
As her golden eyes swept over Huo Yuhao, Tang Ya, and Jiang Nannan in the distance, Qiu'er's arrogance remained unchanged. She casually thrust the golden dragon spear in her hand into the ground and spoke in a cold voice.

"Do you need time to discuss tactics?"

Although she was outnumbered on the surface, anyone could feel that Qiu'er's attention was always focused on Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao was helpless about this. Since the last fight, Qiu'er would continue to fight him from time to time, and she would lose again and again.

It seemed that because she had not won a single game in so many days, Qiu'er, who had been holding a grudge for a long time, could no longer bear it and chose to drag Huo Yuhao to fight in a proper way, preparing to regain the face she lost in bed somewhere else.

Huo Yuhao naturally did not refuse. It was better to say that he had not had a decent fight for a long time. Gu Yuena's strength was far beyond his, while Jiang Nannan and Tang Ya's strength was too weak.

He felt that he would get rusty if he continued like this.

He was itching to fight!

So, there was this scene in front of him.

Huo Yuhao, level 37 Soul Master.

Tang Ya, level 44 Soul Sect.

Jiang Nannan, level 41 Soul Sect.

Wang Qiuer, level 66 Soul Emperor.

A battle between Qiuer and three was about to begin.

"No need."

Seeing Qiuer's arrogant look, Tang Ya also snorted lightly, and without saying a word, she and Jiang Nannan released their martial spirits, and their fighting spirit was high.

Long-term interactions had already made the two of them full of trust in Huo Yuhao. With the effect of mental detection, they only needed to follow the instructions.

Two gold and one rose gold.

Since everyone present was his own people, Huo Yuhao simply didn't bother to cover up the color of his soul rings. As three soul rings of colors completely beyond the comprehension of the world slowly rose from his feet, the spiritual detection instantly connected Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan.

"Let's get started."

As soon as the voice fell, the four soul rings under Tang Ya's feet lit up one after another.

Compared with the path of a control-type soul master who imitated Tang San in her previous life, Tang Ya chose to go the auxiliary system in this life, and her soul skills were also very different.

The first was the second and third soul skills that she used when she and Jiang Nannan teamed up to fight Huo Yuhao last time. By injecting their own soul power and vitality into the blue silver grass, every teammate carrying the blue silver grass was equivalent to having a bottle that could be used at any time in battle and had a healing effect.

If the soul power contained in the blue silver grass was consumed, it could be replenished over a long distance through the entanglement of the first soul skill, which provided some re-employment opportunities for this seemingly unimportant first soul skill.

Finally, it was her fourth soul skill. As the soul ring lit up, large tracts of blue silver grass emerged from the ground around Tang Ya, spreading around like a blue-black wave.

Although it was not a domain, it was better than a domain. These blue-black blue silver grasses would cling to every creature that stepped into it like a thorn in the flesh, devouring vitality and soul power, and feeding back to Tang Ya.

If teammates wanted to avoid being indiscriminately attacked by the domain, they only needed to carry a blue silver grass made by Tang Ya's second and third soul skills in advance.

So far, this auxiliary system built around the devouring talent of the dark blue silver grass according to Huo Yuhao's original idea has taken shape.

After discussing with Huo Yuhao, the direction of Tang Ya's next soul ring has also been determined. She no longer needs to pursue more buffs for teammates, but to strengthen her devouring ability and the toughness and strength of the blue silver grass as much as possible.

After all, Tang Ya's assistance is to devour the enemy's energy first, and then feed it back to teammates.

Unlike ordinary healing spirits, if the opponent cannot be devoured, then Tang Ya will have to pay for the vitality and soul power she uses to supply teammates. If there are only one or two teammates, it is okay. Once there are more people, even if Tang Ya is squeezed dry, she will not be able to supply them.

From this point of view, Tang Ya's assistance is fundamentally different from the orthodox assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower.

With the two effects of continuous treatment and soul power recovery, the auxiliary ability is actually sufficient.

Turning to increase the strength can not only prevent the blue silver grass from being broken too easily by the opponent, but also allow Tang Ya to have a certain combat ability. Compared with other auxiliary spirit masters, at least she will not be too passive.

For example, now, although Tang Ya's dark blue silver grass is much stronger than ordinary blue silver grass, it is still too fragile in front of a spirit master like Qiu'er who mainly uses violent fighting methods.

With a bang, a small pit suddenly appeared where Qiu'er had just stood, and she rushed towards everyone like an arrow from a string.

During the process, golden dragon scales emerged, completely covering all parts of Qiu'er's neck and below. The six soul rings, three purple, two black and one red, made Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan subconsciously stunned.

Another one?

Isn't it true that people are so perverted nowadays?

Fortunately, under the influence of the equally perverted Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena, the two had already accepted this weird soul ring ratio quite well. After a short moment of shock, they collected their thoughts.

