Douluo see you

Chapter 1673 The range is king

After hearing the reasons why his general failed, Orange roughly had a certain speculation about his opponent. He should face a military division who was good at conspiracy, but in the final analysis, he was in an absolute advantage in equipment. If you want to deal with such opponents, the best way is actually steadily. There is no problem with your strategy, but you are not cautious enough. You can push all the way. Orange is also better at operating in the game. It belongs to the kind of operation of my sister. The remaining A has finished the past. In the face of the current situation, she also brought three soul guidelines. Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor. This lineup is more than enough to encircle a limit Douro, and the opponent should have no power to return. … Climbing to the top of the mountain, standing on the height of Daro Li, who looked at the high mirror, saw the mighty troops in the sun and the moon, and opened in the direction of the sun and the moon, and it also showed a dignified look. Weapons and troops have also banned under the training method of Baplov. But it is not easy to win this war. "The high -speed artillery group, ready to shoot, we only have one chance. If we cannot cause enough casualties to the opponent at one time, we will not wait for the other party to be vigilant." Who, combined with her name and game nickname, can not speculate the identity of the oranges. The combat style shown by your guy in the game. After encountering a headache, the probability is to directly pull out the cards. To complete the strategic goal. If your own attack cannot cause enough confusion to the opponent, a fierce counterattack will come as soon as possible. It is worth mentioning that the oranges in the game are higher, but less than 40 % of the winning rate against Dalo Li. In a sense, the orange strategy is restrained by Dalloli. … The four soul guidance groups are stationed near Yamaguchi. The distance of the station is farther, and a series of scans are performed around the surroundings to confirm the traces of no abnormal life activities. It is also the limit of the range of conventional joint soul guides. "The person who uses the weapon of the other party is the soul teacher after all. Their attack distance is limited. Now we can cover each other between the four soul instructor groups. It can only cause damage to one of the soul guides,

The process of its shot must be exposed to the cannon of the other three soul guidelines.

If I am an opponent, I cannot desperate or devote my strength to all my troops into the soul guidance group, because I cannot judge whether the opponent will sacrifice myself for 1/4 troops, and annihilate my main force in one fell swoop in one fell swoop. Essence "Orange thought calmly and brought himself into the opponent's situation.

After a long time, she couldn't think of any way of breaking the other party in such a situation. After all, the equipment of the two parties had a difference, and the strategy was not enough to make up for the gap between this.

It is like let Zhuge Liang command the army during the Three Kingdoms period to face the same number of World War II soldiers, and may be able to defeat the opponent of paralysis by relying on the strategy and the time and place, but if the opponent should be cautious, it is steady and stable, and the slightest flaws are not revealed, even if it does not show the slightest flaw, even if it does No matter how high the magic is, there is no way.

The situation is as developing as she expected. A total of four soul guidance groups are deployed in order. At the most vulnerable stage of her own, there is no enemy's sneak attack. After the shield rises, it is basically possible to have enemies. Can sneak into the interior.

As long as you push forward step by step, you will definitely occupy the level in front of you.


"Finally, it has been deployed! Now that it has been deployed, it must be difficult to give up the position." Dalo Li showed a cruel smile.

Just like the base car in the Red Police, after the deployment is started, it is impossible to leave like when it is packaged.

The central linkage soul guide of the Soul Instructor Group is undoubtedly very precious. The ordinary soul guide group is likely to have no even backup. After this kind of thing is deployed, it is impossible to recover in a short period of time. If the soul guidance divorce gives up the position, it is equivalent to abandoning their central soul guides. If they can only fight each other, their combat effectiveness is not even as good as the ordinary soul division legion.

"Let the viewers pay attention! You have to prepare for the launch and let them prepare for guidance." Dalo Li purchased a guidance bombs, the theoretical range can reach more than 100 kilometers, but the problem is There is no radar guidance, starlight guidance, and even satellite guidance, and the visual ability of human eyes is limited.

Even in the good weather, it is difficult to see the goals 10 kilometers away. Even if you choose those soldiers with better vision for training, it can ensure that the precise guidance within five kilometers is already very good.

Most people can only see a small point when they look at things other than one kilometer. Even if this visual guidance can borrow the vision of the telescope, enhance the ability of spells to help The range also needs to be carefully selected and long -term training.

There are indeed such people under Dalo Li, and there are a lot of people, but this is not enough in the next offense. The next thing is to be saturated. It is to be one -time on the other side of the opponent's face to the one -time reserves of the reserves. A few elite shooters are definitely not enough.

Therefore, Dalo Li chose an alternative method, that is, the relay guidance, just like the Dou Spirit Republic's Division Plan, but because of his limited technology, every two kilometers must set up an observer on the commanding heights. Essence

This is precisely that he can throw all his inventory out of one time and throw it on his opponent's face.

It doesn't matter if you have a shield. As long as the firepower of one -time projection exceeds the upper limit of the shield, it can still break the shield. Theoretically, the limit Douro can not submit such huge energy at one time. The total amount was determined, and they couldn't help me send out an attack beyond all my soul power.

The power of the explosion is almost incompetent. As the scouts have determined that the opponent has completed the deployment, Dalo Li also ordered his subordinates to prepare to shoot.

On the oranges, it has ordered the linkage of the linkage soul -guided gun. If you want to bombard the opposite camp at such a distance, the soul guides also need to accumulate.

