Douluo see you

The first thousand six hundred and three chapters, the court of minister

Ji Town has gradually found a reason that the ruler also agrees with the law. The feudal aristocrat is not this set. I don't know what the law is, the aristocrats have mastered the right to interpretation of the law, so that civilians can make civilians more honest.

However, Ji Town can't do this, he needs to get the right to lead his own class, and it is impossible to use force to stress, so it can only be deceived by theory and deception.

Compared to deception, the truth that can be speaking is like a positive, it is undoubtedly more useful.

"From the primitive people who have come out of the wild, when establishing the country, spontaneous compliance rules can be considered the prototype of the law, and this is the big profit for everyone to live.

In this way, I can now use the same reason, abide by the law I have developed, my law can't let them get the big profit of survival, because they are not facing life dangers, but other interests are talking, so they can let each One person, one part of the right, to exchange another part, reach the approximation with each other, and I am the witnesses of the Covenant.

In the future, when they are used to the witnesses of the Covenant and the executive, when I propose some of the incomplete concerns, they will not have a strong sense of resistance, this matter is not enough, I have to say it. "

So, a cheap wine in Star Gache, Ji Town convened factory and sandstorm group, with a total of more than 70 people, began the first national conference, aimed at regularizing the law of the next sandstorm group.

After three patrols, Ji Town has finally begun to throw his true intent: "Today, everyone, in addition to celebrating our business road, there is a thing, that is, we will order our sandstorm group The internal law, the state-owned country law, the family has a family rule, no rules are not square round. "

He just said this, some people are not full: "Head, we are a group of mortals who have gone to the aristocrators, is it necessary to get so official?" Although this is said, the people who open the mouth and the rest of the people are actually just It is very troublesome to comply with the rules of tube bundles, and it is already very troublesome to follow the law. They don't want to abide by the group's rules.

Ji Zhen smiled: "I know that you don't want to be a bundle of things, but there is no thing, our own company, rules are naturally different from the country's law.

And it is the legal of the country, it is also necessary, but it is very painful to be abused by some people, it is very painful when we abused the law. "

"Is there anything! There is no rule, we don't have to rely. I don't need to give a gift. I don't need to pay the city. I don't need to pay the city gate. I will not be whipped on the road. There is no rule, we have passed Have comfortable! "

Ji Town looked at the people who refuted eyes.

The brow is picking, the play is a little fake, and if you are too naive, you want to come to Li Second, but there is no harm, he continues to explain:

"I know that everyone is uncomfortable, then we may wish to assume that there is no such thing as the law, but everyone is selfishness and sought private interest, so it is always a war.

The strong can plunder everything, because the robbery is not wrong, no one.

People are like a wolf, fighting each other, without any constraints, the world is inevitably chaos.

Nowadays, people have killed people, grabbed people's money, and they are not right, sometimes Wang Gong's aristocrats will also manage this kind of thing. But if there is no country, there is no arrament?

Under the chaotic natural, people need to protect some things, and form a township, Qi, and Country for these things. What is protection?

We are people, so we have to live, to keep your private property, we must reproduce the descendants, this is like a wolf eats meat, the sheep eat the grass, is our nature, and our power.

In order to protect these power, we have formed a country, set up a law, and which is wrong, which is right, thus ensuring the benefits of everyone. "

From the beginning of the stage, it became quiet, and everyone heard it, and it seems like this. But how does the State and French protect these talent power? The nobles are clearly in use of law, deprive their private property, deprive their lives, deprive their spouse, is this also a protection?

"Before the law, we must first clear a truth, what is Deli? Eat delicious food, get the property, get a satisfactory spouse, this is a percent, then the fierce soul, you are nowhere When fled, in the face of a hand arm, feeding the soul beast, and the choice of killing the soul beast, cutting off a hand is a percent, or hurt? "

Such a problem, the answer is obviously a percent, but people will not have this kind of thinking on weekdays, so this statement is very strange.

"Obviously, in the hazard, it is minimal, not hurt.

Killing people dying, people who are rebellious must think, I will kill people with their own skills, why do you die? Is there any qualification to tell me?

But this idea, after the establishment of the country, it is obviously a fallacy, not because the law stipulates that the murderer is dead, the injured person, but in the moment it built in the state, everyone will be part of the right to live This is the reason for this is the reason.

You gave up this part of the profit, you get the benefits that you are not easy to be killed. So is this not harmful? Not a profit?

Our ancestors understand this truth, so established the country, set up the wrong mistake, cutting each of the powers to the country to ensure that the power of another part is guaranteed.

The country, Jun, and Method are slowly generated, and the habit of obeying the laws and kings, you may not know what the ance is condensed into the country, but the habit of listening is retained. Is it not? "

It is not entirely the case, they abide by the law to a large extent because of fear of whip and iron fist, but Ji Town's words, it seems that it seems to be very reasonable.

