Douluo see you

Chapter 1,681 Lady Trojan Trojan

Among the Sun and Moon Empire's military camp, the atmosphere is very dignified. The information of the northern front front has been passed on. The Sun and Moon Empire encountered major setbacks during the attack of Tianduo City. The four soul guidelines have been unable to play all combat effectiveness due to the shortage of supplies.

It can be said that the loss this time is much larger than the first tactical mistake of Orange. Originally, the Sun and Moon Empire had a plan to formulate a flash of light warfare, but now that it is dragged down, it has to face tremendous pressure on the double -line war.

Logistics has appeared tightly. The most troublesomeness is that rumors have begun to appear in the factory. The active symbols of workers are declining. This means of over -limit warfare has never experienced the Sun and Moon Empire. But you can also feel the huge troubles contained in it.

Except for oranges, all the generals participating in the military conference are all dignified. If you cannot solve the strategic disadvantage in front of you as soon as possible, the huge logistics pressure. I am afraid that it is not enough to achieve this strategic goal.

It is not the main goal of this time to crack down on the Star Luo Empire and the Heavenly Soul Empire. The real strategic goal is the Republic of Fighting. Only there can there be enough benefits to satisfy the consumption of this war.

If it is simply the territory of the Star Luo Empire and the Heavenly Soul Empire. It was just a flat land that dragged down the development of the domestic economy. The two countries have been considered barren to the Sun and Moon Empire. Even if it is destructive, the benefits can be limited.

If it is not a strategic purpose, if you want to attack the Fighter Republic, I am afraid that you will have to recuperate for another ten years, and the wealth accumulation of the Fighting Republic is too fast. In ten years, the ghost knows what the opposite will develop.

Every senior executive of the Sun and Moon Empire does not want to give the opposite time. When the dull meeting is about to end, no quarrels and shirk responsibilities cannot find out the way to solve the problems at the moment.

Orange suddenly said: "If I remember correctly, on our North Line battlefield, the logistics line was attacked. A total of 24 large -scale linkage soul -guided center was snatched and installed on the wall of the Tianhun Empire. This It's right. "

Orange's question suddenly made the generals responsible for the northern line battlefield look ugly: "This is indeed our negligence, but now I am afraid that when it is not accusing each other, I will return to the empire. Please focus on the overall situation on the battlefield. "

Orange swinging my hand: "I don't blame your intention to lose their duty. I mean, the information of this matter, the Star Luo Empire should already know it! After all, at the same time, we should be attacked at the same time. The relationship between mutual allies. Tiandou City rose to a large -scale soul -guided shield. There is no doubt that it is impossible to hide the Star Luo Empire. "

"What do you mean?" In the case of protecting logistics counties, the generals with major responsibilities were relieved, and it seemed that the other party did not seem to blame their negligence.

"I was thinking that if I changed to the general of the Star Luo Empire, after learning that my allies had the same operation, would they also want to imitate their same operations.

After all, our shields are very precious for the Empire of Douro. They can't make it, but they can be used, and they can play an excellent defense effect after cooperating with their soul masters.

If this soul -guided shield also appears in our logistics supply, will our opponents want to come to grab? "The words of oranges suddenly caused everyone's deep thoughts, and the losses in the front line were heavy. Indeed, they really needed to replenish the large -scale linkage soul -guided center.

"Do you mean to strengthen the defense of the logistics line? We have stepped up in this regard. I would like to prevent someone from destroying our supply line." The officers in charge of this area emphasized that they had worked in this regard.

But there are also officers who have a faster mind, thinking of another possible idea of ​​oranges: "You mean, we can deliberately reveal the flaws, seduce the enemy to sneak attack, and then set up an ambush near the supply line, and then set up ambush near the line,

Those who can perform this task must be a master. If you can eat the opposite master, it is obviously a great blow to the other party. "

The oranges nodded slightly, showing the emoji of the sister -in -law: "You are still a bit of your mind, but what we have to do is more than that. It is necessary to wipe out the life of the enemy.

But the most important purpose in front of us is to break through the Liener Shankou. As long as we hit it here and continue to the east, there is an endless plain. Essence

So what we have to do is not only the life of the enemy, but also to break through the dangerous level. You have never considered it. We have so many senior soul mentors. Can't we do some hands and feet on a large -scale linkage soul guide?

With our enemy's soul -guiding technology, it is difficult to distinguish our hands and feet on the soul conductor, so we not only let the other party grab, but also let them take away the large linkage center.

Wait until they install the problem -related center on their fortress, and after starting the shield, the next strategy is in our hands.

I want to think of many ways to think of the technology to restrict our opponent's use of a linkage soul guide. "

The words of oranges suddenly caused a noisy discussion. Many generals did not think of this operation at all, which was also a problem in the military system of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Most of the necessary conditions to be able to hold important military responsibilities are their strong strength, and this is strong. If it is placed on Douro, it is just the strength of the martial arts cultivation. There are so many. In the later period, after strengthening the body to strengthen the body quality, the soul teacher needs to be used for cultivation every day. In fact, it is a lot of time to sleep with cultivation. There are actually a lot of free time.

In contrast, the nine -level soul instructor on the Sun and Moon Empire takes more time to practice. It must spend a lot of time to study the soul instrument every day. This also has an advantage. Although the IQ is very high, how many nerds are stubborn, even in the barracks, they have to open a laboratory for themselves every day to design and produce the soul conductor. This group of scientists is probably at a limited level than the three people.

