Douluo see you

Chapter 1672 Old opponents on the top of the Forbidden Forbidden City

After Dalo Li's result of command, he found his feelings in the game and began the order of the college issuance: "All the earth -attribute soul masters, immediately come to me to gather." As a dozen earth -attribute soul masters When he came to him, he also issued an order: "Now you can dig the tunnel in front of our position according to the drawings I give you. The masters should be clear from the opening of these tunnels to kill the opponent's soul guidance group. Everyone should be very clear. The soul guideline's linkage defense is almost unable to break the initiative, but there is also a fatal loophole in this way defense. That is, almost all the shields are hemispherical. Everyone is not destroyed when the ground at the foot of the feet defaults when fighting, but the real battlefield is not actually the case. It is not enough to just go deep into the ground in the ground. What is needed is that the tunnel we dug happened to appear inside the enemy shield. When the offense was launched, our masters could cross the interior of their linkage defense. Above the other party, even if the number is not as good as them, they can be crushed in the case of close combat. "After hearing such tactical arrangements, these earth -attribute soul masters also started their own work, although they wanted to want to When the construction of some magnificent projects is to be carried out, it will still not be much faster than the modern engineering team. However, building this kind of no security indicator only needs to be temporarily used in the process of war. There is no more master than them. One by one is better than a mouse. The place where the enemy is most likely to arrange the position and dig out the cave on the ground floor. Then the exit of these caves was blocked with thick wooden boards, covering a layer of soil, and then flattened with their soil's properties, so that there would not be any abnormalities. There are not many vegetation near the barracks. The flat sandy land is not different from the surroundings. When attacking, as long as the exit of these caves is lifted, it can be directly killed inside the enemy's position. If it is another person to command the battle, it may be more difficult to find the best priority position of the opponent's arrangement, but Daro Li, who has experienced so many games, is really familiar with the formation of the formation. There are only a few places where there are only a few places around them that can be arranged. As long as the opposite commander IQ is online, the camp is basically in these positions and cannot run. If the opposite commander's IQ is not online, it is easier. It is easier to deal with opponents without this level.

He can also collapse his opponent directly, which is purely a vegetable abuse bureau.

The evil eye violent monarch can understand the idea of ​​Dalo Li, but if he changes him to operate, it is never what you can do. This idea is not difficult to think of it, but how to plan the tunnel and how to allocate manpower? And many details can not be determined by making brains. What is needed is the accumulation of multiple actual combat experience.

That is, in the full true virtual mode, the old fritters that have commanded thousands of wars can be grasped in a full range of virtual mode.

This time, in order to insurance enough, Orange directly sent a soul instructor led by the nine -level soul mentor. Although the other divisions under the five beast king soul division are flat, the same level, the ability is the difference between the same level, but the ability is bad. Farewell, just like the same teacher, some are the ace masters, and some are miscellaneous cards.

Obviously, there is a soul instructor led by the nine -level soul mentor, even if it is not the ace soul guidance group, it can be regarded as an elite.

When seeing the dangerous terrain between the two peaks, Scott also knew that there were not many camps he could choose. If the location of the choice was not right, the opponent ambushed directly on the mountains on both sides. Even if you only use a stone car, you can drink a pot of their shields.

The linkage shield defense is the enemy's powerful soul -skills attack, which is too wasteful to use the attack of gravity to use gravity.

Standing on the high tower in the barracks, Dalo Li also saw the opposite side steadily, arranging his own position in a relatively conservative area, and was extremely vigilant in the process of layout.

This is also very normal. The soul tutor legion is more dependent on the position than the soul division. Although the soul guidance team during the journey can also release the shield, the shield defense power released in that state will fall to fall. In order, if you want to easily resist the attack of Super Douro, you must stop and arrange the position, and expand the center of the large -scale linkage soul guide as the hub of the linkage of everyone's soul.

There is no doubt that in the process of layout and the center of linking the center of the soul, the whole soul guidance team is the most vulnerable. During the conventional combat process, the soul division generally takes this opportunity to sneak attack and harass the opponent. Prevent the opponent's position as much as possible. Even the formation of the opponent directly scattered, and in this most vulnerable period, the soul guidance group collapsed.

Therefore, the process of layout is also the most vigilant process of all soul mentors. Scott started the vast majority of soul guides on him, warned, and prepared to fight at any time.

Although according to the description of the person who had escaped before, they were bombed back by a large number of explosions. They did not look like an individual strong, but they could not be ruled out. Some title Dou Luo had such explosive skills.

In fact, this kind of skill is not uncommon, and it is generally quite powerful. For example, in the original book, a five -ring evil soul master used a large number of corpses as a detonation raw material. Elite to participate in the Senior Soul Master Fighting Contest of the National Continent.

Huo Yuhao's ice explosion is also the same type of skills, which is also powerful and often allows him to win strong. Although I have not heard of the strong ones in the Army of the Star Luo Empire, there are obviously a lot of strong men hidden by the army. Maybe they are facing a secret weapon.

The masters in this soul teacher like to conduct sneak attacks during the arrangement of the soul guidance group. In the process, whether it is a linkage defense or a linkage attack, it is the most slow operation. After killing a large number of soldiers, he retreated.

