Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 179 I am a person who cherishes my life very much (two in one)


What a walk!

For a long time, he couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Huo Yuhao, secretly cursing in his heart.

After the game ended in the afternoon, she followed Xu Jiawei's wishes and told Huo Yuhao about the matter. As a result, this guy came to the Duke's Mansion without saying a word.

Originally, Xu Jiawei had told her to fully cooperate with Huo Yuhao, and because of her curiosity, she simply followed him.

Facts also proved that her decision was very correct. Putting aside everything else, just experiencing the magical effect brought by Huo Yuhao's mental detection was enough to make the trip worthwhile.

However, what Xu Jiujiu didn't expect was that what they thought was just a simple exploration operation actually led to the two of them bumping into the duchess who was about to run away with Dai Huabin.

Although they don't know what happened in the Duke's Mansion, these two people must not let go.

She originally wanted to go back to the palace to inform Xu Jiawei to send someone to hunt her down, but Huo Yuhao simply said "it's too late" and blocked her here in advance.

It made people look stupid for a long time.

No, although I admit that what you said makes sense, why do you think we can stop the Duchess?

Even though Xu Jiujiu was standing next to Huo Yuhao with a calm expression, her heart was about to jump into her throat.

You must know that even if the Duchess does not show off her beauty on weekdays, she is still the most talented of the Zhu family of her generation. Based on her age, she should be a Soul Saint by now.

Coupled with the two guards beside him who were obviously of high cultivation level, it seemed that they, the Soul King and the Soul Lord, could not compete with each other.

It's good now, it would be nice if you don't have to risk your life here.

"This is a personal feud between the Duchess and I. There is no need for you to get involved, otherwise."

As if aware of what she was thinking, Huo Yuhao suddenly turned his head and looked over, and asked proactively.

"Are you going back first?"

".Do you think I will choose this time to go back?"

He was stunned for a long time, and then he seemed to be completely irritated. The tension in his heart disappeared in an instant, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Huo Yuhao like fire.

"Who do you think I am!? Since I chose to follow you, I am naturally prepared to face danger! I won't leave!"

No, girl, I just asked casually, you are not so popular, right?

The corner of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched and he spread his hands helplessly.

"Okay, okay, then you can stay."

As a holder of the Star Crown Martial Spirit whose auxiliary abilities are comparable to those of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, it will indeed be much easier for him to cope with it if he has been around for a long time.

As for the safety of Princess Xingluo, the Duchess might be so crazy that she would be desperate, but the two guards around her would definitely not dare to attack Xu Jiujiu.

Besides, this silly girl still has the Shield of Judgment and Control she gave her.

"What do you mean, just stay here!?"

Do you ever talk like that?

What you mean is that there is no use for me to stay! ?

He stopped doing it for a long time, and his voice became louder and louder.

"Am I holding you back by staying here or what? Can you still handle it alone!?"

So infuriating!

Even Xu Jiujiu felt strange. She didn't know whether it was because of Xu Jiawei's teasing before, or because Huo Yuhao could always say things that made her angry in a serious manner. The young man's words or actions will destroy his merits.

If other people were to roundaboutly say that she was incompetent like this, she would probably laugh it off without even thinking about arguing, but that was not the case with Huo Yuhao. Her self-esteem would never allow her to be looked down upon by this guy.


Huo Yuhao felt that his cerebellum was about to shrink. As if he realized that if he continued to argue like this, it would be endless, he took out a trigger-type soul shield from the storage space and stuffed it for a long time.

The two people's argument as if no one was watching was clearly heard by everyone. The duchess, who was still looking around to see if anyone else was ambushing nearby, froze and stared at the young man in disbelief.

This guy dared to stop her without anyone! ?

"Huo Yuhao, how dare you..."

The Duchess trembled, her inner rage uncontrollable, and she roared.

"Who gave you the courage to appear in front of me like this!?"

"...Why are you angry?"

Huo Yuhao tilted his head as if in confusion, and raised the corners of his lips slightly. It was obviously a mocking expression, but it gave people a thrilling beauty.

"Looking at Madam like this, she must have wanted to avenge your two sons for a long time, right? Now there are no Titled Douluo, no Contra Douluo, only the enemy you want to revenge the most. The opportunity is right at your fingertips, you shouldn't Feel happy?"

Before the Duchess could say anything, and he didn't know whether it was because the noise was too loud or because he heard the nightmare-like voice, Dai Huabin, who was sleeping on the back of the guard, trembled and slowly opened his eyes, feeling a little dazed. He glanced around.

"Huo, Huo Yuhao!?"

When that stunning familiar face came into view, Dai Huabin seemed to wake up from his sleep. The confusion in his eyes quickly faded, replaced by deep fear.

