Douluo see you

The first thousand six hundred and twelve chapters, national transport, law

Establishing credibility, Ji Town is handed over to Zhao Mingyi, his money is not much, but Zhao Mingyi is lost in the sandstorm, it happens to make a business road as a name, and start collecting specialty in the city.

This part of the special product does not actually value, remove transportation costs, transportation to Xingguancheng for sale, to do the extent to which you don't lose money, but this is a process of establishing reputation, you need two or three acquisitions, even someone personally walked this After the business road, you can get enough trust.

"Do you make sure you can give money? This is higher than the price of the city!" Some people collect herbs back, see Zhao Mingyi, who acquire herbs, is not very trustworthy to him.


A bag of silver coins was fell on the table, and the knife was nailed to the table in the table, and the knife was also nailed to the table and dispelled everyone's bad idea.

There is no soul at the scene, and the soul will not be willing to stay in the ghost place in Ke Tiancheng, so the force of a sharp chopping knife is enough.

Real gold silver is in this era of noble metals, is the best guarantee of credibility, Zhao Mingyi remembers what Ji Town is said to himself.

"For a country, the currency representative is actually a state reputation, and it is also what we need to get something. It seems that you don't understand.

Then think from your own point of view, why do you believe that the copper soul coin can buy something? It will be understood because the currency is issued by the currency, compared to the same size copper coins, if it is the chip of the casino, would you believe that he can buy something?

But why should the country have issued copper coins, silver coins, gold coins? You have seen, you have noticed that our daily money is actually not just money, he is also a kind of goods.

The gold and silver copper itself is also valuable. Our country does not have enough reputation, let us believe that the currency he issued can purchase things, so the people are smart, you can use a certain value of items as a currency Let us believe his value.

Now you should understand why some people use real gold and silver cast fakes, and they will still be sanctions by the country! Because he only paid the value of the gold and silver copper cargo in the currency, he walked all the reputation of the country.

You should know, the more far, the more the small country, the more hard money, because their reputation is insufficient, more dependent on the value of Jinyin, in other words, if the country's reputation is enough, it can be used Toilet paper as a money, because the money does not require the value of your own materials.

And now, we want to build your own reputation, you must borrow the country's credibility, let others know,

We hold a large number of reputation in a large number of countries in our hands, and then let them get our own reputation. "

Zhao Mingyi is very big, but it is very big, but when these people get money, they start to ask if there is any other living, he seems to understand.

Some people believe that they are working, they can be profitable, so they have the power to command these people, and the more people who believe them, the stronger trust, the greater the things that can be done.

Zhao Mingyi's fantasy is a pretty fraternity, and the adult can inherit the power of the rule. In the past, the scene often made him smile in the dream, but now she recalls, the power, that lack of control ability, not enough reputation The power of guarantees seems to be not so tempting.

Instead, near the eyes, using the national reputation and its own binding, the acquisition, can order the rights of others to do things, so that he is very intoxicated, this is really powerful!

After exhaling, the gold and silver in the bag, Zhao Mingyi successfully pulled a caravan, Ji Town to and from the desert, the wealth brought back, just like the adventurers who brought back gold and silver from the new mainland, bringing them a lot Reputation, organized a bigger voyage.

This time, they need a name of their own, to condense people, reputation is required, national, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, some kind of expression of credibility.

However, it is not a soul town of the soul. This time, there is no realistic power of this world, and the impact of our own theory is called, and the business group is named, the Shari Group.

This error makes his forces have a big loss in the process of development, so that it is almost unable to expand the forces overseas.

Because of this world, in addition to the national number, the national flag, the national emblem, the existence of the superiority, the existence of the extraordinary force, also pregnant, more invincible national reputation ... National Games!

Although the rules of the world are different, the national transport of this year is in contact with the same year. Like the tulips, the national transport and beliefs, involving the underlying logic of some soul, fortunately, is relying on national carrier, avoiding I have assured the gods in the prince.

And the extraordinary power can simply put the country, but it means that the national number cannot be governed ...

But now the sandstorm group is still far from this step, so everyone thinks this name is very embarrassing, the caravan between the dust storm is very reasonable!

This time, the number of people in the team reached 50, because they needed to be shipped, there are not many words in Ji Town all the way, but they can always take people to avoid danger.

Zhao Mingyi has a strange feeling. He feels that the credibility is moving towards Ji Town. Although it can't see it, he has such an intuition.

At the same time, Ji Town is also thinking: "Why do I think the reputation began to concentrate on my body? It seems that the country's emperor is also like this, and they almost represent most of the reputation of most countries, but why?

What do they do? How do you steal your reputation and steal your own body?

I used to think about the emperor? The star of the Xingro Empire is ... That is an ancient blood, one of the six major martial arts of the Wushu Temple, is the sacred blood of each generation.

Um ... sacred blood! It is this, not just the emperor, every soul family is also emphasizing this, emphasizing the sacredness of his blood.

The pure blood soul teacher is indeed very powerful, but this power is not enough to let them take a few people, overridden, even a lot of soul, but also, sacredness is the key, they emphasize their own different.

