Douluo see you

Chapter 1677 The Development of Sandstorm Group

Presumably everyone has recalled that the sandstorm group is actually the organization established from the desert with people from the desert. Relying on collectivism, strict organization and rules and regulations, it has achieved rapid development in a short period of time. After the funds, they started to invest in the industry crazy. With a large number of important means of production in this era, the senior executives of the Star Luo Empire did not realize that within their own organization, there was an additional behemoth in their own organizations, and the industrial capacity of nearly 1/3 of the entire empire was mastered. The royal family has more industrial capacity. It ’s just that this group has not been showing the mountains and no water. The tax payment should be paid. If you spend money, you spend some money. No, no one’ s oil and water, and no one will remember this organization. smoothly. Nowadays, there are more than 3 million employees in the group's name. In a little history, millions of Cao workers and clothing are tied to the painting style that is not allowed to change the sea. While creating a huge benefit, the sandstorm group also gave millions of people to work. When the empire realized that the group had made it bigger, it was impossible to do something to them. Eliminating this group, in theory of many domestic masters, it is still possible to do it in theory, but in that case, millions of unemployed population is definitely a disaster within the country. And this continent is definitely more than one country. It takes neighbors as a mirror, and the calamity is cited. The robbery while the fire is the most good tricks on the mainland's empires. If the internal chaos of the Star Luo Empire bursts, there will be 100 % other empires jump out to pick up cheap. In desperation, it can only be allowed to develop in the direction of the Greater Torais. But now, this group that may have become an empire tumor seems to have become the savior of the Star Luo Empire today. The position of the Sandstorm Group in a short period of time is undoubtedly the same as the Star Luo Empire. The army of the Sun and Moon Empire, away from the field, will not have any protection for the industries of the sandstorm group. It is possible to happen. Today, the sandstorm group and the Star Luo Empire are tied to a chariot, and Ji Zhen has actually realized that shortly after the war broke out, there was a message from the front line of intelligence personnel. Before Dalo Li contacted him, he had opened the production line and started to produce a long -range soul conductor that could be produced on a large scale. Although these weapons could not make up for the huge difference between the two sides of the war, at least the gap between the weapon could be reduced. Although there is still a gap between the extent of the rifle and the glider, it can be hit after all. After the intermittent soul -guided communication connection, Ji Town also obtained the needs of Dalo Li. "The order you need, we can complete the production within a week to ensure that it will be transported to the front line within ten days, but we need to re -open the production of the product specifications, I'm afraid the cost ..." They are all very clear,

On the opposite side, this is the lion's opening, but there is no other way at the moment. At present, only the sandstorm group can supply weapons. As a capitalist, it is impossible to not war.

"Money is not a problem. The Empire will directly ask my procurement to make money. If I can, I hope to start production as soon as possible. The front line of war may occur at any time. We need more weapons to protect you now. That land. "

Ji Town didn't say anything about this, but it was guaranteed to start production immediately and send weapons to the front as soon as possible.

It was just that after the call, he issued an emergency mobilization order to the entire sandstorm while producing weapons.

Different from ordinary commercial groups, the sandstorm group has its own armed forces when it was just born. Ji Zhen could start by ruling by violence. If the armed forces are defended, in this troubled world, it is a lamb to be slaughtered, a piece of fatty fat.

If the empire can still conduct relatively fair transactions now, in the next war, the tight funding for the war will probably delay the payment, and even forced the Military Training Capital to force the Sandstorm Group to produce.

To avoid the emergence of this situation, your armed forces must be displayed. The decision of Jizhen is that instead of being a peaceful capitalist, it is better to be a strong warlord.

In his opinion, the Star Luo Empire was a broken boat. Even if a bunch of masters were on this broken ship, this group of people was not united at all, and they could not be unanimous at all.

At this time, if you bind yourself on this broken ship, then the proper behavior is a fool. It just happens that the empire needs its own productivity, and the army must be transferred to the West to prevent death. There is no energy to suppress yourself.

Workers in the factory often conduct military training. Now they just strengthen the strength and professionalism of training. These 3 million workers are 3 million reserve soldiers in a sense. It can be pulled out at any time to form a troops that can fight.

What is needed now is the base. In the process of peaceful development before, the areas occupied by the sandstorm group are industrial areas, and they are close to rivers, coal mines, and rare metal minerals. Most of the industries are concentrated in factories in large cities.

These can also be used as a base, but there is a problem, that is, the lack of grain productivity. They cannot rely on the food soul divisions like several empires to maintain the food supply of food.

Same as the problem that the Fighting Republic is facing. In order to give himself a lot of ordinary people, it is impossible to pay too high pay for the soul division to give him a lot of ordinary people. This makes it difficult for them to recruit food soul masters and can only plant themselves.

At this time, some relatively remote villages have become the goal of the Sandstorm Group. If these areas are occupied, they can realize the self -sufficiency of food in the future. As for the problem of grain production, the sandstorm group with basic chemical facilities can produce chemical fertilizers, and seeds can temporarily rely on importing to the fighting Republic. Although these seeds will degenerate during the planting process, before the relationship between the two parties has not completely deteriorated, the relationship between the two parties has not completely deteriorated. The supply of seeds can still be guaranteed.

The sandstorm group is also cultivating its own good breed system, but because this part of the industry starts late than the hard core heavy industry, it will take a while to catch up with the progress of the Fighting Republic.