Jun Lin Tian Xia's attack ability is aimed at the spirit. Over the past month, Dai Huabin's spiritual sea has been more and more severely damaged, and his resistance to the sequelae of Jun Lin Tian Xia has also been gradually weakened.

Now, as soon as he woke up, he saw the figure that was imprinted in his memory like a nightmare. His originally tense spirit was finally like a thread that was stretched to the limit.

With a snap, it suddenly broke.

"Why are you here? Mom, Mom! Kill him, kill him!!!"

As if it was a last gasp, Dai Huabin, who was swallowed by fear, miraculously recovered. His hysterical expression was no longer weak.

If it weren't for the sea of ​​​​spirituality that was accelerated by the violent fluctuations of emotions, anyone would think that Dai Huabin had recovered.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao couldn't help blinking his eyes. Although he didn't do anything, this can be regarded as a miracle, right?

The sudden scene scared the Duchess. A month ago, she and Dai Hao had discussed asking Huo Yuhao for a way to cure Dai Huabin. Now the dream has come true. The original idea has become a reality in an alternative and absurd way.

Dare not hesitate at all, she slapped Dai Huabin's neck with a palm and knocked him out directly.

It must be said that although her behavior was a bit rough in a hurry, the effect was very significant. After Dai Huabin fell into a coma, he no longer had any emotional fluctuations, and his spiritual sea also calmed down.

However, before the Duchess could breathe a sigh of relief, Huo Yuhao's voice rang out.

"I didn't expect Dai Huabin to get better so quickly just by seeing me. No wonder the Duke's Mansion sent a giant Douluo to capture me. It seems that Madam knew that I could have an unexpected effect here. If I had known, I would have come earlier... But it's not too late now."

At this point, Huo Yuhao paused and continued in a very sincere tone.

"Congratulations, Madam. I heard that you and Dai Hao have been looking for medical treatment during this period, and now you have got what you wanted."

"Damn bastard..."

Facing these heart-piercing words, the Duchess roared hoarsely, and her bloodshot eyes were full of resentment.

"Your mother is a bitch, and you are also a bastard. I should have killed both of you!!!"

"Really? Then we may have different ideas."

While speaking, Huo Yuhao stroked his forehead with his palm. With a flash of green light, the Sword of Life that he had used in the daytime competition appeared in his hand again.

"Unlike Dai Yueheng, I think it would be too easy for you and Dai Huabin to die so easily."

Listening to Huo Yuhao's words, Xu Jiujiu's beautiful eyes were fixed on the Sword of Life in his hand. Although the shape and size of the short blade did not change, the originally golden part of its surface had turned silver at this moment.

Can this thing change color? Or is it not the same sword?

As soon as Xu Jiujiu had this thought in her mind, she saw a dark blue light blooming from Huo Yuhao's body, and then she felt Huo Yuhao's breath began to fluctuate violently.

The source of arrogance in the spiritual space surged wildly, and the surging soul power fluctuations surged like a tide, like an invisible big hand, pulling Huo Yuhao's cultivation, climbing wildly, until it came to a sudden stop when it was close to the level of Soul Emperor.

This time, let alone the Duchess, even Xu Jiujiu's face showed an unbelievable look.

She was sure that Huo Yuhao had never used this trick when he dealt with the captain of the Qianling team in the morning. No wonder this guy, a Soul Master, dared to block the Duchess, and he also hid such a hand.

When he was a Soul Master, Huo Yuhao could easily defeat the Soul King. Now his cultivation is close to the peak of the Soul King, and he is only one step away from the Soul Emperor. He may not lose to the Duchess.

Thinking of this, Xu Jiujiu felt an inexplicable sense of frustration. Huo Yuhao was right a few days ago. Judging from the current situation, he didn't even need other Shrek team members. He and the Golden Dragon Girl were enough to defeat their Xingluo team.

How much is this guy hiding?

Compared to Xu Jiujiu, the Duchess's reaction was much greater, especially after seeing the three purple soul rings rising from Huo Yuhao's feet, which were completely different from those in the morning.

Soul Master?

How could he be a Soul Master? How could this soul power fluctuation be emitted by a Soul Master?

Although she was angry that Huo Yuhao dared to be so arrogant as to block her in front of her alone, she never let down her guard in her heart.

As the saying goes, the one who knows you best is often your opponent. As early as when Dai Huabin was beaten at the age of six, she understood what kind of person Huo Yuhao was. Now that she saw Huo Yuhao reveal his trump card, she was even more vigilant.

In a trance, she thought of what Huo Yuhao had said just now, and her expression suddenly became extremely ferocious.

"Did you kill Yueheng yourself!?"


Huo Yuhao nodded slightly: "He wanted to kill me, so I killed him, what's the problem?"

"You will regret it! Huo Yuhao, you will regret everything you did, you will regret standing alone in front of me now!"

