"Let me introduce you, this is Huo Yuhao."

Gu Yuena looked around, then took Huo Yuhao's hand and spoke lightly.

"The soul contract I mentioned to you yesterday was made by his teacher. I have already told you the details. I will say it again for the last time. This matter is entirely voluntary. If anyone is unwilling, you can bring it up now. Don't worry about what I will do because of your attitude."

At this point, Gu Yuena paused for a moment, and suddenly changed the subject.

"But there is one thing I hope you can understand. This soul ceremony has never been a forced choice for you, but a hard-won opportunity."

After saying that, she nodded to Huo Yuhao beside her.

Even though she is the co-master of the soul beasts, she cannot control the thoughts of others after all. Even if the soul beasts present respect her very much, it is difficult for them to transfer this trust to Huo Yuhao without reservation.

In addition, the soul contract requires both parties to be willing and not to be careless, so no matter how much she says, Huo Yuhao still needs to show his potential to convince the crowd.

Understanding Gu Yuena's meaning, Huo Yuhao took a step forward, and his spirit soul was instantly activated. Three spirit rings of colors that defied common sense slowly rose from under his feet.

Gold, gold, and rose gold.

The whole audience was silent.

Even the beast god Di Tian couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the three spirit rings, with a gleam in his eyes.

Others might not know what the golden spirit rings meant, but how could he not know?

If he had been a little indifferent to the master's words before, then after seeing the spirit rings, even without Gu Yuena's reminder, he subconsciously began to pay attention to this human.

Humans grow much faster than spirit beasts. They naturally wouldn't look down on Huo Yuhao because of his current weak strength. Compared with the tens of thousands of years of training for spirit beasts, those talented humans often only need a few decades to become Titled Douluo.

What's more, Huo Yuhao in front of him is the mistress personally certified by the Silver Dragon King. His talent must be the best among the human group. I'm afraid it won't take a few years for him to catch up with them.

Not only Emperor Tian, ​​but also other soul beasts present had different expressions at this moment, including the Ten Thousand Demon King who had rejected Gu Yuena yesterday. Looking at the three extraordinary soul rings, his eyes clearly flashed with a hint of desire.

Although he was silent on the surface, his ambition was no less than that of the Bear King. However, before absorbing the fairy grass, his original body, the Demon Eye Demon Tree, was not ranked among the plant-type soul beasts at all, and those experiences when he was weak and helpless also made him more tolerant and cautious than the Bear King who was born with a strong bloodline.

You know, he quietly controlled the existence of nearly one-third of the plant soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't hide it anymore and was discovered by Emperor Tian, ​​I'm afraid that the Star Dou Great Forest would have another plant soul beast god.

It was precisely because of this low-key tolerance that he was able to make the other party afraid to attack him even when he obviously threatened Emperor Tian's status.

But after weighing the pros and cons, he still couldn't bear to give up the status he had accumulated in the Xingdou Great Forest for hundreds of thousands of years.

After all, with his cultivation, he was still a long way from the next heavenly tribulation, and the chance of a breakthrough was not low. There was no need to give up his good position as the mountain king and give up his freedom to be a soul for a human.

In the Xingdou Great Forest, even the beast god Di Tian would be afraid of him, but once he became a soul, he would be truly controlled by others.

After allowing Huo Yuhao to show his potential, Gu Yuena continued to speak. Although her tone was calm, it was full of unquestionable flavor.

"I know that some of you here are the kings of your own tribes, and you are worried that once you leave, the strength of your tribe will be greatly reduced. I can make a promise that if any of you are selected as a soul, I will provide shelter for your race. If a soul beast attacks your people for no reason, I will punish them severely."

Hearing this, many hesitant soul beasts finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Being invited to the Great Danger Land, the cultivation of these soul beasts also starts at 100,000 years, which is one of the best in their own family group.

Except for the top bloodline like the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear, or the Golden Hawksbill Turtle, which is almost immune to life threats during its growth due to its auspicious attributes, if one or two soul beasts in a race can reach 100,000 years of cultivation, it is already very powerful.

Some soul beasts are even the only seedlings of their own family group, the only 100,000-year cultivation. Once the tribe loses them, the status will plummet. What's more, it is possible that the tribe will be exterminated by the hostile tribe.

In this case, Gu Yuena's promise to make such a promise undoubtedly solved their worries.

Seeing the figures who suddenly became eager to try, Gu Yuena nodded slightly.

"Next, introduce yourselves one by one."

"Yes, Master!"

