Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 694 Seven Origin!

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Chen Ming's martial art is uncontrolled, and the seven black rays in a moment will tear the seven movement behind him!

The leftmost figure is an angel, but His double wing blows like a chain chain, and the whole body is dark, and it is fallen angel.

Next to the fall of the angel, it is a devil with a double head. He has a huge wings of bats.

Two heads are like a sheep, while two heads have two hovered clayes.

His posture is blurred, but His chest has a sign that symbolizes wealth.

One is in the right, is a vulvar of a body, and He is like hell, but he can be extremely exaggerated.

He also has two pairs of bat wings, but he can grow on both sides of the waist. His fat ear looks like a place.

The left and right sides are long and the sheep head, and the two iron rings are hanging on both sides of the barefish ***.

Summary, it is a prostitute.

And in His right, no, this is no longer known as people.

Because He has seven faces, there is no face.

The first face is on the head, pale is like a stone, and the two eyes are long.

His whole body's flesh and blood is in motion, just like a root of a woman roll on his body.

And His second face is growing below the first face, that is, the next hoe, close to the first face.

This face has a crystal eye long in the nose, and the big mouth cracking is very angry.

And his remaining four faces have long on the left and right sides of the chest, and these faces don't have eyes, only one mouthful of mouth.

And his last face, it is growing in the navel, the same no eyes, keeping a sinister smile.

But he is the most eye-catching, or the twelve paint black arm!

The rough eight long is on both sides of the body, and each arm is chained with a pair of broken wings.

This wings are the corrupt dragon wings, full of yellow flesh, with a black line above.

And the thin four arms are long on both sides of the navel, and the people who laugh on the navel.

He is lifting the flame of hell, both hands are not burning, every face is talking about his anger!

In the next, it is an obese man with a sharp angle, He has no hands and feet.

Hand is a nauseaful tentacle, and the lower body is even more like a few tentacles to stack together!

His navel has a huge head, looks like a flies.

But this flies have a boulder that can be separated, directly highlighting his never-ending desire!

In the right, it is still a devil, but he has no humanoid, saying that he is suitable for the beast.

He is a sinful beast, has a hard scorpion, sharp teeth, mouth nose, spike, and a fear.

The last devil, He is like a horses in hell, with two huge croissants, but you can portray a fans star.

His hands have ten golden rings, but also a huge chopper, wearing a butcher's decoration but has two pairs of holy wings.

This is Chen Ming's seven martial arts, they are collectively referred to as seven original sins.

There are also seven unique names.

Falling angels, Luxi, representing arrogance.

The wrong master Mab, represents greed.

The source of desire, Arit, represents color.

There is no face. Samuel, represents anger.

Fly, the monarch, other siber, representing the overeating.

The abyss giant behemoth, Red Atan, represents embarrassment.

Non-wants, Bell, Bell, represents lazy.


Chen Ming showed his own seven martial arts for others. He used to use the martial arts that is the fallen angel.

As the son of the Emperor, although he was born in the gods, he could inherit the power of the Emperor.

Because the wrong force interferes with the influence of the gods, it also interferes with the self-contained system in the body. He can continue cultivation without gaining the soul ring, and there is no upper limit.

He is responsible for many years, and finally cultivates 50 levels, you can directly attache all the soul of the soul!

The ability of the flies monarch · other sibli can let him swallow the soul rings of others to enhance their soul ring.

So he has enough self-confidence to make a long-term soul ring, or 100,000 years of soul rings!

Huo Yuhao looked at Chen Ming, "Nice Wu Soul, but you still need an opportunity, you will plan to plan you early."

Chen Ming, "Yes, the dream is also your arrangement?"

"You deliberately tell me the 12th Holy Spirit, isn't it to hopes that I will absorb the power of the Twelve Holy Spirit?"

Huo Yuhao shakes his head. "After the change of this 10,000 years, the Holy Spirit is not repeated, although the trend is still arrogant but is not your second brother."

"I hope that you will join the Holy Spiritual Tiand, where I carefully buried."

"There is an traitor in the sky, removed him, helping you for your father."

Chen Ming, "Chen Ming will not lose your expenditure!"


The next day, the new conference started!

Slack's new plaza, the colleges in the 33th district have been assembled.

A man wearing a suit came out, waving, "Six groups of students came here, my name is Wang Yan, is your teacher."

The students have been around, Huo Yuhao and Chen Ming are also here.

"Teacher Wang is good!" XN

Wang Yan showed a smile. "Don't have, I teach students to treat students as friends, so children must not hurt their opponents."

"This is the assessment, isn't it to live and die, have you understood?"

Chen Jianbei head wrinkled, "Children, father, you are a face of his grandfather."

Huo Yuhao smiles, "Don't have to, the game is, the most important thing is to join, my current identity is Huo Yuhao, not your father, remember."

Chen Ming, "Yes, Yu Hao."

Soon when Wang Yan got a list, he began organizing students. "So, I announced that the newborn is bigger!"

"The first round of the first round, the new life, Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, Chen Ming!"

"The battle, the new generation of three classes, Ouyang Junyi, Chen Junfeng, Zhao Xingchen!"

The two groups played, Huo Yuhao walked in the middle, he did not cover up without covering the two 100,000 years of soul ring without covering it.

When the audience was shocked, everyone's eyes were attracted to Huo Yuhao!

"100,000 years of soul ring !!"

"It's a hundred thousand years of soul ring, scorpion!"

"I have never seen 100,000 years of soul rings in this life!"


Regardless of the discussion under the stage, Huo Yuhao directly looks to Wang Dong, "If you come?"

Said, Huo Yuhao's spiritual sharing directly applied to Wang Dong's body.

Wang Dongchang has a wrist, "" A bunch of stinky fish is buried, I will give me a person! "


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