As the two of them stepped on the ground, Tang San's eyes could not help but flash with excitement.

No matter what, Yan Shaozhe's performance made him feel relieved. He finally had a chance to get the fairy grass!

Tang San's guidance was not needed. Yan Shaozhe himself was not a fool. He simply identified it and took Tang San to the direction where the concentration of miasma was getting higher and higher. During this time, he subconsciously reminded him.

"Tang San, pay attention. The visibility here is too low. Although it is theoretically impossible for soul beasts to survive in this poisonous miasma, no one can say whether there are special circumstances. Don't leave me more than half a meter."

Hearing the concern in Yan Shaozhe's tone, Tang San's eyes flickered slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he spoke softly.

"... Teacher, if we are sure that there are really many fairy grasses in that place, what should we do?"


Yan Shaozhe was stunned for a moment, and after a brief pause, he expressed his thoughts.

"Tang San, you are still young, you may not know that even one of these things is hard to come by."

"I heard that the first generation of Shrek Seven Devils took a fairy grass with the help of Tang San's ancestor ten thousand years ago, which made each of them a unique genius at that time."

"If there is really a treasure land with a large number of fairy grasses as you said, we will naturally find a way to bring them all back to our Shrek Academy. This thing may even make our Shrek Academy stronger."

Not realizing that Tang San's eyes had become firm again because of his words, Yan Shaozhe chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, as your teacher, I will help you get enough benefits before bringing the fairy grass back to the academy."

"...I know, teacher."

The episode passed quickly, and not long after, Yan Shaozhe stopped his steps suddenly as if he had seen something terrifying.


After pulling Tang San to stop, Yan Shaozhe looked at the green poisonous fog in the distance with some doubt.

Although he couldn't tell what the source was, the vague palpitation told him that even with his cultivation, he would be in trouble if he was infected.

After a brief hesitation, the soul ring under him lit up, and a golden phoenix shadow appeared behind him.

After a loud phoenix cry, golden flames spewed out from the mouth of the phoenix shadow and spread towards the poisonous fog not far away.

Although it was not as hot as the fire phoenix, the temperature of his flames was not much lower. Under the terrifying high temperature, the green poisonous fog was immediately dispelled.

But the next scene made Yan Shaozhe's face a little solemn. After the flames dissipated, the surrounding poisonous fog quickly surged and closed like a living thing, filling the gap just now.

Even from the look of eagerness, if it wasn't for fear of his strength, I'm afraid that the poisonous fog would have spread to him long ago.

Seeing this scene, how could he not be afraid?

Before coming, he was full of confidence. After all, there was no 100,000-year-old soul beast in the Sunset Forest. Even if there was some unknown treasure, he could walk sideways with his own super Douluo cultivation.

But after seeing the miasma that was enough to make soul beasts unable to survive, and now the poisonous fog that even made him feel palpitating, he began to worry whether there would be something more powerful behind the poisonous fog.

Of course, he was afraid, but he would not retreat because of the poisonous fog in front of him, but what he encountered along the way was really beyond his expectations.

If he continued to go deeper, things would probably be beyond his control, and no one could predict what he would encounter.

... Should I go back and call for help?

But Tang San finally came here, and it would take ten days to go back and forth. He really didn't want to see his disciple being tortured by neurotoxins.

After thinking about it, Yan Shaozhe took a deep breath, looked at Tang San and spoke in a deep voice.

"Tang San, teacher, I won't brag. The current situation has exceeded my expectations. If you encounter any danger next, I may not be able to take care of you."

"I will send you out of the miasma later, and then come here to find the immortal herbs you need. You wait for me outside for two days. If I don't come out, you will go back to Shrek Academy for help."


Tang San's expression was sluggish for a moment.

Although he was somewhat touched, who would give him the immortal herbs he lacked!

Unlike Yan Shaozhe who knew nothing, he knew that the immortal herbs of the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire would abide by the rules they set.

It can be said that as long as he has a better attitude after entering and shows the unique skills of the Tang Sect, he will definitely get seven immortal herbs.

Let this old Deng go in alone, what can he bring out?

It's good that he didn't die there directly.

In fact, if we compare the cultivation of soul beasts and soul masters, the Titled Douluo is actually equivalent to a 100,000-year soul beast.

However, because the physical fitness of soul beasts is generally stronger than that of soul masters, coupled with various factors, it often takes a super Douluo to kill a 100,000-year soul beast.

It seems that even if Yan Shaozhe, who is level 95, faces those 100,000-year immortal herbs, he will not be in too much danger, but those immortal herbs can mobilize the lake water of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire.

He is undoubtedly the one who knows best how terrifying the power of this thing is. In his previous life, he used this thing to deal with the evil demon killer whale king with 200,000 years of cultivation, and the semi-god-level deep-sea demon whale king.

The two of them couldn't stand it, how could Yan Shaozhe, whose physical fitness was not as good as that of the soul beasts, stand it?

Add to that the immortal grasses that had cultivated for more than 100,000 years, and Yan Shaozhe had no chance of surviving.

"Teacher, let me go with you."

Thinking of this, Tang San hurriedly spoke to stop him.

"My father once told me how to identify immortal grasses when I was a child. There may be many kinds of immortal grasses in there. It will be convenient for me to go in with you to identify which immortal grass can remove the neurotoxins in my body."


