Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 207 The prelude to your era has arrived (two in one)

"Sun Moon Empire?"

Gu Yuena tilted her head: "For that Meng Hongchen?"

". Have you gradually misunderstood me?"

Feeling that his image in Gu Yuena's heart seemed to be changing in some indescribable direction, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but feel helpless. After a long time of grumbling, he organized his words and explained softly.

"Although I do want to meet a few old friends, it's mainly because that's the base camp of the evil soul master. I'm going to solve this matter."

Qiu'er, who was standing aside, seemed to have heard the conversation between the two and came up immediately.

"Are you going to kill them all? I want to go too!"


Huo Yuhao's face became darker and darker. Seeing that Gu Yuena was also eager to try, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"If killing people can completely solve this kind of thing, I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble."

"You have appeared in the Soul Master Competition before, and Mingdu will definitely pay special attention to you. I will go alone this time. With Xue Di by my side, no one can threaten my safety."

Unlike Gu Yuena and Qiu'er, his appearance changed a lot after the Soul Master Competition because he went to the Far North to find Xue Di. He has been staying in Shrek for more than a year, and almost no outsiders have seen his current appearance.

And all the students in Shrek are from the Douluo Three Kingdoms. The place he is going to next is Mingdu, so he is naturally not worried about being recognized.

"Go alone?"

After subconsciously looking at Qiu'er, Gu Yuena suddenly remembered the argument between Huo Yuhao and Xuan Zi in front of the dormitory building more than a year ago. As the words at that time echoed in her ears again, she finally realized Huo Yuhao's purpose.

"Are you planning to sneak into their inner circle?"


Huo Yuhao smiled: "Don't look at me now, I almost became a saint before."

In his previous life, he had planned to use the undead magic taught by Yi Lao to sneak into the Holy Spirit Church and disintegrate it from the inside, but he was later dissuaded by Dong'er and senior brother Beibei.

At that time, his strength was still very weak, and he knew nothing about the Holy Spirit Church at that time. It was indeed very risky to join rashly, but this life is different. Even if Xue Di is not with him, he has no problem protecting himself with his current strength.

No one knows to what extent Huo Yuhao's strength has improved in this year.

After signing the soul contract with A Lu, his soul power level broke through from level 48 to level 50.

Immediately afterwards, he signed a soul contract with the eight-angled black ice grass that had been living in the undead plane, and successfully broke through to the soul king realm. Today, his soul power level has reached level 56.

This is the result of him focusing most of his energy on studying the combination of fateful death and spiritual eye innate ability, and making soul guides with rare metals provided by the fire source, and he hardly practiced.

However, looking back now, all the efforts of this year are worth it. If he just pursued cultivation blindly and did not integrate what he had, even if his cultivation reached the sixth ring, he would not be as strong as he is now.

For example, the eight-angled black ice crystal bred by the eight-angled black ice grass has the characteristic of greatly enhancing the ice attribute ability. Huo Yuhao combined it with the rare metals created by the fire source to create a staff-type soul guide that can amplify the ice attribute.

—— Winter Aria.

In terms of the technical content of the core formation, Winter Aria is only in the category of eighth-level soul guides, but the effect is definitely the level of ninth-level soul guides. The most important thing is that it has no other restrictions except that it requires an ice attribute soul master in terms of attributes. Even a first-ring soul master can use it.

Of course, this does not mean that a one-ring soul master can defeat a soul douluo with it. Just like the Red Dust Blessing, the amplification effect of the Winter Aria also varies according to the strength of the user. To fully exert its power, at least the Soul Saint cultivation is required.

Huo Yuhao also considered that there is still room for growth in the future. He directly chose to design the octagonal black ice crystal as the core into a detachable modular design during the production process. As long as he takes the time to go to the Earth Dragon Gate in the future and improve it after obtaining the Ice Extreme Divine Crystal, the Winter Aria can even easily reach the level of a tenth-level soul guide.

In fact, Huo Yuhao's initial idea was not to create a magic wand, but after he personally tested the effect of the octagonal black ice crystal, he still encountered the same problem as the frost amplification of the snow lotus.

His Ice Emperor martial spirit is too high in quality, and a product from a hundred thousand years of fairy grass can't bring much improvement at all.

Because it has almost no effect on him, he chose to make it into a magic wand that is more suitable for Ling Luochen to use.

As a pure ice element martial spirit, Ling Luochen can release almost all of her spirit skills through the Winter Aria, which makes her, who is already the ultimate ice, reach a higher level. From the perspective of attribute quality alone, she can even suppress Ma Xiaotao, who has absorbed the cockscomb phoenix sunflower and successfully promoted to the ultimate fire.