Just when she was also holding the telescope to observe the enemy, she saw a scene that made her stunned. At the end of the horizon, fire meteors rose into the sky. Flying towards the position of your side.

For other commanders, it may not understand what this is, but the oranges have been fighting in the kind of science fiction battlefield on the moon. I don't know how many battles.

How can she not know about the weapon named Missile and has a desperate weapon, but she has never thought that in reality can also be used in reality.

It is only realized that the weapon owned by the opponent is too late. Orange urgently called his own fire phoenix soul guidance group, stopped the energy of the linkage of the linkage of the linkage of the linkage, and fully supported the shield defense.

But where can the energy stop stop, and in the process of charging the soul -guided gun, the intensity of the shield is undoubtedly declined.

In normal times, there is not much problem with the intensity of the shield. After all, even if the strength decreases, it is impossible to break the shield in one blow.

But now the decline of the intensity is terrible. The opponent's fire density should be far beyond the level of Douro.

What makes Orange most desperate is that the firepower of the same density is at the same time towards the four soul guidance groups. No matter how the opponent organizes such a dense firepower, the current situation is that the soul guidance of the four divisions of the four divisions is the soul guidance of the soul guidance The shield is likely to be broken at the same time. Even if the opponent does not send it, such a dense firepower can be killed by his own range advantage before the shield recovery.

In theory, the best solution should be to give up the position and retreat directly, but the oranges are not reconciled, and they evacuate directly. After the opponent releases such a strong offensive, the internal is bound to be extremely empty. Back counterattack, it is likely to reverse the unfavorable situation in front of you.

Her position now is the Fire Phoenix Soul Teacher's Division directly under her. As one of the five major beast king soul instructor groups of the Sun and Moon Empire, she has the reputation of the hands of the empire, and any of them is elite elite.

The shields of the other soul guidance group may not be able to carry, but the soul guidance team may not be able to resist. As long as the attack is blocked and the real place of its true place, then there is hope of resistance.

As long as the position is still there, you can release the nine -level fixed -mounted artillery shell at any time. Of course, it is impossible to release it on the shoulder.

There must be a corresponding soul -guided position to deploy a specific soul guide for release. Otherwise, it is likely that the single -soldier nuclear shells in history are likely to appear as much as a single soldier nuclear shell, which is greater than the range.

Only by retaining your position can he make the most violent counterattack against the opponent as soon as possible, so Orange did not order the position.

But she hopes that the remaining three soul guides can retreat and give up their positions to escape. At this time, as long as they can retain their lives, as long as there is still the linkage center of the fire and phoenix instructor, they can use this center for this center. Provide soul power and continue to play a very important role in the war. Not only that, the fire and phoenix soul team as one of the hands of the empire has more than one spare center. A certain power.

At that time, a wave of counterattack, this pass will be hit directly.

It is a pity that the other three soul guidance chiefs have not seen the missile. Although they also see what is wrong in the heavens, they still think that the other party's bed has been added with any wind attribute blessings, so they can be able Flying so far, I didn't realize what the power of these things.

The seriousness of the problem is not to be evacuated. If the Sun and Moon Empire abandon their position in the Sun and Moon Empire, after leaving the battlefield, they will go to the military court. Essence

As a result, these people can only watch the meteors falling from the sky, and finally they almost smashed their shields, followed by the explosion they had never imagined.

A separate explosion is not much important for the shield. But almost at the same time, the pressure on the shield was too stressful at the same time. After all, the soul -guided shield was built by absorbing everyone's soul power.

Even without considering the loss in the conversion process, the power of the shield output will not exceed the sum of the power of each soul master, that is, if the enemy’s attack instantaneous power exceeds this value, the shield must not be carried by it. of.

The saturation strikes formulated by Dalloli must definitely exceed this instantaneous power. If these director warheads come one after another, the shield can block them all, but unfortunately the attack is too dense.

The surface of the shield is fast throughout the cracks, as if the eggshell that was hit hard. As the explosion more and more densely exploded again and again, it was finally overwhelmed. At the same time, every mentor who joined the linkage felt that the chest was smashed into a sledgehammer.

There is no doubt that this is the backbone of the soul power. This is like working next to the machine tool that is operating quickly. If everything is operating normally, it is undoubtedly safe, but if you take a screwdriver with a cheap hand, go to the flywheel and go to the flywheel. Inside, you can imagine your end.

Linking the soul guide is like the high -speed rotating flywheel. Naturally, there will be no problems when it is running normally, but it is destroyed now. It is a disaster for those who maintain their operation.

And this is just a prelude to disaster, like a meteor fire and rain, the explosion drops from the sky, and directly bombarded in the position. Even if everyone has a personal shield, and even a passive triggered life -saving prop, there is a lot of chances of survival in the explosion, but the army falls into chaos and loses its system, which means that there is no combat power at all.

Forces without organizational ability, individuals are just a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

The shield tolerance of the fire and phoenix instructor group where Orange is located is obviously stronger, so he was fortunate to see the collapse of the other three other soul instructor groups, and soon it was his turn. The power of such a dense missile, if it is replaced with the fear of the soul of the claws, or the emperor dragon soul guidance, it may still be able to resist, but it is not good at the defense of the Fire and Phoenix Soul Instructor. I am afraid that you can't bear it. It's right.

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