Douluo see you

Chapter 1,676

During this period of time, the dominance of the evil eyes has not been purchased by itself, but it has retained a fixed channel and traded on the post on the border line, so it has not been expected to the development of the fighting Republic. Wait until he comes to this country in person. I realized that the time to change was not known here. The prosperity of the fighting spirit was enough when it was just established, but it was shocking, but the degree of development of this country today is still dazzling. The three empires actually noticed that the population was gradually moving towards the Fighting Republic. Although the fighting spirit did not realize the equality of everyone, it was more equal than the three empires. For people, this country is undoubtedly more attractive. Although the population cannot directly represent wealth, the fighting spirit uses the labor force quite efficiently. The population of labor undoubtedly represent huge wealth. At the beginning of the establishment of each country, there was no doubt that it was the most clean and honest. After all, the corruption had no time to breed. In the hands, the wealth collected from the people was reinstated into the country's construction. The area of ​​the cities began to expand rapidly, and the city walls had to be demolished. Although it seemed to demolish important defense facilities, with the development of the times, people would soon realize that the city walls have actually become more and less existing. It is necessary. At the same time as such a large engineering construction, the corresponding engineering machinery has also developed, and the industrial power exoskeleton with the characteristics of Douro is very good. In the streets of the city, these people wearing exoskeletons are like It is the same as the takeaway of takeaway. It can be seen everywhere. Although their actions seemed a little clumsy, they were very powerful, and they could lift several times the weight several times, carrying these heavy objects, and won't breathe for hundreds of meters for hundreds of meters. This is already a physical strength that many soul masters, but relying on mechanical assistance, even ordinary people can complete it. The emergence of such equipment has no doubt that productivity has increased significantly, and tall buildings have begun to popularize. The line that looks unknown in the city almost covers the sky. This is the dawn of the power era, but because of the early planning and transmission loss of the power grid, it is not so perfect, which causes the wires to cover the city's sky like a network. But this is also the case that makes the city full of punk painting style in different worlds. The Sun and Moon Empire uses the vehicles on the soul instructor group. On the streets of Dou Ling, it can be described by Sichuan. Although there are very few private vehicles,

However, the streets are still busy, and a large number of vehicles carry cargo, workers, mechs, and allocate these things to all parts of the city.

One of the great differences from modern cities is that in this city, trade is not particularly developed, especially the industry that is most commonly available in small cities such as the catering industry.

Because people in this country also retain the habit of eating in a collective catering, even if there are individual catering operators, they only allow them to operate within the canteen.

Not only that, all walks of life have their own clearly allowed areas to manage in order to manage. This system looks weird, but it is actually quite convenient.

Most workers will not go home on working days, but live in a collective dormitory. This actually greatly reduces commute time. If this system is now implemented, it can also greatly improve the efficiency of work. Save waste of resources in commutes.

However, modern people who are accustomed to the living environment of Youwo are unlikely to accept this kind of life that lacks personal privacy, but it has at least prove the benefits of collective dormitories and collective cafeteria.

That is, almost all universities are still using collective dormitories, not without money to build more dormitory buildings for students to live. In fact, there is money to repair stadiums. The high -level single dormitory still retains this system. To a large extent, it is to allow students to adapt to collective life and cooperate with each other. Essence

The Fighting Republic clearly realizes this problem. The more complicated the industrial system, the more complicated the division of labor cooperation. Therefore, during the period that was still difficult at first, the strategies of collective dormitory, collective work, and centralized management were adopted, and this strategy has been implemented.

Those who just came out of the edge of hunger are actually very satisfied with this kind of living conditions. Before the entire society is not separated from such a collective life, no one will oppose it.

Obviously, between the aggressive society and the service -oriented society, the former chooses the former. Such a choice will undoubtedly sacrifice the interests of this generation, and even sacrifice the interests of more than one generation. After all, any development must pay the price In fact, these costs are actually paid by each of us. They really give up the enterprising and enter all the wealth made by humans into social benefits. The benefits that people enjoy will be unimaginable.

After all, it has been industrialized. If you just want to be comfortable, it is not easy, but it is undoubtedly stagnant in such an environment. All countries will subjectively mobilize national resources and carry out national -level projects.

The fighting spirit obviously made all of this more extremely. While everyone is out of the sea, I am very satisfied with the current life of full food and food, and put a lot of productivity into scientific research and infrastructure.

This also made Dalo Li and the evil eye violent monarch dominates a strange phenomenon. Obviously this country is very prosperous, tall buildings are lined up, a smoke starts from the sky, and the smoke is emerging. Car water.

However, the residents of this country, whether they are dressed or lifestyle, are quite simple, and they are not worthy of the wealth of the country.

The subconsciousness of the evil eye violent monarch came to a conclusion. This is the ruthless exploitation of the rotten ruler to the bottom of society. It is clear that the country has created a huge wealth, but the people are still not qualified to enjoy life.

Dalo Li vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he didn't understand it for a while, so he gave up thinking, sleep first, and found that the evil eye violent monarch found his last seller, woke up, and went directly to see the weapon.

The evil eye violent monarch took the public transport system and followed the very eye -catching sign, and soon came to the place where he was looking for, because this time he came in a hurry, and he could only explore how he could explore how to explore how he himself. Find the person you are looking for.


