Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

$ Chapter 227 The Messenger of Conviction (Two in One)

When Huo Yuhao woke up from his coma, the spirits that had accompanied him had disappeared, leaving only the white-haired girl in a long dress, quietly watching him.

His thoughts gradually emerged from the chaos, and the memories before the coma quickly replayed in his mind. After a brief confusion, Huo Yuhao's eyes finally regained clarity.

He simply scanned the mental space, and after seeing his companions who had fallen into a deep sleep due to excessive consumption but were all safe and sound, his hanging heart finally fell.

His attention returned to reality, and he looked down at his body, which had returned to its original state at some point, but was covered in blood.

The strange patterns that had originally covered the surface of his skin had quietly disappeared. If it weren't for the blood stains on his body and the pain and weakness from his limbs reminding him, Huo Yuhao might subconsciously think that everything he had experienced before was a dream.

Shaking his still dizzy head, he looked up at Xue Di and asked softly.

"How long have I slept?"

Because the effect of the Heart of Annihilation of the Undead was still continuing, his voice sounded calm.

"Less than half a day."

The Snow Queen thought for a moment and added: "Calculate the time of your fusion. It should be noon of the next day in the outside world now."

"That's pretty fast."

Huo Yuhao nodded.

This fusion was not to be underestimated. At the end, he almost lost consciousness and was hanging on by a breath.

With this experience, if Huo Yuhao were to absorb the energy of the Ice and Fire Dragon King again, although it would not be easy to deal with, he would definitely not need Brother Tianmeng to help share the burden like before.

As he was thinking, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt a fragrant breeze blowing on his face. Looking at the pair of ice-blue eyes that suddenly came close, he could not help but be stunned for a moment, and then a cold voice came into his ears.

"Don't you try to see if there are any new changes in those abilities?"


Seemingly aroused by the words of the Snow Queen, Huo Yuhao also activated his third martial soul again.

In an instant, the desire hidden deep in his heart was like a roaring wave, impacting his just-recovered rationality. Although the impact was much smaller than before with the buffer of the carrier, it was still difficult for Huo Yuhao to bear.

Suppressing his trembling body, Huo Yuhao gritted his teeth and urged the head soul bone given to him by A Lu again. It was like a soul that was scorched by flames was suddenly thrown into the ice and snow. As his snow-white long hair turned into a highlighted state again, the mental pressure suddenly eased.

With the blessing of the Heart of Undead Annihilation, Huo Yuhao quickly suppressed his turbulent rationality and began to carefully feel the changes brought to him by the third martial soul. However, he couldn't help but frowned at the beginning of the matter.

It seemed that because the martial soul was already a semi-finished product, Huo Yuhao instinctively wanted to be completed. He could already vaguely sense what was needed to perfect it.

God's throne.

As the origin of the gods, there must be a god's throne to fully carry and use its power.

But as Yi Lao said before, once he inherits another god position before perfecting the third martial soul, the third martial soul will fall into riot because of the divine power.

And there is a way to solve this problem. As long as we find a god position that is the same source and perfectly adapted to the third martial soul, then the seven original sin origins should not fall into riot.

But then, another problem came. Let’s not talk about whether he can attract the attention of other gods in the God Realm and let them descend the god position inheritance when Tang San controls the Douluo plane. Even if he really succeeds, there is no god position that can fully adapt to his third martial soul in the entire God Realm.

Original Sin God?

The same source is the same source, but that is only the same source as one of the seven original sin origins. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to perfectly accommodate the other six.

After thinking for a long time, the only way Huo Yuhao could think of was to create a perfectly matching god position based on the third martial soul.

Perhaps the power of a single God of Original Sin is not as strong as the God of Emotion in his previous life, but the power of the seven Gods of Original Sin combined together, how terrifying the potential is, I am afraid no one knows better than Huo Yuhao who experienced it in his previous life. Even though he was just forcibly carrying it at that time and could not fully control it, he still easily crushed all the gods who blocked him.

Even because the power was too strong, as a host, he just took it in, and his life entered an irreversible countdown. Otherwise, he would not have died with Tang San who was exhausted at the time.

It seems that I have to think of some ways to improve my physical fitness in the future.

