Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 180: All the pants were taken away (two in one)

"Your Excellency, you are here."

By the time Dai Hao arrived at the crime scene, the pit was already crowded with servants from the White Tiger Duke's Palace.

Facing the respectful salutes of the people around him, Dai Hao just nodded expressionlessly, his eyes falling on the pit in front of him from beginning to end, and asked coldly.

"what happened?"

"This. We found that there are a large number of ice crystal particles remaining in the pit. The person who caused this blow should be an ice attribute soul master, whose cultivation has at least reached the Contra level."

After waiting for a long time before the guard continued to speak, Dai Hao frowned slightly.

"That's it? Didn't you find anything else?"

Hearing this, the guard trembled all over, lowered his head in shame, and said bravely.

"Lord, the main reason is that except for this pit, there are no signs of fighting around it. It cannot be ruled out that someone deliberately destroyed the evidence after the battle."

Hearing that the words were the same as those that were not said, Dai Hao couldn't help but rubbed his brows a little irritably.

"Okay, I understand. If you find anything else, let me know."

Ice attribute soul master.

For some reason, Dai Hao suddenly thought of Huo Yuhao, whom Xuanji Douluo had mentioned to him this morning.

But the next second this idea was rejected by himself.

It shouldn't be possible. He's so young. Even if he started practicing in his mother's womb, he still wouldn't have Contra-level strength.

Secretly laughing at himself, Dai Hao subconsciously turned around and looked at the official road stretching towards the Duke's Palace in front of him, his eyes twinkling.

The location of the explosion is not far from the Duke's Palace, and there is no fork in the road. It can be said that there are no people outside the palace on weekdays. Now a strong man with at least Contra level strength is suddenly here. How could he not be worried about launching an attack?

Are you coming to the Duke's Palace?

Could it be that Shrek's people came to demonstrate?

But if you want to demonstrate, you can go to the gate of the Duke's Palace. Why did you choose to do it here?

Just when Dai Hao was wondering, his eyes suddenly focused as if he had seen something.

I saw a panic-looking middle-aged man walking towards this side from the direction of the Duke's Palace, and started waving to him from a distance.

"Your Excellency, the Madam and the Second Young Master are both missing!"

"What!? Didn't I ask you to pay attention to the situation in the house!?"

Dai Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly asked: "Did you find any clues? Who did it?"

There was an explosion near the Duke's Palace. Naturally, he immediately thought that this might be the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. For this reason, he specially told the guards to be alert before going out. Unexpectedly, things actually happened as he expected. .

"No, Your Majesty the Duke, it was not someone who captured the lady."

Seeing Dai Hao's eager look, a strange look appeared on the middle-aged man's face, and he spoke hesitantly.

"I heard from the guard at the door that Madam seemed to have left the Duke's Palace on her own initiative shortly before the explosion. The most important thing is that Madam went to the warehouse before leaving. When we went in to check just now, all the resources and belongings inside were Was taken away..."

The words poured into Dai Hao's ears, like a bolt from the blue, making his eyes darken for a while.

Recalling the Duchess's attitude when he talked with Xuanji Douluo in the morning, Dai Hao still didn't understand that his wife was not kidnapped at all, but took the initiative to take the money and run away after hearing that he was giving up Dai Huabin.

"Zhu Ying! I usually treat you well, but you actually treat me like this!!!"

An angry growl sounded from his mouth, Dai Hao's eyes suddenly turned red, and his chest heaved violently like a blower.

Not only was he panting like an ox this time, he felt like his lungs were going to explode.

Even if he escaped with Dai Huabin, it would disrupt his plan, and he would also rob the White Tiger lineage of nearly 10,000 years of accumulation. You know, that also included the rewards he had received from serving in the army for so many years!

As a person who pursues power and reputation, he naturally doesn't have much interest in things like money. In addition, he has been leading troops on the battlefield for many years, so it is useless to carry money with him except for storage space in case of emergencies. Except for the hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins he needed, all his belongings were left in the warehouse of the Duke's Mansion.

Now that the Duchess was taking the blame, Dai Hao's heart started to bleed just thinking about it.

In the past, if these things were lost, they would just throw them away and earn them back. But next, he was going to apologize to Huo Yuhao!

We had just decided to pay compensation in the morning, and in the afternoon the entire Duke's Mansion was ransacked until even our pants were gone.

If you still want to compensate, what should you give to the other party?

After thinking for a long time, the only way Dai Hao could think of now was to borrow money from Xuanji Douluo.

