Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 226 The Third Martial Spirit (Two-in-One)

"The third martial spirit?"

Tianmeng Bingcan was stunned for a moment: "Why didn't I know that Yuhao also had a third martial spirit? Old man, are you kidding me?"

"You, a big bug with only cultivation but no realm, can provide martial souls, why can't I?"

Yi Lao glanced at Tianmeng with some disgust, but still took the initiative to explain.

"Similar to the ice attribute that the big bug actively stripped off, when my spiritual consciousness entered the spiritual space, part of it was passively integrated into Yuhao's body. However, this part of my spiritual consciousness was sealed by me. Now I only need to After unblocking it, Yuhao will get a third martial spirit."

"However, it may be inappropriate to say that it is a martial spirit. Compared with a martial spirit, it is more like a carrier of power. In my original idea, with this third martial spirit, Yu Hao does not need to study systematically. I can also cast my undead magic easily."

"It's just that after I woke up, I found that Yuhao's mastery of undead magic was somewhat beyond my expectation. He could use it even if he didn't need it, so I put it on hold until now. I didn't expect to be able to use it at this time. use."

Huo Yuhao immediately understood what Yi Lao meant. In his previous life, Yi Lao had used this method to give him the third martial spirit, the Holy Law God of the Dead.

To put it simply, if the undead magic released by reciting incantations is compared to a self-created soul skill, then the gray ring given to him by Yi Lao in his previous life together with the third martial soul is similar to a soul ring.

With that gray ring, he can directly skip the stage of reciting incantations and directly cast undead magic. This is the effect of carrying power through a carrier.

But now, Yi Lao's thoughts are somewhat different from those in his previous life. Although he still uses that part of his divine consciousness to build a carrier, the power it carries is no longer limited to his undead magic, but is prepared to be combined with the seven origins of original sins in his spiritual space. , cram them all in at once.

For a soul master, the martial soul is equivalent to a part of the body. It can even be regarded as a relatively independent body organ. When it is not turned on, the impact on the body is indeed much smaller.

In addition, with the carrier, there is an additional control medium between Huo Yuhao and the origin of original sin, which can not only further reduce the influence of the origin of original sin on himself, but also enhance his control over these origins of original sin.

"It does sound somewhat similar to the ice-attribute martial spirit that I originally provided."

Tianmeng Bingshen blinked twice. If Huo Yuhao didn't have an ice-attribute martial soul that could evolve, the martial soul he provided would have a similar effect. He would first build an ice-attribute martial soul carrier using the energy he stripped off. Then use this carrier to carry the power of an ice attribute soul beast to complete the final transformation.

After thinking about it, he asked hesitantly.

"But I think each of these original sin origins is not simple, and it should not be so easy to bear. Even if your martial spirit is constructed from divine consciousness, it may not be possible."

"That's what worries me too."

Yi Lao nodded calmly and turned his head to look at Huo Yuhao.

"Yu Hao, although I don't know where your original sin origins came from, I can feel that their realm has surpassed the peak of my life. They are the power that truly belongs to the gods. If they didn't have independent consciousness, I would be like this. A carrier constructed by a ray of divine consciousness may not be able to carry them."

"But what I want to tell you is that even if we already have a great advantage, the risk of this matter is still very high. If this carrier only carries the power of undead magic, it may not have much impact on you. Once you choose to add The source of original sin, then the pressure and pain you endure will increase exponentially during the process of infusing power. It is conservatively estimated that it will not be easier than when you integrated the energy of the Ice and Fire Dragon King. "

Huo Yuhao was silent, while Yi Lao was still talking to himself about the consequences of this matter.

"In the end, even if you really succeed, this martial spirit is still a semi-finished product because it carries too much power from the gods. I simply don't have the ability to completely perfect it. This needs to be solved in the future."

"I heard that there is a god in this world. I also learned about your plan to become a god from the big insect. But as long as you choose the method I gave, you will no longer be able to obtain it until you perfect this martial spirit. The power of other gods cannot inherit their throne."

"Because once these original sin sources sense that strange divine power is occupying the territory, they will instinctively enter a violent state. For this semi-finished martial soul, the original sin source that carries the calm state is already the limit. If you face someone in a violent state, , I don’t need to say much about the result, you should understand it.”

