Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 208 Tang San: Where is my mother? (Posted at 6pm)

"This is impossible!"

In the God Realm, outside the Sea God's Mansion, a young man with long aqua-blue hair was staring at the front. It was clearly a mist filled with rosy clouds, but at this moment, he saw a completely different scene.

In the golden tree space that covered the sky and the sun, there was nothing else except the golden mist, which was obviously much less dense.

No, where is my mother?

Looking at the empty vast space, Tang San's face, which had been calm and confident from beginning to end, finally changed. No matter how hard he tried, he could not imagine that he had not paid attention to the lower world for just one day, and his mother disappeared out of thin air?

At this moment, he finally understood where the uneasiness that had been lingering in his heart for a long time since yesterday came from.

But this is unreasonable!

This kind of self-born plane will often has no combat experience, just like the native gods in the God Realm who are born as gods. Because they have experienced too few battles, they often only use force to suppress others. Once they encounter the lower-level gods of the same level, it is difficult to win.

In addition, Douluo is a subordinate plane of the God Realm, and the plane will is often suppressed by the God Realm. It stands to reason that it should not be difficult for his mother Ah Yin to deal with a plane will. What is going on now?

An unknown sense of panic quickly filled his heart, followed by irritability and regret that made him unable to concentrate on thinking.

If he had been tougher when facing Xiao Wu yesterday, could this have been avoided?

No, calm down, things are obviously not at the worst point yet...

With repeated warnings in his heart, Tang San, who had experienced many storms, quickly suppressed the panic in his heart. Now that things have happened, what needs to be done is to find a response plan as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Tang San began to seriously analyze the current situation.

As the law enforcer of the God Realm, he would be the first to get the news of any death of a God in the God Realm. Since nothing happened, it proved that his mother Ah Yin was not dead.

And judging from the fact that a lot of golden mist was consumed in the golden tree, his mother had obviously fought with the Plane Will.

But why did the originally unsuspenseful battle end up like this?

... Did the Silver Dragon King take action?

After thinking about it, this was the only possibility Tang San could think of. After all, looking at the entire next world, the only one who could do this was the Silver Dragon King.

But then, another question emerged from his mind.

How did the Silver Dragon King find out?

Did the opponent predict that he would take action against the Plane Will?

Or was it that under his carefully planned surprise attack, the Plane Will could still tip off the Silver Dragon King?

He didn't think that the other party could see through the space inside the golden tree. After all, this ability was really incredible, and he didn't think about it at all.

Soon, Tang San seemed to realize something. With a thought, the scene in his vision changed instantly, from the golden tree planted by him in Shrek Academy to the towering castle on the top of the mountain.

After seeing Tang San from the lower world who was in a guest room in the castle, his face could not help but show a look of realization, and the tension in his eyes was visibly relieved.

Wrong, he was wrong from the beginning.

The reason why the Silver Dragon King noticed this was probably not because he predicted his actions, nor was it because of the plane will tip off, but because of Tang San from the lower world.

From the fact that Tang San from the lower world had already appeared in Haotian Sect, his plan of making a feint to the east and attacking the west yesterday, and letting Da Ming and Er Ming take away Tang San while the Silver Dragon King was focusing on guarding against him, was obviously effective.

After discovering that Tang San from the lower world was missing, the Silver Dragon King, who realized that he had been fooled, would definitely look for him everywhere regardless of everything, and even try to contact the plane will, and then he would quickly find out that something was wrong.

After all, Tang San, who they had high hopes for, was captured, and the plane will of the same camp could not respond because of Ah Yin's targeting. Everyone would suspect that something was wrong.

As for why the Silver Dragon King was able to find the golden tree so coincidentally, it should be that he found it by accident when he went to the Sea God Pavilion to question the Shrek high-level officials in the name of Tang San's disappearance in the lower world.

Now that his mother is missing, he has not received any news of the death of gods in the God Realm. It is needless to think that his mother has fallen into the hands of the Silver Dragon King.

After thinking through the whole thing, there is always a loophole!

After thinking through the whole thing, Tang San just felt that the opponent was really difficult to deal with, and he did not regret sending his mother to the lower world yesterday. Even if he was given another chance, he would still make such a choice.

As the plane will of the Douluo plane, as long as the other party wants, he can always pay attention to the safety of Tang San in the lower world. In this case, only by sending his mother to the lower world to target the plane will can Da Ming and Er Ming have the opportunity to take Tang San from the lower world away.

Otherwise, the Plane Will could have reacted as soon as Da Ming and Er Ming took action, and asked the Silver Dragon King to intercept them. In that case, not only would they miss a hard-won opportunity, but they would also arouse the opponent's vigilance and strengthen the protection of Tang San in the lower realm.