As if moved by Tang San's words, Yan Shaozhe nodded slightly.

"After you go in, follow my instructions. We will leave immediately after getting the immortal grass that suits you. We will make plans for the rest when we return to Shrek. Do you understand?"


After Yan Shaozhe clamped Tang San under his arm, his soul power surged, and after condensing a soul power barrier out of thin air, the wings behind him shook violently.

The speed was beyond imagination, Tang San felt a flash before his eyes, and when he came to his senses, Yan Shaozhe had already rushed into the green poisonous fog with him.

Feeling the poisonous fog eroding his barrier, Yan Shaozhe's face remained unchanged, but his speed increased again. The plants vaguely visible in the poisonous fog began to retreat rapidly to both sides of his vision.

Looking at the seven-absolute green phosphorus flowers that he had planted himself, Tang San felt a little complicated for a while.

If he had known that this would happen, he would have planted something else.

By the way, Huo Yuhao seemed to know the location of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire, right?

With the ultimate ice martial spirit that is immune to all poisons, could the other party have already rushed in before him?

The sudden thought suddenly rose from Tang San's heart, making his body stiffen suddenly, and a bad premonition spread immediately.

As if he had noticed that something was wrong with him, Yan Shaozhe's somewhat solemn voice suddenly rang out.

"Tang San, what's wrong?"

"Teacher, I'm fine. I just thought of something."

As he said this, Tang San's heart gradually sank.

If things were really as he thought, then Huo Yuhao might have taken seven immortal herbs from the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire.

He went there just to pick up what others had left.

Not to mention anything else, the other party would definitely not let go of the Eight-Angled Mysterious Ice Grass and the Longing for the Autumn Water Dew.

This meant that his idea of ​​performing another Ice and Fire Alchemy Body was directly shattered, and his Purple Extreme Demon Pupil could not be advanced.

As for the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, he was a little unsure whether Huo Yuhao would take it away, but it seemed unlikely.

Not to mention whether the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, which already had consciousness, would agree to leave with Huo Yuhao. Judging from its importance in the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire, even if it wanted to leave, other immortal herbs would not agree.

Thinking this way in his heart, Tang San's heart was also slightly settled.

Although he could not perform the Ice and Fire Alchemy Body, he still had other things to take.

I don't know if the Acacia Heartbroken Red has been taken away. If not, I can absorb it this time.

Suddenly, as if he was about to break through the poisonous fog, Tang San subconsciously looked up and looked forward.

As the emerald green in front of his eyes faded away, a feeling of sudden enlightenment suddenly arose.

Looking at the seemingly new world, Tang San was stunned in the same place.

The light of hope originally contained in his eyes quickly extinguished, leaving only a lifeless void, just like the empty Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire in front of him.

Except for the gem-like two-color lake and the remaining breath of life in the air, there is no more fairy grass.

"What a great place!"

After putting Tang San down, Yan Shaozhe subconsciously took a deep breath of the refreshing fresh air and looked around with emotion.

But as he looked, he realized that something was wrong.

"Why do I feel like someone has been here before? Where's the fairy grass?"

"Someone got there first."

Tang San's eyes were filled with an unprecedented venomous look. Even though his arm had begun to tremble violently due to the neurotoxin, Tang San had no intention of loosening his fist.

He didn't need to think at all, he had already guessed who had done these things.

Who else could come here at this time except Huo Yuhao, who was reborn like him?

He never thought that this guy would do things so thoroughly, leaving him no soup at all.

Oh, no.

He still left some soup base.

"Someone got there first?"

Yan Shaozhe's expression changed, and he subconsciously looked around again.

Although he felt a little regretful, he quickly restrained his emotions because he didn't see the fairy grass Tang San mentioned with his own eyes and didn't know the value.

"What should we do now? Or you can see if there is anything that can treat the neurotoxins in your body?"

Listening to Yan Shaozhe's words, Tang San also suppressed the murderous intent in his heart and began to look around.

After a brief thought, he set out to a certain location by the lake, and after observing with the Purple Demon Eye, he began to dig.

Seeing Tang San digging the ground without saying anything, Yan Shaozhe was simply confused. After hesitating for a moment, he still chose not to disturb him.

Soon, a hint of joy flashed in Tang San's eyes. After digging more than a dozen times quickly, a piece of roots emitting a faint coolness appeared in his palm.

Putting it aside as if it were a treasure, Tang San continued to dig without any pause.

After the harvest, he increased the speed of digging mud again. After two hours, Tang San stopped after confirming that there were no more roots.

Yan Shaozhe, who was standing by, had already been stunned.

What had happened to his disciple?

Picking up vegetable roots like a refugee to eat! ?

Before he could speak, Tang San followed the same method and came to the red spring water emitting scorching heat and started digging again.

But this time before digging, Tang San took out a few bottles and handed them to him.

"Teacher, please help me use these bottles to collect some lake water. I need to use this thing to fight poison with poison."

This is the method Tang San thought of. The neurotoxin is like a carbuncle attached to the bone. It cannot be removed by conventional means. Then inject the spring water of the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire to remove it.

With these roots that still have some medicinal power, his body should be able to withstand the erosion of the lake water for a short time, so as to achieve the purpose of removing the neurotoxin.

Of course, this method can only be used on the shoulders and arms.

As for a certain special spot, I can only let him suffer like this for now.

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