Anyway, there is only one way to go, so instead of worrying about whether it is difficult or not, it is better to prepare for this goal in advance from now on. Huo Yuhao knows very well that if he carries the power of the seven original sins in the future by relying solely on the transformation of the original sin of arrogance, the result will only be the same as his previous life, and his life will enter an irreversible countdown.

You know, even if the original body is the source of original sin, the original sin gods who are naturally resistant to this power do not dare to fuse the seven original sins for a long time. During the war in the previous life, the seven gods only merged for a few seconds.

In comparison, he, a human, cannot bear this power without an unimaginable physique.

After gathering his thoughts, Huo Yuhao hesitated for a moment and did not choose to tell Xue Di about these troubles.

"From the current situation, if you want to activate the third martial soul in the future, you need to activate the head soul bone at the same time, and the duration cannot be too long."


The Snow Queen's attention was obviously not here. From just now to now, her beautiful eyes have been unscrupulously looking at the golden lines that reappeared on Huo Yuhao's skin surface, and she just nodded perfunctorily to his words.

"Are the abilities still the same?"


No, is there something wrong with your eyes?

Looking at the Snow Queen's drunken look, even though he was still calm, Huo Yuhao felt a chill spreading from his back. After hesitating for a moment, he pursed his lips and decided to remind the other party.

"Not only that, after my control over the original sin source has been improved, the effects of several of my original abilities have all been strengthened. Some of the original sin sources seem to have gained some new abilities, but my body is still very weak and I can't use them now."

"But I can already do what I had envisioned, which is to amplify the opponent's desire through the corresponding original sin source, like this."

After saying that, the dark red soul ring representing the original sin of lust under Huo Yuhao suddenly lit up, and the Snow Queen standing opposite him trembled violently as if she had suffered a heavy blow.

If she still had a little desire to fight after seeing Huo Yuhao open his third martial soul, then at this moment, this desire, under the blessing of the original sin of lust, firmly occupied her heart like a virus.

Of course, this ability is also subject to the difference in cultivation between the two sides. If the Snow Queen had not been completely defenseless against Huo Yuhao, she could easily suppress this effect with her overwhelming cultivation.

But this does not mean that this ability is not powerful enough. For example, now, even if it only lasted for a moment, the blue eyes of the Snow Queen had already been visibly red. When she looked at him again, her eyes had become more aggressive without disguising.


Huo Yuhao was dumbfounded.

Heaven and earth, he originally wanted to use this ability to remind the Snow Queen not to think about those messy things, but he didn't expect that it was like poking a hornet's nest, making the already difficult situation even worse.

"Can I see what it looks like inside?"

The Snow Queen asked for advice, but her white and cold palm had already been placed on his chest without Huo Yuhao's consent, and her movements gently eased the scarlet color of the clothes, which could not be seen in their original appearance at all.

And her other hand was not idle either. As if she wanted to know the difference between those complicated golden lines and ordinary skin, the Snow Queen couldn't wait to stretch out her fingers and rub along the complicated lines.

"It feels better than normal skin... Do you feel anything?"

"No, it's no different from usual..."

The delicate touch came, and Huo Yuhao's throat rolled slightly. Looking at the Xue Di who seemed to be enjoying it, his calm tone actually had a hint of helplessness.

"Can you stop pulling my clothes first?"

He wanted to stop her, but his body was really weak, and the gap in cultivation was there. At this moment, he could only push the Xue Di's mischievous hands weakly, and his shirt was half-pushed and half-pushed off in the process.


Faced with his accusation, Xue Di not only did not feel ashamed, but also sped up his movements.

"I don't like seeing you covered in blood and dirt."

Why do I feel like you're just making excuses because you're greedy for my body...

Huo Yuhao was complaining in his heart. As Xue Di's voice fell, she really seemed to break free from some indescribable bondage. The range of movement of her palm was no longer limited to the lines on his skin, but began to wander freely on his upper body. Wherever she passed, pure ice and snow wiped away all the blood stains on the surface of his skin.

I don't know if it was to retaliate against his behavior of opening the source of lust just now. During the cleaning process, Xue Di's palm always crossed his chest from time to time. The strange feeling always caused Huo Yuhao's body to tremble instinctively.