As a nine -level soul instructor, he is sitting in the army. The most important purpose is the strong man in the defense strategy.

What made him relieved was that the enemy did not have such a strong person to sneak attack. As the position gradually constituted, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. To be honest, most soul mentors are unwilling to face the soul division. Those who have been killed in countless life and death battles in countless times, in this kind of deadly fighting, they are often weak. They can also kill them who are sitting in front of the experimental platform all year round.

Although the enemy did not take advantage of this opportunity, the harassment was constantly at this opportunity. As he expected before, a large number of stones on the hillside on both sides were thrown out of the boulder. Speed ​​caused a considerable pressure on the shield.

However, he had expected this. The position of the camping was all the stone casts on the hillside. It was difficult to hit the position. Although it was overwhelming, a large number of boulders were dropped, but those who really threatened the position were minimal. Falling on the open space.

"Could it be that these guys retreated our first wave of offensive by the stones on the mountain? If these stones are replaced with bombs, it is also in line with the pictures described by those who escape.

It seems that my opponent is going to hide this time. Is it ready to change the boulder with a bomb and hit me unexpectedly? It is a pity that even if you change to a bomb, this position arranged by my camp is difficult to be attacked. On the contrary, when my position is arranged, the stone car you arrange on the mountain will enter my range and enter my range Within the range. "Scott's self -confidence analysis, the tactics of each other.

Sure enough, after being projected for a while, after the boulder, the falling things suddenly changed from a stone to a bomb, and the bomb was relatively fragile shield. In addition to the stone cast machine, there were many heavy crossbow, but Most of them are difficult to hit the shield, but exploded near the shield.

"It seems that this guy is not as powerful as I imagined, although there are two sons. If I have no equipment advantage, I really can't attack this pass, but it is a pity that the technical gap between us is not you. These little cleverness can make up for it. "Seeing that his position was completely arranged, a dark blue and thick shield rose, and Scott also showed a victory.

After your position is arranged, then within the scope of your firepower cover, you can easily push down a new camp, advance step by step, and stabilize, and the Guanyu can be hit sooner or later.

It was just that he obviously estimated the situation in front of him, including him, and when everyone relaxed his vigilance, a sharp shock suddenly came from the ground under his feet, and then there was a breakthrough, a large number of souls appeared on the earth, and a large number of soul souls appeared. The teacher fought out from it.

Everyone was stunned at this moment, and Scott was even more dark. When he saw the soul rushing out of the shield, he realized that he was finished.

Better's close -up ability is not the opponent of the soul master. The huge and bloated linkage soul -guided gun inside the shield cannot exert its own advantages. After a shot, you can kill half of your own. Retreat has become the only choice.

"Withdraw! Disposal evacuation, fly directly with the ability to fly!" A large number of members have the ability to fly. This is also a great advantage of the Soul Instructor Compared to the traditional soul division legion.

The critical level of the traditional soul master flight is level 70, while the threshold of the soul mentor flying is only 40, and even the talent is unique. It can fly at more than thirty levels.

The dispersion evacuation this command is basically the same as running away. Scott understands the situation very well that his combat effectiveness may be stronger than the soul Douro on the opposite side, but it is impossible to expect a manpower to turn the tide. If the war between the legions can really determine the victory and defeat of the war, then he will come alone.

In order to cover as much as possible as much as possible, he also entangled the two strongest soul Douro. At this time, it was seen that the nine -level soul mentor was insufficient than the title Douro. As long as the distance between the two sides, there are still some playing, but in the case of close range, the two soul Dou Luo is enough to make Scott messy.


On the tall tower of the barracks, Dalo Li took the telescope to overlook the distance from the distance. Then you are already hacking with thick smoke, and the battlefield is fiercely on the battlefield. Several people can withdraw.

Even so, the overall situation has been set.

"Do you see it? Wars are fought like this. When necessary, we must cover the fire. Before we encounter the main force of the enemy, we are the disadvantaged side. More importantly, we have been deceiving. The wind, relying on the positive battle of the dignitaries, there is no hope of victory. In this case, for strategic deception, it is undoubtedly worth it to pay a certain price. "

The evil eye violent monarchs did not refute. Instead, I carefully figured out the idea of ​​Dalo Li, and I already had the idea of ​​how to fight in the next battle.

Next, most of them are facing the coach of the enemy. After the release of false information, the enemy will definitely not arrange the position on these best places. In order to avoid this kind of sneak attack, the opponent is likely to deliberately open the distance and use its own range of range advantages.

And this is precisely the trap of Dalo Li, because there are really sets of advantages, in fact, they themselves. In the case of good weather, it is easy to shoot ten kilometers. The sighting platform can also be farther.

The range that exceeds ten kilometers is almost not done by most nine -level soul guides. In the original book, there are only dead soul guides during this period, which can achieve a range of more than ten kilometers.


At the front line, Orange saw Scott, who came back to the wolf. Although this time, although the defeat was embarrassed, at least the system of the troops retained and brought back the information that Orange wanted.

"Do you actually have a sneak attack through the tunnel? It seems that before you go to attack, our opponents have realized that the second round of attacks will come soon. Whether it is a tactical or strategic level, it is a bit of interesting opponent. Let's go! I'll go for him in person. "

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