As for the result of the exchange strategy, although it did not reach the most ideal situation, it was not so unacceptable.

Judging from the disappearance of the Plane Will and the concentration of the golden mist, even if the mother did not completely solve the opponent, she was not far away.

This meant that not only the opponent's power was greatly weakened, but the most important thing, Tang San from the lower realm, also fell into his hands. Although his mother was captured, he actually did not suffer much loss.

He didn't need to think carefully to guess that the other party had captured his mother without killing her, and the purpose was nothing more than to use her as a hostage to make her throw a rat weapon, or even wait for him to use Tang San from the lower realm in exchange.

But now that he has taken the initiative in this game, how can he give up the advantage he finally gained in vain?

After all, even if his mother dies, as long as the divine brand still exists, he can ask Ji Dong and Lie Yan, the two successors of the God King, to resurrect her. It is impossible to cause any great losses to him.

On the contrary, Tang San was cultivated by the other party with great difficulty. Once he is gone, he is really gone.

If you think about it this way, isn't the other party threatened by him?

As long as he keeps Tang San in the lower realm in his hands, the opponent will never dare to act rashly, and he can also take advantage of this time to train Tang San in the lower realm and completely cultivate him into his own person, which is something that the opponent cannot do no matter what. things.

Thinking of this, Tang San's expression returned to its usual calm and confident look, only a faint killing intent flashed in his eyes.

After all, I was still a little too confident. I thought that my estimate of the will of the Silver Dragon King and the Douluo Plane was high enough, but I didn't expect that they could actually achieve this.

Mother, I can only temporarily wrong you.

I will definitely repay you a hundred times the injustice you are suffering now in the future!

If you dare to attack my mother, you already have a way to kill me!

Of course, even though we can't avenge what happened to our mother, we can still find some interest from Tang San in the lower realm...

At dawn, Tang San, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, was awakened by his biological clock.

After forcibly driving his body, which still had some soreness and swelling, he hurried from the bed to the window with a somewhat ugly look on his face. Looking at the white fish belly hidden in the clouds and mist in the sky, he began to practice the Purple Demon Eye.

A year has passed since he came to Haotian Sect, and Tai Tan has indeed fulfilled his original promise, allowing him to cultivate in Haotian Sect for more than three months. Not only did he wait until his injuries were almost healed, but even after he After digesting the vitality and soul power absorbed from the messenger of death, and reaching level 40 in soul power, he thoughtfully sent someone to take him to obtain the fourth soul ring.

Compared to Shrek, who had to help him get a soul bone and had to do it himself, and even almost asked him to commit his life to the Star Dou Forest, the life in the Haotian Sect was so happy that he couldn't believe it.

During this period of time, Tang San also gradually discovered the effects of the eight spider spears behind him that were now showing a blue-gray color due to the huge amount of concentrated corpse poison.

The first is the issue of toxins. Originally, the Eight Spider Spears only had toxins belonging to the human-faced spider. Now, after absorbing the corpse poison of the messenger of death, the two were actually fused together. Although the power of the toxins was not greatly enhanced, it was successfully obtained. Removed some of the corrosive effects of corpse poison.

However, what surprised Tang San the most was that the fused toxins even allowed him to use the same corpse explosion as the Death Messenger. As long as he was scratched by his Eight Spider Spears, the toxins contained in the spear tip would be in the enemy's body. Spread rapidly, but if you want to detonate them, you not only need to consume soul power, but also have to wait for the host to die and completely lose control of the body.

Even though there were many limitations, Tang San still couldn't hide his excitement when he discovered this ability. After all, he had personally experienced how powerful the corpse explosion was. Having such an ability would definitely take his combat effectiveness to a higher level.

He even planned in his heart that when he became stronger in the future, he would let that old beast Xuanzi taste what it was like to explode.

However, just when he was promoted to the Soul Sect, thought everything was fine, and was about to return to the sect to officially start the entrance examination, he realized that the nightmare had just begun.

Dong dong dong——

After a crisp knock on the door, an anxious voice sounded from outside the door and reached Tang San's ears.

"Mistress, it's time to have breakfast."

Hearing the familiar voice of his father Tang Ba, Tang San took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and turned around to open the door.

As the door slowly opened, Tang Ba, who was holding a food box at the door, subconsciously looked at Tang San. After seeing that he didn't look particularly weak, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is your health okay? Can you continue to take the entrance examination today?"

".It should be fine."

"That's good. It's true that the sect master is so harsh every time. Let's eat first."

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