Douluo see you

Chapter 1,679 Tiandou City retreats to the enemy

The provocation of time is obviously the effect of the effect. The title Douro, who is good at mental power, uses illusion. Naturally, it is not what ordinary patrol soldiers in the position can see through. What will do. It is considered to be the nine -level soul instructor, who is conspiracy this explosion, and he is unable to argue. He wants to justify that he was really resting in the camp at that time. However, the problem is that there are only two guards who can rest in the camp. His, absolutely close relatives, their words, in the opinion of outsiders, there is no doubt that they are biased towards this nine -level soul mentor, and there is no credibility at all. And observing that he flows in different positions, there are more than fifty people, which has no room for justification. Among the army, military law is extremely strict. Poly, but the rebellion in the battlefield also brought huge losses to its own. It is necessary to give serious treatment, so in the eyes of the nine -level soul mentor, the army of the Sun and Moon Empire was beheaded in front of the battle. Under this round of offense, the first fell title Dou Luo Qiang appeared, but it was a person who beheaded by the Sun and Moon Empire himself. It was quite dramatic. It is just that the chaos in the position has not ended because of this. In the logistical team that is mixed with time, he can penetrate, not only the position, but also the supply line, and even the rear factory. The special combat forces that have sincerely makeup, no matter from the appearance or sound, can hardly be judged to change people. This is not relying on illusion, but the appearance of the most common makeup. Find out. The Sun and Moon Empire basically do not light up genetic technology trees. At present, even the laws of separation and freedom of combination are not fully summarized. It is naturally impossible to determine whether it is the most primitive blood dripping blood to admit whether it is the most primitive blood dripping blood. Time followed the logistics team, mixed with the rear factory of the Sun and Moon Empire. Here a large number of soul guides are being assembled and packaged, and mobilized vehicles are transported to the front line. Many workers are busy, and the generous compensation has made them work to my work. The Sun and Moon Empire gives a lot of money in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers in the factory. Factions with lower operating efficiency of the Lingfong Republic have shown super high efficiency beyond the fighting factory in a short period of time. The workers almost did not know the assembly and manufacturing of the soul conductor in front of the assembly line. They did not feel that the strategic materials were produced and were installed on the truck. They were ready to transport them to the front line at any time. Facing the current situation,

Time and his teammates are naturally re -applied, and makeup has become the appearance of workers here. It is ready to perform a new round of penetration and damage.

But before that, Time thought that I needed to do a social survey. If you use bombs to destroy these factories directly, society will inevitably hurt the workers here.

Although in the face of war, the factory that destroys the opponent is necessary. Even if this method does not use this method of penetrating and destructive, it will still destroy the factory here, but if there is a way to not hurt these workers, to disintegrate the productivity here, Time feels that it is necessary to try.

Makeup has become the way workers here. In addition, they do not work on the construction site on weekdays, so that time is easy to mix into their interior and figure out the recent situation of these people.

When they were just recruited to the factory, their salary was the highest, but with the continuity of the war, the stalemate of the war, especially the Star Luo Empire, defended Liener Mountain mouth, consumed a lot of military supplies, which led to the domestic various domestic various in China. The species began to eat tightly, and the original rich remuneration was constantly shrinking.

Although they can still make them full of enthusiasm now, they can be expected that in the near future, their wages will become lower and lower, and they may even be completely unable to pay.

"Head ... we don't seem to need any damage. The Star Luo Empire dragged a lot of power of the Sun and Moon Empire. I am afraid it won't be long. The Sun and Moon Empire will go bankrupt." Members of the troops, connect to time next to the latrine.

"No ... destruction still has to continue, but we must avoid hurting innocence as much as possible, and we have to delay some time, and your understanding of the country is not enough.

The empire in the war will not go bankrupt. Even if there is no money in his hands, the empire that is caught in the quagmire of the war will always maintain the war, because the empire is not a matter of money at all.

The money can be used, you can use food tickets, cloth tickets, and any voucher that can be deployed. As long as the factory is still there, the machine can still work, the workers can work, and the state machine can maintain Considering the emotions of the people and pressing the country to the war, after the gambler's lone betting, the empire will not consider those things.

It will only squeeze the people desperately until the victory of the war, the plunder's wealth, and the labor force, which is enough to supplement the huge consumption in the process of war, and the society will return to normal operation. Although the system is a bit behind, it is more advanced than the empire on Douro. It won't take long for the huge consumption of the war to mobilize this empire to produce war production.

At that time, it was the best time for us to destroy. Today, the factory can still bring a lot of wealth fantasy township to workers. When the war continues to be deadlocked, it will be completely broken.

Labor will become a kind of obligation. Only by labor can we get the assignment to maintain life. At that time, the factory will become ugly in their eyes. At that time, these factories will be destroyed. Cheer for us and lead our actions.

Do not destroy in the factory for the time being. Our assisted troops are enough to destroy the next batch of supplies. The explosion we made on the soul -guided position before, so that the Sun and Moon Empire lost more than ten large -scale linkage soul -guidance centers. Most of the next batch of supplies have a large number of linkage soul -guided center, we need these things.

The production of soul guides requires long -term hard work, and continuous practical exercise. It takes several years to be proficient in mastering the simple soul guide manufacturing.