Listening to that matter-of-fact tone, the Duchess was trembling with rage.

"Not only will I make you pay for Dai Yueheng's life, I will not let your lowly mother go! I will find her at all costs and use all means to torture her to death!!!"

The remaining rationality told her that the best thing to do now was to let the two guards stop Huo Yuhao, and then take Dai Huabin away.

But the murderer who killed Dai Yueheng and was also related to Dai Huabin's injury was right in front of her. As a mother, should she run away with her tail between her legs?

She admitted that Huo Yuhao was very powerful, but she was a real Soul Saint!

Once a Soul Master possessed a martial soul, it would be a qualitative leap. It would be several times more difficult for a Soul King to defeat a Soul Saint than for a Soul Master to defeat a Soul King.

What's more, Huo Yuhao had only reached the level of cultivation, and his soul rings were still three purple, so the gap between him and her would only be greater.

At this moment, the other party had no Title Douluo to protect him. If she gave up this hard-won opportunity and let Huo Yuhao grow for another year or two, even she would probably only be able to look up to him.

If she didn't kill him here, there would be no peace in the future!

Having made a decision in her heart, the Duchess's eyes were quickly filled with murderous intent. She leaned forward slightly and released her martial soul in an instant.

Two yellow, two purple and three black, seven soul rings slowly rose.

As a quick attack type that relies on speed and unexpected sneak attacks, the Duchess's aura did not explode like Huo Yuhao's after releasing her martial soul. Instead, she quickly restrained herself, and the whole person seemed to blend into the dim environment around her, making it difficult to detect.

This was also reflected in Zhu Lu, who also had the Nether Spirit Cat martial soul, but she was only a Soul Master, and there was still a big gap compared to the Duchess who had already reached the seventh ring.

After seeing this scene, Xu Jiujiu, who was standing aside, could not help but sigh again at the power of Huo Yuhao's spiritual detection.

Under the cover of spiritual detection, the Duchess was as conspicuous as the only light source in the dark. No matter how she concealed her aura, it was hard to ignore.

Although her first soul skill, Star Attraction, also had a similar detection effect, it was definitely not so convenient.

Without hesitation, Xu Jiujiu released her Star Crown martial soul, subconsciously moved closer to Huo Yuhao, and asked in a low voice.

"How to fight?"

"Assist me, and then protect yourself."

"That's it? Are you sure you can do it? I still have a soul guide cannon on me to help you."

Before she finished her words, Huo Yuhao interrupted her.

"Don't worry."

Huo Yuhao stared at the Duchess in front of him and spoke calmly.

"I cherish my life very much, nothing will happen to me."

Being despised by Huo Yuhao was fine, but now seeing that Xu Jiujiu dared not take her seriously, the Duchess's pretty face was as ferocious as a demon, and she roared at the two people beside her.

"Kill them, kill them!!!"

However, the two guards turned green after hearing this, and had no intention of taking action at all.

Damn it, you just asked us to help take Dai Huabin away, and now you want us to take action against Princess Xingluo! ?

Is this crazy woman afraid of dying! ?

"Both of you have been seen, do you think you can get away without taking action?!"

As if she had noticed the two's thoughts, the Duchess's sharp voice sounded again.

"Kill them now, and leave here as soon as possible, and no one will find out!"

Hearing this, the two were stunned, and their eyes instantly became fierce. They belonged to the same faction as the Duchess in the Zhu family, and naturally understood what consequences the faction behind them would bear if Xu Jiujiu was allowed to leave.

On the contrary, if Xu Jiujiu was left here, at least there would be a chance to conceal it.

There was no time to hesitate, the two looked at each other, and at the same time, while releasing their martial spirits, the man carrying Dai Huabin quickly retreated, preparing to find a safe place to put him down first.

The nails quickly turned black and grew, and the pupils in the iconic heterochromatic eyes quickly shrank into a vertical line, which was exactly the same as the Duchess's Nether Spirit Cat martial spirit.

The only difference from the Duchess was that they all had six spirit rings, and one of them even had a ratio of three yellow, one purple and two black spirit rings.

But no matter what, the two of them are also real soul emperors, and with the addition of the Duchess, a soul saint, the gap between the two teams is like a chasm.

Xu Jiujiu looked at the three people in front of her with cold eyes, and the third soul ring under her body suddenly lit up.

Star Shining Technique.

A cloud of mist that seemed to be formed by the gathering of golden stars rose from the crown on her head and quickly fell on Huo Yuhao.

In just a moment, Huo Yuhao felt the magical effect of the star crown's amplification.

Unlike the single soul skill of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda that provides a single amplification, Xu Jiujiu's skill is like integrating the power of the stars into the soul power of others, amplifying various attributes while giving the soul skills the most intuitive power improvement.