Everyone looked at each other, completely understanding what Yi Lao meant.

To put it simply, Yi Lao used his own consciousness to create a single bed, but now this single bed has to be laid on with undead magic and the seven original sins at once, for a total of eight sturdy men.

In this case, what Yi Lao had to do was to modify the single bed, remove the supports, and remove the headboard, so that the bed could accommodate eight people as much as possible, at the expense of the originally perfect bed. It has become a semi-finished product and needs to be found in other ways to improve it later.

To fall into the original sin source and enter a violent state is equivalent to these seven strong men starting to dance wildly and have sex on this semi-finished bed. How could the already overwhelmed bed be able to withstand such tossing, and the result would naturally be destruction of this bed. A possibility.

"I believe Yuhao you have understood what I mean."

Staring at the young man in front of him, Yi Lao said calmly: "Now, tell me your choice."


Everyone, including the Snow Emperor, unanimously turned their attention to Huo Yuhao, waiting for his answer.

Not far away, a blue-haired woman whose whole body was shrouded in rose-gold light and whose body surface was covered with dark pink lines also opened her eyes at this moment, looking at the young man who had sealed all her cultivations with a complicated and curious expression. .

"Teacher, please tell me"

Huo Yuhao did not rush to give an answer, but looked at Electrolux seriously, as if he wanted to see something, and asked word by word.

"What will it cost you to do this?"


Yi Lao was stunned.

Then, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He didn't know why, but looking at Huo Yuhao's serious expression, an intuition suddenly rose in his heart for no reason.

This child must have experienced something to ask this question in the first place.

After a brief daze, he seemed to have figured out something.

"The teacher doesn't know what you have been through, but this time."

With a kind smile, Electrolux raised his hand and touched Huo Yuhao's hair, and said in a serious tone.

"The teacher will always be by your side."

Huo Yuhao trembled, and felt a surge of soreness on the tip of his nose. He subconsciously sniffed and wanted to open his mouth to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something. He mumbled for a long time and couldn't say a single word. .

The purple sun hung high in the sky, and on the dark earth, there seemed to be a wind blowing, ruffling the young man's hair and wiping away all the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After a long time, Huo Yuhao raised his head again. In front of him, Yi Lao asked again with a smile.

"Have you decided on your choice?"

"I've thought about it, please help me, teacher."

Huo Yuhao spoke solemnly, the seven original sins had been his important reliance since his rebirth. If he wanted to deal with Tang San, he could not give up this trump card no matter what.

As for the hidden dangers mentioned by the teacher, at present, his cultivation level is only the Soul King. It is obvious that he still has a long way to go before becoming a god. He has enough time to find a solution.

It's just that he can't become a god. He has already experienced a similar situation in his previous life because of Di Tian's reverse scale. Naturally, he will not give up his hard-earned power because of this matter.

"Okay, time is running out. Now that you have made your decision, let's get started."

After speaking, Yi Lao glanced at Tianmeng and others and said in a serious tone.

"Big insect, you follow my command and be ready to take action at any time."

"I know, I know."

Tian Meng squirmed and came to Huo Yuhao's side, shaking as if dissatisfied.

"How dare you send me a messenger? But this time, considering your contribution, I won't argue with you."

As Huo Yuhao sat cross-legged, Electrolux raised his hand and shook it, and endless gray air flow condensed from his hand. In just a moment, he had a simple gray scepter in his hand.

However, Yi Lao did not rush to build a carrier for Huo Yuhao. Instead, he recited a spell, tapped his staff in the air, and cast a magic called Heart of Destruction of the Undead on him.

Huo Yuhao also used this trick in his previous life. It can force people to stay in the calmest state for twenty-four hours and not be swayed by various emotions in their hearts.

Although this undead magic does not have much effect on the original desire of original sin, it can very well curb the various emotions caused by the amplification of desire. After all, this is the most critical factor affecting this action.

After releasing the Heart of Destruction of the Undead, Yi Lao kept moving and tapped the scepter again. With an extremely subtle breaking sound, part of the consciousness that had been integrated into Huo Yuhao's body was finally released.

As if his body had been set on fire, an almost completely transparent flame suddenly rose up from Huo Yuhao's body. If it weren't for the fact that the flame was still a little gray, it would be difficult for everyone present to notice this change. .