Taking the blue silver grass from Tang Ya's hand, Jiang Nannan's third soul skill suddenly lit up.


The next second, she just came to Qiu'er who stepped into the blue-black ocean.

At the same time as the second soul skill was used, the soul guide thruster connected to the leg exoskeleton armor suddenly ejected blue flames, making the originally ordinary-looking whip leg become powerful and heavy, heading towards Qiu'er's body. Kick to the chest.

How could the seemingly sudden attack escape Qiu'er's perception? You know, except for the range, her golden perception is not much worse than Huo Yuhao's mental detection in other aspects.

Just when she raised her dragon-scaled arm with almost prejudgment, trying to grab Jiang Nannan's arm, she suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes, and Huo Yuhao's mental interference also fell on her at this moment.

Coupled with Jiang Nannan's gravity control, the dual control of body and mind instantly slowed Qiu'er's movements by half a beat.

But that's all.

The gap between soul master levels becomes even greater as the levels go up, not to mention that Qiu'er crushed Jiang Nannan at level 25.

Even with these negative effects, Qiu'er was not something Jiang Nannan could contend with.

Giving up on the idea of ​​capturing Jiang Nannan, Qiu'er raised her arm, just in time to block the opponent's whip kick.

There was no dull sound of flesh contacting flesh, only the sharp explosion caused by the collision of dragon scales and exoskeleton.


Although he did not directly kick Qiu'er away, Jiang Nannan's kick also successfully blocked the opponent's forward momentum.

Seizing the opportunity, the Bluesilver Grass instantly clung to Qiu'er's body. As the controller, Tang Ya's expression suddenly changed. Not to mention swallowing up Qiuer's soul power, her Bluesilver Grass even connected with the dragon scales. They can't be broken open.

However, no one cared about this at this moment. Seeing Qiu'er raising her hands to resist, not only Jiang Nannan, but also Huo Yuhao had a trace of doubt in his eyes.

As a Golden Dragon Martial Spirit, Qiu'er's physical fitness would not be a problem even if she used her chest to resist this blow, especially when her soul power level was crushed. However, she actually chose to resist.

You know, in order to deal with Qiu'er's forced capture of her, Jiang Nannan was even preparing to release the Invincible Golden Body just now.

Seemingly sensing Huo Yuhao's doubts, Qiu'er spoke in a calm tone.

"It's just a competition. If you blindly rely on your physical fitness to crush you, you will only get victory or defeat, but you won't be able to grow."

Huo Yuhao blinked his eyes and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly. He naturally understood what the other party meant.

——It’s meaningless to simply rely on numerical values.

"You are cold on the outside and hot on the inside. You are truly a qualified sparring partner."

She didn't say it, but Qiu'er was also honing Jiang Nannan and Tang Ya's fighting skills in her own way.

Seeing that Huo Yuhao revealed what she was thinking without any shame, Qiu'er snorted softly.

"Don't make it sound like I'm letting off steam. Even so, I can still defeat you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the fifth soul ring under her feet suddenly lit up, and a golden dragon-shaped shadow condensed behind her.

The golden dragon roared.

Sensing the terrifying energy fluctuations through mental detection, Jiang Nannan's expression changed and she used the Invincible Golden Body without hesitation.

The next second, the deafening roar of the dragon spread like a substance. With Qiu'er's body as the center, the invisible sound wave spread, like clearing the place, shattering all the surrounding Bluesilver Grass, and even the land seemed to be It was plowed over and filled with smoke and dust.

This is too strong.

It wasn't until this moment that Tang Ya realized how correct Huo Yuhao's decision on her future path was. Most of the opponents she faced in the academy had very low cultivation levels, so her Blue Silver Grass seemed indestructible.

But if she just becomes self-satisfied and starts blindly pursuing the benefits of bringing benefits to her teammates, it will be difficult for her Blue Silver Grass to play its role in more high-end battles in the future.

There was no time to hesitate, Tang Ya subconsciously shot out a stream of blue silver grass in her hand, trying to take advantage of the smoke that obscured Qiu'er's vision to pull Jiang Nannan back, who was in an invincible golden body. However, a golden-covered sword emerged from the mist. The palm of the dragon scale grabbed it first.

Huo Yuhao's expression changed and he subconsciously reminded him.

"Let go!"

This silly girl! He also has a life thread. If he could pull it, he would have pulled it long ago.

This trick is okay against other people, but it is completely useless against Qiu'er who has golden perception.

But this can't be blamed on Tang Ya. After all, he didn't mention this beforehand. No one would have thought that a powerful attack-type soul master would have the same super-sense ability as him.

After hearing Huo Yuhao's words, a confused look appeared on Tang Ya's face when she felt a huge force coming from the Blue Silver Grass in her hand.

Caught off guard, Tang Ya was pulled into the air and flew uncontrollably in the direction of Qiu'er.

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