Douluo see you

Chapter 1680 Constitution of Heaven Soul

The Heavenly Soul Empire was regarded as the empire that inherited the heavenly heavenly heritage after the division of the Tiandou Empire. It not only inherited the mainland male city of Tiandou City, but also retained its own emperor. The royal family still surnames Snow.

Compared with the control of the fighting spirit for domestic control, the centralized centralization of the Heavenly Empire should be higher. The problem is that the existence of the order party has caused the significance to strengthen the centralization of the central government.

Because the order party has almost replaced all the administrative agencies in Tiandou City, and has begun to control administrative rights. Moreover, compared to the feudal administrative agency, it is necessary to cooperate with the clan landlords to complete the central government's governance of the central government.

The order party relies on a more advanced communication method, a more scientific management system, and a more efficient talent training channel. journey.

This makes the royal family of the Heavenly Soul Empire even have the ability to control the soul division, but the ability to control the people within the country has become minimal. A few years ago, it had a trend of being overwhelmed. Many people were abducted by their interests, and the Heavenly Empire did not take any action against this huge interest group.

But now it seems that it is time to harvest bitter fruits. The first thing that moves is not a member of the order party, but the ordinary people in the city. They organize spontaneously, pull up banners, organize marches on the street, express their wishes Essence

This war has proven who can lead the country more. When the Sun and Moon Empire just launched a raid, the entire Heavenly Empire was controlled by the emperors and his courtiers.

It was just that the army was directly beaten at that time, and in a state of unknown soldiers who did not know, the resistance of the front line was defeated, and it was directly pushed to Tiandou City. of.

After all, the masters of the country are gathered here. Even if they cannot play the advantages of these masters, the Sun and Moon Empire will be worried about these mermaids to break the net, and there will be many jealousy in the process of attack.

But even relying on the tall wall for defense, the rulers of the Heavenly Soul Empire are still unsatisfactory. The aristocracy inside has a defective defect, who is preparing to make a country of trouble, sincerely, and wants to keep the city with one heart.

As a result, the management of the city was chaotic, and the cities have adopted the mechanism. The supplies could not be transferred in the city at all, and the residents in the city could not be efficiently efficiently worked.

As a result, this side of Tiandou City not only did not exert its own human advantages, but was dragged down by the huge population in the city. The people who lost the management began zero yuan. In the end, it can only be directly suppressed by the army, and this will undoubtedly hurt innocence.

The entire ancient city of the thousands of years became a pot of porridge. It can be said that the weakness of the feudal ruler was vividly reflected. In the end, it could only rely on the coercion of the title Douro to suppress the chaotic civilians and military control to restore the urban order.

But this consumption of manpower and material resources has undoubtedly reduced the strength of the defense. As a result, the gate was directly dried up by a joint soul -guided gun, and the soul guide position of the Sun and Moon Empire almost suddenly rushed into the city.

That is, when the front was about to collapse, the order party finally shot. Relying on its strong influence on the grassroots, the order of the city was rectified as soon as possible, the production was restored, and the militia were organized to assist urban defense.

Established a reward and punishment mechanism that adapted to the time of the war, and at the same time launched its own armed forces to resist the most violent wave of siege of the Sun and Moon Empire.

The Sun and Moon Empire Army, which had rushed into the gate, hit it again. Next, the orderly party took over the defense of the city. Of course, the senior executives of the Heavenly Empire were unwilling, but they didn't want to be rushed in the head of the sun and the moon's army. Defense, manage the internal city.

After being able to be managed, the production in the city has recovered rapidly.

In addition, the order party has stricter control capabilities for its own military organization system, and there will be no kind of major empire. The master of soul divisions does not listen to the command of the military chief.

In this case, the attack of the Sun and Moon Empire was suddenly frustrated. The weapons that were continuously produced in the factory were sent to the city wall, which gave the sun and moon empire's major pressure. It also makes the enemy's lack of logistics and difficult to play perfect combat effectiveness.

Under the influence of various factors, the prestige of the order party for a while has reached a terrible level, especially the urban shield system of the city, and the invaders of the Sun and Moon Empire can be said to be unparalleled to residents in the city. A sense of security.

Right now, the state of war has been lifted, but the senior executives of the Heavenly Soul Empire want to recover the right to rule from the order of the order party. How can ordinary people in Tiandou City be willing to see such things.

The original plan of the Emperor Tianhun was the parade of these people, opened the treasury, and gave these people a little sweetness. How much he learned a little bit of the party's fur. Next, he only needed to issue social benefits, provides a good job of compensation, and deliberately deliberately deliberately paid compensation. Give some people to choose the right to work.

Then the parade provoked the separation, saying that those who took the lead had gained the right to choose the priority selection. Other participants who participated in the parade were only used. At the same time, some parade was sentenced to disrupting social security and would be deprived of the right to issue social welfare.

In this case, the public participating in the parade is likely to have the idea of ​​being a leader who has been taken. Therefore, the contradiction has shifted from the contradiction between the parade and the empire to the contradiction between the parade.

This is the simplest and fundamental way of the rulers in the most simple and most fundamental way. This method has not changed from ancient times to the present. Essence

However, the emperor of the Heavenly Soul Empire can see clearly, but it does not mean that other aristocratic ministers can also see that there will always be two two two sons in the feudal rulers. These people have the pride of the nobles, but they have no nobility.