"Stop it..."

Seeing that Huo Yuhao only said a word to her verbally, Xue Di couldn't help but blink her eyes. At this moment, she really experienced the terrifying effect brought by the Heart of Undead Annihilation.

If Huo Yuhao in his normal state encountered such a thing, he would definitely fight back and would never let her do whatever she wanted.

But Huo Yuhao would not do that at this moment. Even if he had some resistance in his heart and realized that it was inappropriate to do so, the degree of resistance would be reduced a lot. Even if she was a little tougher, that little resistance would become indulgence.

In short, Huo Yuhao would only firmly refuse things that violated the bottom line. If it was something with strong personal emotions, everything could be discussed.

It felt good to be so reluctant to refuse?

Although there was less fun of flirting, it was inexplicably different.

Xue Di thought so in her heart, but her face remained calm.

"By the way, what name are you going to give your martial soul?"

"Well... let's call it the Messenger of Judgment."

Xue Di did not comment, but just came up and kissed Huo Yuhao's lips lightly. She did not have a tough attitude as usual, but directly stated her demands.

"I want it after you tossed me just now."

Huo Yuhao's movements obviously paused. Looking at the Snow Emperor's cold eyes receding, as if they were blurred in the water, he finally nodded in a compromising manner.

"...Get out of here first and let me clean up."

For a moment, he suddenly felt that this undead magic was not that easy to use, but after thinking about it, it seemed that even without the effect of the Heart of Death, it would be difficult for him to refuse the Snow Emperor's request.

What a sin...

When dinner was approaching, Nana and others left Mingde Hall together and walked quickly towards the cafeteria.

Although they are now certified researchers of Mingdetang, and there will be dedicated people responsible for delivering meals every time they arrive at meal time, the uniform meals are not as tasty as going to the canteen to choose what they like.

As for the fact that they had not seen Huo Yuhao for a day, although everyone was a little worried, they also understood that in this critical period of cultivation, others must not disturb them rashly. It would be fine if they accidentally interrupted the hard-won enlightenment. Well, the most terrifying thing is to make people go crazy.

Even Nana, who had been living in Huo Yuhao's dormitory, returned to her dormitory last night to deal with it for the first time.

"I don't know how he is doing..."

Listening to Orange's voice, Ke Ke waved her hands carelessly.

"It's only been a day. Didn't Ji Juechen stay in seclusion for a month before? Nothing happened as usual?"

After a fight with Huo Yuhao three months ago, Ji Juechen fell into deep meditation for more than a month. At that time, Jing Ziyan was so frightened that he asked Huo Yuhao to help check the situation every few days.

When he woke up, apart from being a little weak, this guy looked more energetic than anyone else. After a few days of recovery, he started clamoring to fight Huo Yuhao for another 300 rounds.

Unexpectedly, Orange shook his head and retorted with hesitation: "The situations of Ling Bing and Ji Juechen are a little different. I always feel a little uneasy."


Hearing this, Keke couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile on her face, and rubbed her little hands excitedly.

"Don't Nana have a key? If you are really worried, go and take a look secretly after dinner. As long as the noise is small, it shouldn't affect him much. Even if you take the opportunity to do something indescribable, the other party may not I know...ouch~"

Before she finished speaking, Ke Ke felt her head being tapped lightly. In pain, she subconsciously turned around and trembled all over like a frightened deer.

"Ling Bing! Are you finished practicing? When did you come?"

Huo Yuhao's face turned dark and he gave Keke another blow.

"While you were loudly plotting to sneak into my dormitory and prepare to do something unspeakable."

"Uh...ah haha...I, I was not kidding, just wake up, just wake up..."

Ke Ke smiled dryly and rubbed his head. When he caught a glimpse of Orange's gloating expression, his face suddenly darkened and he murmured to himself in a thin voice.

"You both like to play with people's heads so much, and they said you two have no legs. You wouldn't even believe it..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Orange's brain collapse happened just as she wished.

"What are you talking about? You're so old and you still don't have a proper shape all day long..."