This made no one think of this operation before the oranges proposed this Trojan.

However, after being opened up, these people also started their carnival. If these officers made suggestions, they may be quite average, but let them design and manufacture soul guides that can pit people. okay.

"I understand what you mean. It is easy to transform the linkage center of the linkage. We can even temporarily create a functional incomplete. The power of the shield can be controlled by us. Close?

"What are you, let people can't control the opening and closure of the shield. For us, it is not the advantage at all. If I want to say, I will install a large power guidance for these linkage soul -guided center. bomb.

When they use them, they must not leave the center too far. By then, the bomb exploded, and they could kill thousands of soul masters at a time. As long as they triggered their internal confusion, we could hit this fortress as soon as we were angry. "

"No! If you only install a bomb, we will install the eight -level soul guidance in this volume. This power can only be killed only by people who are close. Essence

If you want to say, you can use these people's own soul power to create a super explosion for them.

I have designed a failed soul guide. After turning on, I will draw the user's soul madly, and it is almost impossible to cut off this drawing until the soul master's soul power is completely squeezed out. This drawing will stop.

Wait until you get enough soul power, the soul guide itself will explode. During this period, the more soul power is drawn, the greater the power of the explosion, and theoretically, the explosion of the nine -level soul guide in theory is possible.

It's just that this kind of soul guide can only be used from explosion. After designing it, I found that I couldn't put it into combat, so I was abandoned as a failed product, but if it was used to make a trap, it was just right.

You can squeeze the enemy's soul master, and then let these soul masters who have no vitality, facing the horrible horror explosion, this level of attack is difficult to be spared even if the title Douro is not spared. "

A group of nine -level soul mentors went crazy about planning that the planning plan was not good at them, but the design soul guides were their old line. They were not more excited than this.

After hearing their solution, Orange also showed a satisfactory expression. The last step of the plan was improved. As long as the enemy was in the Trojan horse plan and installed the soul -guided center in its own fortress, then this game then The stalemate battle is basically over.


On the other side, Dalo Li was also in a embarrassing situation. If the Sun and Moon Empire also surplus to consider logistical pressure, as the coach of the Star Luo Empire, what he can consider now is how to ensure that his country is not dead.

Under the long -term offense, the fortress where I am located has been crumbling, maybe continue to persist, and can also be defended for a few months, but give the opponent a certain amount of logistics pressure, but if the situation does not change, then this fortress line line It is almost inevitable.

And if it is captured here, the Ladie Ery Mountain is in winter, but there will be no danger to be guarded.

It is also facing the bad situation in front of him that Dalo Li is also thinking about other strategies other than dead. Since this level is almost falling, some of the more dangerous strategies can also try.

"At present, the most secure plan is to continue to strengthen urban defense. You can learn from the experience of Tiandou City. The terrain advantage and the soul -guided shield can play a very good defense fruit.

If possible, I can also rob the logistics line of the Sun and Moon Empire, but after the Tianshun Empire, the Sun and Moon Empire's protection of the logistics line will inevitably be more strict. It is not easy to rob the robbery.

In addition, you can only make a surprise. The most direct way to completely solve the enemy and let the level be siege is to annihilate the life of the enemy. As long as there are enough people to die, there is no way to maintain morale. It will inevitably choose to withdraw troops.

The biggest problem we are facing now is that the lack of weapons that lack linked attacks, relying on the remote soul conductor defense for insufficient offensive. Once the opponent's shield capacity drops to a dangerous level, it will immediately change to the top of the other soul guidelines.

What we can do is to consume the opponent's soul power, but we cannot kill the opponents. This consumes up to their materials at most, and it is almost impossible to force them to retreat.

If you go out of the city to attack ... "Thinking of this, Dalo Li has a headache. The master who originally had a certain advantage should have a certain advantage. Even if there is a dead god Dou Luo on the opposite side, many super Dou Luo siege can be held. Those who are willing to listen to the command and give full play to the advantages of special operations, and the field can actually play.

The problem is that these masters are uncle one by one, let them obey the orders, and do things that seem like stealing chickens and dogs, which is impossible.

Therefore, Dalo Li can only rack his brains and take a different approach. He finds a way to dismantle the soul instructor group and let them fall into chaos so that the strong ones of their side can exert their advantages.

"There is no way, we can only use some more adventurous strategies. If our strategic goal is to keep the fortress and let the enemy retreat, the enemy's goal is undoubtedly the fortress under my feet.

As long as I let the position under my feet, the opponent cannot hold back the temptation and not attack anyway. In this way, you must always use this fortress as a trap.

A large amount of explosives were buried in the city, flammable, and when the enemy rushed in, prepared to occupy, and it was carried out to burn the city.

Although the explosion of this level cannot hurt the enemy ’s life, it is definitely enough to cause serious confusion and make them too late to start a joint soul -conductor. At this time, the advantages of our masters can be exerted. Surgery, disrupted! With the advantages of our personal strength, there are some vitality. "

Neither Orange nor Delo Li realized that when the battlefield appeared in the battlefield, both sides began to play overcast, but both sides were calmly conducted their own strategies. , Will be staged at the important fortress of Linger Shankou.

However, this is basically the last glory of the classical war strategy on this continent.

Unhappy to be continued

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