As the neat voices echoed, one of the soul beasts, which was 15 meters long, had an inverted triangle-shaped head, and eyes so big that they almost took up half of its face, spoke to Huo Yuhao first.

However, its first sentence almost made Huo Yuhao lose control.

"Meet the mistress, I am the patriarch of the Dread Dragon Clan, and I have been cultivating for 180,000 years."

Hearing the four-character greeting full of deep respect, Huo Yuhao, who had originally shown a gentle smile and wanted to make a good impression on the soul beasts, suddenly froze. Feeling the strange gaze of Zhang Lexuan behind him, he subconsciously glared at Gu Yuena, who looked innocent, and was a little angry.

The self-introduction of the Fearful Demon Dragon King continued, and Huo Yuhao's eyes became more and more numb in the emotional calls of the mistress. His heart was as cold as those vendors who had been killing fish in the market for more than ten years.

".If the mistress chooses me to be a soul spirit, I should be able to add a few soul skills with fear effects to your martial soul."

Seeing that the Fearful Demon Dragon King finally finished his self-introduction, Huo Yuhao, who felt relieved, forced a slightly unnatural smile and responded politely.

"Thank you for being my soul. Please give me some time to think about it."

"Of course. I look forward to helping the mistress grow."

As the 100,000-year soul beasts, which are rarely seen on weekdays, lined up to introduce themselves to Huo Yuhao, Zhang Lexuan on the side couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

At this moment, she completely understood why Huo Yuhao's Ice Emperor martial spirit had so many 100,000-year soul rings. Maybe when he was in the Far North, Huo Yuhao also experienced similar things?

... Then what did the soul beasts call him in the Far North?

Just as Zhang Lexuan was thinking about it, another soul beast finished introducing itself. The only one who didn't introduce himself was the soul beast that had caught Huo Yuhao's attention just now, which looked like a deer.

It walked straight out of the soul beast group, and the moment it opened its mouth, it spoke a gentle female voice that made people feel calm.

"Meet the mistress. I am from the Seven-Colored Elk Clan. I have cultivated for 210,000 years. Thanks to the breakthrough of the second bottleneck, my bloodline has been slightly sublimated, and I am a little different from the tribe members, so the mistress can call me A Lu."

When these words came out, Di Tian couldn't help but change his expression slightly, and he was obviously a little bit unbelievable. As the beast god of the Star Dou Great Forest, he naturally knew about the king of the Seven-Colored Elk Clan, but he didn't expect that the other party had quietly broken through to 200,000 years.

"Hello, Senior A Lu."

Huo Yuhao bowed slightly. Although his expression did not change, when he heard A Lu's words, he actually understood why the other party chose to speak at the end.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it is the confidence in himself, the confidence that with her fierce beast-level cultivation, he will definitely choose her.

Spiritual beasts are much rarer than other types of soul beasts, and it is even more rare to have a cultivation level of 100,000 years. If it weren't for Gu Yuena's help, he would not have waited for the other party to introduce one by one like now, and it would not be easy for him to meet any of them.

It is precisely because of this that he never thought that there would be a spirit beast of the fierce beast level willing to become his soul spirit, and it was a cultivation level of 210,000 years that had just passed the bottleneck.

It can be said that except for the Ten Thousand Demon King, she is the only spirit beast in the audience.

"As for self-introduction, I believe that the mistress should know that spirit beasts are often born precocious, but correspondingly, they are generally weaker than the same level of soul beasts in terms of physical fitness, and our Seven-Colored Elk Clan is the most extreme in this regard..."

A Lu paused and explained softly.

"So if the mistress chooses me as a soul spirit, the improvement of mental power should be the greatest."

Huo Yuhao's eyes flickered, as if he thought of something, but he didn't rush to ask.

Although the cultivation of soul beasts is divided according to years, it does not mean that a soul beast with a cultivation of 100,000 years must have lived for 100,000 years.

Before a certain vague boundary, soul beasts will act according to instinct, and the growth of cultivation is mainly by devouring other soul beasts or enduring time.

This situation often changes after the soul beast's cultivation reaches 10,000 years. As the spiritual intelligence improves, they will begin to practice consciously and will more purposefully look for things that can accelerate the improvement of cultivation.

Of course, the specific situation will also vary depending on the type of soul beast. For example, fox-like soul beasts are born with spiritual intelligence earlier than ordinary soul beasts.

But if there is a type of soul beast that really has the advantage in this process, it must be the soul beast with spiritual attributes. After all, cultivating spiritual power is a process of improving brain activity. Soul beasts with spiritual attributes often have a much higher IQ than other soul beasts with the same cultivation.