But why do they do this? Stress what your sacred is? Um? It seems to be acknowledged that the trend is the king. If the emperor is also mortal, then he has a world.

So they actually with this lie to strengthen their ownership of the production materials, that is, master the production materials, almost equivalent to the national reputation?

Do I have to do this? No ... I even even the soul is not, even if someone believes that I have some extraordinary ability, it is difficult to agree with my blood.

So I can't use the blood of the blood as a reason to control the production materials, and then master the state reputation.

Even if I can do it, this lie is too bad. I only need a despicable slave to cut my head, and I can prove that I have no difference from the mortal, and there is no difference in the sacredness.

So how should I guarantee that the fact that I have a production information is considered to be what should be considered? There must be a reason! "

Ji Town has begun to have a headache. He feels that there is anything to disturb his thinking. He is clear that he will think about it.

Spirit world……

William's brow is screwed into a deanitary word. He can interrupt a thought of Ji Town, but it is impossible to interrupted. The social system of Douro is not suitable for progress. The feudal system is the same. For example, in the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, it is the battle of tens of thousands of soldiers. The land area is not much larger than the Middle Ages of European legs.

The social system has improved, and the brewer will not be attracted to the independent of the orderless party that has already established a public system. It is equal to sending the population to the opposite side.

In contrast, although the productivity will be behind, although the productivity will be behind, the ability to mobilize the ability is extremely powerful, using technological stealing, talent excavation, etc. Still don't play.

However, if it is learned by Ji Town to the sacredness of the bourgeoisie, it is a big problem with this guy.

If Ji Town continues to perform, it will understand that he wants to have production materials like the king, it is necessary to have a production information, it is not an imperial thing, not the Jun Signal God, but Wang Hou will be, the talent human rights is equal. , Private property sacred and unable to violate!

Why will the bourgeois revolution be promoted? That is naturally in order to oppose the privilege of Jun, if the king should own the land, the rights of rich people have not guaranteed, they are like ancient Chinese businessmen, as the official lack of money, can take it Pig killed.

In order to avoid this, they must promote everyone equal, wrap more about non-knowledge of civilians to resist the rule of feudal aristocrats.

And why do they want to promote private property sacred and unable to violate? Because they are the most private property, they account for factories, railways, machines, the production materials of these new era, as long as private property is sacred, they can reasonably account for a large amount of production.

Then rely on its own production materials, make more wealth, like the landlord, to exploit the wealth of the workers, and finally become a Torus, master most of the production materials, and owns and The emperor's general power.

Everyone is equal, but capitalists promote everyone equality, that is, for better exploitation, rather than they really want to be equal, just to pull down the feudal aristocrats. The last piece of blind.

Ji Town has already thought of this step, but he was forced to interruption, let him not continue to think about it, even if so, his next action will not be too much affected.


The first round of business operations ended, Ji Town reluctantly did not lose money, 50 people, there were eleven people to leave, join Li Second factory team.

"Is there any problem?" Ji Town asked Li Er.

"There is no big problem for the time being, and the factory is ready to cut our treatment, but after you have a newcomer, they will not mention this.

In addition to this ... there is no big problem. "

"There is no big problem, there is a problem." Ji Town clamped.

"Yes ... there is a little problem, Wang Sanu and Liu Dong have played up because of the position of eating, but soon, we have been pulled by us, no one is injured, and there is no thing, it is a small thing of some chicken fry. "Li Erflashled his head and felt that this kind of thing did not mention, a group of men together, fighting is normal.

"Well ... isn't there any conflict that you can't adjust? I understand, I will try to give you a charter tomorrow, we need a little rule."

When Ji Town said this, some heart is absent-minded, because Li Er's description, let him think of something more profound.

"Rules, for the country, the law, we also need laws, we must have legal, let people develop habits.

But why there will be laws, why should I abide by the law?

Thinking from my own point of view, it is easy to get the law, because there is a violent institution's suppression, the violation will be punished.

But what is the meaning of the law? Is it managed? However, the vested interests still have to comply with the law, maybe the law is much loose to them, but the nobles can not kill, and will also give compensation after murder.

From the most intuitive perspective, the law is to maintain social stability, and then let the people who are exploited can be produced and more convenient to exploit.

But why should I think it should be like this. If so, when the vested interest has not occupied an absolute force advantage, the lower layer should be unwilling to abide by the law, and the history of the law is extremely long. When the person is complied with Legal?

I need this reason, I have no absolute force, I want them to comply with my law, I need a reason that makes them voluntarily abide by.

Since the law is extremely old, I should speculate from ancient times.

When ancient times, human beings must unite, form a group, in order to survive in bad souls.

There is no law at this time, but there should already have some disciplined rules, why is these rules born?

Because there is no such rule, there is no way to maintain, survival is the biggest profit, so for profit, everyone must abide by the rules that are beneficial to survival.

Therefore, the origin of the law should also be like this. The people in the wild are gathered, and they have become a state, but the country must have order, they can exist, those who gathered, they can live, so they agree, the most original ……law! "

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