Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 206 Successor to the Sea God Pavilion Master


"Well, the mental barrier is a common talent of our tribe, but the effect of most tribesmen is to reduce damage to a certain extent. Even I can't be immune to attacks like you."

After hearing Alu's explanation, Huo Yuhao lowered his head and thought for a while. He guessed that the reason for this effect should be because the Eye of Destiny and the head soul bone provided by Qiu'er in the previous life came from the same source, retaining some of the characteristics of the soul bone. Now combined with the head soul bone provided by Alu, it is directly displayed.

Although it can't have the terrifying effect of ignoring the level difference for defense like in the previous life, fortunately, there is no limit on the number of times. It is conceivable that if Huo Yuhao's mental power is so strong that it surpasses everyone in the future, no matter how powerful the opponent's mental attack is, it will not have the slightest effect on him.

Thinking about it, Huo Yuhao suddenly raised his head: "By the way, Alu, I have a question."

However, before he said half of the words, Alu took the lead and said what he wanted to ask.

"Are you asking me why I was able to break through 200,000 years?"


After hesitating for a moment, Huo Yuhao still truthfully revealed his doubts: "After all, according to your situation, it should be impossible to break through the 200,000-year tribulation."

When chatting with Alu these two days, he had learned something about the Seven-Colored Elk tribe. If it is said that spiritual beasts generally have strong spiritual power but weak bodies, then Alu's tribe has developed this characteristic to the extreme.

When they reach a hundred years of cultivation, they can have spirituality comparable to some 20,000 to 30,000-year-old spirit beasts. Although they are not yet able to speak human language, they can already understand a lot of things like human children.

And this unique qualification also brings almost fatal consequences, that is, their physical fitness is extremely weak, and coupled with the characteristics of having spiritual power but no means of attack similar to Brother Tianmeng, even a thousand-year-old spirit beast with extremely ordinary talent, or a hundred-year-old spirit beast with a slightly stronger bloodline, can easily crush the Seven-Colored Elk with ten thousand years of cultivation.

In the Xingdou Great Forest, where the strong always prey on the weak, such a race is no different from fish on the chopping board. If it weren't for the miracle of the birth of Alu, who had cultivated for 100,000 years and successfully won some protection for the tribe from Emperor Tian, ​​the Seven-Colored Elk Clan would have been exterminated long ago.

And it stands to reason that being able to achieve 100,000 years should be the limit for Alu, but she survived 200,000 years of heavenly tribulation, which is a bit unbelievable.

"To be honest, I don't understand this question myself. At the beginning, the situation was indeed as you said. As early as when I broke through 100,000 years, I knew that I had no chance of breaking through 200,000 years, but unexpectedly, my heavenly tribulation did not come."

"Didn't come?"

Huo Yuhao was stunned for a moment, but he was not too surprised. After all, there was a Tianmeng brother who had not survived ten heavenly tribulations lying in his spiritual space. Although Alu's situation might be different, there was always a precedent.

"It can't be said that it didn't come. It's just that every time the heavenly tribulation comes, there will be several rounds of attacks. I was already unconscious when I suffered the first round of attacks. When I woke up, I not only found that the heavenly tribulation had ended, but even my blood had undergone great changes."

As he spoke, A Lu lowered his head and combed the tufts of gorgeous hair on his body, and continued to add.

"To be honest, it's more appropriate for me to be called the Nine-Colored Deer now."

"Ha, I didn't expect that you broke through the bottleneck after sleeping."

Tianmeng Ice Silkworm in the spiritual space suddenly became excited. He shook his head with some pride and said in an arrogant tone.

"It's a pity that I'm still a little worse than my brother!!!"

Looking at Tianmeng who jumped three feet high, Bingdi clamped the pliers in her hand, her eyes full of disgust. She first comforted Xiaobai who was frightened by the experience of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and then spoke softly to A Lu.

"Alu, ignore this lucky guy. I also have a question for you. Since you have already broken through, it means that you still have at least tens of thousands of years of life left. Why do you choose to become Yuhao's soul at this time?"

Alu was silent, as if she was organizing her words. It took a long time before she spoke again.

"With the sublimation of my bloodline this time, I found that I not only have the auspicious aura similar to that of the golden hawksbill turtle clan, but also have some vague sense of fate from time to time, which can help me better turn danger into fortune."

"Just when the master found me and mentioned Yuhao's name, that vague sense appeared again, so I appeared there."

After Gu Yuena's reminder in the golden tree space before, Huo Yuhao did not have any special reaction when he heard Alu's words again.

Although not as good as the Snow Queen, becoming a soul contract will allow both parties to perceive each other's emotions to a certain extent, not to mention that he has the seven original sins and was the god of emotions in his previous life. If Alu really has bad intentions, it is impossible to hide it from him.

After raising his hand and touching A-Lu's little head, he chuckled and spoke.

"Welcome to join us, A-Lu."

A-Lu just rubbed Huo Yuhao's face silently without saying anything.

A slight itch came along with the fluffy touch, causing Huo Yuhao's mouth to slightly rise.


