Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 695 Newbound is bigger!

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I have fallen, Wang Dong instantly releases the martial arts, two pairs of huge butterflies wings in him after him.

A yellow one purple two soul rings rose under their feet!

"Guangming Glutentern Wushu!"

"Is this not a legendary martial art, and he is also a second ring, how can this be played!"

A piece of snoring, Wang Dong directly smashed the right hand, condensed, the whole body, the whole body, directly hit the three!

Three people have no longer react, Wang Dong is directly released a shock wave to attack three people!

Wang Dong smiled, "said, little means."

"But still thanks to Yu Hao your spiritual sharing with the ability to condense practicing soul."

Huo Yuhao opened his hands, "It is good for you, and I have nothing to do with me."

Wang Yan saw this darkly, "It is a seed player on the teacher's class. These three children did all."

"That child is Wang Dong is it, he is gently twenty-four-level soul, and the bright goddess is more powerful, and it is also a top soul."

"Only the child named Huo Yuhao, he actually has two 100,000 years of soul rings, this matter is awkward, the meeting will definitely investigate."

"No, I remember, Zhou Yi teacher seems to have said such a child with me, is it him?"

"In any case, these three children are not simple. Since this Huo Yuhao is the captain, then he must have some people, but what is the meaning of the martial art?"

"Is it just simple to show off a wave?"

"No, his first soul is glitting, he absolutely uses soul skills, is it a increase in soul skills?"

Thinking for a while, Wang Yan still announced the victory of the three, and the following is still a class.

It is the two dogs under Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao looks at the stage, "I don't want to lose your face!"

The two dogs are helpless, "big brother, my name is Xiao ..."

If you don't wait for the two dogs, Huo Yuhao has interrupted him directly. "Good two dogs, I am waiting for you."

2 dogs want to cry without tears, in fact, my name is Xiao ...

"Well, the two dog captain, how do we play below?"

The two players next to it are undoubtedly to let the two dogs will add a frost, "How to fight?"

"As long as you can't die, you will fight in the dead!"

Said, the two dogs directly showed the martial arts, which turned out to be a flame, or the elements of the martial arts.

A hundred years of soul rings rose at his feet, the three released the martial arts and quickly condensed the soul of the right hand!

One instant two dogs rushed out of a group of flames, and directly took the three people!

Wang Yan was wrong, "It's this trick. Is this a new recruiting matter developed by the teacher, and the teacher is deep enough."

Two dogs cheered, Wang Yan slowly, "I announced that Zuo Qing, Zhao Xichen, Xiao Erju wins!"

Two dogs? ?

"Referee, I am not called Xiao Erju, my name is Xiao ..."

Wang Yan did not listen to the two dogs. I quickly read the name of the next group of contestants. "Ok, then I have a class of Xiao Qingqing, ridiculine ..."

The two dogs stepped down, Huo Yuhao took his shoulder with his hand, "two dogs, played well."

Two dogs sigh, "big brother, my name is Xiao ..."

Not waiting for him to say Huo Yuhao directly turned to Wang Dong. "When we went back, he went to the martial arts integration skills, Wang Dong?"

Wang Dongtie nodded. "Well, after the last time Wu Shu is successful, I was taken to the soul, I am afraid I only use it once."

"So it is still when the card is used, let me fight first!"


Soon, the five points have passed, Wang Yan is stupid, "all have five games, always is the Wang Dong shot, the other two people look."

"But why Huo Yuhao must open the martial art every time, what is his martial arts?"

"I only see the soul ring, I don't see Wu, what is going on?"

Wang Yan, who wanted to rush directly to Huo Yuhao, strokes, "Huo Yuhao, all of you come over."

Huo Yuhao walked in the forefront of the three people, the other two stood on the left and right side, Wang Yan double-eyed, "Go the most in the middle, it is the core of the team."

Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Yan, "Teacher Wang, is there something?"

Wang Yan is too self-taught, and these three children are long, and they are indeed the capital of people.

This is called Wang Dong's child, it looks like a normal child, it seems that there is no heart, and the 24th-level bright goddess is really a genius.

On the right, this boys have never shot, because he is stronger than Wang Dong?

I don't want to be cautious. It seems that it is unlavored. In fact, the heart is quite deep, it should be not a simple role.

As for Huo Yuhao, walking in the middle of the middle, what is his gods?

Just because the two 100,000 years of soul rings?

However, Wang Yan is embarrassed to say directly, is this not a face?

Yes, I can ask, but I don't ask!

Oh, that is, play!

Anyway, tomorrow, they encountered a strong enemy's natural ability, I see how you hide.

Wang Yan smiled and looked to Huo Yuhao. "Nothing, you have a good performance, the teacher just wants to remind you, tomorrow is not the same, you must go all out, strive to enter the first sixty-four rankings."

Huo Yuhao smiles, "Teacher, you have not too small to see us?"

"Before 64?"

"Our goal is champion."

Wang Yanfang is stiff, this young man is really not given to him, "Haha, the young man is this momentum, but if the opponent tomorrow is not full, the teacher is afraid that you will get a dissatisfaction. Number. "


Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Yan, "Teacher Wang, have you heard what I said?"

"I said we will definitely take the championship, even if you don't go all out, we are still championship."

"There is no reason, because the champion belongs to us from the beginning, is it?"

This kid!

Wang Yan was a bit surprised. I have heard that Huo Yuhao has received tolls. I didn't expect this kid to be so mad!

Even if his teachers are not in their eyes?

Forget it, how can he be with a child, "Okay, the teacher wishes you to win the champion."

Huo Yuhao has turned around, "Teacher Wang, the champion is inevitable, not what we strive, nor you wish."

"But there is no one, the championship is more assigned."

Wang Yan is solemnly, why is this Huo Yuhao arrogant?

He has a self-confidence from the bones, that kind of confident is a king!

The kind of self-confidence, as if he didn't know what failed, or said that there is no thing, let him fail.

Huo Yuhao ... "


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