over the end line, and Chen Ming is deliberately dragged to most people run away.

Finally, only Huo Yuhao is struggling with a person.

But he has not given up, and finally until Huo Yuhao overlooks, all classmates are all overline.

All classmates are tired of falling, only Wang Dong station is more than a crowned.

The teacher exposed a smile, "Wang Dong classmates, the teacher hopes that you will learn from Chen Ming, can you?"

! ! !

Wang Dong looked at the teacher, he seems to have not introduced itself.


"I wanted to come, I have never tried it with Chen Ming ..."

Wang Dong looked at Chen Ming, "Chen Ming, since it is the teacher's request, what do you see?"

Chen Demodes a smile, "I still have to be, I am not your opponent, and I have been exhausted, then I have the strength to fight?"

The teacher exposed a smile, "Yes, it is better to be like this, who can win, the teacher promised his condition."

Chen Ming's gathered, "Really?"

The teacher, smiled and replied, "Of course it is true."

Chen Ming screwed his neck, "I don't want to regret it."

Wang Dong looked at Chen Ming and his heart thought, 'It seems that Chen Ming You also liked what I thought, no matter who we won, you can ask us to take us to a bedroom. '

Seeing that the two are opposite, everyone has spread, a lively, everyone, I can't take a rest, I will open it.

At this time, Huo Yuhao has just running the last circle.

He seems to be an abandoned person, alone is abandoned.

Huo Yuhao stopped raising his right hand, "report, report, teacher, I have run ..."

The teacher didn't see Huo Yuhao, "Okay, I know, let's take a rest."

Huo Yuhao low silently came to one side.

At this point, the eyes on the field gathered in Chen Ming and Wang Dong.

The teacher stood in the middle of the two, "said it, just learn, you can't use the Wuhun ~"

Wang Dongchang has a bones, "understand, teacher, I am ready."

Chen Mingti nodded, and the teacher came with division, "" Well, I announced, the game started! "


Wang Dongyi Ma is directly rushed to the rabbit, like a butterfly!

Huo Yuhao opened the spirit, "It's really fast, you don't have to have a soul ..."

Chen Ming did not slow down, and the eyes flashed a golden light. He turned his wrist and grabbed Wang Dong's ankle.

The golden light in Chen Ming's eyes is just a flash, but it is still captured by Huo Yuhao.

"Golden eyes, so strange, Chen Ming also mastered a kind of practice of cultivating the eyes, just like the purple pole of Xiao Ya."

Here, Wang Dong's hitting leg was caught him directly without retraining, using a word horse to resolve Chen Ming's control!

Following Wang Dong Yue, it is also a shot of the whip leg!

Chen Ming is just a cross-handed cross-legging!

Following the hands of Chen Ming, Wang Dong's entire person is directly driven by this force!

"Chen Ming you!"

Chen Ming didn't seem to hear this. Generally directly anti-hand, take him in the chest of Wang Dong to fall!


Chen Ming closed his hand, "contracted."

Wang Dong's face suddenly became flush, "Chen Ming, you are you ...!"

Wang Dong suddenly hugged his chest, 'Chen Ming him actually touched my chest! '

"I don't fight!"

Wang Dong turned his head and didn't look at Chen Ming seems to be angry.

The teacher of Xiao Yu, "Then what you mean, do you take the initiative to accept?"

Wang Dong bite his teeth, "Just wanted to win, let him win."

Wang Dong's mouth is saying, but his heart has been complaining about Chen Ming, 'Chen Ming you a big stupid, and then ignore you again! '

'Unless you apologize to me, don't do it, take the initiative to apologize is not enough, you have to stay with me a bedroom, sitting next to me! '

Chen Ming didn't go to Wang Dong, "That, Xiao Yu teacher, you said, as long as I won, let you do, you agree?"

The teacher nodded, "It's like this, but Chen Ming students will not let the teacher do some particularly difficult things ..."

Chen Ming smiled and said: "It must make you very difficult."

The smile of the teacher of Xiaoyu gradually became stiff. She has a little regret that she just said, "It can't be too much ..."

Chen Ming is still a smiling answer, "sure is very much."

. . .

The teacher wants to cry without tears. "Well, the teacher speaks, you said, what do you want to do?"

Chen Ming smiled and said: "Teacher, can I not touch your chest?"

! ! !

This sentence is undoubtedly shocked in everyone!

The boys have been excited to blow a whistle. Huo Yuhao is also an unbelievable look at Chen Ming.

"Chen Ming doesn't like the wind, why ..., it's also right, the teacher is so beautiful ..."

Huo Yuhao is dark, but Wang Dong is directly excited to jump up and catch Chen Ming's collar!

"Chen Ming!"

Chen Ming turned his head to Wang Dong, "Wang Dong classmates, should it be a winner?"

Wang Dong's face changed, he was a little incredible to watch Chen Ming, "No, no, you change ..."

Said, Wang Dong directly released Chen Ming and ran away.

Chen Ming's eyes flashed a dishody, "So teacher, you haven't answered me yet?"


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