In contrast, the use of soul guides is much simpler. After all, it is used for people to design this stuff. If we can bring these things back, we should also raise a lot of money in Tiandou City. Shield. "

The strategy of time basically determines the action of the special tactical forces, as they expected, this time the Sun and Moon Empire transported a large number of precious materials, and even dispatched a nine -level soul mentor to escort this time.

That special material, the path of transportation is almost well known. The real way to ensure the safety of materials is not to send many bodyguards to escort, but to let the enemy even when the supplies start, and no route you take. Essence

This is far more safe and efficient than the guardian guards, but it is obviously not as smooth as the Sun and Moon Empire's imagination.

Because they had a traitor, in the team of precious large -scale linkage soul -guided center. There are people in the special forces mixed in it, providing the position of the team for the order party. The nine -level soul mentor who led the team has not yet felt any abnormalities. Come down.

The first time the remote firepower and air power were smashed. At the same time, the strong soul -power fluctuation interference made the soul -guided communication in this area unavailable. By the time, it was directly beaten in the war of informationization.

In the power of the raid, there was even no strong man in Douro, but relying on the first round of saturated firepower strikes and the rapidly follow -up ground forces, it successfully occupied the team that took over this transportation logistical team.

A large amount of materials were quickly transported to Tiandou City, but the masters of the Tianhun Empire could only watch it. These things were not paid by them, and the order party would naturally not share them generously.

Right now, the order party has become the absolute main force in this war. Even if there are not many masters among them, with the more advanced equipment and information era of fighting, with their own strength, they have carried the Nine Nine of the Renyue Empire. The above pressure.

Those masters who can't pull their faces can only take on the task of fighting in this battle, and there is almost no room to intervene on the front battlefield.

With the achievement of this strategic goal, a total of 24 large -scale linkage soul -guided centers were successfully seized by the order party. And install it on the wall of Tiandou City.

In Liu Tianxin's opinion, using 24 large -scale linkage soul -guided centers is a very wasteful behavior, using these hubs in sports warfare can play a greater role than placing on the city wall.

However, the tactics must serve the strategic purpose. At present, the strategic purpose of the order party is to force the Sun and Moon Empire to temporarily retreat, fight for time, and rectify the inside of the Heavenly Empire.

And if you want to strive for enough time, you must use a means that the Sun and Moon Empire can see clearly to show your strength. Although there is no city wall in Ming Dynasty, what really makes the sun and the moon proud is that they are comparison. The stronger shields in the city wall are in the final analysis, and they still can't escape the idea of ​​building the city wall.

As a result, if you want to show your strength to the Sun and Moon Empire, you can only use the fierce city defense to let the opponent retreat.

Simply relying on the seized weapons to destroy many enemies in the movement war, the life of the enemy, the Sun and Moon Empire will only think that their tactics have made mistakes. Instead, it cannot play a deterrent effect.

If the strategic goal is really a living force that annihilans the enemy, Liu Tianxin does not even need to take a shot of ordinary members of the party, take the shot in person, open his reincarnation eyes, and shout to the sun and the moon's position. You can destroy the opposite force on the opposite side, but it will obviously re -breed the personal worship of the order party, which is definitely not good for the development of society.

With the installation of 24 large -scale linked soul -guidance hubs, the huge shield rises around the wall of the Tiandou City City. Although the beating is defeated, the number of Tiandou City still occupies an advantage in terms of the number of soul masters, and even quality. There are also advantages.

Although these people have no way to joint attacks like the soul guide, they can still do it for the shield's soul -filled energy, but the blue semi -transparent shield rises and shrouded the entire city.

The Soul Instructor Regiment of the Sun and Moon Empire seemed a little unwilling. For a total of 12 soul guidelines, under the leadership of the Evil Soul Morning Team and the Emperor Long Soul Teacher, they launched a fierce attack on the wide -area shield of Tiandou City.

In the fierce firepower, the super Douro was numb in the city, and the dazzling light seemed to be a flash bomb, which made the people in the whole city think that the sun came to the ground and could not open their eyes.

The violent explosion set off a 100 -meter -high sandstorm outside the shield, and the shock wave flattened all the vegetation outside the shield. The earth was like plowing.

But in the end, the total amount of soul master in Tiandou City is too large. Although the horrible attacks have made them huge, the shields still stand.

A guided warhead in the city rose. When the weakest time of the Sun and Moon Empire Soul Instructor Group, they fell from the sky like rain, so that many soul mentors of the Sun and Moon Empire realized that if they continue to siege the city, by virtue It is probably difficult for the current manpower to lay down the city.

The best way is to temporarily retreat, waiting for more follow -up support, and use a large number of nine -level soul -guided artillery at a time to knock the turtles in Tiandou City.

The army besieged the two -month -old army besieged for two months began to evacuate. The city cheered. The second disease that has not experienced the war may call out the monarchs. Full of disgust.

It's like veterans with stimulating stimuli after trauma, killing chickens, and even eating meat, and you don't want to see bloody scenes.

Especially in the modern war, blood on the ancient cold weapon battlefield may mean that he was fighting the enemy bravely, but the bloody and wounds on the battlefield can only mean that his comrades were injured and died on the battlefield.

Most of the blows are already outside the distance. The soldiers can't see the blood of the enemy. It means that the blood can see the comrades around them. This will undoubtedly make people even more disgusting war and killing.

However, although the war ended briefly, the follow -up of the war has just begun, and the senior executives of the Heavenly Empire have also felt that the order party is grinding the knife, and a change can no longer be avoided.

Unhappy to be continued

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