Yi Lao shouted in a low voice, and the scepter in his hand shone brightly, and golden spells condensed from the void one after another. As soon as they appeared, they rushed towards Huo Yuhao's body.

As time passed by, as more and more golden spells entered his body, Huo Yuhao's skin began to turn a pale color that looked a little unhealthy, and there was still a faint gray air flow from his closed eyes. Eyes wandering.

If Huo Yuhao opened his eyes now, he would find that his blue eyes had turned into a lifeless gray just like when he used the Necromancer Holy Spirit in his previous life.

That's not all that happened. Soon, a gray ring that looked a bit illusory appeared from under Huo Yuhao. In addition to the weird color, the difference between the ring and an ordinary soul ring was that it looked obviously larger. The circle doesn’t stop.

"Yuhao, start!"

Hearing Yi Lao's low shout, Huo Yuhao trembled all over. Just like the dawn, a dazzling golden light bloomed from his forehead, and then, seven more original sin sources of different colors spewed out from it. , under the suppression of the Eye of Destiny, restlessly surrounding him.

"That, that is original sin..."

Feeling the aura of the seven light groups from a distance, Ah Yin's eyes widened in disbelief.

As a god who has lived in the God Realm for decades, how could she not recognize the origin of these light balls?

But how is this possible?

Why would the power of the God of Original Sin appear in the Douluo plane? Why would it appear on a human?

Thinking of Huo Yuhao's previous use of the power of the Silver Dragon King to forcibly tear apart the Golden Tree to rescue the Plane Will...

Could it be that the God of Destruction cooperated with the Plane Will of the Douluo Plane?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, Ah Yin felt an unspeakable chill spreading from her limbs to her bones.

She had been captured in this half plane for more than a year. Although she didn't know what happened in the outside world, she was sure that before she went down to the world, those Gods of Original Sin must have been in the God Realm.

Now that the source of original sin suddenly appeared in the lower world, there are only two possibilities.

First, the God of Destruction discovered that she had gone down to the lower world without permission, so he also sent his men to target her.

But as soon as this idea came up, Ah Yin rejected it herself. You know, her strength is not outstanding among the second-level gods. It is precisely because of this that she is under the least surveillance in the God Realm, which is why she was able to take advantage of the loophole to return to the Douluo plane.

In contrast, the Original Sin Gods are all first-level gods. If they want to deal with her, they only need to send one or two to the lower realm. How could they send seven to the lower realm at the same time?

Besides, if the God of Destruction knew that he was going to the lower realm, his first reaction should be to take the opportunity to find his son Tang San to make trouble. Why waste energy on such a thing?

It is impossible to capture her as evidence?

Or take her as a hostage?

Then it should be the Original Sin God himself. How could it be a teenager with the original sin origin?

You know, for these gods born in the native realm of the gods, the origin is equivalent to their body and the source of their power. Although losing the origin does not necessarily mean death, the price is definitely unbearable.

The God of Destruction may be able to drive the God of Original Sin, but he definitely does not have the ability to instruct the God of Original Sin to contribute his original sin source and give it to a human in the lower world.

Combining the previous speculation, Ah Yin quickly thought of the second possibility.

After noticing her lower world, the God of Destruction may have directly found Tang San as she expected.

But judging from the fact that the seven original sin sources have now all appeared in the lower world, the two forces may have had a very tragic battle, and the result is that all the original sin gods have died in the battle.

Those are seven first-level gods!

The God of Destruction, who has the advantage on paper, has paid such a painful price, so how can Tang San be better?

She couldn't help but worry. After all, except for the God of Emotion, who is a first-level god, the friends who followed Tang San to the God Realm are all second-level gods. With such a huge gap, the outcome is self-evident.

As for why all seven original sin sources appeared on Huo Yuhao?

The most likely reason is that Tang San was not completely killed by the God of Destruction after his defeat, but a trace of consciousness escaped by chance, and the place where he escaped happened to be the Douluo plane.

As the law enforcer of the God Realm, the God of Destruction, a powerful person at the level of God King, could not fail to discover this. In order to prevent Tang San from making a comeback, he would naturally make sufficient preparations.