Since the Shrek incident, other nobles have been vaguely aware of the tight relationship between the royal family and the Duke's Palace. Although because of Xuanji Douluo's attitude of fighting to the end, those who took advantage of the situation did not openly attack the Duke's Palace, but privately But everyone below them kept a distance from him, the marshal of the empire.

If I really go to these people to borrow money, they may refuse to say anything, and I am afraid that the matter will spread throughout the entire Star Luo noble circle the next day.

The dignified marshal of the empire was actually reduced to asking someone to borrow money and resources.

Dai Hao really couldn't afford to lose this person.

But Xuanji Douluo is different. The relationship between the two parties is here. If the other party knows about his situation, he will definitely help, and there is no need to worry about losing face if the matter is spread.

Thinking in his heart, Dai Hao's expression also eased a little. Looking at the big pit in front of him, he had already guessed what had just happened based on the behavior of the Duchess.

Before, he thought that Shrek Academy was making a feint to the east and attacking in the west. Now it seems that the Duchess wanted to take Dai Huabin away, and it was a coincidence that she ran into the Shrek master who came to her door.

Judging from the tragic degree of the scene, the two should be in danger.

Because the Duchess betrayed first, Dai Hao had nothing to say about the two people's self-inflicted experience, and even felt a little fortunate in his heart.

After all, the two people fell into the hands of Shrek, which was no different from falling into the hands of Huo Yuhao. Before, Xuanji Douluo asked him to send his son to the other party to be disposed of in public. Although he had an advantage in righteousness, it ultimately showed that he was too cold-blooded.

Now that the Duchess and Dai Huabin were quietly retaliated by the other party, he not only saved his reputation, but also indirectly calmed Huo Yuhao's resentment, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It was a pity that the resources taken away by the Duchess did not play their due role, but instead benefited Shrek for nothing.

Dai Hao knew without thinking that those resources would definitely not be returned. Even if he mentioned it, Shrek would definitely pretend to be confused.

Feeling annoyed, Dai Hao waved his hand and spoke in a cold voice.

"No need to check anymore. It's getting late. Let's go back to the mansion to rest. We will send someone to repair the official road tomorrow."

No more checking?

Everyone was stunned. Although they were confused, since the boss had spoken, they naturally would not ask more questions and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke."

In the Xinghuang Hotel.

When they arrived at the floor of Xingluo Royal Academy, Huo Yuhao stopped and looked at Xu Jiujiu who was obviously still in a trance. He sighed.

The battle tonight seemed to be crushing, but in fact it was completely the result of him taking advantage of the enemy's underestimation and seizing the opportunity to go all out.

There is a difference between sparring and fighting for life and death. The reborn Huo Yuhao knows this better than anyone else.

Since the purpose is to kill, it is natural to seize every opportunity to give the opponent a thundering blow. Huo Yuhao will not be so arrogant as to think that he can fight a Soul Saint with a martial soul and a combination of two Soul Emperors.

From the speed burst to the use of the four soul skills of the spirit eye in an instant, and then pulling back with the life thread, combined with the emperor palm and ice explosion, plus the full-time mental detection, in that short period of less than half a minute, Huo Yuhao can be said to have made a desperate move and used all means.

Once the effect is not ideal, what awaits him is a critical situation where all skills enter the cooling state. Unless he switches to the second martial soul, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Of course, high risk and high reward, the effect of Huo Yuhao's behavior is also obvious.

The rhythm of the battle was controlled by him from beginning to end. The three opponents did not even use a decent move, and they were directly trapped in a situation where one was injured and two died.

"Thank you for your help today, Princess. It's getting late, so I'll take my leave now."

Hearing the gentle voice in her ear, Xu Jiujiu finally got out of the shock that Huo Yuhao had just brought her. She opened her mouth subconsciously, but she didn't know what to say.

Recalling the scene where she was teetering in the explosion, as if she would face death in the next second, she couldn't help but shiver. Even though she knew something about the magical skill of Ice Explosion, it was the first time she saw it with her own eyes.

Although Ice Explosion seemed to be the focus of the whole battle, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that the soul skills before Ice Explosion should not be underestimated.

And the last strange light gate that Huo Yuhao used to imprison people, which exuded a deadly atmosphere...

What kind of ability is that?

Just like that, until Huo Yuhao disappeared in the stairs leading to the top floor, she didn't say anything, just watched in silence.