Blushing and spitting lightly, Orange took a closer look at Huo Yuhao. Looking at the boy's face, which was much paler than yesterday, and the fatigue that could not be concealed between his eyebrows, she asked with some concern.

"Are you okay?"

She didn't know why, but her appearance didn't seem to have changed, but she just felt that the boy in front of her was a little different.

This is naturally attributed to the ‘affinities of all things’ brought about by the original sin of lust.

After this fusion, the abilities of the seven original sins seem to have been further developed, and the effects have all been greatly enhanced, and the affinity of all things is one of them.

Although this ability usually does not appear to show off the landscape, and even Huo Yuhao often regards it as a gain effect that increases the speed of cultivation, the effect is definitely practical.

For example, Jing Hongchen is a very typical example. Without this ability, no matter how talented he was, Jing Hongchen would not have been able to accept him so quickly, let alone bid with Ye Yulin to the end, even the ninth-level soul guide. All the utensils were taken out.

Now its effect has been improved again. As long as it is not the kind of existence that is inherently hostile to other people, any living being will have a very high basic impression of Huo Yuhao at the first sight.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little weak..."

Recalling the tragic experience of being crushed by the Snow Emperor all afternoon, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but look a little bitter.

Although he was not knocked unconscious like the last time he faced Gu Yuena, the weakness in his body kept him in a passive state throughout the whole process, and he could not find a chance to fight back.

There is no doubt that in terms of the result, today was the second time he fought on the bed and lost.

After dispelling the disturbing images in his mind, Huo Yuhao forced out a smile that looked very forced and casually changed the subject.

"I thought you would be in the cafeteria at this time, so I came with you. I'm starving to death. Let's go in and eat first."

Seeing Huo Yuhao walking into the cafeteria as if he was running away, the three girls glanced at each other subconsciously.

"Why does it feel a little weird?"


Ke Ke nodded in agreement: "It feels like the kind of person who is suddenly caught in a weakness, and then forced to do this and that by a perverted big sister. Because he can't find anyone to talk to, he can only force a smile in the end."

".Where did you see all this?"

"Isn't that what's written in those storybooks?"

As if the conversation had started, Keke became visibly excited.

"For example, in a book I read before, a god called the Eternal God was spotted by the pope who was at the height of his power when he was young. As a result, he had to go to the pope's palace every night and lived a miserable life. A life of death.”

"Those are all made up by others, how can this be true in reality."

"Why not!?"

Keke's eyes widened, and then she raised her chin towards Huo Yuhao's back.

"With Ling Bing's appearance, who wouldn't be confused after seeing him? This kind of little brother just takes advantage of his young age to take him down so hard that he will never forget you for the rest of his life."

As he said that, Ke Ke turned around again, looked at the orange up and down, and spoke in a strange tone.

"Why, you said those kinds of things in Jingyang Mountains that night, and now you're backing down?"


Orange was speechless. After a moment of silence, she slowly spoke.

"I feel like it's good to watch him every day like now. But if he really wants it, I..."

".You are so decisive in doing things on weekdays. Why do you become hesitant at times like this?"

Ke Ke rolled her eyes: "Please, just ask Jing Ziyan or Ji Ji Juechen."

"Anyway, if you ask a few people who are close to us, anyone can tell that Lingbing's attitude towards you is obviously different from the attitude towards people like us. Okay, this kind of little fresh meat that comes to your door unsolicited, you What if you don’t eat? Are you going to regret it when you lose it?”

"Oh, you don't understand. Forget it. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go eat first."

Feeling the pull on her arm, Keke opened her mouth, obviously wanting to say something more, but it ended up being a sigh.

"What, you want to ask for leave?"

Feeling the surprised looks from the people around him, Huo Yuhao's cheeks twitched and he finally swallowed the food in his mouth before he nodded.

"Yes, the hall master has agreed. I originally planned to tell you yesterday, but something unexpected happened."

Nana obviously realized something. After hesitating for a moment, she took the initiative to ask.

"Ling Bing, do you want me to accompany you?"

"Need not."

Huo Yuhao waved his hand: "You have seen my strength, there is no need to worry about my safety."

".Then when are you going to leave?"

"Leave after dinner."

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