As a result, the Star Luo Empire was bloody. Although the front line was waiting for the urgent weapon, it felt that the backyard was on fire. Many villages were occupied, forced transformation into collective farms, and using machinery for more efficient large -scale planting.

Meki's name is that such centralized management during the war can provide more food for the country. After the grain harvest, the sandstorm group will support a large number of front lines.

This verbal commitment does not need to spend money. How can it be supported at that time and what price it is charged. Come back crazy revenge.

Although the policy of setting up the country is a major black history, for a force, most of the time, such strategies are actually correct, and the hidden dangers inside are often more fatal than foreign enemies. It is rare to fall in the invasion of foreign enemies. It is usually invincible for a long time. There have been problems with internal problems, and then it declines.

However, after seeing the force of the Sandstorm Group, the Star Luo Empire got along very well. Now he has no ability to revenge back. Ji Town casually pulled out 50,000 troops and equipped with advanced soul conductor. Destroyed and dying occupied half of the rural areas of provinces. All troops were semi -mechanized, and their march was fast. It was even more trained than the ordinary army of the Sun and Moon Empire.

This also made the senior executives of the Star Luo Empire understand that he is now unable to pay enough price to suppress this group of guys who suddenly come up.

I can only pinch my nose. Otherwise, the supply of weapons is now lost. If the sandstorm group and the Sun and Moon Empire come in the inside and to form a two -sided bakery cheese, the Star Luo Empire is quite dangerous.

More than that, if you really turn your face, the supply of the weapon is gone. At that time, I am afraid that it will not be pressed by the Sun and Moon Empire.

The high -level Star Luo Empire, which can be thought of, is only the power that can be rely on Strek College.

During this time when the mainland's wind rushed, only Slak College was independent, as if any worldly change could not affect him, it was like a holy place over everything.

However, it is basically eliminated by history in history, just like the church that had almost controlled the entire Western civilization, and now there are only less than one square kilometer.

This kind of self -consciousness, considering the superiority, disdain the behavior of mixed mixed mortal fighting, in fact, it is actually self -proclaimed. If you refuse to look at the world.

But no matter how big the decision -making of Shrek College, there are many masters and powerful combat effectiveness, which is beyond doubt. Any party can get their help and will have a huge advantage in strategic.

The Star Luo Empire is now fighting a fierce killing with the Sun and Moon Empire at the Liener Mountain Pass. The two sides not only invested a lot of troops, but also invested a large number of masters.

It was originally used in the dead god soul guide on the Ming Dou Mountains. This time, it was also used directly on the strategic ground to attack. Although Ye Xishui was almost beaten, he was still invited as a top master as a top master. Sit in the barracks.

And such a nine -level soul mentor and limited Douluo, the combat effectiveness showed that the scalp of the Star Luo Empire was numb, and the ghost knew how many titled Douro would join forces to solve her.

The Star Luo Empire, which had fallen into the wind, had a heavy blow in morale. In desperation, he could only find the original Slak College. This morale blow must be defeated at the master's level.

So Shrek College also held a meeting of the Haixian Pavilion to conduct serious discussions. This meeting was obviously very serious.

Strak College does have the extreme Douluo sitting, and it is the extreme Douro, Murn, which is stronger than Ye Xi Shui.

It's just that this one has been declining, and it is about to go to bed. If you pull it out, it will basically fart. Supporting the Star Luo Empire for Douro is undoubtedly politically correct. Strek College must must be in the Strak College. It is necessary to support it, but it must not be used to support all the most valuable home.

Therefore, in the discussion process, it is only Xuan Lao who leads the support team, but he is only the title 98 title Douro. In the face of Ye Xi Shui at level 99, the gap is quite large.

In order to express his sincerity, Shrek College also dispatched Qian Duoduo and Yan Shaozhe. The two presidents of the branch, as the deputy leader of this support operation, a level 95 and a level 97. It is also a row on the mainland. The master of the top number.

Unfortunately, the times have changed, and powerful individuals can only play the role of special soldiers on the battlefield. Slak College actually made similar attempts. The soul master has a sense of crisis.

The more and more powerful soul guides will inevitably lead to the role of the soul division's combat effectiveness on the front battlefield, and the limit single soldiers are targeted at investigation, assassination, penetration, destruction, beheading, and use the soul master as a special specialty. Soldiers are used.

The direction of this attempt is undoubtedly correct. Super Douro can only avoid its edge in the face of the soul guide. Naturally, choosing special operations is the best application method for this high -end individual combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, Shrek College still has just chose students to conduct this kind of training. It has already had a high status and fame master on the mainland. After all, it is unable to pull this face. As a special soldier, it will penetrate on the battlefield.

Even if Xuan Lao goes to the battlefield to support it, most of his identity will be like worship. If he executes any command, he must be respectful, and his opponent must be worthy of his identity. Essence

Regardless of his identity, he directly lurked the other officer of the other party, destroyed the other party's military materials, and slaughtered the opponent's logistical personnel. Xuan Lao would definitely refuse for a grand reasons.

Not just that he basically, all the soul masters of Douluo level, will not be willing to perform such tasks. Whoever lets this task only be performed in their concepts.

The Star Luo Empire's own masters can't pull their faces to do such things. How could they do the foreign aids they pulled up to do these things they didn't want to do?

So after support, many masters of soul masters face a very embarrassing situation.

Unhappy to be continued

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