Stepping into the gate of Shrek, Wang Dong'er couldn't help but sigh softly at the familiar building not far away.

"Finally back."

Beside her, Xiao Xiao had an ambiguous smile on his face.

"Why, aren't you happy about your experience in the Star Dou Forest?"

"Of course, sleeping in a tent is not as comfortable as a bed..."

Seeing the expression on Xiao Xiao's face, Wang Dong'er immediately came to her senses. When her words stopped abruptly, her eyes drifted towards Huo Yuhao uncontrollably.

After making sure that he didn't understand the implication of Xiao Xiao's words, Wang Dong'er glared at her best friend with a rosy face.

"Well, Xiao Xiao, you've gained the most from this trip, and now you're here to tease me!"

"Really? Why do I feel like someone has gained more than me?"

Xiao Xiao looked innocent and asked while pretending to remember.

"After all, after staying overnight, a certain person walked around with a smile the next day... Wuwuwu!"

In order to avoid social death, Wang Donger broke out at an unimaginable speed at this moment, covered Xiao Xiao's mouth, and said viciously.

"Stop talking!"


Xiao Xiao's eyes almost turned into two crescents, and she nodded repeatedly. As Wang Donger retracted her palm, she really seemed to have skipped the matter, and looked at Huo Yuhao to express her solemn thanks.

"Phew - I almost choked myself to death. Monitor, I really want to thank you this time. You may not know that if I hadn't participated in your training before, my right hand might have been disabled this time."

Huo Yuhao smiled: "I happen to know something about the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. I have compiled a piece of relevant information in the past two days, which should help you become familiar with the right metacarpal bone."

Huo Yuhao also learned about this after he returned to the team. During the few days that he and Gu Yuena and Zhang Lexuan left, Xiao Xiao's large team once again encountered the dark gold Terrorclaw bear with a thousand years of cultivation that he had met in his previous life.

In this life, with the training of sensory amplification, Xiao Xiao's tolerance for pain has also been significantly improved. Although the process is still a bit difficult, she still successfully absorbed the dark gold Terrorclaw Bear right metacarpal bone.

In this regard, even if Huo Yuhao was the holder of this soul bone in his previous life, he had no other ideas. The Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear right metacarpal bone is indeed extremely rare, but for him who has already begun to fight against the Soul Saint and even the powerful Soul Douluo in this life In other words, it seems very useless.

Although the external soul bone can grow in quality on its own, its starting quality is only two thousand years old. No matter how fast it grows, it will be difficult to keep up with Huo Yuhao's strength improvement.

"Monitor, you are so kind..."

Hearing Huo Yuhao's words, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and then she patted her chest and assured her with a grateful tone.

"If you ever need help with anything in the future, Xiao Xiao will definitely help you like a cow or a horse, through fire and water, no matter what!"


Seeing Xiao Xiao's words that still escaped him even now, the corner of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitched. Zhang Lexuan on the side also smiled and clapped his hands at this time, attracting everyone's attention to himself.

"I'm glad that everyone is safe during this operation. I believe everyone is tired from staying in the Star Dou Forest. Next, I need to go to the inner courtyard to report the situation. Let's all disband where we are."

She could already imagine how those elders would react when she returned to Poseidon Pavilion to report her situation.

A ferocious beast with the blood of a true dragon as a soul made Zhang Lexuan jump to the ninety-fourth level as soon as she broke through the title Douluo. This was because Zi Ji had a lot of energy in a self-sealing state and was not blocked. Absorbed completely.

In the next period of time, Zhang Lexuan's cultivation level will enter a period of rapid improvement just like Qiu'er contracted with the Earth Dragon Golden Melon. I'm afraid it won't be long before she will break through level ninety-five and successfully step into the threshold of Super Douluo. .

The eighth soul ring is one hundred thousand years old, the ninth soul ring is more than two hundred thousand years old, and he also has three soul bones with a quality of more than one hundred thousand years. The strength of such a super Douluo can only be measured by the unfathomable describe.

The most important thing is that Zhang Lexuan can summon the ferocious beast Zi Ji to fight with her. In this case, the combat effectiveness will be further improved.

There is no doubt that once Zhang Lexuan officially becomes a Super Douluo, she will truly be the strongest person in the Poseidon Pavilion under Elder Mu unless Elder Xuan activates the Taotie bloodline.

One year later.

Inside the Poseidon Pavilion.

Including several candidates who had not yet joined the inner court but had already participated in the Soul Master Competition on behalf of Shrek, all the inner court disciples who were still in the academy gathered in the hall and looked at them with adoration. The stunning figure in front of her with her back to everyone.

After a year of practice, just two days ago, Zhang Lexuan's cultivation level had been successfully promoted from level ninety-four to level ninety-five.

After defeating Lin Huiqun, the ninety-seventh-level Poseidon Pavilion veteran with an absolute advantage, and becoming famous in one battle, there was a succession ceremony that had actually been prepared a year ago.

As for Zhang Lexuan's character, all the elders of Poseidon Pavilion are aware of it. As early as a year ago, when they learned that her ninth soul ring came from a ferocious beast that was more than 200,000 years old, they had actually been looking forward to this day. arrival.