"Do you mean a larger batch of weapons supply? This ... I'm afraid it is a bit difficult. Recently, the order of the government's side is urged. The production capacity of our factory basically completes the above orders. It's hard to continue to expand.

You can also ask other manufacturers to ask, but it should be similar to us. If you are not a big customer, and the relationship between my country's important strategic partners, we are afraid that it is very difficult to ensure that the original supply is guaranteed. "

Faced with the explanation of the merchant, the evil -eyed monarch's dominance was trapped, and the Fighting Republic obviously did not need to face war. Why should we order so many weapons?

Could it be that they intend to form a two -sided vancele cheese with the sunset empire? If that's the case, the Star Empire is dangerous, and even this situation is really likely.

Although the idiom of far away is not born on this continent, similar truths are still understandable. The Fighting Republic and the Sun and Moon Empire do not borde, and there should be no positive conflict. In this way, the two sides colluded with the Star Luo Empire, which is actually very likely.

Obviously, his estimates have major mistakes. He was trying to train the army and did not notice the recent hot international trade. He did not know how much wealth he had delivered to the Sun and Moon Empire in the trade before the Fighting Republic.

The real reason for the beginning of the war was not to occupy the Star Luo Empire, but to defeat the Star Luo Empire, so that the Sun and Moon Empire had the ability to directly threaten the fighting spirit.

Although Delo Li does not know the complicated international situation, his performance of various weapons and the application on the battlefield is definitely internal.

In his mind, he pointed at hand, pointing at this weapon for 500, and 1,000 weapons, which made the evil eye violent monarch feel helpless. Now they seem to be able to buy themselves enough weapons to armed themselves.

Afterwards, several merchants were visited in a row to try to stimulate them to increase more output by raising prices, but in the end, there were very few harvests. None of the merchants could squeeze out production capacity to produce weapons for them.

After just estimation, the production capacity of several large manufacturers in front of them, if they were eaten by the officials of the Fighting Republic, the number of weapons accumulated this time was too exaggerated.

It is exaggerated not to be prepared to destroy the Star Luo Empire, but to achieve a set of five sets of equipment.

Finally, when they thought they returned empty -handed this time, the last businessman they visited accidentally asked them a question.

"If you just want to purchase some more basic weapons, in fact, you may not use transnational trade at all. You may not know that there is a small factory in your own country that can produce these simple weapons.

You should also hear the name of the organization, the Sandstorm Group! "

When the evil eye violent monarch heard the name, he still felt a little strange, but Dalo Li heard this, but immediately reacted. This group's fame is actually in recent years.

The earliest big movement has a great relationship with the Baihu family. It was the former mainland soul -fighting contest held by the Duke of the White Tiger. In that competition, the group organized 5,000 people to do business.

This was a large -scale action that was discovered only after the survey. At that time, they integrated Xingluo City like water droplets, seized the limelights of all walks of life, and almost monopolized the catering industry and tourism industry during the competition.

Relying on efficient takeaway services, intimate tour guide services, exquisite contestants, and souvenirs, we made a lot of money in that competition.

After that, the group refused to stop, and also did the attack on the leader of the Baron, occupying the baron.

However, this matter was supposed to be smashed. Anyway, it was also the sealing land that was swallowed. The sandstorm group could provide more worship than the baron. In addition, it was not a lot of places. Eye, I did not care about the unlucky baron.

After that, the Sand Storm Group occupied the factory and invested a lot of funds to upgrade the factory. The specific operation was unclear, but the production capacity of the factory increased significantly, and it was expanded several times that year.

So far, the product output has been large, the quality is good, and it is famous for the empire. It is only that the factory under the name of this group can produce products in the Fighting Republic.

If possible, it is better to use your own country. After all, it is more secure and more convenient to control.

"Are you sure you can produce products of the same model? We have an urgent use now. If we cannot produce a lot of qualified products in a short time, I am afraid it will not work." Essence

"You can rest assured in this regard. Shortly after the establishment of the Sandstorm Group, a large number of students sent a large number of students to go deep into the factory's first -tier science and technology. Although it is impossible to learn high -end technology, the basic industry is quite familiar.

These weapons you need do not require too many high -precision equipment, um ... so, if the factories of the sandstorm group cannot produce weapons in large quantities, you can import some parts with relatively difficult manufacturing from my country and go back to assemble after the assembly is completed. You can also get products with similar results.

If I personally see, the leader of the sandstorm group is still very visible. Only the vision has wrists. Although most of his hands are ordinary people, they are quite listening to him. Even if you don't come to our side to study, you will definitely do a big career in the future.

You can rest assured that their production capacity, we also cooperate with the sandstorm group to provide the production of key components for the weapons you need.

Although the production capacity has been occupied by government orders, it can still squeeze out a part of the production capacity. If it is used to produce finished products, it must not be supplied, but if it is only produced only key components.

According to your previous description, you should also barely meet your needs. I hope you can consider that I have his contact method. If you are in a hurry, you can try to conduct ultra -long -range soul -guided communication. Although the signal may not be too much Okay, but if you are more a few times, you should be connected. "

Unhappy to be continued

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