From the fact that the soul king of the black tiger martial soul of the Xingluo team in the previous life was blessed by Xu Jiujiu's third soul skill, he was even able to fight Ma Xiaotao, who was level 67, which was enough to show how terrifying the amplification effect of this soul skill was.

With the help of the Star Shining Technique and the source of arrogance, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but let out a breath of turbid air because of the sense of power in his body.

The next second, the wind howled.

Xu Jiujiu only felt a flash before his eyes, and the young man beside him rushed towards one of the middle-aged men with the cultivation level of a Soul Emperor at an unimaginable speed.

What speed is this! ?

Not only Xu Jiujiu, but even the Duchess was stunned. After the amplification, he was only a Soul King, but his speed was comparable to that of a Soul Saint. She was shocked and subconsciously reminded him.

"Be careful."

Being able to step by step reach the level of Soul Emperor, the middle-aged man's combat experience is naturally not bad. He does not need the Duchess's belated reminder. The moment he saw Huo Yuhao rushing towards him, he was ready to release his soul skills.

However, Huo Yuhao seemed to have predicted his behavior in advance, and the third and first soul rings under his body lit up one after another.

Fate's Sorrow, Soul Deprivation, Mental Interference, Soul Shock.

No one would have thought that in such a short moment, Huo Yuhao would perform four soul skills.

The middle-aged man only saw the golden light flashing continuously in Huo Yuhao's blue eyes, and then he felt dizzy, and a strong sense of discomfort made him groan.

Finally, as if the brain was split in two by an axe, a terrible pain came.


Accompanied by scarlet blood spurting out of the man's seven orifices, the heart-wrenching and miserable wail hit the eardrums of everyone present.

Seeing this unexpected scene, another middle-aged man who had just put down Dai Huabin and was rushing towards the battlefield was frightened and stopped in his tracks.

"Old Four!"

How is this possible?

Huo Yuhao was clearly more than ten meters away from his companions. His companions suffered unprecedented heavy damage after his eyes flashed twice.

While everyone was shocked, endless coldness gathered from Huo Yuhao's left palm, and the second soul ring under his body also lit up at this moment.

Life Thread.

The invisible thread condensed by mental power instantly entangled the soul emperor called Old Four. As Huo Yuhao's right hand pulled back, the soul emperor flew into the air, looking like he was actively rushing towards Huo Yuhao.

As the distance between the two people continued to get closer, Huo Yuhao's left palm had completely shown a creepy blue light.

Emperor Palm, Great Cold without Snow.

There was no terrifying momentum, nor any terrifying power. Just like a greeting between friends, Huo Yuhao's palm landed lightly on the chest of the Soul Emperor, with a gentle push force, and separated at the touch.

After all, they were acquaintances in the same faction. Seeing his companion being pushed by Huo Yuhao and flying towards them, the other Soul Emperor subconsciously stretched out his arms to catch him.

However, the sharp-eyed Duchess was horrified to find that a blue color, exactly the same as Huo Yuhao's palm just now, was rapidly spreading on the flying Old Four.

A strong premonition of danger rose from her heart. The Duchess used her martial soul true body without hesitation, and her body retreated violently while screaming shrilly.

"Don't touch him!!!"


Hearing this, the Soul Emperor who was still holding out his hands flashed a look of confusion in his eyes, and before he could react, the situation in front of him suddenly changed.

Oh my god, why did Old Four turn green?

Just as he had the last thought of his life, he saw his companion, who was glowing green, explode without warning.

The terrifying air wave mixed with extreme coldness swept across the area of ​​100 meters in an instant. Including the Soul Emperor, everything was turned into dust under the energy fluctuations that seemed like a heavenly punishment.


A violent roar resounded, and a golden barrier instantly unfolded, enveloping the dazed Xu Jiujiu. It was the triggered soul shield that Huo Yuhao had just given her.

Even though she was not in the center of the explosion at this moment, the soul shield on her body still made a mournful cry under the impact of the energy, as if it would break at any time.

With a feeling of flying in the clouds, when she came to her senses, she had been pulled out of the explosion range by Huo Yuhao.

Not far in front of her, the wide official road seemed to be cut off in the middle, and a large piece was cut off. A huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly appeared.

There was nothing else in the pit except the dust and ice fragments that were broken into pieces.

At the edge of the pit, the Duchess, whose spirit form was directly cancelled by the explosion, was lying quietly on the ground.

Even though she reacted immediately, her back was still bloody and she had fainted.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Xu Jiujiu asked with a dry voice, his throat rolling slightly.

"What should we do now?"

"The noise just now was too loud."

Huo Yuhao glanced at the Duchess and Dai Huabin in the distance, and said calmly.

"Take them both with you, we'll leave now."

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