In addition, the other people have also obtained the soul guides tailored by Huo Yuhao, especially Jiang Nannan and Zhu Lu. Their exoskeleton soul guides have already been upgraded with the unusual rare metal of the fire source.

They are obviously only two soul ancestor cultivations, but now after wearing soul guides, even the inner courtyard soul emperor cultivation disciples have a hard time against them.

Of course, Huo Yuhao did not treat himself badly in terms of soul tools. He did not choose to build the Ice War God Armor like in his previous life. What he designed for himself was a gray-black coat.

The style is similar to a trench coat, with the hem just above Huo Yuhao's knees and a hood on the back, making the overall look a bit like a raincoat.

The material is slightly cold, soft and skin-friendly. Although it has a matte metal texture, no one would have thought that this cool-looking piece of clothing is actually a super soul tool of inestimable value. .

It seems to be made of cloth, but in fact, Huo Yuhao used the fire source to create rare metals that contain many positive properties such as soul affinity, toughness, and lightweight, and then made them into metal threads that are so small that they are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. The last little bit is woven into the shape of a windbreaker.

And those core formations are all engraved on the slender metal wires. It can be imagined that the entire production process is difficult, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is miraculous.

There are three layers of material in the windbreaker. The outermost layer mainly contains core defense formations such as ruling, buffering, and self-healing. Once activated, whether it is the impact of explosions, cutting with sharp weapons, or even energy attacks, it All have extremely high resistance.

The innermost layer is engraved with many core formations such as soul power increase, just like the Ice War God Armor, which can comprehensively enhance Huo Yuhao's combat effectiveness.

As for the middle layer, it contains the remains of Brother Tianmeng. As the essence of the only million-year-old soul beast in the mainland, its addition will undoubtedly raise the defensive power of the entire windbreaker to another level.

No matter in terms of technical content or any other aspects, this windbreaker has actually far surpassed the Ice War God Armor and even reached the category of artifact. This is naturally not something Huo Yuhao can make now.

He guided most of the production process, and Gu Yuena helped. With the cooperation of the two, it took nearly four months to complete this masterpiece.

In addition to being unable to produce it, there was also a very serious problem, that is, Huo Yuhao could not drive it at all.

With a fifty-sixth level of cultivation, he can only wear this piece of clothing and rely on the characteristics of the material itself and the defensive power of the body to defend against attacks. If he were to die and activate those core formations, let alone an instant. If you are drained of time, you may still owe half a tube of soul power.

In order to fully exert its effect in battle, according to Huo Yuhao's calculation, even if he has the transformation of his arrogant origin and his soul power capacity far exceeds that of others, he must have the cultivation level of Soul Saint or even Soul Douluo.

However, even if it cannot be activated, the defensive power of the windbreaker, which contains many characteristics, is stronger than that of ordinary soul armor. It can repair itself if it is damaged anyway. In addition, its weight is even lighter than that of an ordinary windbreaker, so Huo Yuhao simply gave it to him. It was worn as clothing.

"Although I haven't had much contact with evil soul masters, judging from the situation, they are not the kind of people who will make changes casually. The effect of your doing so will not be much better..."

The ethereal voice sounded again, Gu Yuena stared at Huo Yuhao and asked calmly.

"Why would you do this for them?"

“…Because I’ve met a lot of people who are willing to make a change, I want to give them a chance.”

"You may not believe it, but the first time I came into contact with them was through a girl named Nana."

Recalling everything he learned from ghost Nana when he was an exchange student at the Sun and Moon Royal Academy in his previous life, Huo Yuhao lowered his eyes slightly and explained softly.

"Her martial soul is a ghost, but she hasn't done anything bad. It's just that her parents' souls were captured by the evil soul master, so she had to join them."

"It was not just her who encountered this situation at that time, but also the young man I met in Ruixue City. There were too many innocent people who were forced to be involved in hell for various reasons. I want to save them, I want to prevent more suffering like this from happening."

"It's not threatening with death, nor using violence to oppress, but really giving them a choice to live without having to do evil."

"I have this ability and I also have this qualification, since no one else is willing to do this."

Having said this, Huo Yuhao paused for a moment, looked up at Gu Yuena, and slowly uttered a few words.

"Then let me do it."


Looking at the young man in front of her, Gu Yuena inexplicably recalled the first conversation between the two in the Star Dou Forest, and couldn't help but sigh.

It really hasn’t changed at all.

"Although running to save others makes me a little unhappy, as a unique treasure, I do hope that more people can see your light..."

