Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 672 Robbery No People?

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At this point, all teachers are observing this student called Huo Yuhao!

They knew this thing from the beginning, but they did not stop, they wanted to stop from the outset, and finally the behavior of Huo Yuhao.

What kind of ideological transformation is this?

Obviously, the hidden rules of the Shrake Institute were heavier by Huo Yuhao.

Shrek does understand this behavior, now is a war period, and the Shrake College also chooses to strengthen the way of education!

As Huo Yuhao said, they have to cultivate monsters, not waste!

Huo Yuhao is really a bit of the principle, but in turn, isn't this the best way to motivate students?

The teacher said more to students, because they are not a student.

But if a student stands out to attract all hatred, do the students don't have a goal of struggle?

With people who want to transcend, they will become meaningful!

And with the opponents who want to play, talent will become strive!

Under this principle, all teachers have acquiring Huo Yuhao's behavior.

Although this may exceed the principle, this is correct!

The teachers overlook the students in the teaching building, only Huo Yuhao, a person, is proud of the crowd.

A middle-aged and elderly woman showed a smile, "Yusi, should this child should be your class?"

The teacher nodded, "Ah ... is really, I remember him called ... Huo Yuhao."

The old teacher nodded, "Not bad, this child is a bit of a bit of blood, unlike the soft eggs in our class, there is no dare to fight in the first day."

Looking at Huo Yuhao's figure, the old woman suddenly remembered a book, "I thought that the Tong Dynasty, the emperor Chen revealed, one will become a harder, although the last defeated, but it also lost, this kid is a few points "

! ! !

All teachers are shocked to watch the old woman, what is she saying?


This kind of person is taboo. How did she dare to give him to metaphor?

The old woman obviously detected the same eyes, "Don't look at me, history is history, although a person committed a big mistake, but the Xiong is a huge, how is he killing the magic of killing?"

"Don't you still say it ?!"

Everyone is sweating, it is indeed that they are too pedantic.

Take the teacher at this time, "Zhou Yi teacher, you won't look at the" Taihao Empire "in the library?"

Teacher Zhou pushed the wrinkles on the eye to make her look very bad, "I bored it, many things recorded above were very interesting."

Teacher Xiao Yu is a bit surprised. She also read the book of "Taizhen Empire", which talked about many cruel means and proceedings, of which the ugly to Chen is resentful.

But the teacher, but I think Chen Bo is a hobe?

Zhou Yi's teacher turned to see the teacher, "Who is the true hero in this world, the sect of Tang San kill Chen, the world is a big hero, can be reversible, why is it not a generation of?"

"Can make this feat, although it is lost, can he have no story behind him?"

"I don't believe, I will fall, the millennium emperor is falling under the loess with the wind, everything is turned into graffiti, this is the original words in the book."

After that, Teacher Zhou Li turned directly.

Teacher Xiao Yu looked at the back of Zhouyi, 'worshiping the Emperor, it is really a little small to see her. '


At this point, the Shredke Teaching Building is in front of the gate.

Several girls trembled to Huo Yuhao, and their eyes hide hide hiding and hiding, they were afraid that Huo Yuhao hit them. "That, do we have to pay too much?"

Huo Yuhao is a smile, "Do you have more?"

"In my eyes, men and women are toned."

When two little girls were suddenly panicked, they directly took out two silver souls to give Huo Yuhao!

Huo Yuhao passed the silver soul currency directly to open the road.

Two girls don't dare to stay when they are busy.

The rest of the girls don't dare to resist, and they can only give Huo Yuhao a silver soul coin.

The following boy did not dare to move with Huo Yu, only to take a silver soul currency to Huo Yuhao.

People here are not rich, basically no family is particularly poor, except that Huo Yuhao is like.

And they are all soul, every month has any income.

Soon, everyone has over money.

Huo Yuhao extended his right hand, and a suction was launched a sub-space to tear out.

Huo Yuhao stores all these silver soul coins into the subcompens, and then take a little bit.

Today, a wave of net earned more than 400 silver soul coins.

Ten silver soul coins are equal to a gold soul coin.

In other words, Huo Yuhao has harvested more than 40 gold souls!

Huo Yuhao went out and turned into a circle, and the silver soul coin was converted into a golden soul coin, and he went back to the bedroom.


In the dormitory, Chen Ming felt that the headache was dramatic, which means that his so-called master came to him.

After a few days, I didn't come one day?

Chen Ming and the mysterious man are about a good time. As long as he gives Chen Ming signal, you will find a place where no one is waiting for him to appear.


At this time, the door of the dormitory was pushed away, Huo Yuhao came back.

He didn't send it directly to bed, and he suddenly appeared in his hands!

Chen Ming has some accidents, "Where do you borrow money?"

Huo Yuhao closed his eyes and replied, "Friends."

Chen Mingti nodded, Huo Yuhao is still a little strange, and then don't know if he is character, do not touch it first.

After that, Chen Ming found an excuse.

Huo Yuhao, a gold soul coin, soon, a lot of money is injected into it!

This golden soul coin suddenly burned a black flame!

This black flame does not have a temperature, but it is cold until the extreme, soon, Huo Yuhao has opened the right hand.

This golden soul coin actually slowly suspended!

The golden soul coins burning black flames rotate around Huo Yuhao's head.

After that, Huo Yuhao also picked up the second golden soul.

The same steps once again ignited the black flame, then this golden soul coin is also rotated with the previous gold coin.

The same steps Huo Yuhao repeatedly nine times.

After finishing these, he suddenly opened his eyes!

Nine coins gathered into a ring of hanging in Huo Yuhao, a whirlpool slowly formed in the center of the ring!

"The souls of the world, the devils of the 18th floor hell, borrowed me to use it."

I suddenly dropped a cold to the bone marrow in the whirlpool!

This darkness is inhaled in the body!

Ear eye nose mouth, being swallowed in this dark gas!

At the same time, Huo Yuhao's soul is also lifted at an amazing speed!


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