However, this advantage is not without cost. As Alu said, strong mental power often means weak body, which often makes them suffer more when facing the once-in-100,000-year heavenly tribulation. If they do not have a unique talent, it will be difficult for ordinary spiritual attribute soul beasts to break through to 200,000 years.

Either they are extremely powerful, or they die directly in the heavenly tribulation.

Huo Yuhao has a deep understanding of this. Almost all the spiritual beasts he encountered in his previous life have their own unique skills, such as the Ocean Heart of the Sea Princess that can directly resist the joint attack of the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor, or the terrifying mental power of the Evil Eye Tyrant Overlord that can challenge Emperor Tian.

But Alu said that his tribe is more extreme. If he understood correctly, this means that their mental talent may be very terrifying, but their bodies are extremely weak... But how can such an existence become a fierce beast?

Unable to come up with an answer, Huo Yuhao had to temporarily put his thoughts aside.

"Thanks to the choices of the seniors, I think I have made a decision."

After looking around, his eyes finally fell on A Lu and he smiled.

"In the days ahead, please give me a helping hand, Senior A Lu."

Hearing this, the other soul beasts had a flash of regret in their eyes, but they didn't say much.

In fact, when they heard A Lu say that she was 210,000 years old, they knew they had no chance.

Although everyone started with 100,000 years of cultivation, the strongest of them, the Fearful Demon Dragon King, had reached 180,000 years, and it seemed that it was not far from 200,000 years, but the real discerning people actually knew how big the gap was.

Just like the human Super Douluo and the ordinary Titled Douluo, just from the fact that they will be named fierce beasts after breaking through 200,000 years, it can be seen that the ordinary 100,000-year soul beasts and fierce beasts are not at the same level at all. The difference of one word, the hurdle between them is enough to be described as a natural chasm.

And it's not just about cultivation. From the perspective of improving Huo Yuhao, although A Lu can't provide some spiritual soul skills with special effects like the Dread Dragon King, it is the best choice for the destined death linked to spiritual power.

A soul skill of 100,000 years, and the application effect of improving one's own life artifact, you don't need to think about it to know which one to choose.

Without the slightest hesitation, A Lu bowed her head to Huo Yuhao, respectfully bowed her head, and naturally showed her sincerity.

"Thank you, mistress."

Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Since we are all companions in the future, senior, don't use this title, just call me Yuhao."

"Okay, Master. Yuhao."

Gu Yuena, who witnessed this scene, pursed her lips that wanted to rise, and the ethereal voice slowly passed into the ears of every soul beast present.

"Without further delay, let's start the soul ceremony. Others can leave first if they have something important to do. Those who are interested in the soul ceremony can stay and watch, but they must not interfere with the normal progress of the ceremony."

Hearing Gu Yuena's words, the soul beasts present looked at each other, and none of them chose to leave. Although they were not selected, they were still curious about the effect of this soul contract, and they had to watch it before leaving.

Huo Yuhao also took this opportunity to step forward and began to explain to A Lu the precautions in the process in detail.

"These are probably the things to pay attention to. If there is nothing you don't understand, let's start now."

"There is indeed a question."

A Lu paused for a moment and asked seriously: "Do you have any requirements for the location of the soul bone? Head? Limbs? Or. Tail?"


No, I can understand your skull and limbs, but what the hell is the last tail option?

Huo Yuhao secretly complained in his heart, and his eyes subconsciously fell on A Lu's tail that was swinging back and forth.

I don't know why, although this tail looks very beautiful, it gives him a feeling of a prehistoric beast, and makes him feel an inexplicable panic.

It's like once you choose the tail, you will fall into some unspeakable abyss and never be able to turn over.

"Ahem, let's go with the skull."

Hearing this, A Lu nodded.


When the three of them walked out of the fierce place, it was already two days later.

The soul ceremony of Huo Yuhao and A Lu did not last long, only about half a day. The soul ceremony of Zhang Lexuan and Zi Ji really took up most of these two days.

Since the sea god Tang San ascended to the God Realm, there has been no case of humans absorbing the soul rings of fierce beasts in the next ten thousand years.

Although not as exaggerated as the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Zi Ji's more than 200,000 years of cultivation is not a decoration, and she has the blood of a true dragon. The difficulty of making her a soul is almost doubled compared to A Lu.

If it weren't for the sealing method provided by Tianmeng Ice Silkworm to avoid the possibility of exploding and dying, and if Zhang Lexuan had not also received targeted training on sensory amplification during this period, she might not have been able to survive.

However, although it was successful in the end, Zhang Lexuan still fainted as soon as the ceremony ended due to the high-intensity load of the sea of ​​​​spirit and the large amount of mental power extracted during the soul contract process.

