Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 673 VI Emperor!

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Huo Yuhao's eyes became bigger, it looks more bright, and the part of the eyes becomes smaller.

His soul, actually soaring from the 12th level at this moment!

After the five consecutive passes, the nine gold souls suddenly fused, and the nine groups of black liquids were evaporated by flames!

Huo Yuhao slowly called out a bite of yang, and the practice of his current cultivation is a merit to the longevity.

It is the ceremony that he just shows, is Jiu Yin Tong.

Open a campaign with the gap in the middle, thereby absorbing the yin.

Huo Yuhao slowly got up, the soul skills launched, the spiritual detection!

The entire Shrek Academy is in a flash of Huo Yuhao at a moment!

He gaze to cover the wall, and the time wall began to black, then slowly joined a layer of white frost!

"Yulin is stronger than I think, but unfortunately the only disadvantage is that it is a lot of life, and the benefits can suck someone Yang Shou."


Huo Yu Hao's eye wrinkled, "It's too weak, this is really too weak, it is good in the nature, there are many more than Yeling."

"Start directly, the rest of the golden soul coins are enough for me to show the body directly into the body, directly use the body."

Said, Huo Yuhao sat back in bed.


On the other hand, a shout has come to midnight.

Chen Ming came to the trees behind the dormitory, and a black gas suddenly came behind him. "Good apprentice, how is the thing I let you do?"

Chen Ming looks to the black man, "You think about it, do you know what is the true identity of Wang Dong?"

"He is the only child of the sea, do you really have to move him?"

The black man is smiling, "This is not what you need to care, and you don't know that Wang Dong is a daughter?"

"You want to close to the sea god with her relationship, it is stupid, from now on, abandon Wang Dong, and let her hurt the more and better."

"Believe me, tomorrow, he will stand around others, and you, to quit, do you want to do it."

Chen Ming is dark, he wants to smash the king Dong to play her between her applause, but this black man let him give up Wang Dong.

"it is good."

Chen Ming agreed that Wang Dong did use value.

The water in the Duo Luo is too deep, and that Huo Yuhao has this mysterious man, he can't see it, or be careful.

As long as you can resurrect any of the Holy Spirit, he has the fundamental of the self-insurance, no need to fear them again.


At this time, the Douro's remote northern desert.

A feast of an unremployed city just started!

The city is the only city in this desert. I don't know when I started. The criminal door that walked without a road gathered here to form such an illegal place!

This is an unreasonable place, is the paradise of criminals!

All dirty dark idols are everywhere here.

Here, there are no big money here, you want to earn big money here, but you have to see you!

And as an ignorant place, here is not a leader!

People don't know his identity, only know his outer number, extraordinary mad, Zhang San.

He is the king of this union, is the true master of this darkness!

He never took place here, he controlled the only corner of the fight in the city, as long as no one infringes his interests, he won't go to the black businessman who is smoke.

He likes that kind of boxing to fighters, and the beauty of all colors in the world!

This city is named red night city.

A red woman, quietly appeared here.

She came to the horn, the area of ​​this corner site is large, with a diameter of hundreds of meters, like an ancient Roman building.

The rules here are very simple, go up and fight, the person who lives will get all the bounty!

If you lose, you have to pay everything, even for life!

Of course, there is still a gameplay here, that is, let go and soul!

Win, nature is a big wealth!

Losing, it is lost everything.

The top of the top of the horn fight, the upper body is only wearing a beast skin jacket, the arms are exposed, and the huge muscle blocks look like a stone.

He is strong, like a lion!

The chest is revealed, and the muscles of one body are full of destructive power.

The man has a faint embarrassment, with a cigar in his mouth, and a short hair is clear.

His face has two unique wounds, with the lower side of the two eyes, two downward scratches.

He is fierce, and his hands with a decidual glove made of dragon.

The man smoked a cigar, and the four or five women who were exposed were careless to serve him on his side.

The following battles let him be a bit boring, but at this time, a pink fog suddenly passed behind him.

Men's brows, "Lovers, I don't seem to invite you to dinner with me tonight?"

To be said, a woman who is in a blood red skirt slowly walked out, "I am not interested in joining your multi-person sports, the emperor, I am looking for you today, it is coming to discuss one thing."

I don't pay attention to the lovers, the emperor slowly got up, "Do not say when the Tianstrian meeting, privately find me, hide, not good."

At this time, the platform is suddenly put out of a huge orangutan!

This orangutan has two horns, limbs arm, his mouth open is actually separable as the snake!

I quickly came out of the stage!

"It's just a thousand years of soul, playing so big!"

"This is at least 60,000 years. Which brother is willing to go up to two !!"

"For the old gold, your grandfather, I haven't lived enough, I miss yourself!"

"Buildings, 60 million years, 60,000 gold souls enough to spend a lifetime!"

"If you can use Wu Soul, I will go!"

"Oh, still Wu Shou, don't forget the rules of our corner, can only fight, unless you are the body Wu soul!"

"Team, don't have to play over 10,000 years of soul!"


When I was talking about it, I was arrested for the emperor's man.

"The words will be said later, now, it is warm-up time!"

When you say, the emperor jumped directly!

bump! ! !

His huge body jumped directly from the high platform, and the ground was shocked to set off a large dust!

The next shocked, "I am going, the big brother personally moved!"

"Boss, I haven't seen you!"

"Open your eyes!"

"Yeah, special grandmother watching the lean sketch of the son is difficult to die every day!"

Under the stage, the four-hand beasts directly rushed to him, just rushed to the emperor to the ground!

The emperor grinned, "the sand bag is coming!"


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