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"Holy Spirit?"

! ! !

Huo Yuhao is amazing, this makes the teacher of Xiaoyu, and the mouth is to say, how do you know.

Huo Yuhao hits a yawn, "I have long known, I am the Xingro Empire, there is no nostalgia against the mainland, and it is not unfortunately."

As soon as I agree?

The teacher is intimate, "Not, the Holy Spirit, the mainland is notorious, the evil spirits organized."

"Do you agree?"

Huo Yuhao nodded, "I can't taste it."

"Teacher, tomorrow is a big bigger than it, I will go back to cultivate and savite."

Huo Yuhao turned to go, but the teacher is directly called him, "Wait, I hope you hide your third martial art as much as possible."

"Double life Wu soul is okay, if you show you the characteristics of you, you will have a lot of trouble in the future."

Huo Yuhao smiles, "I am sorry, I am the greatest trouble in the world. I don't want to find someone to trouble, they have already thank you."

Said, Huo Yuhao directly pushed the door.


At this time, Chen Ming's hands dragged the eyebrow, "the thousands of times truthfully, it could condensed the soul compression to this point."

"However, Huo Yuhao ..., 10,000 years of soul ring should be fake, but that kind of ominous feeling is getting more and more strong."

"I always feel that what will happen this evening."


Huo Yuhao pushed into the door, "The classmates, I don't see it for a month, I don't know if you miss me?"

. . .

Everyone sweat, this guy is back ...

It's rare to be quiet for a month, he is not to start the toll?

Huo Yuhao walks to the platform, "as a squad leader, I said two, I will not take the toll."

"Everyone gave me a heart, today I taught everyone to use a soul, and ensure that you can successfully defeat your opponent's official college."

One short hair boy raised the right hand, "Squarth Director ..., because you are not there, the people in the nearby class always provocate us, they are high, we do them ..."

Huo Yuhao snorted, "Look at your waste, the scene is to find it back, the newborn is bigger, we are looking back!"

Said, Huo Yuhao waved directly to give everyone a gold soul coin.

! ! !

Everyone is shocked, Huo Yuhao looked at everyone, "Money will give you a lot, don't have to give it to me, you just remember, since you let me think, I will not live up to your trust."

"You, the bald head, come over."

Huo Yuhao suddenly points to the photographer of the students in the students, the bald head stunged, "Big, big brother, call me?"

Huo Yuhao is struck, the bald head is slow, Huo Yuhao lightly patted his shoulders, "I am optimistic, you all follow me later."

"You are my younger brother, who dares to bully you, I will hit him and roll it out!"

After the inspiring of Huo Yuhao, everyone has been boiling, "Okay, big brother!" XN

The bald head is also excited, Huo Yuhao looks to the bald, "What is your name?"

The bald head stunned, "Big Brother, my name is Xiao ..."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "It's a good two dogs, I know."

"You are my left right arm, next, I teach you a trick, you remember."

Said, Huo Yuhao began to condense the soul of the whole body gathered in the left hand, and then gradually formed a light ball.

"Uncommetate the whole body of the whole body, it is very difficult for you, but I have a way, I will do it in accordance with what I said, even if the auxiliary soul teacher can eruption is not inferior to the strong attack Destructive power. "

Soon, Huo Yuhao began to teach everyone to use this trick.

The second dog is the first to condense the soul ball, but the condense is just the first step, the external placement and maintenance is the hardest.

In this process, the teacher has been watching Huo Yuhao outside the door. "I feel that this is no need to teach ..."


Students, students returned to bedroom.

Everyone has a skill of the whole body's soul.

Huo Yuhao and Chen Ming return to the bedroom until the night, Chen Ming felt pain, really, it is still coming.

Leave the dormitory, come to the back of the dorm, a black shadow walks out in the shadow.

"So long, is your mother?"

! ! !

This is not a shadow, but a shadow in the shadow.

In the shadows, Huo Yuhao slowly came out, Chen Ming's master drilled into Huo Yuhao's eyebrow.

Chen Ming is like a pre-expensive, "You, really is not Huo Yuhao, I have long felt, from that day you wake up."

"who are you?"

Huo Yuhao smiled, "I am still too stupid, I am very pleased to my father."

! ! !

Chen Ming looks to Huo Yuhao, "the brain, it is impossible ..."

"You said, you are my father, who is my mother?"

Huo Yuhao slowly approached Chen Ming, Chen Ming did not believe that Huo Yuhao is really too young.

And his mother's mouth, a generation of soul ancestors, a thousand years old monsters, etc., can weave to wear the Triada's three-circle Tria.


Chen Ming looks to Huo Yuhao, "You said that you are my father, do you know his true name?"

Huo Yuhao nodded, "I thought you were already big, it seems that thousands of snow suppressed your birth."

"It's also right, the gods one day, the Duo Luo mainland will only be twenty-seven years."

"It is not difficult for her for fifteen years."

"My Chen Xiu is a lifelong horse, and I have three children than a bastard, and I am fine in Wuhun."

Chen Ming believes, but he still needs an explanation. "Why, you will be in this body."

Huo Yuhao smiled and smiled. "Tang San is not killed, naturally I can only separate my body."

"In the brain, it is my consciousness, why do you have to calculate it?"

"Old three, tell the truth, don't intend to tell you the truth, but I saw you, I have seen you yesterday."

"I really didn't expect that I can have a child who has the nine dragon Wang Wu soul."

"Well, he also got my eyebrows, your big brother is now following him five or five."

Chen Miya understands the meaning of his father. His acceptance ability is very strong, but you can't call Huo Yuhao.

He is still too young ...

Especially so many fathers who have not met, he seems to be unexpected.

So many years hidden seem to have reached the end, "So, what do you mean?"

Huo Yuhao has a smile, "I know you have seven martial arts, old three."


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