Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 691, peerless genius!

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Teacher Zhou has returns to God, he looked to the teacher of Xiao Yu, "I can go to you this student to you?"

"To tell the truth, the soul is not the career that is best for him, and the soul tutor is where he should stay."

Teacher Xiaoyu showed a smile. "Of course not, Zhou Yi teacher, I know what you think, Ke Huohao is my student, I can teach him."

Teacher Zhou Wei snorted, "Although the teacher of Xiaoyu is very good, I think it is more suitable for my husband, the soul tunity is his home."

Teacher Xiaoyu will look to Huo Yuhao, "Yu Hao, can you explain to me first of your two 100,000 years of soul ring?"

Teacher Zhou also looked at Huo Yuhao. "I am also very curious, a second ring soul teacher, how did you absorb the 100,000-year soul ring?"

At this time, the teacher of Xiaoyu suddenly thought of the world, the world said that this is his righteous, is it!

Is it a 100,000-year soul ring that the world helps him?

Just when Xiaoyu thought that he saw the answer, who knows Huo Yuhao's soul ring actually turned into a yellow one purple?

? ? ?

Both people are all, Huo Yuhao explains, "This is my second soul ring, the mode, can change the color and properties of the soul ring at will."


Both people have a bit of nothing to say, they are not cared for Huo Yuhao's first soul ring to become a hundred years.

It is not that his second soul ring is a millennium soul ring.

Because the 10,000-year-old soul ring is too big, they have forgotten the simple instincts.

The teacher of Xiaoyu is relieved. "I said, it is the millennium soul ring ..."

"No, Millennium Soul ring?"

"The second ring is the millennium?"

Teacher Zhou also reacted, and according to it, the soul of the soul is to absorb the Millennium Soul.

Can Huo Yuhao, why can the second ring absorb the millennium soul ring?

Huo Yao wants to think, "Maybe because I am a three-life martial art, absorb the soul of the soul, is normal?"

! ! !

"Three life Wu Sou?" X2

The first reaction of both is not to believe.

Come, Huo Yuhao, took the left right hand at the same time!

The right hand is an iron sword that is wrapped around the violet pattern, and has no additional soul ring.

The martial arts on the left hand is a yin, Huo Yuhao's left hand covered a layer of gray-white ice, it looks like a scorpion arm, which adds a thousand years of soul ring.

Huo Yuhao out three soul printing, the body Wu Soul, the animal and martial arts, the emperor, the emperor, the martial arts "

Really three yen martial arts!

Teacher Xiao Yu is most excited, "Sanheng Wu"! "

"The first three life in the mainland!"

Teacher Zhou Yi is also excited. "The double life of Wuhan is already there all of the middle, three life Wuhun, it is unheard!"

"He does not belong to anyone, he is the wealth of Douro's mainland!"

"Three birth martial arts, if he guarantees him to become a title, then he can have at least twenty-four soul rings!"

The teacher is hot and hot, it is like watching a baby, "Yu Hao, is this your secret?"

"Why don't you start with me? You are a three-life martial arts, Shilek will definitely give you the best treatment, top resources!"

Two people standing, Huo Yuhao directly sat in the position of the teacher, "such as, 100,000 years of soul rings, 100,000 years of soul bones?"

Teacher Zhou Pushed the eye, "These are things within the scope, you have chosen Shrek, Shrek will never live up to your trust."

"Right, your spirit is the body Wuhun, the people of this body divide the body Wu soul into black iron, bronze, silver, gold total four levels."

"Can I know what level is your martial art?"

Huo Yuhao failed to reply, "bronze, but the body is the method of making the body Wu soul second awakening, if I only have a spirit, join the primary Zongzong is the best choice."

"But my second martial arts, is the ultra-Yin Emperor, is a super beast Wu soul with the top of the dragon."

"As for my third martial art, its greatest ability is to evolve, and finally can evolve into something look, its greatest ability is to adapt, so there is no upper limit."


This child is not allowed!

The three martial arts are all in the existence of the sky!

The second ring can cover the body Wu Souli of one thousand meters of spiritual detection!

There is also the strange animal and animal martial arts, the emperor, the emperor, even beyond the dragon beast!

There is also a sword that has an unlimited potential, you can absorb any kind of soul ring and unlimited evolution!

This feature is not the strongest characteristic of blue and silver?

Unlimited tolerance, unlimited adaptation, therefore can have multiple features in unlimited evolution, this is a master's theory!

Teacher Xiaoyu grabbed Huo Yuhao's hand. "Yao Hao must stay in my class, I know friends can provide him with the top resource that Shrek is available!"

Teacher Zhou also directly grasped Huo Yuhao. "No, he should not belong to anyone. Since he has the Sansheng Soul, that is, he can simultaneously improve the control, attack, sensate, and soul guide. ! "

Teacher Xiao Yu bites his teeth, "greed is not bad!"

Teacher Zhou didn't stretch it again. "He has this talent, and the ink, the moon is a misunderstanding!"

! ! !

The conflict in the two words began to get stronger and more, and even the point where he had not been able to do it!

At this time, Huo Yuhao said, "Right, I also have a bone of 100,000 years of soul beast."

? ? ?

Huo Yuhao is not to solve contradictions, he is to intensify the contradiction!

At this time, the teacher of Xiao Yu seems to think of what I think of. "No, why can you release three martial arts?"


Teacher Zhou Han also thought of it, Huo Yuhao, I just released three martial arts at one time, but not a release!

That is to say, he can use three martial arts at the same time!

Huo Yuhao looked at Zhouyi teacher, "Yes, but the teacher, I still prefer the teacher of Xiaoyu."

"So live up to your kindness, then I have some words, I can only say to the teacher, can you avoid it?"

Zhou Yi teacher is stiff, "Ok, choose the teacher is your right, but you will still talk to the above."

Huo Yuhao doesn't care, "At will, I don't care."

Teacher Zhou Shen deeply saw Huo Yuhao, and then left, not doing more.

At this time, only Huo Yuhao and the teacher of Xiao Yu.

The soul of Xiaoyu has spread out. After determining no one around, there is no one around Huo Yuhao, "Yu Hao, the teacher wants to invite you to join an organization, are you willing?"

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