All the way back to the empty room, as Huo Yuhao recited the obscure spell again, the gray hexagram slowly outlined from his feet, and the next second, he stepped into the plane of the dead again.

The purple sun hung high in the sky, and the endless black land continued to extend to the end of the world.

As soon as Huo Yuhao stepped into this place, he noticed the Duchess who had woken up at some point and was looking at him with a wary face.

It seemed that she had forced herself to apply medicine before he came. The clothes on the Duchess were no longer the clothes that were blown to pieces in the ice explosion.

However, because the back injury was too serious, the clothes that had just been changed were inevitably soaked with the scarlet blood.

Sweeping Dai Huabin, who was deliberately blocked behind him and was still in a coma, Huo Yuhao's eyes slowly fell on the Duchess's face that he had not seen several times in his previous life, and he looked at it leisurely.

I have to admit that as the pride of the Zhu family, the Duchess's appearance is not much different from that of Jiang Nannan, a top beauty.

Even though she looked a little pale due to injury, and even though she looked hideous and twisted due to anger and resentment, her face was still beautiful enough.

The two sides just faced each other quietly, and finally, the stinging pain in her back made the Duchess lose the battle and broke the silence first.

"I really didn't expect that Huo Yuhao, you are actually an evil soul master!"

Recalling the chilling horrors she had just seen in this world, the Duchess stared at the overly handsome young man in front of her and uttered a vicious curse.

"Once you are exposed, you will be chased by countless soul masters. Even if I die, you will not be fine...ahhhh!!!"

Before he could finish his words, as the turquoise light flashed, the Sword of Life appeared in Huo Yuhao's hand again. Without any hesitation, the sharp short blade penetrated directly through the palm of the Duchess.

I don’t know why, but for a soul master with Soul Saint cultivation, this was obviously not a serious injury, but the Duchess felt that the pain was even more unbearable than the explosion just now, making her uncontrollable. Screamed out.

In a daze, she saw Huo Yuhao walking in front of her, opening and closing his lips, and uttering indifferent words.

"One thing you may not understand is that my skills as an evil soul master are more than just these."

As the words fell, Huo Yuhao stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the sword. In an instant, the golden lines on the surface of the sword of life shone brightly, and the Duchess was horrified to find that the short blade that penetrated her palm was actually devouring her life force. !

Although Huo Yuhao quickly pulled out the short blade, the severe pain and the feeling of her life being swallowed up in just a few seconds felt like she had escaped from the gate of hell, leaving an indelible mark on her soul.

"To be honest, before I came in, I was wondering if you would find a chance to escape."

Huo Yuhao spoke softly, his tone clearly sounding like a joke between old friends, but there was no smile in his blue eyes, only endless indifference.

"This way you may have died in the hands of some undead creature, and you won't have to do it myself."

"Why, when you say these words, do you want me to congratulate you on your victory?"

Faced with these stinging words, the Duchess gasped for air, clenching her fists subconsciously, and her hoarse voice seemed to contain unimaginable resentment.

"Then I congratulate you, Huo Yuhao, you have indeed won. You killed Dai Yueheng, and now even the life and death of Dai Huabin and I are in your hands."

"You have ruined the lives of three of us, and successfully eliminated all obstacles that could prevent you from inheriting the position of Duke, not just the position of Duke. Since the Star Luo royal family values ​​you so much, I am afraid that as long as you stay married for a long time, you will Even the position of future emperor is within easy reach."

She stared hard at the face that was so close that she wanted to tear it out, and said with a sneer.

"You have won everything you want, and you can be as proud as you like. This is the right of a winner. But if you kill my son, don't imagine that I will beg for mercy from you."

However, Huo Yuhao was not angry. Instead, after staring into her eyes for a long time, he spoke with relief.

"I have to say that you are a qualified mother, so I feel relieved. After all, you are more able to empathize with the sufferings that my mother and I have experienced."

".What do you mean?"

The duchess frowned slightly, but the next second Huo Yuhao told him the answer with his actions.

Huo Yuhao made a lightning-fast move and grabbed Dai Huabin, who was still unconscious behind her.

"don't want!"

The duchess, who realized what the other party wanted to do, let out a shrill scream, and subconsciously wanted to snatch Dai Huabin back. However, not only was she seriously injured at this moment, but she had just suffered pain amplified by the senses, and she could not lift up the slightest strength in her body. , could only watch Dai Huabin being lifted up by Huo Yuhao.

"No, give him back to me, please, don't hurt him."