"……Feel sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Seeing Huo Yuhao's somewhat embarrassed look, she raised the corners of her mouth as if she couldn't hide her happiness. Then, imitating the appearance of the woman in the green skirt, she raised her finger and pointed gently at Huo Yuhao's eyebrows, with a hint of tone in her tone. fanaticism.

"Since it's your decision, then do it."

"The story that does not belong to you is over, Huo Yuhao. Now, the era that belongs to you has ushered in the prelude."

"There is no need for self-doubt, no need to worry, and no need to be afraid. As early as a year ago, you were qualified to determine the future of this world."

"With the authority of God and the support of the public, you will stand on the stage and show your face to them and to the world——"

"——Announce your arrival."

...Fighting Soul Zone.

On the ring, Ma Xiaotao's pair of light pink eyes reflected the white-haired figure not far away, and her tone was full of fighting spirit.

"Yuhao, are you ready?"

As the voice fell, a clear phoenix cry sounded, and a pair of golden-red wings that seemed to be made of flames suddenly opened from behind her.

Two yellow, two purple, two black and one red.

The unreasonable soul ring ratio stimulated every spectator at the edge of the ring.

"Although winning can let Yuhao stay, he shouldn't be injured, right?"

At the edge of the ring, feeling the heat wave that could be clearly felt even from such a distance, Tang Ya's eyes were worried without concealing it.

"No matter what, Sister Xiaotao is now a soul saint with the ultimate fire, and her seventh soul ring is a 100,000-year soul ring. Yuhao is also restricted from using the Ice Emperor martial spirit..."

"Don't worry."

The cold voice attracted Tang Ya's attention. She subconsciously turned her head and found that the person who spoke was Ling Luochen, who was always taciturn. She saw her beautiful eyes also fixed on the two people on the ring, and spoke with a firm voice.

"Since her evil fire was completely eliminated, her control over fire has greatly improved, and she is reluctant to let Yuhao get hurt."

"Huh? Why?"


Ling Luochen was a little speechless for a while.

How can she explain this...

It can't be said that every time she and Ma Xiaotao fight for popsicles, this guy looks like he is afraid of making Huo Yuhao uncomfortable, right?

On the surface, his actions are carefree, but in fact, even if Huo Yuhao shows a little movement, Ma Xiaotao will secretly raise his eyes to observe his reaction.

Over time, even she, who was not very sensitive to emotions, could see how much her mortal enemy cared about Huo Yuhao.

Let alone being injured, if she hadn't heard that Huo Yuhao was going to the Sun Moon Empire, she really couldn't bear to let him go. Just seeing Huo Yuhao's eager look now, Xiao Tao might have given up.

Thinking of this, Ling Luochen's cold face showed a blush that was barely noticeable to the naked eye. Although his tone was still cold, there was a hint of shyness.

"Nothing, I just got to know Xiao Tao after more contact."


Tang Ya scratched her head as if she understood, and said with a smile.

"I thought Senior Sister Ling and Sister Xiao Tao were always at loggerheads and didn't have a good relationship. Now it seems..."


However, before she could finish her words, Ling Luochen interrupted her directly.

"You're right. We are not on good terms. She and I have always been... a competitive relationship."

"Friends and enemies. I understand!"

For some reason, Ling Luochen's face seemed to turn redder after hearing Tang Ya's words. She was afraid that she would be discovered and didn't dare to dwell on this topic any more. She looked up at the two people on the stage and spoke lightly.

"The battle is about to begin."

Gold, gold, rose gold, orange gold.

There were no outsiders present, so Huo Yuhao simply stopped hiding the color of his soul ring. After releasing his spirit eye martial soul, he raised his hand helplessly and gestured to Ma Xiaotao to be ready.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaotao no longer hesitated. After a sweet cry, the second and third soul rings under her body suddenly rose, and the flame wings behind her swelled again. As the golden-red flame spread to her whole body, the scorching temperature it emitted suddenly soared again, and even the ground under her feet had a tendency to melt.

The next second, the wings behind her shook, and the whole person flew into the air, but she did not rush towards Huo Yuhao immediately, but directly released her first soul skill, Phoenix Fire Line.

Ma Xiaotao opened her mouth slightly, and a terrifying flame with a temperature high enough to melt gold and iron burst out from it, drawing a straight golden red line in the air and rushing towards Huo Yuhao.

Although she is a strong attacking soul master, Ma Xiaotao's attack method is mainly based on energy attack, and her body has never been her strong point.

On the contrary, she knows very well how terrifying Huo Yuhao's physical fitness is. Even if he has not opened the Ice Emperor martial soul, he is comparable to a power soul master of the same level. Even if her cultivation is two rings higher than Huo Yuhao, she dare not approach rashly at this moment.

