Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 671 Huo Yuhao's change?

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Chen Ming's dagger clenched, he wanted to kill Huo Yuhao in this opportunity, and won his brain.

I didn't expect that Huo Yuhao woke up.

And after he woke up, he did not care about the wound in his hand.

Chen Ming's common sense: "Yu Hao?"

Huo Yuhao did not respond, but Chen Ming seems to feel anything, "What is the mysterious power?"

Don't be angry, this Xuan Ming has a problem!

This is very cold, how can it be so strong!

The soul of Huo Yuhao has already become extremely cold, but when Huo Yuhao once again runs the moment of Xuan Ming!

The cold in his body is like a flying ice!

This is not a deep variation, but a change in the quality of soul!

'He cultivated is not Xuan Ming, it is more exciting than Xuan Ming! '

Chen Ming's pupil is shrinking, Huo Yuhao is not strong, the cold is actually present in a cloudy!

'Isn't a cold, it is a natural gas, or says, yin ...'

I don't wait for Chen Ming again. Huo Yuhao suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Chen Ming, do you know how many sealed Douro?"

After Chen Mingli, Huo Yuhao's gas field is so strong, even some horrible.

"At least hundreds, when the Sun and Moon Imperial, the Shrek Academy will call more than 60 seals, there are still many hidden worlds, and then count the day and moon, at least ninety Bit. "

"Why, how do you suddenly be interested in these?"

Huo Yuhao looked a smile, "No, I am a bit curious, is it more powerful, or the previous title is stronger?"

Chen Ming doubts, "I used to mean?"

Huo Yuhao got up and not cultivated the soul, but Chen Ming can felt in him, his soul broke through the 12th level!

The day before yesterday is still 11, this only a few days, it broke through the 12th level?

Huo Yuhao changed the clothes, he carefully settled his head, and shorted Shrek's school uniform, "naturally 10,000 years ago."

Said, Huo Yuhao pushed the door directly!

Chen Ming recovered the dagger, "Where are you going?"

Huo Wei is not going to take the door directly, "naturally go to breathe fresh air, by the way, find the students 'to borrow' some money."

Chen Ming didn't walk with him. He still have something, Huo Yuhao is somewhat strange today, is it stimulated?

I can't help but think about it, he still feels that I can't see someone.

Huo Yuhao seems to change.


At this point, Shrike Teaching Building, because the teacher of Xiaoyu announced self-study, so in advance in advance.

And because Huo Yuhao is sick, Chen Ming took him early, and there was no school in other classes.

Huo Yuhao is not in a hurry, just waiting in the teaching downstairs.

There is only one door here. If you want to return to the dormitory, you must pass this door.

After about half an hour, the Shrake College was under get out of class.

Many students came down in groups, Huo Yuhao handshed, with a grass in his mouth, leaning on the wall on the wall.

There is girls who have seen that he can't bear to see a few eyes, including Huo Yuhao's classmate.

"This kid, isn't it our class, how do you feel that he seems to be handsome?"

"It is really a bit, but it is mainly temperament."


Everyone talked about, many girls were stealing Huo Yuhao.

Just when a boys wanted to teach the building, Huo Yuhao suddenly stopped in front of him.

The boys have a brow, "What are you doing?"

Huo Yuhao is full of grass leaves, "" Everyone pays for a silver soul currency. "

! ! !

Are they doing something wrong with themselves?

Is this classmate have a problem with a brain, but Shrek!

Even in the Slack College, the light is a big robbery!

The boys didn't listen to it, "You want to go crazy, you will rob it to Shilek!"

"I really don't know how people like this come!"

"I have no time to play with you, I have no money ..."

bump! !

If he finishes it, Huo Yuhao said with his fist in his belly, "no money?"

"Then I will play you with money."

! ! !


Other classmates are unbelievable to watch Huo Yuhao!

That boys have eaten Huo Yuhao, a punk pain, it is hard to hold the stomach directly to the ground.

Other students have been excited, "What are you doing, and then I am going to be expelled from the college!"

"God, I want to tell the teacher!"

"How can there be such a bad person!"

Huo Yuhao is hands in the pocket.

Some boys are relieved directly, Huo Yuhao does not move his hand to the front boy's foot!

"That's it?"

"Shirake is a monster. It is not your waste. It is now a war period. You will be graduated.

"I don't dare to connect hands, I dare to do it is the brain husky, Shilek is really successive ..."

Everyone was angered by Huo Yuhao alone!

"Everyone is together, I don't believe him!"

"He is alone, can't use Wuhun, we can kill him one by one!"

"Yeah, let's take him and send it to the Academic Affairs Office!"


Under the effects of the masses, students began to rush to Huo Yuhao in groups!

Huo Yuhao pulled out his hands this time, and easily escaped a fist. He took back to an elbow!

A student has been in front of Huo Yuhao fell to Huo Yuhao!

Huo Yuhao's anti-hand grabbed the boys' ankle to fall into the crowd!

Just like playing, a group of people fell to the dominoes!

Huo Yuhao began to fight, he picked up a boy directly said that he said on his face. He had two teeth!

Then, the footsteps are on the side of the boys next to it with a very fast speed!

Three down five except for the two movements clean and neat, there is no sliver drag with water!

He used an enemy, and the girls did not dare to go to the front of the boys, and they were terrible!

I will teach the power of Huo Yuhao, they don't dare to teach the power in the ground!

After half an hour, it is a scarred student.

Only Huo Yuhao is a person who is in everyone, "I'm this, what are you not a waste?"

"You don't have to pay for the door, you can't think of it, everyone is a silver soul than!"


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