Looking at the frightened Duchess, who was clutching her trouser legs tightly, Huo Yuhao's eyes remained calm and he asked softly.

"My mother must have begged you like this at the Duke's Palace, right? How did you do it?"

The Duchess stiffened suddenly and pursed her lips.

"No, it has nothing to do with my son. All this was instigated by me alone and has nothing to do with my son. I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. You can do whatever you want me to do. I will listen to you. Please Please, please, he has no more months to live, let him go."

"To be honest, I'm actually not very good at doing this kind of thing. Until now, I have always wanted to be a good person, but after experiencing so much, I will eventually understand some truths, such as..."

Speaking of this, Huo Yuhao paused for a moment. The short blade that had been flying and jumping in his hand was suddenly tightened at this moment, and once again penetrated the wound left on the palm of Dai Huabin's right hand when he was six years old.


Along with Dai Huabin's painful wailing, Huo Yuhao's voice sounded again, as if he was telling some natural truth, with an irrefutable solemnity in his tone.

"If you want to be a good person, you have to be smarter, more cunning, and more ruthless than the bad people."

In order to protect him, his mother Huo Yun'er in his previous life, didn't he also beg the guards who took orders from Dai Huabin like this?

But what's the result?

"Huo Yuhao! It's you again!?"

Although he didn't understand the current situation, as soon as he woke up and saw Huo Yuhao's eyes that were imprinted deep in his memory, one can imagine how frightened Dai Huabin was.

Just as he was struggling with the unbearable pain, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the Duchess sitting aside from the corner of his eye. He screamed loudly as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"Mother, help me, help me! Ah!!!"

Listening to Dai Huabin's painful voice, scarlet tears flowed from the cracked corners of her eyes. The Duchess opened her mouth and uttered a painful wail like a wild beast.

At this moment, she finally understood that the reason why Huo Yuhao let her endure the pain for two seconds just now was not because he pitied her, but simply wanted her to have a clear understanding of what Dai Huabin was going through at the moment.

When Huo Yuhao noticed her feelings for her son, he had already thought of a way to retaliate against her.

No longer caring about the ridiculous dignity in her heart, she forced her trembling body to kneel down towards Huo Yuhao and kowtowed with all her strength.


"Please, I really know I was wrong. If you have anything, come to me."


"I will listen to you in everything, please, please."

For a moment, the dull sound full of rhythm and the miserable wailing of the boy gathered together to form a unique concert, bringing a glimmer of life to this dead world.

I don't know how long it took.

Seeing the Duchess, who was still unaware of the blows even though her head was bleeding, and who kept smashing her head against the ground almost numbly, Huo Yuhao indifferently pulled the dagger back from Dai Huabin's hand.

As soon as the pain subsided, Dai Huabin's wailing stopped abruptly, and he fainted again without any warning.

Finally, her son's heart-wrenching screams were no longer ringing in her ears. The Duchess' eyes, which had long been dry from crying, once again gushed out blood and tears of grief. After knocking her head against the ground for the last time, she seemed to have lost all her strength and could no longer lift it.

"Just like I said to Dai Huabin at the beginning, as long as I am still in this world, I will not let you and your son go."


Not caring about the Duchess's completely heartbroken look, Huo Yuhao spoke lightly.

"Although the final outcome is death, you have a choice now. If you agree, I can give you two a quick death afterwards. Of course, if you don't mind Dai Huabin repeating what happened just now before he dies completely, you can choose not to agree."

Hearing that the torture of Dai Huabin just now would happen again, the Duchess's body finally trembled in silence, but Huo Yuhao seemed not to see it and continued to add.

"Based on Dai Huabin's current situation, if he experiences the torture just now once a day, he should be able to hold on for about two months."


Forcing her throat, which had been extremely hoarse, the Duchess roared and interrupted him.

"Huo Yuhao, you are a devil."

"You are right, I crawled out of hell, so it is not wrong to say I am a devil. So you should tell me the answer."

Staring at the Duchess's bloodshot eyes, Huo Yuhao asked word by word: "Agree or disagree?"

"I agree, what do you want me to do?"

"Of course it's about Dai Hao."

Hearing this, the Duchess was startled, and then seemed to understand something, with a tone of disbelief.

"You want to take action against Dai Hao? You don't plan to inherit the Duke's Mansion?"

"Why, are you surprised?"

Listening to Huo Yuhao's question, the Duchess seemed to want to say something, but finally just nodded lightly.

"I know."

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