Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 690 Shenlong Douro!

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Rumilizing, the Emperor has two children, one is the prince Chen Qi, falling in the battle of the gods in 10,000 years.

Until later, a mess in Blue and Electricity after the rebuilding, a letter left after Liu Dual Dragon was exposed.

At this point, everyone knows the main owner of the current blue electric tyrants, and is the son of the Tongmie Chen!

His real name is Chen Hao, it is the illegitimate child of the Emperor. When birth is born, it is a nine dragon's winding column that has gone through the big forces.

The status of the Blue Power Brenchzong has thus a thousand feet, and in the end, Chen Hao took his life as the price as its own life, let the world have gone his children.

So, thousands of years have passed, and most people who know the truth are dead.

Can Chen Hao, but lived.

After his death, the soul was attributed to the Senli domain, but the ghost there was aware that he was directly pulling him after the son of Chen.

So since the anger, the government is not willing to accept him.

After Chen Hao's spirit returned, he was a miraculous reborn. He also inherited the strength of the Emperor, with the body of an emperor.

In fact, the body's body is not only twenty.

After he came out in the Senli domain, he got the twenty-first body.

The body is particularly special, and even Tang San has not told it to the world, but ses it alone in the Senli domain.

That is a jungle brand, it is the joy of Chen's eyebrow bone!

As we all know, the yin brand is the gas transport of the people who are dead.

It is also because of this yin, Chen Hao's soul ring is not upgraded, and the longer the life of the soul ring, the longer the end of the soul ring.

His martial arts is the nine dragon, which contains the power of nine Dragon Kings, which is stronger as he raises his level.

Initially, he can only use 10% of the nine dragon king.

Now, he can use the power of ninety-nine percent of the nine dragons.

The ancient ancient gave him a life expectancy, the Qing emperor made him not aging, and the water will never hurt.

The power of the nine Dragon King made him have become the strongest on this Douro, the title dragon!

However, Chen Hao has never willing to use Wu Sou since his sinner.

It can be said that the three sons of the Emperor, he is the only child.

He spent thousands of years like this, like a big dream, now I have to wake up.

He looked to the blue sky, "It is time, back Blue Electricity Wang Zong."


At this time, the base of the battle, the base of the chariot, in a secret room, thousands of mechanical warehouse suddenly have an opening.

The inside slowly came out of a chariot's clone, he opened his eyes, first looked at his own hands, "The information is read, the current evaluation, can't overcome."

"This man is very strong, it seems necessary to contact the fool."

"My body is too fragile. Even thousands of cardons can't overcome him, I have to get a higher density."

"That dragon, if you can analyze the material of the dragon, maybe I can make the top metal."

"Particle collision experiments continue to start, it seems that I need more life to wake up dragon eggs."

The chariot slowly walked out of the mechanical warehouse, visible, and there were thousands of one-scale mechanical warehouse in the entire secret room.

Inside, almost all is a cloning body of the chariot.

He waved his hand to the wall, and a mechanical cane flew to his hand, "the evolution of glorious has not stopped."


Three days later, Blue Power Guardian Wang Zong Lei is mastered!

A people came out of the surrounded by Kowloon.

At this time, the current host of the Blue and Electricity Wang Zong rushed out, he looked up and looked up to the sky, a face of unbelievable, "the prophecy of the prophecy ...!"

"Blue Power Brenchzong, the first hundred and sixth generation of passes, Yu Zhenming, see old ancestors!"

The man in the sky came down, "I haven't thought of my middle and men, I still remember me."

"It's also, from today, Blue Power Brenchzong listened to me, comprehensively and the Holy Spirit!"


At the same time, the Shrek Academy.

Huo Yuhao pushed the door of the classroom, and the teacher of Xiaoyu also explained the knowledge about the soul leader on the podium.

See Huo Yuhao, Xiao Yu teacher stunned, "Huo Yuhao, are you coming back?"

"Do you have successfully obtained the second soul ring?"

Huo Yuhao has a smile, his eyes flashes, a lot of light, and the time of the two bright red 100,000 years of soul rises from Huo Yuhao!

Blood-red halo is filled with a whole classroom, everyone is stunned, what is this?

About 100,000 years of soul rings!

Still two!

Huo Yuhao looked a smile, "This is my harvest, the teacher of Xiaoyu."

! ! !

Teacher Xiaoyu is incredible to look at Huo Yuhao. "How can you, your first soul ring is not a ten-year soul ring, how ..."

Huo Yuhao handsold, "naturally there is an adventure, through this adventure, I got two 100,000 years of soul ring, so,."

The teacher of Xiaoyu is a wrinkle.

"Huo Yuhao, you come to my office, let me talk about your harvest this time."

Huo Yuhao opened his hands, "Okay."

Said, the teacher of Xiao Yu directly turned to the students and said that she left the classroom with Huo Yuhao.

When I came to the office, the teacher, the teacher, the old man, the teacher, actually in the classroom.

Teacher Xiao Yu is first asked, "Zhou Yi teacher, how are you here?"

Zhou Yi's teacher slowly got up, "Yushu, I came to you, I heard that he is a spiritual teacher, and his soul skill is still a spiritual detection?"

The teacher of Xiaoyu nodded, "It's really this."

Zhou Yi teacher directly looked at Huo Yuhao. "If you want you to be Huo Yuhao, can you let me see your soul skills?"

Huo Yuhao is a smile, the spirit of the martial arts, the two blood red 100,000 years of soul rings rise again!

A moment of spiritual exploration directly to Zhouyi teacher!

The teacher of this moment has been stunned. She first witnessed Huo Yuhao's 100,000-year-old soul ring to fall into, and then felt the spiritual detection and was shocked!

Scorpio, this soul skill!

The entire Shrek can be seen clearly, this detection range is at least more than 1,000 meters!

Teacher Zhou has seen the title of the spiritual attribute before, even if there is a mental detection ability, there is no soul of the soul of one kilometer!

This finding made Zhou Yi's surprises more awkward, "I really didn't find a wrong person!"

In fact, the upper limit of Huo Yuhao detected more than one kilometer, his mental strength can cover the entire Douro mainland!


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