In addition, during the training matches in the weeks before the Soul Master Competition, she was restrained by Huo Yuhao's simulated soul skills after getting close, so she suffered a lot, so naturally she would not be fooled by this guy again.

The result was just as Ma Xiaotao expected. When the Phoenix Fire Line hit Huo Yuhao, it just passed through as if nothing happened, and did not hit Huo Yuhao's body at all.

Another simulation!

Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaotao could not help but hum softly in her throat, and then she used her sixth soul skill, Phoenix Meteor Shower, without hesitation.

Although it was only a ten thousand year soul skill, but with the blessing of her seventh ring cultivation at this moment, the effect was greatly improved. Countless head-sized fireballs fell from the sky, instantly covering most of the venue, as if they were going to wipe out the arena directly.

You know, although both are firepower coverage meteor shower soul skills, compared to the White Tiger Martial Soul's iconic White Tiger Meteor Shower, her Phoenix Meteor Shower will not only explode after contact, but also have a terrifying burning effect, which means that even if Huo Yuhao dodges this round of attacks, he will be restricted by the remaining flames on the ground, further weakening the effect of the simulation soul skill.

Just when the terrifying flaming meteor was about to fall to the ground, Huo Yuhao, knowing that he could not escape, finally chose to show his figure. Then, everyone keenly noticed that there seemed to be a light on Huo Yuhao's right leg under his trousers.

Eight-angled Mysterious Ice Grass Right Leg Bone Soul Skill: Eight-angled Universal Thorn.

Without the slightest sign, pale ice spikes rose from the ground around Huo Yuhao, crisscrossing and converging into a large cocoon with thorns on the surface, wrapping Huo Yuhao tightly before the meteor shower.


It was like a terrible earthquake, deafening explosions came one after another, and the dazzling fire made everyone's backs cold.

At this moment, everyone really felt how terrifying Ma Xiaotao's strength was after she lost the evil fire.

You know, even with Zhang Lexuan as a comparison, she is still praised as the most talented inner court disciple, which shows how terrifying her strength is.

If she had not been restrained by the evil fire in the past few years, or if she had met Huo Yuhao earlier, she might have been able to participate in the last Soul Master Competition with the cultivation level of Soul Saint.

However, this terrifying blow that made everyone's heart clenched brought about an effect that was shocking.

As the flames from the explosion gradually dissipated, although the surface of the large cocoon composed of countless ice spikes was bumpy and looked broken, it still stood tenaciously in the flames.


Seeing that her soul skills were so easily cracked, even Ma Xiaotao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Since she was promoted to the Ultimate Fire, even Soul Douluo dared not resist her move.

Although she did not use her full strength because she was worried about hurting Huo Yuhao, it should not be so easy to resist anyway. Huo Yuhao did defeat Soul Douluo in the Soul Master Competition at that time, but that kind of ability to improve cultivation in a short period of time was prohibited in this competition.

The next second, the ice spikes suddenly lit up with a emerald green light, and before everyone could react, the dazzling white light obscured their vision.


Another soul-shaking explosion, the extreme cold mixed with ice slag swept the entire venue, and the blazing flames on the ground were extinguished in an instant.

Amid the dull gazes of the crowd, Huo Yuhao slowly walked out of the center of the horrific explosion, and the damaged parts of his windbreaker were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a brief hesitation, looking at Huo Yuhao who was unharmed, Ma Xiaotao took a deep breath and raised her right arm.

As soul power continued to be injected into the 100,000-year-old cockscomb phoenix sunflower soul bone, a golden-red light ball as dazzling as the sun slowly condensed from her hand.

100,000-year soul bone skill: Yaoyang.

Once locked, it will automatically track the target. The unimaginable high temperature will cause terrible damage to every object that touches it. The flame contained in it will be like a thorn in the bone if it touches it, and it will not extinguish until it is completely burned.

But just when Ma Xiaotao was about to release the soul skill, she suddenly felt an extremely subtle tingling sensation in her mind.

Without thinking too much, she sent out her right hand, and the golden red light ball turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Huo Yuhao at a speed that ordinary people could hardly react to, and hit him instantly.

With her delicate fire control ability, the flame only burned all the clothes on Huo Yuhao's upper body and disappeared without a trace.

Just as Ma Xiaotao was admiring Huo Yuhao's fair skin and muscular body, the scene in front of her was like being stained by ink, changing rapidly.

When she came to her senses, she didn't know when she fell from the sky into Huo Yuhao's arms. Looking at the well-dressed boy in front of her, Ma Xiaotao didn't react for a while.

"Yuhao, why are you still wearing clothes?"


Huo Yuhao's expression froze.

No, what on earth did you dream about?

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