Ji Town did not mention another extremely critical point, buy it, if the country is unable to complete the covenant of the subject, what should I do?

"So, we have set up the law, not to oppress you, not to highlight my authority, in order to play the wind, we are profitable! Put the profitable thing, conclude, agree, is this Is it opposed? "

Ji Town said that the atmosphere was silent. He didn't know that this silence was contrast with numbness or enthusiasm, but he still loudly, with a firm voice: "You are willing to give up you. Killing the right of others, in exchange for the benefits that you are not killed by others? "


Although it is only silent in a second, but let Ji Town's heart fierce, after less than a second, it is the mountain tsunami: "Willing!"

Ji Town has brought benefits to these people.

For a long time, Ji Town, just want to master the power, felt some kind of touch in the shouts of the mountains, which was a more profound feeling than the right to master the power, he didn't know how to describe this feeling. Just feel that the chest is boring, the shoulder becomes heavy.

"No ... is wrong, I have established the pyramid structure is very unstable, it is destined to collapse, I can't be bound to this chariot!" Ji Town warned himself, suppressed my heart. The impulse and continues to raise his fist declaration.

"You are willing to give up your right to grab other people, in exchange for the benefits that others will be robbed by others?"


"You are willing to give up some of your food as a reserve, do you have to give relief that is not hungry when you have been hungry?"


"You are willing to give up all of you to sleep anywhere, in exchange for your woman, is not the interests of others?"


"You are willing to give up you at will hurt others to cause disability, in exchange for others to harm the interests of disability?"


"You are willing to give up your right to abandon your children, exchange the benefits that your child must support after you are old?"


"You are willing to give up you casually enter others, in exchange for the benefits of your housing is not in place with others?"


"You are willing to give up your own and grain, exchange your gathering to pursue the benefits that you are not slaughtered by others?"



Another one, one, one, one, one of the interests, in exchange, is the willingness to finally condense into a sea tide.

When a striped of the sandstorm group is recorded, it is already a faint, the boss of the wine, although only more than 70 people, although it looks like neuropathy, it seems to be from this moment. More than seventy people condensed into one, with their own pursuit, turning into a strong power, just like the first stone rolling in the mudslide, will lead to the mountains and tsunami.

Unlike the law of the Xingro Empire, only the nobles know how to comply with the people, and everyone of the Shast Group knows that they need to comply with the law, know why they need to comply with these laws.

After the newcomers join, they will personally explain every law, and even why should they follow them, rather than forcing newly added people to follow, and not inform them.

After the establishment of the law, the basic framework of the Savory Group was established.

Next, the population division will make this organization constantly expand, the factory owner and the soul of his employment have not realized that in their own plants, there have been more powerless power.

These people have begun to eat the names of the guests, and the old workers who should be excluded, tell them the model of the Savory Group, and absorb them to join them.

Pursent Workers Guards to protect the safety of the sandstorm group employee, those streets, the murderer, the city fox, the horses in the wooden long rod, and the protection of the nose is extremely limited, but it brings it. Join the old workers of the Sharit Group, and earnestly visible.

The promotion of the class, making everyone's labor enthusiasm, the production of the factory does not decline because some people have declined in the training and learning of semi-off, so that the factory is not realized, they have already sat in A huge bomb top.


William had to admit that Ji Town has been completely out of control. He promoted the sacred truth of private property. Huge contradictions, it is a struggle after contradiction.

In turn produce the result, it is difficult to expect ...

No matter which party is victory, there are all the ugly faces of the vested interests, and finally tend to order the party. At that time, it will be the fire of the stars.

I really happen this kind of thing, William's plan is completely bankrupt. I considered the ability to implement the exhortation of the other agents. He felt that he was still a simple and rude, the most intuitive, most easily identified way, and charted in the distance!

For those who want to unite a whole country, the easiest way is not to talk to them, but advocate nationalism, nationalism, and use good use of the national cohesiveness, promoting national rapid development, economy Prosperity, encourage the people within the country to consciously dedication, create more value.

But if you use it to the war, you will know that you can say that you can say that you are young men in the World War II. Even if these violent people on the battlefield, they can't kill you between each other.

Once nationalism will be proud of a nation, then you will become extremely difficult to promote the unfair people.

Obviously, this is the right way to fight the order party thinking, the most direct and effective way, and it is also the operation of the agency that is a key to play.

However, simple nationalism, in William, is still inadequate, this kind of thought is not enough to cut people with substantially the same continent.

To make thorough isolation, there is also a different physiological characteristics. The most typical example in reality is complexion, and the black people of Amelika, which do not allow racial discrimination, is still discriminated against, this is just a skin color, if Modern yellow people have grown out of the dragon, and even if they want to suppress national emotions, they are hard to do.

Of course ... the dark circles that grow up panda is another story.

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If there is a similarity, it is not a coincidence, this chapter draws on the "Warring States Ambitions", recommended to watch, this book explains more about the society than I have to be profound.

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