After all, judging from previous events, Mr. Mu should have abdicated at his age long ago. If Xuanzi was not really useless and had no successor, he would not have remained the master of the Poseidon Pavilion for so long.

Now that Zhang Lexuan has the strength to succeed Mr. Mu, they are naturally eager to raise their hands in approval.

The reason why they went to the trouble of fighting with Elder Lin was, firstly, to build momentum. After all, not all the disciples in the inner courtyard knew the specific situation. Zhang Lexuan was so young to succeed, so she had to have some outstanding deeds to convince the public.

Secondly, this was also done to deter all forces. A Sea God Pavilion Master who was less than 30 years old and had a combat power of level 98 would cause a big sensation in the whole continent.

And what made them most happy was not this, but that Elder Mu's injury had actually healed two days ago!

Although Elder Mu, who was standing in front of Zhang Lexuan at this moment, was still a little thin, his originally hunched back was now straight, and his momentum was strong. There was no trace of the dying man before.

"I believe many people have guessed the reason why I called everyone here today. I have protected Shrek for so many years, and it is time for me to retire."

Being able to have a successor with both character and strength before his death, Mu Lao was obviously very happy. His wrinkled old face showed a smile, and his eyes slowly swept over the people present. When he finally landed on Zhang Lexuan, he was already showing undisguised satisfaction.

"I declare that from now on, Zhang Lexuan, a member of the Sea God Pavilion, will succeed the position of the Sea God Pavilion Master. From now on, anyone in Shrek will see her as if they saw me."

"Yes, Mu Lao."

Including Xuan Zi and Yan Shaozhe, whose faces were obviously a little complicated, several Sea God Pavilion elders bowed slightly to Mu Lao, and no one refuted.

In the crowd, Huo Yuhao held Wang Qiuer and Gu Yuena's hands and watched this scene silently.

Compared to the situation in his previous life when Mu Lao was dying due to the sneak attack of the evil soul master and had to pass the position of the Sea God Pavilion Master to Xuan Lao, the situation in this life is obviously much better.

As for why Mu Lao's injuries suddenly got better, it was naturally because of Gu Yuena's action.

As the incarnation of the Dragon God, it was not difficult for Gu Yuena to solve the injuries left by the Dragon Pill. In addition, Mu Lao's martial soul was originally the Light Holy Dragon, whose soul power had a certain healing effect, so the problem was easier to solve.

Just like he asked the Blue Silver Emperor to help treat Tang Ya in his previous life, Gu Yuena only needed to evoke the original power contained in the Light Holy Dragon martial soul. With Mu Lao's extreme Douluo cultivation, he could completely self-repair those injuries that were originally fatal.

Although he would not return to the peak, he would not fall to the point where he would need to consume his own vitality every time he attacked. It would be no problem to extend his vitality for more than ten years on the original basis.

Now that Zhang Lexuan has become the head of the Sea God Pavilion, it is completely foreseeable that the relationship between Shrek, the Spirit Pagoda, and the Star Dou Great Forest will become closer in the future. It is impossible for such a behemoth to appear on the continent and control the soul technology that monopolizes the continent without sufficient deterrence.

Although Gu Yuena and Di Tian are stronger, they are soul beasts after all. If they forcibly intervene in the structure of human society, not only will there be no good effect, but it may cause a violent backlash.

Some things are like this. Soul beasts can't do it, but as a human, Mu Lao will have no problem doing it.

It's not just Zhang Lexuan and Mu Lao who have undergone huge changes, but also others.

Among them, Ma Xiaotao and Qiu'er, who were the first to obtain the 100,000-year fairy grass soul, are undoubtedly the most improved.

The former's soul power level has reached the terrifying 76th level. After absorbing the energy sealed by the previous earth dragon golden melon, Qiu'er also jumped from level 60 to level 70 in just one year, and successfully broke through with the second 100,000-year soul ring provided by the earth dragon golden melon. Now her cultivation has reached level 72.

In comparison, Ling Luochen, because she did not absorb the immortal grass, did not improve her soul power level as much as the other two in the past year, but she has already reached level 59. The most important thing is that her martial soul quality has been successfully improved to the level of extreme ice through the training with Huo Yuhao in this year.

As for Tang Ya, she still maintains a terrifying upgrade speed. Now she has successfully advanced to the level of Soul King. Even her willpower is second only to Qiu'er and Ma Xiaotao among the crowd. Huo Yuhao estimates that when Sister Xiao Ya reaches level 60, she should be able to try to contract the immortal grass for 100,000 years as a soul spirit.

As for the others, they are generally hovering between Soul Master and Soul Sect, and they still have a long way to go before they can contract the immortal grass for 100,000 years.

"Now that the Shrek matter has come to an end, I should leave next."

Hearing Huo Yuhao's abrupt voice, Gu Yuena was a little confused.

"Where to?"

"Sun Moon Empire."

PS: I had something to do yesterday, so I will only write this chapter today. Please forgive me. Sorry.

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