It's just that the God Realm has just erupted in turmoil, and it is time to establish prestige. In addition, as a law enforcer, the God of Destruction naturally cannot violate the rules in public and personally deal with Tang San.

So he chose to cooperate with the will of the plane, send down the seven original sin origins, and deal with Tang San by cultivating the son of the plane in this plane.

Thinking of this, Ah Yin felt a sudden enlightenment, and at the same time, she couldn't help but feel worried.

So, if her speculation is correct, Tang San may be in the lower realm now?

At the same time, facing Huo Yuhao, who has the original sin origin, the Silver Dragon King, and even the God of Destruction who is eyeing in the God Realm, can Tang San really survive?

Thinking of this, she bit her lower lip with her pearly teeth and looked at the boy in the distance with some hesitation. For a moment, she didn't know what to choose.


After a miserable howl, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm trembled and looked up at Alex with some difficulty. The voice seemed to be squeezed out from the gap between her teeth.

"Old man, why are you so humble when you talk at this time? This pain is several times stronger than when I merged the energy of the Ice and Fire Dragon King."

Beside him, Huo Yuhao had completely changed. His skin was cracked and covered in blood. His body was shaking violently all the time.

He couldn't say a word because he was bearing most of the pain. Not only did his body need to bear the damage brought by the source of original sin, but even his reason seemed to be shaky under the impact of the tide.

The seven light balls that had been surrounding Huo Yuhao before still existed at this moment, but they looked much dimmer and more illusory than before. Invisible light paths extended from the light balls, connecting the boy in the middle like a bridge.

Under Huo Yuhao, seven more soul rings appeared at some point, which also looked illusory but were slowly solidifying.

The dark blue original sin of pride, the dark gold original sin of greed, the dark green original sin of laziness, the dark pink original sin of jealousy, the dark yellow original sin of gluttony, the dark orange original sin of anger, and the last dark and evil red original sin of lust.

Together with the gray ring at the beginning, there were eight in total.

The completely different colors are enough to refresh any soul master's cognition. Even for the original sin of gluttony and the original sin of lust, which are the most similar colors to ordinary soul rings, the weird darkness can make people see the difference at a glance.

"The last time you absorbed the energy of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, I was still asleep. I can only make a simple estimate of the pain you endured."

While explaining, Yi Lao looked at Tianmeng Ice Silkworm at leisure.

"But the willpower of this big bug like you is so strong, which is really beyond my expectation."

"Bullshit, crap!"

Tianmeng Bingshen took a deep breath first, then gritted his teeth and said, "If you were caught by those guys in the Star Dou Forest and sucked for ten thousand years, you would still have a strong will!"

Yi Lao was noncommittal, tilted his head to observe the progress of the fusion of the Original Sin Origin, and then warned.

"Judging from the current situation, this kind of pain will continue for a long time. If you don't want to have a nervous breakdown midway, I advise you to save some energy."

Hearing this, Tian Meng subconsciously glanced at the Ice Emperor, whose body was also shaking violently but was still gritting his teeth and saying nothing. After all, he didn't say anything else.

The wailing continued, one hour, two hours, after nearly six hours of long agony, there were faint signs of solidification in the eight soul rings under Huo Yuhao.

At this moment, a change occurred, and golden lines quietly emerged from the surface of Huo Yuhao's skin, just like the tattoos given by the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Spirit in his previous life.

It's just that this time the pattern is no longer a complete pattern, nor is it limited to Huo Yuhao's back, but is a complex pattern all over the body.

That touch of gold is not as pure as Qiu'er's golden dragon. Instead, it is like Gu Yuena's body, filled with an obscure colored light. If you focus on looking at it, you will be fascinated by the mottled colors contained in it. He was in a trance and had a strange and bizarre feeling.

In addition, Huo Yuhao's gray eyes filled with the aura of death also had a golden ring similar to the one on the tattoo, spinning silently.

In this state, Huo Yuhao's temperament has also undergone tremendous changes. With the blessing of the golden lines, he still has the cold face similar to the Snow Emperor, but there is no feeling of coldness at all. Instead, he has a kind of cold face that makes people feel sad. A strange and unbearable feeling.

Seeing the changes on Huo Yuhao's body, the Snow Emperor, who had never looked away from him from beginning to end, seemed to have realized something, and his body finally relaxed a little.

"Is this a success?"

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