Seeing the slogan of the parade, the slogan shouted was furious. Like the second disease, I want to let these people know the humbleness and lowness, want these people to understand, and anger the end of the superior.

So when the brain was hot, it directly suppressed the force ...

The emperor of the Heavenly Soul Empire was hearing that the son of the Duke of Hilves under his hands directly ordered the mandarin to suppress the people of the parade. In front of him, he almost did not be directly atmospheric.

The official reputation of the Tianhun Empire is smelly. Right now, this behavior is simply wiped on his face, and there is no good way to remedy at all. Even if the head of the no -brain was chopped, the people would feel that this guy was just a scapegoat.

After calm down, the Emperor Tianhun closed the palace directly, and began to rot.

At least he still has many masters, even if the people outside really turn the sky. He would not be sent to the prison to work in prison like the emperor before the fighting spirit.

The worst life of glory and wealth can still be retained.

The Duke of Hilves is more mentally exploded than the emperor. His son's IQ has dropped and directly suppressed. It is simply baking his family on the fire. The royal family of Sri Lanka, this family can pick up the position of the Duke of Hilves after the unification of the Heavenly Dou Empire. For many years, the emperor has been changing and wants to weaken their power.

This is good, don't weaken rights, it's not good for a few days. The whole family must hang on the twisted rack. This is simply handing the knife to the order party, and it is still a knife that cuts his head.

It is a pity that even if he stopped the family's private soldiers for the first time, it was too late. The suppression has caused a large number of casualties. The unlucky -unlucky son was directly handled and killed several leaders of the parade. Tens of thousands of people looked at him and couldn't wash it at all. Now he strangled his heart.

The order party also took advantage of this opportunity to intervene in this conflict under the slogan of maintaining urban order. There is no doubt that the Duke of Hilves is going to be moldy this time.

But it was not just him who was unlucky. After the order party was intervened, the order of the city quickly recovered, and the injured person was treated for the first time. The emperor of the Soul Empire was also invited. In the largest square in the city, a negotiation was held with the current chief of order.

Tens of thousands of people watched the conversation and witnessed history. The Emperor of the Soul of the Soul seemed to be quite light, and there was a buffer time in these days. He has been able to accept the reality in front of him.

His rights will inevitably be bound. In his opinion, this is determined by power. Although there are not enough masters of the order party, the armed forces they control have far exceeded the senior soul master held by the royal family.

If the chief of the order party is other people, maybe you can also use the methods that cannot be seen, threatened, and forced the order of the order to give up the rights in the hand.

The problem is that the current chief is Liu Tianxin. In terms of combat effectiveness, the Emperor Tianhun has tentatively tentatively, and it is difficult to support a round in his hands. At the beginning of the battle outside Tiandou City, the emperor was naturally clear.

In the wheel battle, the title Douro did not defeat Liu Tianxin. More than that, every shot Douluo was defeated by their best way. Well, they were defeated by more gorgeous spells, good at summoning, and facing stronger


The most outrageous is the fantasy, that person is time, the best masters of the god soul empire, after playing against this big man, he was pulled into a certain illusion and was directly modified. The will, now it has become a pioneer of loyalty and order party, and consciousness is higher than anyone else, and work is more active than anyone else.

I am afraid that it ’s not that Douro is not the opponent of this. The threat to threatening intimidation cannot be talked about at all. As for threatening the high -level party of other order party, and not to say that it can become a high -level ideological awareness, even if you really encounter your will, you really have the will. Weak, unable to affect Liu Tianxin's chief, can cause damage extremely limited.

Therefore, the Emperor Tianhun was mentally prepared. He would be forced to the negotiating table, and then deprived most of the rights.

The same is true. Liu Tianxin did not leave any emotional face, but directly proposed his own conditions: "In view of the improper behavior of the royal family of the Heavenly Soul Empire during the war, and the post -war recovery order.

We have reason to think that the royal family is not suitable as the ruler of the empire and is not suitable for continuing to control the country's heavy weapon.

The safety of the people must be under the protection of the system, and as the nominal rulers in this country, the ruler must also be subject to the system.

So after discussions by all citizen representatives, we make the following requirements for you.

First, anyone in the empire, including the emperor, must abide by the empire constitution.


The requests were mentioned. Although the emperor of the Soul of the Soul was not expression on his face, he sighed in his heart. Under the constraints of this article, the rights you could use became less and less, and basically It's just a symbol of a country.

If you dare to violate legal suicide, you will even be pushed directly into the twisted rack.

At a certain time, he even had an impulse, and he directly lifted the table to leave. What does this kind of emperor who has little right to rights? It's better to run to other countries as a warlord.

However, considering the ability of the order party, the emperor of the Heavenly Soul Empire knew that he had no possibility of separation at all, and even once he showed this trend, he might feel cold the next day, and then died of illness in bed.

Now the mascot of this empire, he wants to be proper, and he does not want to be proper.

In the process of this negotiation, the senior executives of the empire seemed to be quite silent and depressed. Not only the emperor, but also the nobles and ministers who were restricted. They had to abide by the Constitution. discuss. It is extremely painful to look at who watched the right from being deprived of his rights from his own hands.

But what is in sharp contrast with the heavy expression on the faces of these noble ministers is the people who watched all these on the square. Although everything that happened in front of them was actually not the right of the homeowner to the rights of this country, most of them. People are also confused because of the disappearance of the emperor's rule. But instinctual they are still happy for such changes.

Unhappy to be continued

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