After Huo Yuhao fed her several mouthfuls of the lake water of the Lake of Life, she was barely recovered, but a long period of mental weakness was inevitable.

Of course, compared to harvesting an orange-gold ninth soul ring of the same style as Huo Yuhao, this pain seemed insignificant.

Along the way, looking at Zi Ji standing proudly on her shoulder, covered with purple scales, Zhang Lexuan's face was full of uncontrollable joy.

"Thank you for choosing me."

"Everything is arranged by the master, no need to thank me."

While feeling the novel experience brought by the body's transformation into an energy body, Zi Ji spoke lightly.

"And the fact that you can survive that kind of pain proves that you are qualified to be my host."

Hearing this, Zhang Lexuan instinctively looked at Gu Yuena and thanked her solemnly.

"Thank you, Gu Yuena."

"You're welcome."

Gu Yuena raised her hand and pointed at Huo Yuhao, who was communicating with the palm-sized Alu on his shoulder like Zhang Lexuan, and spoke softly.

"If you want to thank someone, thank Yuhao. He asked me to do it."

"It's helping, it's helping. No matter if it was Yuhao's request or not, I have to thank you."

At this point, she couldn't help but glance at Huo Yuhao, her eyes full of tenderness.

"I'm very lucky to have met Yuhao in the Xingdou Great Forest, and to have known you through Yuhao. It feels like everything is so beautiful, like a dream."

This time, Gu Yuena didn't refuse, but just looked at the boy walking in front of her in silence, lost in thought.

"The soul ring I gave you, Yuhao, has two soul skills. One of them is called Spiritual Amplitude, which can increase your spiritual strength in a short period of time. The increase is 100%, and the duration should be about half a minute."

Not noticing the status of the two people behind him, Huo Yuhao listened carefully to A Lu's explanation: "What about the other one?"

"The other soul skill is the skill I realized when I broke through 200,000 years of cultivation because my bloodline was sublimated. I named it Dream Startling."

"Its effect is that when you hit the enemy with other mental attacks, you can force the opponent to fall into a short dream in an instant. As long as your mental attack hits, this effect is irresistible. However, the specific control time still depends on the difference in mental strength between the two sides. The stronger your mental strength, the longer the opponent will fall into the dream."

Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up immediately. At first glance, this effect seems to be achieved by many soul skills, but from A Lu's words just now, he clearly heard two advantages that other skills cannot achieve.

One is instantaneous. Normally, this kind of soul skill often requires some charging time, but Jingmeng can pull the opponent into the dream without any signs as long as the mental attack hits. The seamless effect can even make the opponent subconsciously react to his attack in the dream, but in reality, he is indifferent.

The second is mandatory. Unlike the stun effect of mental shock, which can be immune to opponents with strong mental power, the effect of Jingmeng will still be affected even if your mental power is strong, but it is just a matter of duration.

With these two powerful effects, when he encounters opponents whose mental power cultivation is almost the same as his and cannot be solved by a mental shock, he can use this skill together to extend the control time and do more things.

When facing opponents whose mental power cultivation crushes him and whose mental shock has little effect, he can still use this skill to gain a certain amount of escape time. It can be said to be an extremely flexible and changeable skill.

Compared with the shortcomings of simulated soul skills that can be restrained by firepower coverage and other methods, this skill is obviously more weird and more difficult to guard against.

"Then there are two skills of the head soul bone, both of which are passive skills."

Alu continued to explain: "The effect of the first soul skill is to stabilize your spiritual sea and reduce the impact of the original sin source on your emotions."

"I named the second soul skill the spiritual barrier, which can make you immune to all spiritual attacks launched by beings with lower spiritual strength than you, and reduce about 70% when facing beings with higher spiritual strength than you."

". I understand why you said before that your race is gifted in spiritual power."

After a short silence, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but sigh softly.

The effect of this spiritual barrier is to be immune to all spiritual attacks launched by beings with lower spiritual strength than itself, rather than to be immune to spiritual attacks below a certain power. The difference between the two is obvious.

For example, if a Titled Douluo with spiritual attributes has a lower spiritual strength than Huo Yuhao, but the ninth soul skill is a spiritual attack with a long accumulation time and great power.

Then the former can help Huo Yuhao be completely immune, while the latter may still cause Huo Yuhao to be hurt.

But Alu shook her head and explained softly.

"This soul skill was not originally that powerful. In fact, it was because of your Eye of Destiny that the soul bone underwent a slight change when it was fused, which resulted in the current effect."

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